
Chapter 417 Love Me China

As the wind was racing, Wu Zhongyuan reorganized the clues in his mind. The three phoenix-tailed birds and the little Wushan were two completely independent clues. There was no intersection between them. A single clue could not explain anything. , but the two clues overlap and corroborate each other. There is only one reasonable possibility left: someone used the formation of the 18th Branch to come here, and this person is the reincarnation of Nuwa.

This is not only the only reasonable explanation, but also a bold hypothesis. If this is true, then Wang Xinran is the most likely, because no other woman would do this except her.

Taiping Village is located in the southern wilderness, and Xiaowu Mountain is located in the northeast of the Bird Clan. The straight-line distance is about five thousand miles. Although Qinglongjia moves quickly, his reaction speed cannot keep up. It is estimated that even if he uses the fastest speed he can bear We rushed there quickly, and it took us two hours to get to Xiaowu Mountain from here.

Because she was too excited, she could not calm down for coherent reasoning and thinking, and her thoughts were always flickering and jumping. The incident happened half a month ago. If it was really Wang Xinran who came, then her situation would be very dangerous. Although Wang Xinran had received special training , but that was just modern special training. The environment in ancient times was much worse than modern times, and there were no human settlements for hundreds of miles around Xiaowu Mountain. He had encountered wolves when he came back last time. Except for wolves, that area must have There are other ferocious birds and beasts.

In addition to the harsh environment, the appearance of three phoenix-tailed birds also caused her a lot of trouble. According to Dongyunju, there were many forces involved in the fight for the psychic weapon that day. For Wang Xinran, who is a spiritual qi practitioner, any qi practitioner may pose a threat to her.

He was excited and worried but also a little self-blame. The last time he went back, he used a computer to communicate with Wang Xinran and told Wang Xinran that his current situation was very bad. If he was living a good life, Wang Xinran might not come to look for him. He, but he did not exaggerate at the time. His situation at that time was much more dangerous than it is now, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as precarious.

But then I thought about it, no, at that time he used one and four to describe Wang Xinran and his strength. Wang Xinran should know that even if she came, she would not be able to help him. Since Wang Xinran knew this, why did she come?

Could it be that I am overthinking it and everything is just a coincidence?

After thinking about it again, it seems that it is not the case. The reason is that the time when the three psychic weapons appeared was already winter half a month ago. There are the least snakes, insects, rats and ants in winter. Wang Xinran should know this. Compared with other times, this time segment is the least dangerous. If it was really Wang Xinran, according to her professional skills, she would indeed choose this time period. The weather was already cold, but it had not started snowing yet. This was the best time to travel far.

Because I was too excited, my thoughts kept jumping, and then I thought about the relationship between the three psychic weapons and Wang Xinran. Is Wang Xinran really the reincarnation of Nuwa?

No, why did it change to modern times?

Wang Xinran is not an orphan, she has parents.

Could it be that someone else appeared in Xiaowu Mountain?

It doesn't make sense, there are no tribes nearby, and except for Wang Xinran, there is no reason for anyone else to go there.

There is another possibility, that is, although Wang Xinran is not the reincarnation of Nuwa, she will be his wife in the future. This is the same as the emperor's wife must be the queen. The psychic magic weapon transformed from Phoenix Qi feels that Wang Xinran will be his future wife. His wife, that's why he appears around her?

I couldn't think of the reason, so I could only get rid of distracting thoughts, think about nothing, and concentrate on my journey. It was almost dark when I set off. When I arrived at the end of the field, it was half past the second watch. The mountains were pitch black and the surroundings were silent.

Wu Zhongyuan took off his armor and looked up at the sky. Today is the beginning of the month, and it was the middle of the month half a month ago. There was a moon in the sky at that time. If it was really Wang Xinran who came, then she would indeed choose a moonlit night because she had no spiritual energy cultivation. Because you are not allowed to see at night, choosing to set out in the middle of the month can avoid being blind.

He still clearly remembered the specific location where he appeared that day. He went to observe and found that there were traces of people trampling on the nearby weeds, but he could not see the specific footprints. Judging from the degree of lodging and breakage of the weeds, it seemed that the trampled people had landed. It was so hard that some grass stems were crushed directly.

Since there were many people participating in the competition that day, it is not ruled out that someone could come here to take advantage of the situation.

Unable to find any valuable clues, Wu Zhongyuan became a little anxious. He sat on a rock and closed his eyes to think. The first thing that came to his mind was to directly hit the top of this mountain. In the dark night, it could be seen hundreds of miles away. With the flames here, if Wang Xinran was still nearby, he might have guessed that he set the fire.

But after careful consideration, I gave up this idea. More than half a month had passed since the incident, and Wang Xinran must have gone far.

There is no other way but to use our understanding of Wang Xinran to figure out what she will do next if she really comes.

First of all, it can be determined that if it is really Wang Xinran who comes, she will make careful preparations before leaving, including understanding the activities of the three tribes. After she appears, she will definitely move to the direction of Middle-earth, and the route of movement will be southwest.

After determining the general route, Wu Zhongyuan opened his eyes and stood up, moving in the southwest direction. He did not use any body skills, but walked. He walked very slowly, and the ground was very hard, leaving no footprints. He could only look for fallen weeds or other tiny objects. trace.

