Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 15: The egg that lost its way home.

Chapter 15: The egg that lost its way home.

Analissa was walking around holding her bag, and seeing the coat that Farrah lent her before the left the restaurant was fitting her very nicely. "Mm~ Hmm~ hm...!"

Today was definitely both a bad and good day for her, bad mostly because the crown prince got a hold of her information on where she worked but it was good because a gentle bear was able to bring her back into the academy dormitory in one piece!

"A very cute gentle bear who can bake sweet goods!" (Analissa) ran through her mouth without much thought, seeing that she was all alone walking back inside-


"..." (Analissa) actually halted by the sound of a woman telling her to stop, she was sure that there was no one else around her so why was it that some ninja maids came out of nowhere and were basically cornering her every possible escape route.

They were all around her in a circle, even if she would attempt to run now-

"H-Hi... um..." she turns to the maids that all had the same uniform. Three of them were blocking her path. Analissa admired their uniform and faces that she couldn't recognize in the game.

These people must've been Maid 1, 2, and 3. They were wearing the generic maid uniform, worn with a fit black dress, white apron, and a black headband tying their hair. Analissa didn't know what they wanted to do with her.

"So umm... can I pass through, please?" she asks nicely trying to move forward but the maids blocked her path once more.

"No. You are going the wrong way." The first maid told her, she had green hair that was short cut just right by her shoulder having her whole bangs covering her eyes.

'Jeez! How can this girl even see?!' (Analissa) thought while staring at the first maid whose expression she couldn't see but if she could, she was guessing her eyes were filled with hostility.

Analissa sighs looking worried because she still has to pick up the egg- drats! She really was going the wrong way! She almost headed to her dorm- she was supposed to be going to the other direction where the noble's dorms are!

The other maid cuts in with a gentle tone in her voice. "What my sister is saying, please you should follow us. Milady has requested your presence. She certainly has been waiting for you." her long red hair flowed below her shoulder.

Eyes the same color of her bright red hair. "If we are to be late. I don't think that milady will be happy." she warns Analissa who swallowed the lump forming in her throat.

Has Lady Evelyn Alarie been waiting for her all this time?!

The third maid, one with striking blue hair the length by her shoulder and deep lapis blue eyes. She curtsies at the sight of the commoner head lowering down.

"Miss Blanchet, we have been ordered to escort you to milady's room." She fixes her glasses like what you would see in a generic anime, cool, strict and smart characters you would usually see on the show.

If this kind of side character design was in the game- she would not hesitate to search so much fan art of these three! But all they got from [Love Lily Blossom Otome Game] was all black and white!

I know the game was free so they probably didn't care for unimportant characters to show up but oh my goodness if they were all this pretty- "Miss Blanchet? Are you alright? You seem to have spaced out a bit there."

Analissa's train of thoughts stopped once the third maid snapped her out of it by waving her around in front of her face. "Ah! Right! I apologize- I just got off from work and I was very tired you see." she told them to which the maids nods in understanding.

"Very well. The sooner we escort you, the sooner you can rest. Please follow us." The first maid led the way, chanting- "Inventorium." She takes out a small lamp with an iron pole. On one hand revealed a magic stone that she puts inside.

Suddenly, strong light emits from the stone.

"Whoa!" (Analissa) perhaps got a bit too close with the maid's space wanting to look over the lantern, she wanted to take the lantern off of her and take the stone for herself to study. "A... magic lantern with no need for electricity... but I suppose the stone could be its battery."

Her blue eyes sparkled with the thought of making a more portable way of having a lantern than just sticking it out on a pole and glass. She wondered if she could make something similar to a flashlight where you can turn the magic on and off when you wanted to light it.

And you won't need to inconveniently chant [Inventorium] to both take out the magic stone when it could already be inside! Plus with a switch to turn it off and on.

The maid couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when the girl she was supposed to escort to her lady was holding her arm tightly.

She wasn't sure why she felt this way, it appears it only heightened her sense of eyesight because she could see her long pretty lashes that any girl would envy.

"I like your lantern." (Analissa) points at the glass case with the magic stone, smiling brightly, her eyes brimming with just curiosity. It was quite a rare sight to see such beauty reaching out whose only reason was to observe the lantern up close.

The first maid gently takes her hand away from her arm. All the new magic she learned was just so exciting that she couldn't sit still!

"Miss Blanchet, behave. This is just a simple lantern with nothing to be excited about." She reminds Analissa who steps back after what she said, feeling guilty forgetting her place.

A commoner touching someone's servant would be seen as something inadequate.

