Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 33: A Weapon Fit for a Weak Heroine (I).

Chapter 33: A Weapon Fit for a Weak Heroine (I).

Oh how the tables of fate have given her such a very unique scene.

A background character, a side character and the main antagonist altogether.

Farrah who was still holding her waist couldn't help but bite her lip slightly feeling the girl's fragile state but remembered that they weren't alone. There were still the same men that were following the Heroine to which she didn't take kindly looking at.

"Leave. Her. Alone." (Farrah) places the heroine behind her and shoos the male npcs who seems to be getting worse the more that she sees Miss Analissa Blanchet walking all alone into the capital city.

"She's... scary as hell man let's get out of here."


"As always- my wife must be waiting for me."

Many of the weak willed ones already left with their tails between their legs but for the desperate ones that seemed to be strong willed enough stayed and fought for their love, seeing Farrah as a huge obstacle for their path of romance.

For some reason in their eyes, the heroine was scared- a voice was ringing in their head whispering the same thing.

'Help her... Help the girl. Can't you see she's in trouble? Don't you want to be the hero in this story?'

One of the men that heard the voices, swallowed the lump in his throat fantasizing of such a dream. He gets the girl and is hailed as a hero who saved her from- a giant lady that was clearly trying to keep her for herself.

"I-I'm not afraid of you-! I'm willing to go down in a fight for the girl!" With such determination he steps foot forward and faces Farrah with his fists raised up by his sides.

"..." (Farrah) who was only saying mean things so that people will go- didn't actually intend on going any further like fighting... because she was afraid that she'll hurt them.

The two girls behind were watching everything.

"Evelyn, come on let's just go-" (Lady Serene) was about to drag her friend to leave though the one who has lost all her patience watching them was Lady Evelyn Alarie who clicks her tongue walking in her high heels strutting looking so- cool.

"When a lady says leave them alone, you follow." The villainess glares walking in front of the kind giant and the heroine.

Her angry tone was gone in a moment and then she responded next with a sweet tone.

"Unless you want to hit a noble, go on be my guest. You'll have to get through me before you can get to them. A noble lady like me shouldn't get into a fight, but you seem easy enough to take down in a dress." (Lady Evelyn) didn't understand why her body was moving on her own and her lips were saying things she didn't even mean but maybe seeing some stranger defend Miss Blanchet made her like this but the girl wasn't aware.

"So... cool!" (Analissa) whispers to herself trying not to faint, her beloved villainess was trying to pick a fight!

Horny streamer braincell was holding up her glow sticks cheering the girl on because that same man that declared a fight was the one who almost tried grabbing her chest!

'Yeah! Beat his ass!' (Horny Braincell) was on fire!

"..." (Farrah) hears the girl's whisper and feels guilty that she couldn't do more than being a shield. Her body was built like a weapon, but her heart was soft as a marshmallow that it scared her when she thought of hurting others for such a bad reason too.

The man who proposed the fight looked back and forth to the villainess and the side character, clicking his tongue feeling it wasn't worth it but in shame he turned his head and ran away as fast as he could.

"Whew!" (Analissa) could breathe a sigh of relief in her new dress wiping the sweat out of her forehead she smiles thinking, finally she's safe. "Cough!"

Though her cough randomly came back to haunt her and everyone turned their attention to Analissa who nervously laughed, the Japanese streamer quickly composed herself and cleared her throat.

"Ahem, they sure were trouble weren't they? Ehehe?"

No one was intrigued by her comment. Especially the Villainess in her mermaid dress, mixed with black and purple and color. The weather was fairly windy and cold.

She looked so beautiful yet- unapproachable.

"Miss Blanchet, aren't you with a cough? Why did you leave the dorm so soon? You shouldn't be out here roaming around." (Lady Evelyn) tells her, looking so overprotective but- why?

Her hands held her fur jacket that came in pair with the mermaid dress but stopped seeing Lady Serene Sinclair was around watching her every move.

"B-But Liara said I can go out with the new clothes you left for me-"

"Go out- by that I mean just by the school or your dorm room. What if your condition gets worse?" (Lady Evelyn) doesn't want to carry another sick girl in her bedroom and do things she doesn't even understand herself doing again. 

Analissa casts her head down guiltily, shivering a little from the sudden wind blowing, she wraps her arms around herself and pouts.

The villainess sighs, but something caught her attention that made her flustered in thought, realizing if the girl dared to faint now- in that lovely blue dress that she picked for her.

It fits... just... right.

Would she need to carry her again in a princess like manner once more?

"?!" (Lady Evelyn) shakes her head realizing she might have been staring for too long. "Hurry. Why don't we go back to my dorm room, get you some medicine and-"


Tap, tap, tap.

Lady Serene Sinclair with her fiery hair and red dress to match was tapping her feet onto the ground. "What is this about you leaving me to get this commoner who is clearly well standing on her own by the way- ugh! Evelyn, you promised me we'll go home together this time! Look, I even have half of your shopping bags here!"

She points at Lady Evelyn's two maids that came along to bring their bags. Melody and Nayeli, they weren't particularly fond of the Sinclair noble girl because of the way she spoke ill about commoners and people who worked as servants.

Nayeli wasn't minding the double work, she was used to nobles being a bit too much for their own good but her younger sister on the other hand?

"Hold me Melody." (Nayeli) said with a dark expression as she smiled, turning to whisper to her sister. "I'm this close to letting these bags fall into the ground, mostly because they're not the things milady bought. My patience is rather short."

"... Please don't do it." (Melody) pleaded with her sister to hang in there and continued to watch the things unfold.

Lady Evelyn looks at her angry friend that she's been neglecting for a while. She looks at Analissa, flinching for a moment before looking away.

