
Chapter 418 Searching hard

At first his hands were shaking, but when he could see the words on the cigarette butt clearly, Wu Zhongyuan began to shiver, trembling uncontrollably. Wang Xinran was a smoker, and he only smoked soft Chinese. This cigarette butt was ironclad proof that Wang Xinran was really here.

Excited, moved, shocked, and happy all came to his heart. To be fair, he didn't expect Wang Xinran to come, although he subconsciously hoped that she would come. If he didn't want Wang Xinran to come, he would not have left Mr. Li's phone number on the old machine.

In addition to being surprised and moved, he also felt strong guilt in his heart. It was not because of Jiang Nan and Wu Di. Last time he went back, he had told Wang Xinran truthfully about their situation without any concealment or deception. The same is true for Jiang Nan and Wu Di. He did not hide the existence of Wang Xinran, nor did he hide that he could not forget Wang Xinran. The reason why he felt guilty was because Wang Xinran had family members in modern times. In order to come to find him, Wang Xinran Abandoned everything in modern times.

Taking a deep breath to calm down his excitement, he continued to search downstream with his cigarette butt in hand. After searching for two or three miles, he finally found a narrow area where he could cross the stream. There were obvious trampling marks on both sides of the stream. There was no doubt that Wang Xinran came from here that day. Across streams.

There are still vast mountains on the west side of the stream. Since it is winter, the trees have fallen leaves, and the thick leaves on the ground make tracking more and more difficult. There are no traces of trampling at all.

At this point, the search was once again in trouble.

After thinking hard, she came up with a way to find rivers in the mountains. Wang Xinran could go around the pools and lakes in the mountains, but she couldn't go around the rivers. Wang Xinran lacked understanding of ancient times and didn't know what kind of creatures were in the rivers. , would not rush into the river to swim, so as long as she encountered a river blocking her way, she could only move downstream along the river bank.

Autumn and winter are dry seasons. There are very few rivers in the mountains. Occasionally, they are only very narrow streams, even narrower than the previous stream. Wang Xinran can easily cross them. Such streams have no reference significance. They have to find those that can block them. Wang Xinran moved the river.

Since we could look down from the sky, it was relatively easy to find the river. However, after moving more than two hundred miles to the southwest, no large river was found.

Wang Xinran climbed over mountains and ridges in the primitive jungle while carrying a heavy weight. It was impossible to move very far every day. The incident had already happened for more than half a month. Two hundred divided by fifteen means that one day is only about ten miles. Wang Xinran has received special training. , should not only move more than a dozen miles every day, but also have to keep looking forward.

After searching for more than a hundred miles, they finally found a larger river. If Wang Xinran was not hindered when moving, half a month would be enough to get here and move downstream along the river bank.

In order to avoid any omissions, Wu Zhongyuan first flew upstream for more than ten miles, then turned around and searched downstream along the river bank. This river was relatively large. When the flood season came, the river channel was much wider than it is now.

After the flood recedes, there are beach deposits on both sides of the bank. The beach is a good thing. Stepping on it will leave footprints.

Whether searching or tracking, you cannot blindly pursue speed, but need to conduct careful observation. At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Zhongyuan found two sets of footprints on the beach.

The footprints were obviously left by Wang Xinran, because the soles at this time did not have anti-slip texture. Judging from the footprints, Wang Xinran had come from the woods to the east to the river, and then turned back to the woods.

This situation is not in line with common sense. You must know that the woods at this time are not modern woods. The woods are overgrown with weeds and thorns. Walking through the woods is not as fast as walking on the beach. Since Wang Xinran has arrived at the river Why don't you go downstream along the beach, but then turn back to the woods?

Having doubts in his mind, he went to the place where Wang Xinran once stayed and observed carefully. There was a small puddle dug by someone on the beach near the river. He had been in contact with Wang Xinran for a long time and had little knowledge of the wild survival skills of the special forces. It is understood that puddles like this are used for drinking water. The reason why sand pits are dug instead of drinking river water directly is to use sand to initially filter the river water.

It is difficult to determine when this puddle was dug by visual inspection alone, but the sand excavated during the excavation of the sand pit is still piled next to the puddle. This pile of sand is higher than the ground and was wet when it was dug out. , you can observe the degree of dehydration and dryness of the sand piles to infer how long they have been dug out.

The surface of the sand pile is already dry. If you wipe off one layer, it will still be dry. If you wipe off another layer, it will still be dry underneath. This means that this sand pile was not dug out within a day or two. If it was, it could not have dried so quickly. .

In addition, another situation can be inferred, that is, Wang Xinran had been moving quickly before arriving at the river, covering a distance of more than twenty miles every day.

In such a harsh environment and rugged terrain, for a heavy-bearing person, moving thirty miles a day is the limit. In other words, Wang Xinran's arrival at the river would not have taken more than a day or two at most. five days.

He reached out and moved some more, and the sand was a little wet, but this didn't mean much, because he couldn't be sure how thick the sand could be dried every day, and the few moves he made before were just casual.

Just as he was about to stand upright, he suddenly found a little white color exposed in the sand.

After removing all the sand piles, what was buried underneath was revealed, which were two white packaging bags.