"A-Apologies! It's just... back in my hometown we rarely had these." (Analissa) recalled the lore background of the heroine who came from a small provincial town where devices like these were probably something that would be considered 'modern technology' by their standards.

The moment the maid saw the heroine's downcast face, she immediately regretted it, feeling a tight pull on her heart.

"It is alright. We should continue making our way to Milady's chambers." She ignored the sudden feeling at that moment and decided to lead the group.

The second maid nodded, placing herself at the heroine's side. "Do follow, dear."

"Be careful of your steps Miss Blanchet, it's not safe to walk around at night." The third maid also came by her side and well Analissa felt like she was going to be sandwiched by two beauties.

'Ignore the thought, ignore the thought!' (Analissa) repeats the words in her mind. Breathing in and out, looking ahead of their way.

Soon they went through the school dorms for nobles, specifically for women.

"W-Wow... this is really different from the commoner's dormitory." The heroine looks at the small building with so many other lanterns outside it's wall being powered by stones.

It's light helped so that she could see the two story building. It had a classic European structure that most otome fantasy games would follow, Analissa would love to see this place during the day.

Back when she played the game... the developers of the story never really showed where the villainess would reside in school.

Many colored tinted windows could be seen still with their lights on inside. It made the heroine think, so the villainess was waiting for her all this time?

It made her slightly happy to hear that she was... for the egg project of course, she regrets that she couldn't come at a more early time because of the crown prince booking the whole restaurant only to make her entertain him the whole time.

"So um... Lady Evelyn... lives here." (Analissa) follows the maid deeper into the dormitory, there was no one else around.

Surely there won't be any nobility walking around this late in the night.

Only the lantern to which the first maid held led their way into stopping at one of the doors. The other maids fixed their posture, the first maid leading at the front was facing the door and raised her hands to knock.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Milady, we have brought you Miss Blanchet." The maid tells through the door. There were a few rustling noises that all the four of them couldn't comprehend, followed by a sudden-



The maids raise their eyebrows in question looking at each other, Analissa must have noticed that this is... not in their plan at all.

"M-Milady are you alright?" she knocked another time and finally the villainess replied with a cough.

Everyone was relieved. Analissa especially because the whole time she heard the noise she was worried that her butterfly effect on the whole story was changing everything. Most likely Lady Evelyn being ambushed or attacked. "May we come in?"

"Yes, you may." (Lady Evelyn) says her voice a little weird but still they had permission to enter so they went ahead and opened the door to see everything in the room looking very well ordered.

The maids looked at one another and wondered why her favorite books has been hidden.

It appears that milady had forgotten her whole collection of fantasy books being everywhere in her table.

Has the idea of a commoner coming into her domain and seeing her taste in books would leave a sour taste in her mouth?

It would actually make her look- hmm... actually why did she hide these books?

There were nothing more but children's books that had pictures in it, something the villainess was fond of. If anyone knew of her hobby collecting children's books in the public they would surely make fun of her-!

"Welcome, Miss Blanchet." The villainess didn't look so happy when she saw the small girl's figure in front of her. Her legs and arms were crossed elegantly, keeping her body poised- "We have a lot of things to talk about and it's all nothing good."

Analissa's eyes widened in fear. N-Nothing good she says?

"Everyone else do leave, we'll be having a private conversation." (Lady Evelyn) turned to her three maids who smiled in understanding, only one of them felt pity towards the girl.

"As you wish, milady." All the maids said in synch.

Analissa looked at the maids that accompanied her in a panic.

"E-Eh?! Wait no- erm!" she tried reaching out to them- wanting to tell them not to leave but it was all too late because they formed a line heading towards the door.

"D-Don't leave me-" (Analissa) faintly cried out before looking back at the angry villainess.

Her teary eyes were now crying happy tears. "!!!"

The villainess was wearing a long night gown exposing her pretty collarbone.

This made Analissa pang in sweat, the game has never shown her in this state before. It was only uniform- but this- this!

"It looks like I'll have to discipline you once more, Miss Blanchet and even add another warning." she stands up, no longer having her legs crossed and walks towards the Heroine.

"Umm- D-Did I do something wrong?" (Analissa) stands still like a statue, her legs could be seen shaking while her mind was running through everything that she did in a matter of a few hours.

All in a day- everything was so slow and fast- the only thing that she could be held wrongful for was- oh dear.

Analissa finally knew why the Villainess was not looking at her kindly today because she must've found out about the crown prince's visit.

"You broke your promise." She starts leaning over closely, similar to how she did before behind the school when she was confronting Analissa to stay away from the crown prince.

Her blue eyes were dazed, meeting her dark purple ones.