"A promise is a promise." she sighs, placing a hand on her fur jacket wanting to give it but she couldn't have the guts to do it. "For you to be safe go back to the academy and to my room."

Lady Evelyn instructs, knowing full well that her fiancé, the crown prince, would still be on the prowl. By the sacred pact spell, [Obex Clastrum] promised that he wouldn't go near her territory or he'll suffer dire consequences.

Analissa shakes her head not wanting to go back so soon after getting into the capital city and meeting Farrah! She might like the villainess but it doesn't mean she'll follow her every order, for her own good Analissa needs to talk with the kind giant about her job.

"I'll be home in a bit actually! It's a good thing Farrah's here! I'll definitely be safe with her, you need not to worry about me, your ladyship. I'm in good hands." (Analissa) tilts her head with a smile looking over to Farrah who was blushing over hearing the words and feelings of the heroine that she'll be safe as long as she was with her.

"Y-Yes, I'll do my best. Miss Analissa will be safe with me I um... I actually have some sweets I would like for you to try." (Farrah) despite having so many people around was slowly getting out of her shell. "T-The um- the noble's from last time gave a huge tip, my grandma told me you should have half of it."

"Oh! How's your grandma? I hope she's not too worried knowing I was sick."

"She... certainly missed you and some nobles came back asking your name." (Farrah) scratches the side of her cheek laughing a little with that cute smile contrasting to his huge body, she looked so soft. "They all ate... and told us the food was good."

Analissa's eyes beamed up hearing that some nobles were actually enjoying the food instead of only being there just for her, she'll be hating on those people who just came in, asked for her name and left.

Lady Evelyn saw the heroine's happy face and laughter as she talked to Farrah, something inside of her was knotting but she didn't know what.

"I'm surprised you actually managed to be somewhat in touch with Lady Evelyn. How did you two actually meet?"

Lady Evelyn who was now crossing her arms and Farrah who was playing around with her fingers answered at the same time.

"Oranges." (Lady Evelyn)

"Its because of the- oranges." (Farrah)





A side character and main antagonist bonded over a fruit?!

"Pfft-! You guys met over oranges?! That's so random!" (Analissa) was liking the new interactions that she wasn't getting from the old game. It felt so weird but it's nice!

Her smile was so bright and blinding, it made the two take in a deep breath taking that lovely view in.

"..." (Lady Evelyn)

"Ah..." (Farrah)

Both of them thought that her laughter was really... cute.

On the other hand Lady Serene Sinclair, seeing them being so happy and her being left out made her stop her feet and grab onto her friend's arm pulling it.

"Evelyn! Are you done talking with those commoners? We have to go before any of our- noble acquaintances sees that we're lumping in with them!" she complains and the villainess blinks knowing that she was fairly right but- she didn't want to leave the blonde girl with this stranger.

"Fine. We'll go." (Lady Evelyn) tried her best trying to not look displeased. The two maids who have known their lady for a while, watched everything unfold and knew what their lady's face was like when she's not having a good time.

Hearing that Lady Evelyn and Lady Sinclair will finally leave, Analissa could be finally alone with Farrah.

"See you in the academy, your ladyships. Have a safe trip back." (Analissa) curtsies giving respect to the two while out of nowhere Farrah gave a little salute.

The villainess takes in a nod, while her little follower does a little 'hmph' turning her back away and finally saying good riddance its done.

Analissa merely laughs at Lady Sinclair's childish display, understanding why she hates commoners because she's half of it herself knowing deep inside- for all her life at the noble house of Sinclair.

The same words she uses to belittle commoners.

Were used against her too, and now the cycle continues.

Analissa breathes a sigh of relief placing a hand on her chest before giving Farrah a delighted smile.

"So shall we go?" she asked the tall giant who looked down on the little blonde girl's figure and nodded, blinking nervously.

"Y-Yes... I've made some orange tart that you might... like." (Farrah) tells Analissa who has one incredible sweet tooth and fawns over the image of an orange tart, glazed with some sweet fruit jam!

The heroine was getting spoiled, that's for sure. She's not sure if she should thank this body for having the maximum cute effect that she's getting free sweets like these, or curse at it for bringing so many men to her feet.

This whole transmigration to another world and the body of a heroine was certainly a rollercoaster ride of emotions consisting of love and hate.

"Le gasp! For me? How sweet of you!" she tells Farrah who once more gets so happy hearing the little one's complement.

"I-It's nothing. You see... My pet hamster from before really liked oranges so... I thought maybe you would too." (Farrah) would give oranges to her hamster when she has them, after all even those little critters need something sweet. She was nothing more but a wee innocent child, looking after small little hamsters that could escape at any time.

"Oh! Your pet hamster! Are they cute?" she asks teasingly and Farrah nods with a red flustered face.

Truly... She was cute.


A-And the hamster too!

"I-Incredibly so." (Farrah) managed to utter a reply and a shy expression that the heroine really liked. The blonde girl couldn't help but laugh slightly, giving a cheeky grin.

"Then no wonder we have similar tastes in fruit."

Analissa says with somehow, in Farrah's eyes there were flowers everywhere and that almost made her back up from shock but then realized-

Being with the heroine can make someone hallucinate that flowers were near her face.

That's a scary being.

Thank you to my patreon!
Andres Gtz

If you'd like for more otome game: And see the advance story of our webtoon! Prologue is now available in my patreon! 

Thank you to these two fan-arts that I received!


Thank you Argos! I love the aesthetic of my oc! If anyone would like to make fan-arts please join our discord server! Link is on my bio!


Thank you to @GranetPlanet! These two are just too cute! Love them so much!

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