After walking more than ten feet, Wu Zhongyuan vaguely saw hope. Within the area of ​​more than ten feet, he found several suspected footprints. These stepping points were all on the route down the mountain, and they were all facing the southwest. By extension, if it is a Qi practitioner who borrows strength from the ground, such a coincidence is impossible.

But the only thing that doesn't make sense is that the force of these stepping points is very strong. Although Wang Xinran is very tall, she is not fat. There should not be such stepping marks unless she is carrying something heavy.

There are no obvious footprints, so it is very difficult to find the stepping point, because not every step will leave a trace, and often you can't find the stepping point for dozens of meters. You have to go back and forth to search repeatedly, and you can only move one or two miles in an hour.

Even if the progress is slow, the harvest is great. He has already judged from the trampling marks on the ground that someone has indeed come down from the mountain and headed to the southwest, and he is walking. This completely rules out the possibility of a Qi practitioner, including Wang Xinran. Sex is getting bigger.

The Aryans have ways of looking for wild beasts, but Wang Xinran is not a beast. There is no way to find her in the same way as a wild beast. He can only use stupid methods to search forward bit by bit, following intermittent steps.

That day, he had left Mr. Li's phone number on his mobile phone. Mr. Li had enough spiritual stones. If Wang Xinran found Mr. Li, he would be able to get those spiritual stones, which would be enough for two people to return. With enough With the spirit stone, Wang Xinran can carry some things, and he can carry things when traveling through the wormhole. The reason why he came back naked was not because he couldn't wear clothes, but because the weight of the spirit stone was not enough to support him coming back with clothes on.

This may also explain why Wang Xinran came to him. Wang Xinran is not an impulsive person. She will definitely think carefully before taking action, and will not rush over desperately in a moment of enthusiasm. Since she has come, she will be sure not to cause trouble, and even She was sure of helping, but since she didn't have spiritual energy cultivation herself, there was only one way to help, and that was to use external objects.

The so-called foreign objects are nothing more than guns and ammunition. This possibility is very high. The previous stepping points were probably left by Wang Xinran. The reason why the stepping force was relatively heavy was because she was carrying a heavy load of supplies.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhongyuan breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Wang Xinran brought a weapon with her, her safety would not be a big problem. As the saying goes, no matter how good your martial arts skills are, you are afraid of kitchen knives. Even those who practice Qi cannot dodge bullets. Shooting, not to mention ferocious birds and beasts.

While looking for stepping points, he would also deliberately pay attention to the rocks where he could sit down and rest. He had acted with Wang Xinran many times and had a general understanding of Wang Xinran's physical strength. Carrying heavy guns and ammunition, Wang Xinran could not run continuously for a long time. Always sit down and rest. As long as you sit down and rest, you may leave some clues.

As the saying goes, it is easier said than done. Everyone knows the truth, but it is very difficult to actually implement it. Wang Xinran may carry a small amount of dry food, but she will never eat it in a short period of time. She may carry a small amount of drinking water, and she cannot do it all at once. After sex, you will be less likely to leave things like compressed biscuit bags or water bottles within a relatively short distance.

Until the sun rose, Wu Zhongyuan had only moved less than five miles. There were still some wild beasts in the mountains. The wild beasts would trample leaves and dead grass when moving. They were easily misled, and the search became increasingly difficult.

In the end, the traces of trampling disappeared. The ground was too hard to leave any obvious traces. Moreover, more than half a month had passed, and some traces had been destroyed by wild beasts and mountain wind.

Although Wang Xinran was very likely, there was still no evidence to prove this. This made Wu Zhongyuan anxious and angry, his mouth was dry, he put down his baggage and took out his water bag.

Before I drank, I suddenly remembered something. I hurriedly raised my breath and moved to the southwest. There are always streams in the mountains. The soil on both sides of the streams is soft, and there are likely to be footprints left.

After traveling seven or eight miles, we finally saw a stream.

There is a stream, but a lot of thatch grows on both sides of the stream near the water. After the weather gets cold, it withers and falls, covering both sides of the stream, and no footprints can be seen.

Don't be anxious when things happen. Urgency will lead to chaos. Wu Zhongyuan forced himself to calm down, conduct careful observation and calm thinking.

As the saying goes, there is no way out despite the mountains and rivers, and there is another village with hidden flowers and bright flowers. After observing, he thought of another way. Although the stream was not deep, it was more than three meters wide. It was impossible for Wang Xinran to jump while carrying heavy objects. However, when she first arrived, she was not sure what was in the water and would not enter the water easily. What's more, the weather was very cold and wet shoes would affect her normal movements.

Look for narrower areas of the stream, places where she might jump across.

First, I looked up a few miles, but there was none.

Change to down.

After going down for three or four miles, I still didn't see an area that I could jump over, but I did find a flat bluestone near the water. This bluestone was a rare resting place on the jungle river bank full of weeds.

After closer inspection, I found that there were trampling marks near the bluestone.

Just when Wu Zhongyuan was squatting down to inspect the marks of the withered grass, a small yellow thing suddenly came into view. He looked closely and saw that the cigarette butt turned out to be a cigarette butt.

I picked it up with trembling hands, pinched it and took a closer look, China...

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