"I told you to stay away, and I trusted you to do that." (Lady Evelyn) scowled and Analissa's face was still red while nervously explaining to the best that she can-

However those patatas- are a distraction. She kept looking up and down.

Analissa snapped out of it! Now is not a good time!

"I-It's not what you think Lady Evelyn. There was a slight misunderstanding, I kept my promise! I really did! I did everything to stay away but- he found out where I work- it wasn't even a week since I was there but-" (Analissa) looked around feeling like a cornered little baby chick.

What Lady Evelyn looked like now was a huge raven, pointing her sharp beak at her. "I promised and I gave my word that I wanted to do nothing with him... I'm on your side, milady." She pleads herself innocent to the woman in front of her.

The regal aura she emits was truly something, it's making her heart beat for its life.

Analissa seeing that the villainess was just doing nothing but staying still, gazing at her looking unreadable she muttered out. "Please... believe me."

She waited a few more seconds for the villainess to say something. Finally she heard a sigh and the girl was no longer leaning over her small figure.

"I believe you, Miss Blanchet. It just shocked me why he was there but at the same time I should've expected he would do something like that." (Lady Evelyn) with her untied hair looked beautiful with her conflicted feelings.

Analissa bites her lip, her three brain cells all agreeing with the villainess.

'Believe us, Lady Evelyn, we didn't know he would be there either.'

'She's as beautiful as ever...'

'Lady Evelyn in a nightgown! Hell yeah!'

Lady Evelyn stands down and decides to let the girl further in her room. "No need to stand around then. Let's get you into my more private room where I have kept our egg."

The heroine's face turned happy once she said 'our egg' claiming that it's theirs. "Lead the way, my lady."

The two walked to another room, the heroine made sure to be behind her back.

Not for long they got into a huge window covering one wall and a lot of books lying around the table.

There were a lot of shelves that had well kept books on the wall.

"Wow..." (Analissa) gasps in excitement seeing the villainess's book collection.

"..." (Lady Evelyn) glances over the girl who was brimming with excitement.

Never had she thought she would be partnered up with the person she would consider as a threat... However, this is good.

She could learn a weakness of two while she's here.

"Wow..." (Analissa) read the title of some of the covers and realized there were all books about taking care of magic eggs and how to properly care for them. She wanted to hold them... so she looked at Lady Evelyn and asked. "Can I take a look at them- um if you permit me to milady?"

Beggingly she longed to hold them, Lady Evelyn looked at those books and her heart was sure that there were no more of those children's books that they had lying around.

"Be my guest." The villainess faintly smiled seeing that there was someone else as passionate as her when it came to books, after all her eyes said it all. It seemed like the little chick looked so happy at her confirmation.

"T-Thank you, milady!" The heroine bows slightly not forgetting her manners before looking over the book choices they have.

"I will be taking some refreshments. After that we can talk about what happened and the crown prince's visit to your work." (Lady Evelyn) excused herself. Analissa was already having her own book party by sitting on one of the soft sofas.

She felt so intrigued by the choices of books the villainess has.

There was math, diplomacy, magic on the side but mostly it seemed there were more books on how to take care of an egg.

However, it seems that she found something much thinner than the rest.

There was no title on the cover so she became so intrigued and curious. Without even thinking her hands reached for it and smiled.

"I wonder... if this is? Hehe... it really is." (Analissa) actually knows of the villainess's love for children's books already. The moment she opened those pages she saw cute little characters telling a story of how an egg lost its way home.

"The little small egg with polka dot marks, seemed to be alone. It longed to find its family, wondering why the other eggs were different and nothing like him." She was reading it all softly. It seemed to be this world's version of the ugly duckling.

"The more he called and quacked, no one came. He calls for home yet he never sets out of the pond afraid that his family will come the time they come looking for them." (Analissa) felt a little sad reading the book.

There was a small drawing of a little egg crying with tears on its shell, how adorably he was drawn with much expression. "Many summers, winter, spring and fall have passed. He lost hope to find his family. Truly he realized he was alone, no other eggs wanted him. Then he cried some more- huh?"

The pages seem to be missing.

Analissa looked at the next pages and realized they were ripped out of the book.

This book looked fairly old. The blonde girl sighs still holding the covers in her hand. "I never got to read and see the ending. I wonder if it's the same as the earth's version of-"

"What are you holding, Miss Blanchet?"

Analissa's heart leaped out of her chest hearing that the villainess came back with some needed refreshments. "Oh! I'm reading a nice book about-"

Lady Evelyn's face was flustered when she placed the tray over the table and yanked the book out of Analissa's grasp. "Y-You weren't supposed to see it!" The villainess' eyes looked so angry.

