Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 32: The three of them together in one place.

Chapter 32: The three of them together in one place.

To where we left off, Analissa has recently received a wonderful blue dress from the villainess herself. She twirls it around, the flowy end of the dress dances with her and she couldn't help but look at her reflection in the mirror smiling feeling happy that Lady Evelyn got her something so lovely.


Lady Evelyn Alarie, the Villainess of the otome game to which she transmigrated to as the heroine of the game determined to save her from her coded death.

Analissa stares at herself feeling that the beautiful dress heightens the Heroine's halo so she needed to do something to lower it down. "Hmm..."

"I... actually don't know if this will hide the heroine halo but-"

Analissa who was looking in a mirror decided to wear a hat for a disguise that she found somewhere lying around, hoping to hide her face. A thick jacket covering the dress and some pants underneath.

Her mission was to make sure she looks ugly as hell, unbalanced clothing style makes people uncomfortable and that was her goal!

She talked to herself as the maid waited for her to finish finalizing her clothes. "Liara! Can you take a look at the new changes I've made?"

The heroine calls out to her new found friend, Liara Fischer the eldest of the three sisters who volunteered herself on tasking caring for the heroine. The three were loyal and humble servants of the villainess.

"Yes, Miss Blanchet-" Liara Fischer covers her mouth holding her chest in agony seeing the blonde girl go through all this trouble wearing the beautiful blue dress- and then adding some other unnecessary things.

"I-I beg your pardon... You still look beautiful but your clothes are- forgive me for saying this... horrid, miss." (Liara) bows her head in apology but Analissa waves it off with a shrug- she even looked rather happy hearing that she looked horrendous in that clothing.

"That's what I'm actually going for!" She exclaims happily taking another look at her reflection in the mirror giggling.

"You said it was horrid so I'll be going out like this in hopes that men coded to love me will leave me alone!" (Analissa) raises her hand happily and Liara sighs not understanding what was going on inside her guest's mind.

"Miss Analissa, do you want for men to leave you alone?" (Liara) tilts her head becoming curious. "My honest opinion, Miss Blanchet. I believe even if you wore dirty rags in the streets many men would still take interest in you."

The maid tells her opinions on the matter making Analissa feel like a fool.

She was right.

No matter how much she dirtied her clothes and even made it uneasy to the eyes. The men in this world would still fall for her charming, attractive, and adorable physique.

The well rumored sought out girl didn't desire to have a man beside her life.

"Most girls by your age would already plan on marriage and arrangements for weddings. I've heard of your feats in the staff room fufu... I know many male students have already asked for your hand in marriage." she continues, the tone of her voice was rather happy talking about marriage.

After all, almost every girl wants to get married to a handsome man and live happily ever after in a big shiny castle home.

Analissa cringes hearing the word marriage.

She doesn't mind the idea of marriage, but it's just that- Liara suggested that she was going to marry a man for it.

Analissa, in her past life was... not into that.

The heroine didn't want to correct her for she fears that the world she's been transmigrated on- had its morals and beliefs strict on tradition. Maybe one day when Analissa knows it's safe to tell her about her preferences will she come out.

"Oh Liara... I'll tell you someday when I feel comfortable enough around you but do know- I'm sort of... nothing like most girls you're thinking of?" (Analissa) takes off the heavyweight of the extra clothes and decides she'll keep the hat before going out. At least the hat won't make her look like a cartoon character that wore too much clothes.

Nothing like most girls you're thinking of, the sentence echoed in Liara's mind and she couldn't understand.

"Apologies for assuming, Miss Analissa. I actually never considered you to be the type of not wanting to get married." (Liara) replies feeling something is amiss with what the blonde cockroach has told her.

"Oh no it's alright I actually want to get married. Just... with the right person, you know?" (Analissa) gives a bitter reply, wanting to reply that she wanted to get married with a girl but she couldn't do it. "Just because many boys are throwing themselves at me doesn't mean I'll just accept haha!"

The crown prince, stuck-up butler, lying elf and the narcissist demon lord can all shove their proposals up their asses! All the love routes that's only been opened at the moment were the crown prince's.

Horny braincell in the corner were laughing her ass off, she was only into girls after all!

Now that Analissa was in good shape to think, it won't be long till the butler and elf prince route would open. She needed to be prepared for the next problem that may arise.

Hearing the heroine's reply as to why she doesn't want to get married even though so many sons of powerful figures in the kingdom have extended their hand to ask for Analissa Blanchet's hand.

She was impressed, Liara has approved the girl to be fit being one of their master's friends. "Miss Blanchet, will you come back to the noble dorm's after your walk outside the city?"

"Hmm... Actually... I've already disturbed you all for being sick. I'm sure I've been such a pain to take care of with my tantrums and all- cough." (Analissa) quickly turns away to cough. Liara stares at her worriedly but the blonde girl shakes her hand telling her to not worry.

