Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 16: Bathroom Locking.

Chapter 16: Bathroom Locking.

It was the sunrise of a morning and our heroine felt the warm greeting of the sun right out of her dorm room window.

"Ah~ Good morning." (Analissa) rubs her eyes a bit, her vision coming back. She steadies herself looking at the sun, it appears she has woken up a bit earlier than usual so she should be fine taking a bath today before going to the academy.

"Oh! Right, I forgot you were there." she turns to the egg who was sitting on a small pillow that she used so that maybe it'll be comfortable. "Good morning egg! I can't believe I visited the villainess' dorm room and-"

Oh ye gods!

Lady Evelyn in a nightgown!

"Heavens have been blessed my eyes to see the villainess and her tatas!'' She gets up in her bed and poses weirdly on her own. Her brain cells were absolutely happy recalling the memory of last night.

Oh how they wished the villainess would pin her down some more!

Analissa's face was absolutely shining!

The egg having a slight consciousness inside was thinking this girl must be hit on a nail in the head.

"I have been looking respectfully! It's not the first time I was looking agape- Did you know dear egg- even if I didn't have a clear view of her in the game geez was she fine!" (Analissa) was indeed down bad for the villainess just seeing her beautiful design.

As a true certified streamer that plays visual novels in her spare time, she adored her personality- as in you know personality that's not a human body part.

"The complexity of Lady Evelyn- I've only found out of her cute collection of storybooks over at tweeter." The blonde hair girl recalls all the time she spent, all those hours that she could've used for something productive was turned into a scrolling spree before she was taken into this otome game world.

"They didn't even mention that in the game- and they made her look like the bad guy when she was just trying her best fulfilling the role of the crown prince's fiancé." she slumps back in her bed hugging the little egg.

Every ending she was met with execution because the love interests said so.

"Kuhhh! So frustrating but I'll have to do my best thinking of some other way to save her. After all- she doesn't deserve to die." (Analissa) began to do her meticulous training regimen that was given by Lord Ein in her room.

Carefully placing the egg at the corner of the room in a safe place, she made sure that she wouldn't accidentally hit or bump into the little one while she trained.

The heroine in the story has always been weak, the transmigrated Japanese streamer wanted to change that. She's getting tired of being weak- she was determined to get strong.

"Pushups, sit-ups, planks, then some more stretching." (Analissa) muttered while placing her hands into the floor of her dorm counting the numbers of how many exercises she did.


Once she was all sweaty, panting and tired she decided to leave her room and take a bath at the public bathroom for commoners that was not too far away.

"Ugh... my body feels so sore." (Analissa) complains, rubbing the muscles on her back. She had brought a towel, her uniform and some soap.

She looked around the public bathroom and realized there were quite a few other commoner students but not a lot in there.

Her blonde hair stood out while she walked along the wooden stalls of the bathroom.

Many girls were covering themselves with a long towel while talking to one another, happily conversing about how the crown prince was absolutely handsome looking today and even tomorrow!

Analissa was not interested in the conversation but by the carefree attitudes of the other commoner girls while they were just wrapped in a towel. She tries her best to look away while going into an empty stall.

Truly the floor had never been nicer. In Japan, no one would really care if you were buck naked while you were walking around in a public bathhouse but the heroine was a shy one and her face was awfully red.

Being a sickly gall, she had never been into a public bathhouse so she didn't experience the whole thing.

"Excuse me- coming through." (Analissa) whizzes past through the other girls who were just minding their own business. She was still in her nightgown and decided to just strip inside the stall before cleaning herself.

The girls who saw the blonde girl rushing past them were stunned.

The same side characters who thought it was a good idea to break down her lock door and make a mess of her room.

"Hey isn't she- Hahaha is that her?"

"Yeah it's the attention seeker."

"Ugh I always saw her making goo goo eyes at the crown prince. She thinks she's all that. It seems making a mess out of her room and uniform are not enough of a lesson."

"Hehehe... Since she's still in her night gown. What do you ladies say- wanna give her some punishment?"

The four girls looked at each other and nodded. They quickly finished cleaning up and drying themselves to get dressed before taking a bucket full of ice cold water in their hands.

Carrying it into the heroine's stall.

Analissa who was minding her own business heard several footsteps outside her bathroom stall. It caught her attention but maybe they were just roaming around and entering the stall beside her.

However... that many people though?

"Alright one- two!"

Analissa was in her underwear when she heard the girls counting down and her body immediately went into the corner part of the bathroom on instinct. "Three! Go! Yah!"

The girls threw the water at the top of the stall, it was really cold and thankfully Analissa's instincts were correct.

These bullies are horrible. They were always doing this in otome games!