"Ah- right- you're-" (Analissa) might have forgotten that her hobby of collecting children's books was considered childish and not proper for a lady of her age.

Yet she loved them and kept a few around to feel that feeling of emotional value.

"You... you... why does it always- why do you always see this-" (Lady Evelyn) couldn't tell her from the start why was it always her managing to find and meddle with her important things.

First her engagement with the crown prince, I suppose the blonde girl was trying her best to stay away but still- what if she tells someone?!

What if she tells someone she's been holding books that's meant for children and it will get into her parent's ears.

That she's holding these sort of things again- what if- what if- she goes into that box again?

The punishment box... she doesn't want to go back to the punishment box. I-It's dark and- she can't breathe well when she's inside of it.

W-What if...

"Lady Evelyn-! It's okay! It's okay-! Y-You're okay! I won't tell anyone!" (Analissa) stands up and shakes her shoulders to snap her out of the trance.

Lady Evelyn looks down on the small girl and asks in a soft voice. "I... you... you won't?"

Analissa nods so quickly her head feels dizzy. "I won't so please! D-Don't cry!" she cups the villainess's cheek and wipes the tears away with her thumb.

"It's okay... don't cry... I'm so sorry." the heroine pleads some more, feeling guilty for even taking the book and reading it.

It was only mentioned that the villainess loved children's books in the game forum and social media of the developers but there was nothing on it that mentioned of her breaking down when someone touches one of it!

Lady Evelyn could taste the salty taste of her tears before sniffing and gently moving the girl's hand away from both of her cheeks.

"I-I'm fine. Apologies that you had to see that side of me." (Lady Evelyn) apologized and this made Analissa fickle.

The villainess, Analissa thought she knew everything that was needed to know.

"It's alright... I should've known better. I'll be more careful next time but really... it's a lovely book." She tries to apologize some more but it seems that Lady Evelyn has put on another cold stance.

"I will trust you, no one will know. Just... you..." (Lady Evelyn) bites her lip in disappointment. She was supposed to find a weakness on the girl- yet why is it that the table seems to have flipped.

"I understand why you would react like that milady, our cases might be different but I- also kept things that would make me seem childish. Let me tell you a secret of mine, milady." (Analissa) holds the villainess' hands and leads her down slowly into the sofa.

Lady Evelyn's ears perked at the mention of secrets.

"The truth it is, I love games." (Analissa)

"Games?" (Lady Evelyn)

"I was rather sickly... I would be alone in my room with no one else but then I found games- I found people who felt the same thing and we bonded over our experiences." (Analissa) recalls the time she was still streaming games for so many people that made her day.

People who supported her and kept her going to find a will to live.

"We played together and I made a small family out playing these games. Whether it be something with a story or with kil- I mean fighting with one another..." she almost slipped out killing each other online.

"Before I felt like I couldn't fit it in, but I just needed to expand my comfort zone and then I found people along the way that stayed. Ahaha! We had fun! I couldn't go out but they were there with me." (Analissa) suddenly missed her friends back on earth. The online friends she's only met a few times- but made a huge impact in her life.

Now that she thinks about it, even if she was staying in the otome world for two weeks having adventures and avoiding love interests.

Sometimes she would think about the people she left back home. Of course, she misses them but she doesn't know of a way back.

"They seem like... wonderful people." (Lady Evelyn) replied, holding her story book more tightly to her chest. "I never had them growing up." she felt envious but how can a noble like her have friends who wouldn't judge her for her hobbies.

Even her close friend Lady Serene Sinclair didn't even know this side of her, all she knew was the girl who was prepped to be the future queen.

"I... see." (Analissa) rested her chin by the palms of her hand, looking unladylike but they didn't address it. "If you'd like, I would love to be your book buddy. I like books, especially with stories and drawings inside of them."

"You genuinely like them? You're not... tricking me are you?" (Lady Evelyn) questions skeptically and Analissa chuckles.

"Nope. I will always be by your side milady. You don't know but I.. I really want you to be happy." she replies having said the last part quietly so the other party won't hear and thus she didn't.

Lady Evelyn tilts her head a little, "I couldn't hear the last part of your sentence. Would you mind repeating it?"

"Oh! I said I really want to read some books to our egg. Speaking of which, I think our egg is getting a little cozy by the fireplace. Pardon me but will it be cooked instead of it being hatched?" (Analissa) teased jokingly but the other didn't seem to get it.

"No. Fire is needed to have it develop." (Lady Evelyn) safely puts down her storybook and grabs an educational book about egg development care and opens a page. "As you can see from these records most eggs will be developed undergoing the fire treatment. This is a magical egg and will need a lot more heat than just your regular egg."

