
Chapter 416 Shocking News

After pondering for a while, the plan came to his mind. Since Dongyunju mistakenly thought that he was coming for the psychic weapon, he might as well make a fuss about the psychic weapon, "If the owner of Dongzhai really wants the property to return to its original owner, , why are the Pengfeng Whip and Owl Phoenix Rope stored in iron boxes? Are you worried that I will sense their aura and come looking for them? "

Dongyunju looked horrified and waved his hands repeatedly, "My lord, you have misunderstood. You must know that these two weapons can transform into birds. I put them in iron boxes because I am afraid that they will turn into birds and fly away, and be possessed by unscrupulous people."

"That being said, I still want to thank you properly." Wu Zhongyuan said with a smile.

"I don't dare, I don't dare," Dong Yunju took the account book from his subordinate's hand and presented it with both hands, "Sir, we and others have lived here for many years and accumulated some belongings. I wanted to wait for the day when you ascend the throne. I have sent gifts to congratulate you, but I never thought that you would arrive in person today. These are the items in Taiping Village’s inventory. Please take a look and choose."

At this time, everyone in the city had gathered around in large numbers. They all saw Dongyunju's actions and heard Dongyunju's humble words clearly. None of these people knew Wu Zhongyuan, nor did they understand that he was always arrogant. Why did the arrogant Dong Yunju become so timid and fearful today? He didn't even give up on face, and he didn't hesitate to kneel down and pay tribute in order to protect himself.

If Wu Zhongyuan was a knight, Dongyunju's tribute payment would not have any effect, but he was not a lone knight. He was a king with six walled cities and more than 200,000 people. He had to fight for his own The people are responsible. Even though the dry food he brings out every time is very fine, the ordinary tribesmen have not even solved the problem of food and clothing. Taiping Village is a den of thieves, and there must be a lot of supplies in the warehouse. To be fair, he wants it.

But he wanted to get it back, but he didn't want to let Dongyunju go. If Dongyunju could be saved, he would try to take it under his command, but it was impossible for Dongyunju to truly submit to him. If he forcibly moved to Middle-earth, he would be in trouble in the future. Something is bound to go wrong. If Dong Yunju is not killed, after the five seals disappear, this guy will definitely defect to the enemy in order to protect himself. Dong Yunju is a master of Taixuan and an excellent candidate for the commander of the puppet army.

Dongyunju is an experienced man, and he is very observant. He found that Wu Zhongyuan was moved, so he put the account book into Wu Zhongyuan's hand and said, "Sir, please take a look."

Wu Zhongyuan glanced at Dongyunju, took the account book and flipped through it, and at the same time asked, "Master Dongzhai, as far as I know there are more than just these two psychic weapons."

He didn't say this to deceive Dongyunju, because if Dongyunju really had a Yang attribute psychic weapon, he would have the power to fight him, and he would never kowtow to pay tribute and ask for peace. He just said this to Find an excuse to do something.

After Wuzhong Yuan finished speaking, Dong Yunju's expression changed drastically, and he bent down and handed over his hands, "Your Majesty, because the journey was too far, I went late that day, so I only got these two pieces. The third piece of the magic weapon was taken by Li, the Lord of Jiuluan City of the Bird Clan. You can go ahead."

"Seriously?" Although Wu Zhongyuan was surprised,

But he didn't show it. He was surprised not because he got clues about another psychic weapon, but because these three psychic weapons actually appeared together. That day he went to Youxiong to rescue Wu Di. Before leaving, Jiang Dahua reported to him that three birds with phoenix tails appeared together in Huangliu, the besieged city under the jurisdiction of Daqiu. Huangliu was the female warrior of the Bear tribe Wu Di. The village led by Ling is also the place where he returned from modern times.

At that time, he was in a hurry to catch the bear and failed to go to Huangliu to check it in person. He sent Jiang Dahua to go, but Jiang Dahua and others arrived late, and when they went, the three phoenix-tailed birds had disappeared.

The whereabouts of one phoenix-tailed bird means nothing, but the appearance of three together may have other reasons. You must know that Fuxi and Nuwa jointly commanded the eighteen warriors and various soldiers. Several Yin attribute psychic gods Bing appears somewhere together, it is possible that someone in that place is the reincarnation of Nuwa.

However, this is just his speculation. As for whether the truth is the case, it is still unknown.

"Seriously." Dongyunju nodded repeatedly, "The other one was indeed obtained by Li Tao. Your Excellency, you can go to Jiuluan to find out."

"When did you get these weapons?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Half a month ago." Dongyunju replied.

"Half a month ago?" Wu Zhongyuan frowned, "Where did you get it?"

"Xiao Wu Shan." Dong Yunju said.

"Where is little Wu Shan?" Wu Zhongyuan asked casually.

"There is a mountain peak five hundred miles away due north of Jiuluan." Dongyunju said.

After Dongyunju finished speaking, Wu Zhongyuan's expression changed drastically and he stood up suddenly. The location Dongyunju mentioned was exactly where he appeared when he returned from modern times with his pug.

Seeing him stand up suddenly, Dong Yunju thought he was about to take action, and quickly retreated, alerting himself.

Wu Zhongyuan took a deep breath to calm down his excitement and tried not to tremble, "When the psychic weapon appeared, did Xiao Wushan have any other visions?"

Dong Yunju didn't know why Wu Zhongyuan was nervous. When he saw Wu Zhongyuan asking questions, he realized that he was not coming for him, "My mount is old and weak and cannot fly fast. When it arrived, Jiuluan and some tribes from the north had already heard the news and rushed there. I searched and chased him everywhere, but I arrived late and didn’t see anything strange about Xiao Wushan.”