"Hey whoever is out there! You're lucky I'm in my underwear! You're so dead once I'm done here!" the Japanese girl gritted her teeth in anger pounding her fists into the door. She can't believe how rude these girls are!

So much for respecting them!

Bam! Bam!

The girls clicked their tongue and decided the cold water treatment was not enough. One of them decided to run to their nearest dorm room and take a chair carrying it into the bathroom.

"I swear what did I ever do to you guys?!" (Analissa) yelled over the stall and the girls snickered. How dare she play dumb!

"Don't think we haven't noticed!" one the girls with brown hair replied, crossing her arms.

"We saw you and Lord Ein not too long ago- And rumor has it the crown prince visited you in the capital city- excuse me how dare you-!" they all continued to bicker and finally the girl who was supposed to get the chair arrived.

"Hmph! This will teach you a lesson." One of the girls took the chair and put it against the door lock.

"What are you doing out there?" (Analissa) wanted to go outside but since she was in her underwear she needed to wear her night gown again before attempting to open the door.

"Did you guys lock me in?! Oh come on! This is too much don't you think?" The blonde girl was pounding through the door now.

Wait a moment- this scene-

Lord Ein was supposed to be her partner though the egg project- this was the event when the heroine came missing and then realized she was trapped in the bathroom.

The masochist Lord Ein in the otome game was supposed to be stalking her right now- that's why he knew that these girls were bullying Analissa.

While it was really creepy- it actually saved the heroine from being trapped in that stall for hours on end.

"But he's turned normal now- will I be stuck in this stall forever?!" (Analissa) cupped her cheek in a panic and thought of the other possible people saving her. "Ah!"

The villainess- but... how would she know?

Would she even care?!

"Good luck getting out~ I don't think your little light magic can bust through a door or your skinny looking body could ever push this." The mean girl had to target her insults into one of the heroine's insecurities right now.

Being frail- and easy looking to be bullied is what definitely sets the heroine to get targeted.

Analissa in anger decided to ram her shoulder through the door, the chair and stall vibrating a little. "Ow..." she realized after that was a bad idea- but it was worth a try.



"D-Did you really think of ramming the door would let you out? Pfft!"

The girls were laughing surrounding the heroine's stall.

Analissa was smiling but not because she was happy, but it was because once she gets out of this stall she'll be gripping those long hair of yours and pulling them off!

"You punks! Hey! Let me out! This is against the school regulations!" the blonde girl reminded them but it seems that they're going to ignore the school rules.

The girls smiled and looked at the time, "Oh no~ if we let you out we'll be late for class guess we'll be seeing you another time. Just wait for the janitor to let you out."

Analissa became double angry because she knew- that there was no janitor cleaning the premises. They were at a commoner public bath house! Students were supposed to clean after themselves here!

The laughter and footsteps were fading and soon the heroine was all alone trapped in the bathroom stall. She tried looking up and saw the opening where they threw the water in... the opening was too small for her to climb out of.

And she can't reach it because of her short height.

"Screaming won't help... I should just call for help once someone is near to conserve my voice." (Analissa) planned while she saw her uniform that she placed in a corner was now wet due to the water that those girls threw.

"Oh no... not again." she holds out the uniform having no other clothes available she was completely stuck in her nightgown. "I don't think I'll be able to see Lady Evelyn and in her seat today..."

Analissa clenches her fists while holding the wet blouse in her hand. "Those bitches! I remember their faces so I'll have my revenge!"


It was close to the start of morning classes...

Every other noble was at their seats in Analissa's class. Lord Ein was minding his business yawning, Lady Serene who was looking angry while holding the egg in fancy clothing and the villainess who was looking at the empty seat beside her.

"Ugh! How many times do I have to tell you that the egg needs all the warmth it could get?!" (Lady Serene) who was not inclined into working together with her partner in the egg project was being scolded.

"This is why I can't stand working people who are below me. You give no effort whatsoever- clearly the egg needs all the comforting pillows I bought. What do you mean it's too much?" she was biting off the ears of her seatmate who was cowering to speak up again.

Lady Serene held the egg carefully, her gaze turning soft, "The shell is really fragile so obviously the clothes could serve some sort of armor. What do you think, Evelyn?" she asks her childhood friend who was staring into the empty seat.

"Evelyn? Hello?" (Lady Serene) called out once more and it only got her attention.

Lady Evelyn blinks looking at her friend. "What is it?" she asks her mind wandering where the blonde girl is at. It's not her first time being late...

And the time that she was late before- her uniform was in tatters. Did something happen to her again?

Lady Serene obviously knew something was going on in her childhood friend of hers.

"Jeez, just because the commoner is gone, you can't focus? She's probably late again or she's still sleeping. You know how they are- no care for punctuality." she tells her childhood friend who looks away worriedly.