"Its only a cough that will be better with some hot water and ginger-"

"If you don't mind I can deliver some ginger tea to your room-" (Liara) was about to suggest delivering her some tea to her dorm but Analissa was quick to think of how many commoner girls would be on their watch.

Step... step... step.

Lady Evelyn's reputation was at stake, as much as Analissa wanted to be closer to the villainess she also needed to think of the plot. In order to keep her safe her reputation must be clean as a whistle.

"No need." (Analissa) gives a sweet smile quickly going out of the door fitting her worn out shoes in.


The door opens to the outside, after about two days of rest she has almost forgotten how medieval like the outside world was in that room. "If anyone saw you, it would only make unwanted attention and commotion for Lady Evelyn."

"I'll be in my dorm room... Lady Evelyn can have the egg for now though- erm just in case something happens! I promise it'll be my turn to take care of it when class starts! Bye!" (Analissa) feels bad for leaving the egg all alone in Lady Evelyn's care.

"Farewell, Miss Blanchet. Do visit sometimes..." (Liara) wishes the blonde cockroach wouldn't go away so quickly but there she went, the maid waves her hand no longer seeing Analissa's figure that went down to the stairs.

"Ah... The egg I can't believe I'm leaving it all up to Lady Evelyn again." (Analissa) mutters hating everything that was happening.

It was supposed to be a group project but it was for its safety Analissa calculated if there would be another event that required her to not go back to the dorm- she needed to leave the egg in a safe place.

In the original game, the egg would've been taken care of by Lord Ein but... that was taken by Lady Evelyn because Analissa did something wrong in the plot that made the Crown Prince's personal knight normal!

Not only that, she recalls having a memory where you need to do a little quest for the elf prince that requires you to sneak into the garden at night and only come back in the morning.

"Ah so many events happening at the same time..." she holds both sides of her temples feeling a migraine incoming but thankfully she managed to get inside of the capital city of the kingdom.

The blonde girl walks minding her own business, she actually missed this part of the place.

After all, it made her remember the time Farrah Whitlock had to walk her home to the academy. It was… nice to remember.

"Fresh fish! Would anyone like some- Whoah... p-pretty lady there! W-Want some fresh fish?"

"No! How about some fruits!"

"Surely some vegetables would be more of your thing!"

Not again, Analissa thought.

Certainly everyone was eyeing her on the new dress she was wearing, the physical appearance being heightened many wouldn't hesitate to pounce and asked personal questions once more to our heroine to which she tried rejecting kindly.

"Apologies but I have somewhere to be- ugh!" (Analissa) wasn't even trying to look nice anymore, with a frown plastered on her face she didn't even hide the groan she let out.

"Your name!"

"Your house?!"

"Your relationship status?! Single right?!"

All of it she's long tired of these questions!

The past streamer underestimated this part of the game.

Having it streamed with so many people helping her in chat it wasn't so stressful playing it as a visual novel but now that's she's actually in it-

She has to communicate with people, avoid red flags and make sure the real people involved inside the storyline are safe.

No buttons, no saves, no cheat codes and no internet to help with the lore needed to solve mysteries of the game.

"Believe me you're the girl of my dreams!" One of the men in the crowd got to close and almost grabbed her chest. The looks of his eyes were different...


Analissa swats his hand away not caring if it hurt him and runs as quickly as she can!

This is getting worse! First they were just asking questions and looking, but did the dress heightened the effect of the halo that it made them lose control by the code?!

"As I said I need to be somewhere I would appreciate it if- whoa!"


Analissa has closed her eyes for a moment before realizing a pair of strong arms has caught her waist once more, saving her from tripping and landing her face flat to the ground. "M-Miss Analissa? A-Are you okay?!"

The blonde girl notices that she was caught, immediately opening her eyes she sees her savior was none other than the same person that saved her before.

"No way! Farrah! I missed you!" (Analissa) was already in tears being traumatized for almost getting touched inappropriately. "Cough!" she couldn't help but also let out a cough but still she was happy.

"Miss Blanchet?"

Wait, what?

Hearing the voice, Analissa sees two figures behind Farrah. One looked angry and the other- looked irritated.

"Lady Sinclair- and Lady Evelyn!"

Lady Sinclair who was carrying her egg in a basket placed a hand by the waist and scowled. She was hoping to have a peaceful day, shopping in the high district of the capital city.

"And I thought I would have a commoner free day but here. We. Are." (Lady Sinclair) glares at Analissa who's eyes widened in surprise seeing all the three together.

Horny braincell, if she was being honest she was enjoying seeing the three of them together looking so cool. Ahem, all of them were her type so she was saying thanks to buddha up above once more.

Logical braincell, didn't care and was just wondering what the fuck was happening why are the three of them here?!

Normal braincell, was trying to help solve things out by patting Logical braincell's head. 

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Andres Gtz


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