"I was jesting milady- but that's really helpful. What else does it need?" (Analissa) leans in more to see the pages of the book, their shoulders ended up touching and the blonde girl didn't seem to notice. "Maybe building it a fancy nest will get it to hatch more faster-"

Lady Evelyn looked at their shoulders rubbing together in a trance. "Hmm... perhaps. Would you like one for our egg?"

"Wait- I was also jesting- joking-" (Analissa) laughs a little seeing the villainess not getting any of her jokes.

"I know but I asked because I think it's a lovely idea. An egg of ours should have comfort. I was thinking cotton- I can have my maids get what I need in a matter of a day." (Lady Evelyn) grins a little widely playing her little game.

"H-How much will that cost?" (Analissa) asked a little nervous.

"Hmm... about this much." (Lady Evelyn) tells of the price and it makes Analissa almost faint. It was twice her monthly salary, all for a pillow for an egg.

"N-No I think a wooden nest will be alright. My head hurts..." she massages the sides of her temples and laughs nervously. "D-Don't buy anything like that milady alright? I don't think anyone would buy something so fancy for an egg."

"We could be the first one to do so." (Lady Evelyn)

"Too expensive." (Analissa)

"Are you telling the future queen what she should do?" the villainess teased but with her serious look Analissa almost couldn't tell.

The heroine crossed her arms and pouted, "We own this egg together and thus we will make decisions together. However, if you find an egg pillow that's fairly priced I will agree." she bargained and the villainess sighs but takes the bait.

She can't seem to win with that pout. It was too... hmm...

Possibly too... er... it was alright.

Lady Evelyn can't admit that it was adorable because of her prideful heart.

"Alright. I will ask my maids to find a decent one with a fair price by your standards." (Lady Evelyn) agrees and sees the blonde girl's happy grin doing a little gremlin laugh.

"Hehehe!" (Analissa) decided to read more about egg care before the two talked more about the crown prince's meddling with her job.

The villainess groaned in disappointment hearing her fiancé helpless like this. "He visited me at work, rented the restaurant, made me listen to his stories and accomplishments. I will also add that he asked me if he can wait for me to finish and escort me back home."

"Did anyone see you?" (Lady Evelyn) asked, taking some coffee, drinking it to stay awake.

"Lord Ein was there with him. As for the carriage- he brought that in public so most likely there were a few that saw." (Analissa) bites her lip remembering that now she owes a favor to Lord Ein. Hopefully he won't ask her to do some... BDSM things like in his story.

"You could've run away."

Analissa shakes her head, "I could but I was afraid that he'll... hurt the people inside there. They're good people I... don't want to see them getting hurt because of me."

Her voice shivered at the thought, in the game the crown prince needs to always get what he wants or he'll throw a fit. It was shown multiple times yet the heroine was forced to love him based on the system.

"Hmm... accusing the crown prince of hurting his own people now are we?" (Lady Evelyn)

"I mean no offense- of course-"

Lady Evelyn stops the blonde girl and nods, "Oh by all means. I agree, I have seen... some of his not so best moments. I clean up after him, a queen is groomed to take care of the king's mistakes." she places down her drink making a satisfying 'clink' sound.

"He is my husband to be and I am to be his wife, if he goes down. I will be dragged down with him. His success is mine and his failure will also be mine." (Lady Evelyn) gave some good facts as to why she's being so adamant on having the heroine leave the crown prince alone.

Lady Evelyn was trying to survive.

Analissa was going to make sure, she won't be going to a death flag. She'll have to keep the villainess safe and she needs to start planning.

She already has a source of income, a weapon and now it's just building up her strength as well as magic.

Will that be enough?

"What's wrong, your face suddenly turned dreadful. Are you unwell?" (Lady Evelyn) asks the blonde girl who was on her thinking train.

"Oh! No! I feel really well! Just a bit sleepy!" (Analissa) fakes a yawn and the other girl told her to go back to the commoner dorms to rest.

"It was delightful to have this time with you, I will see you tomorrow with this little egg here." (Analissa) tired, decided to head back to her commoner dorms, telling the villainess goodbye and that she will see milady tomorrow.


Lady Evelyn made sure that the girl arrived safely to her dorms who was holding her egg in both hands.

"Losimer." she calls out to her familiar who tweets in reply landing on her finger. Bright green feathers flapped around, neck tilting from side to side wondering what her new orders were.

"Follow that girl. See to it that she gets home safely." (Lady Evelyn) orders her familiar who nods, she opens one of the windows and lets him out.

Her whole night was eventful with the blonde girl, blue eyes she can't seem to take out of her mind... yet she didn't dislike any of it at all.

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