She knows she's not supposed to worry about her but... last night...

"We should just focus on class." (Lady Serene) tells her friend to relax but something is not right.

"Alright." (Lady Evelyn) decided to follow Lady Serene's words and just focused on class.

The whole hour and minutes the clock ticked, she would look at the entrance door of the class. Wondering where that blonde headed girl is?

Even in the afternoon... there was no sign of her.

Lord Ein has also noticed that the missing absence of Miss Analissa has been taking effect for all the boys in class. Their morale being low they had no strength to continue on being in class.

"Hmm... That's strange." (Lord Ein) mutters holding his chin deep in thought. Something must have happened to the girl because last time he saw her- she was doing well.

Class was over.

Miss Analissa Blanchet has missed class.

All the boys were worried, the girls in class were happy she was gone.

Meanwhile in the bathroom...

Analissa was now feeling the cold. It's been hours- no one has bothered coming inside the bathroom door. Class should be over- and now she feels just so cold... in her nightgown. "Atchoo!" she sneezed.

After doing the workout regimen she's extremely tired. The whole day she ate nothing and now her feet hurt from standing up she couldn't help herself being tired she sat down onto the floor.

It was unsanitary but she was tired.

No one bothered to come in because- someone put a [Temporary Closed for Fixing] sign outside the bathroom entrance. So all the commoner girls didn't dare to come in.

Everyone in the classroom was packing up their things. Lady Evelyn was about to leave- maybe to visit Analissa's dorm room to get the egg for their project but someone stood in her way.

"You're visiting the little blonde girl aren't you?" (Lord Ein) walks up to the villainess and smiles.

"Mind taking me with you?" he continued as Lady Evelyn held her shoulder strap tightly looking at the crown prince's bodyguard.

"Do you need something with Miss Blanchet?" (Lady Evelyn) asks, not trusting the smiling boy in front of her.

"Oh. It's nothing- you see Miss Analissa and I are friends. As her friend, I noticed she did not attend class. Of course, I would worry." (Lord Ein) smiles charmingly then he hears a groan beside the villainess.

"If you're going then I'm going too. Evelyn, I don't like you being alone with him-." (Lady Serene) glares at Lord Ein who never stops smiling. She holds her egg gently by the arm and clicks her tongue.

"I can't believe that both of you are giving concern to a commoner." she tells them both. For a noble to be interested in a commoner by their standards it's nothing to be proud of.

Lady Evelyn looked away a little bit while Lord Ein didn't seem to mind.

"A friend is a friend. I believe I have a right to know where she has been." (Lord Ein) replies, while half of it was indeed a worry the other was mostly because he was bored and wanted to check in after the crown prince's visit at work.

"Does anyone know where her dorms are?" (Lady Serene) asks and Lady Evelyn nods.

"I know where it is." (Lady Evelyn) answered and Lord Ein raised his eyebrow in interest.

My, my. Have these two gone so far as to visit each other's places?

To be exact, her bird knew where she's staying and just told her the directions.

Lady Serene was suspicious at why her childhood friend knew where she lived but she walked away before she could further ask.

The dorm room for commoners was not far, many of the commoner students have been seeing their figure and whispering to each other.

Some girls were mostly looking at Lord Ein and his fancy blue hair. They were afraid of Lady Evelyn and Lady Serene who were still carrying her egg.

Apparently, they had no way of getting lost because the dorm rooms had name plates on the door.

"Oh. How convenient." (Lord Ein) leans in over the nameplate with Analissa's full name.

The villainess knocked at the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Miss Blanchet. Can we come in?" (Lady Evelyn) asks but after a few minutes there was no response.

Now it was Lord Ein's turn to knock three more times.

Lady Serene rolls her eyes thinking that the commoner was probably asleep. "Huh... well there was nothing she's probably still asleep- let's go back and just go-"

"Wait." (Lord Ein) and Lady Evelyn didn't move a bunch feeling something was wrong. He holds the door knob and opens it, he thought it was locked but-


The door opened revealing Analissa's room with her not being inside. The egg was at the corner safely being huddled with pillows but the blonde girl was nowhere to be seen.

"No signs of struggle. Nothing seems to be wrong." (Lord Ein) walks inside and inspects the room.

"The egg is still here... I doubt Miss Blanchet is the type to leave something important unannounced." (Lady Evelyn) replied, seeing the wooden closet at the wall.

Without even thinking she walks forward and opens it.

"Her uniform is gone. Meaning she left for class- something must've happened." (Lady Evelyn) said with resolve but her voice was trembling.

Where is she?

Lord Ein saw the villainess's worried look and agreed.

"We need to look for her now."

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