Wipe off the sand attached to it and take a closer look. One is a zeolite hemostatic dressing and the other is a self-adhesive elastic bandage.

After seeing the words on the packaging bag clearly, Wu Zhongyuan's heart tightened instantly. What he was most worried about happened. Wang Xinran was injured, and the need to wrap it with a bandage meant that the injury was very serious.

In a peaceful state, everyone can stay calm, but when they are anxious, no one can stay calm. Wu Zhongyuan knows that it is useless to be anxious, but he is still worried involuntarily. He does not know why Wang Xinran was injured, and He didn't know the extent of the injury, but he knew that if he was injured in the primitive jungle, the smell of blood would attract wild animals. He also knew that when a person is injured and bleeding, his physical strength will decline rapidly.

Once pessimism appears, it will spread rapidly. At this moment, Wu Zhongyuan's mind is filled with the worst possible outcome. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot expel the worst outcome from his mind. In desperation, he can only wash his face with water.

The cold water did calm him down, but calming down did not mean that his pessimism had subsided. In fact, it was quite the opposite. After calming down, he suddenly thought that Wang Xinran could not carry too much dry food. It would take ten days at the fastest for Wang Xinran to get here. , the dry food she brought had probably been eaten, and this puddle indirectly supported his inference. If there was still clean drinking water, Wang Xinran would not drink the river water. Wang Xinran should have run out of food and water when he arrived here.

Some men have a natural desire to protect their women, especially their women. They don’t want her to encounter any danger or difficulty. Knowing that Wang Xinran is in danger, Wu Zhongyuan can’t describe Wu Zhongyuan’s mood at this time. His internal organs are spasming violently due to excessive tension. .

Getting angry in a hurry will not help. You must calm down. Only by calming down can you make correct inferences and thinking.

After calming down, he first observed the footprints on the beach. The footprints were very deep, which showed that Wang Xinran was still carrying a heavy load. With Wang Xinran's personality, there would definitely be tobacco in her backpack, but not a lot. She knew very well that she would not get guns and ammunition in the future. Supplies and ammunition will be carried as much as possible. The fact that she is under load means that the guns and ammunition are still there, which is a factor in her favor.

In addition, there is another relatively favorable factor, which is the sand pit for drinking water. Wang Xinran still has time to dig out the sand pit to filter the river water, which means that although she is thirsty, she is not thirsty to the extreme. Otherwise, she would rush to the river. Will drink water first regardless of anything.

Another very important point is that there are only Wang Xinran’s own footprints on the beach. Based on a comprehensive analysis of Wang Xinran’s injuries, Wang Xinran returned to the woods after arriving at the river, probably to avoid being chased. There is no shelter on the beach. If he If you move downstream on the beach, you will be easily spotted. Only by returning to the woods can you better hide your whereabouts.

The reason why it was judged that the person chasing Wang Xinran was a human rather than a beast, because if it were a beast, Wang Xinran would not have to hide, she was fully capable of killing the opponent. If she can't be killed with a gun, there's no point dodging in the forest, because she can't escape the keen sense of smell of wild beasts.

There were only Wang Xinran's own footprints on the beach, which was good news for him, indicating that the other party had not chased him to the beach, and Wang Xinran still had the possibility of escaping.

Now he was faced with two choices. One was to enter the woods and search downstream. Wang Xinran's purpose of returning to the woods was to avoid pursuit, so it was unlikely that she would go deep into the dense forest. Normally, she would move downstream from a position close to the beach.

Another option is to go east and look for possible battlefield traces. Wang Xinran was armed with a gun. If the other party injured her, she would not fight back. If she could find the battlefield, she could judge by observing the battlefield. As long as the person who attacked Wang Xinran is determined, he can directly find the opponent's lair.

After a brief pause, Wu Zhongyuan chose the second path. The vegetation was relatively lush near the river. Wang Xinran would leave obvious traces when he moved, not footprints, but broken branches and fallen weeds.

After a few miles, Wang Xinran left fewer and fewer traces, and there was an open area ahead.

While walking through the open area, Wu Zhongyuan found blood stains on the ground. The blood stains had dried. Upon closer inspection, he found that they were not drops of blood, but traces left by a large amount of blood loss.

Just as he was inspecting the blood stains, a yellow light spot not far to the right caught his attention. He picked it up and saw that it was a bullet.

The warhead is not big. It is obviously a pistol bullet. This warhead has been severely deformed. This will only happen if it hits something hard. There are no rocks nearby, only vegetation. Hitting vegetation cannot cause a warhead. The child is severely deformed.

Looking at the blood stains on the ground, Wu Zhongyuan immediately understood that the blood stains on the ground were not Wang Xinran's, but the enemy's. Wang Xinran once fired more than two shots at the enemy, one of which hit the enemy, while the other shot hit something hard. Blocked.

The moving speed of bullets far exceeds the reaction speed of humans, so it is impossible for the enemy to defend in a targeted manner. The only reasonable explanation is that the enemy is wearing hard armor.

This place is the closest to Jiuluan of the Bird Clan, and Li Tao, the lord of Jiuluan City, participated in the hunt for the psychic magic weapon that day, so this person is the most suspicious.

"What a fuck..."

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