"Have you ever seen a young woman wearing strange clothes nearby that day?" Wu Zhongyuan tied the owl and phoenix rope around his waist and put the eagle and phoenix whip in his bag.

Dong Yunju didn't know why and shook his head blankly.

Just as he was about to summon the Azure Dragon Armor, he suddenly thought that the matters here had not been settled yet, so he patiently picked up the account book. Because the account book was very messy, he couldn't read it all for a while, so he casually asked, "How many coppers are there in Taiping Village?" iron?"

Dongyunju didn't know how much metal he had in his cottage, so he looked at an old man not far away. The old man raised his hand and replied, "It should be eight thousand kilograms."

"You have to eat the food yourself. I don't want it. I'll send someone to send 10,000 catties of copper and iron to Daze." At this point, Jiang Dahua suddenly remembered that Jiang Dahua was jealous that he sent Daze to pick up the people who drank from the Ma River. He changed his words and said, "Send it to Gushan Mountain, that is also my city."

Hearing this, Dong Yunju felt as if he had been granted amnesty, and even claimed that he was right, saying, "Your Excellency, are you going to Xiaowu Mountain? Although my horse is old, it is still capable of driving, and I can lend it to you as a leg support."

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, then pointed at the people in Luming Valley and said to Chongdong Yunju, "You can't take revenge on them after I leave."

How dare Dongyunju say no.

Wu Zhongyuan said again, "In the future, don't do things like robbing families and homes. I don't want your copper and iron in vain. As long as you don't act as a talisman in the future, I won't cause trouble for you."

"Don't dare." Dongyunju shook his head repeatedly.

Wu Zhongyuan sent out his thoughts and summoned the Azure Dragon Armor. The Azure Dragon Armor was now two thousand miles away to the southwest. After receiving the summons, it flew forward quickly.

While waiting for the Qinglongjia to arrive, Wu Zhongyuan took a glance and noticed that there were more than a dozen women in colorful clothes standing not far away. These women were believed to be Dongyunju's wives and concubines. They were all young and thin in stature.

"How many wives do you have?" Wu Zhongyuan asked casually.

"No more than fifteen people," Dong Yunju bent down to answer. He also knew that Wu Zhongyuan was leaving. He was afraid that Wu Zhongyuan would suddenly change his mind before leaving, so he explained miserably, "Your Excellency, you don't know something. It's not because I am old and disrespectful. I am greedy for women, but I have never had any children despite being over seventy years old, so I have acquired several wives and concubines, hoping to have a boy and a half girl to continue my bloodline."

After hearing Dong Yunju's words, Wu Zhongyuan secretly sought retribution. If he did too many bad things, he would have to annihilate his descendants. But at this time, he had given up the idea of ​​killing Dong Yunju and there was no need to continue to humiliate him. I wanted to let Dongyunju free these women, but I was worried that these women would not be accepted by the tribe after leaving Dongyunju, but I was unwilling to leave just like that.

After thinking about it, take it into consideration and look around to find the target.

Dongyunju himself is a big fat man, but he likes to ravage slim and thin people. This is purely a sadistic tendency and a sign of lack of confidence. Only men with a bad appetite eat lean meat. Real men are not afraid The meat is fat, Dongyunju is not a good guy, so he has to find a piece of fat meat for him to chew on.

This time was not like modern times, where the streets were full of big fat people. The living conditions at this time were very poor, and there were few fat people, but there were still some fat people. There was an aunt in an apron, in her forties, tall and thick, with two It weighs more than a hundred pounds. It may be the cook who is cooking, and she is holding a long spoon in her hand.

Wu Zhongyuan pointed at the thin women, "These women are thin, weak, deficient in energy and blood, and they are mere toys. If you want to give birth to an heir, these women will not be able to do it. I have some knowledge of yin and yang, and I may be able to give you some advice on the issue of heirs." .”

At first Dongyunju thought Wu Zhongyuan wanted him to let go of these women, but in the end he realized that Wu Zhongyuan didn't seem to mean it, so he raised his hand in confusion, "Please give me some advice."

Wu Zhongyuan pointed at the fat woman, "The eldest sister holding the rice spoon is wide and fat. She is a blessed person. What is commendable is that her vitality has not been released. Since you asked me for advice, I will act as a matchmaker and betroth her to you." .”

"Ah?!" Dong Yunju opened his mouth so wide that he could stuff a ball. In his impression, Wu Zhongyuan was a very serious person. Who would have thought that Wu Zhongyuan would do this to him? However, Wu Zhongyuan was not wrong about one thing. Although the cook is old, she is still a virgin, but this is not the result of her purity and self-love. She has to be an old girl because no one wants her.

At this time, the green dragon armor had already come flying quickly and dispersed in the sky. Wu Zhongyuan stepped into the air and stretched out to put on his clothes. "That's it. I will come back this time next year. I have a way to identify the bloodline of the fetus. If your wife is pregnant, I will I have come to congratulate you, and if your wife is not pregnant, I will come to carry out your funeral."

Dong Yunju originally had the intention of perfunctory, but Wu Zhongyuan's words blocked all his escape routes. He had to eat this piece of fat meat whether he wanted to or not. Not only did he have to eat it, he also had to eat it well. , if you don’t eat well, you will die.

"Sir, you just said that as long as I am not a tiger..."

"As long as you work hard, there will always be heirs." Wu Zhongyuan was in a hurry to rush to Xiaowu Mountain, and without stopping for much, he activated his Qinglong Armor and left through the air.

According to the established plan, he was going to Kaicheng next, but this time he rushed to the Northeast at a lightning speed. Xiaowu Mountain was the place where he returned that day. If someone used the teleportation formation underground in the 18th Branch again, it would will appear at the same location...

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