Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 138: Welcome to the New Age

Chapter 138: Welcome to the New Age



This time he wasn’t blindfolded and starved. That didn’t mean that his captivity was better than the one on Onigashima. Sure, he didn’t have Diana, trying to make him go crazy but he would have taken that everyday instead of being branded on his back with the dragon’s hoof, lashed and beaten up almost daily and cherry on top of the cake the explosive slave collar. He had to admit, his ‘interrogators’ knew their trade well. Superficial wounds that hurt a lot but nothing too serious that could kill him. He had to be presentable for his public execution after all. From time to time a World Noble came to mock him but otherwise his only company was either his interrogators or his own. What bothered him the most was the special camisole they put on him. He couldn’t scratch his nose with his arms contained. There was also the seastone bracelet that released a bit of seastone in his bloodstream forbidding him to use his devil fruits powers and keep him weak. He couldn’t help but laugh each time he thought about that but he wasn’t going to tell them that he didn’t have them anymore. That may put the returned Diana and the crew in danger. Imu might have understood that her mother was back among the living. So he kept his mouth shut. All day and all night. Despite the muscled interrogation he has been subjected too.

Today was different from the others. Today he had visitors. For once, he was very happy to see familiar faces.

“Big sis, Grandpa, Uncle. It’s good to see you, though I wonder what brings you here. Surely not visiting this lowly slave?”
“Cut the crap, Rick. We’re here to give you some news.” spoked Sengoku.
“You’re letting me out and walk away?” joked the prisoner.
“This is not a laughing matter! The date of your execution has been decided.”
“About time. I’ve been here for… How long have I been here?”
“Three months.” replied Tsuru.
“Huh, I thought less. Eh, it doesn't really matter. When?”
“Three weeks from now.” infomed Sengoku.
“Do I get a last meal and say some last words?”
“You do. Be warned though, try to say anything about the Void century and you will be killed on the spot.”
“Instead of a few moments later? Not such a bad deal. But alright, I won’t say anything about the missing history. Not like I have much to say about it anyway. Not to the public at least. No, I was thinking of a short poem to resume my life. Half a dozen verses perhaps.” he chuckled.
“How can you laugh?! You’re going to die! In front of the whole world! Like an animal being put down!” exclaimed Sengoku in anger.
“Sengoku!” Tsuru protested.
“I died once, remember? It wasn’t that terrible. And before you ask, no I don’t have a seed of myself stashed somewhere. This time it’s for good. Knowing that… What can I do but smile to Death? I saw the world, made friends, made a family. I had fun, I got angry, I got sad, I got hurt… You know, my life… It has been the best ever since I came back. I had lots of very low moments but even more high ones. I’m content with what I did with the three years I was given.”

Sengoku shook his head and left, while Tsuru looked at him sadly. Rick gave her a wink before she followed her friends out, leaving grandfather and grandson alone.

“I’m not mad, you know.”
“... You’re not?”
“No. Disappointed? Yes but that’s not what I’m feeling the most. I’m feeling sad mostly. For you.”
“Because I see your future and it’s a rather grim one. I see you alone, sometimes getting a visit from Big sis or Uncle Buddha, but alone. Not able to look at yourself. Miserable. I see you trying to protect Eri, Lynda and Cora from the World Government and the World Nobles without much success. Eri will never talk to you again and I totally see her roping her sisters in doing it too.”
“What’s even sadder is that… I still saw a better future. One where you opened a kind of flower shop, blooming flowers or trees to make people feel better. Big sis would work on the arrangement of bouquets because she’s the only one with taste about those things. Uncle Buddha would work on the side as a barman, providing drinks and snacks to the customer and Uncle Nice selling all kinds of flavored ice cream. All of you telling stories of your time in the marines to the children that would come in or the young rookies that entered your shop for a break or simply giving them life advice. I wasn’t sure if the shop was in a fixed place or able to set sail all over the world to touch everyone. I guess it doesn’t matter anymore if I don’t settle on one or the other.”
“Just in case you feel guilty about your choice, let me tell you a secret. I knew I would be captured. I didn’t know it would be by you though. No, I thought it would have been by the elder. Part of me… believes that you did it to try to save my life and that’s why all I have left to say to you is: Thank you.”

Garp didn’t say anything more and looked at Rick with a stone cold face. But the younger man wasn’t dupe, he saw the emotions conflicting in his grandfather’s eyes. Right until he left.

He kept being interrogated for most of the time he had left before his big day but still said nothing. Finally a scream or two there when one of the lashes had been particularly painful. He did get his last meal, his favorite.  Duck with potatoes and couldn’t do anything but admit that the chief that made that was really good. Not Sanji good and not close but better than most.
When it was time, they removed his straight jacket and put his hands in a simple wooden portative pillory. His seastones bracelets were left untouched, of course. Finally, after putting chains on his feet to make it impossible to run, they escorted him out of his cell. The walk was long and done in silence. He realized that he had been imprisoned deep somewhere underground. It was only when they reached what he believed to be the ground floor that he could see the architecture of the building he was in.

‘Marie Geoise, huh? Perfect.’

They passed huge doors that could fit easily the height of a giant riding on the shoulders of another. The first thing he felt was the warmth of the sun on his face. That felt good. After his captivity by Kaidou and now the World government, Rick had found a new liking of the star and how it felt on his skin. The air was pure too and he didn’t hesitate to take a good intake of it.
A few yards ahead and the group stopped at the top of the stairs.

‘Boy, am I popular.’ he thought as he got a good view of his surroundings.

The five elders were there in their impeccable attire. They were not the only ones. Down the stairs the first rows were filled with Celestial Dragons. They came to witness the hand of the man who had dared to raise his hands against the gods they were. They were guarded by their own soldiers and agents of CP-0 if he wasn’t recognizing their white uniform wrong. Further back were a whole lot of marines. For a moment, Rick wondered if half of the whole navy wasn’t gathered here.

“If being executed on Marie Geoise wasn’t enough, all those people for little old me? I’m flattered.” he said to no one in particular. “Not making the same mistake you guys did with Ace some years ago, eh?”

The only answer he got was a push forward to get him on his knees. To the side in front of him was a marine officer who began to read a very long list of crimes and sins he had committed. It didn’t matter to him, no, he was more interested in looking at the faces of the superior officer on each side of him. All had an unreadable one.

“... last words.”
“You have five minutes for your last words.” said the announcer who had come close to him and whispered something more.”Do not say anything unnecessary.”
“Don’t worry I won’t.” Rick reassured the man with a smile. Taking one last look at his audience. He spoke up. “I wonder… If this is how Roger felt when it was his turn. Nevermind.” he shook his head as if to chase the unneeded thoughts he had away. “I don’t have wealth, I don’t have power and while I do have fame, it’s not something that I can pass on. Sorry people, I won’t start a new pirate era. Not like I could, I’m not the Pirate King anyway. All I have to say is a short poem and here it is.”

Clearing his throat to make sure he wouldn’t stutter or make a mistake he took a booming voice so everyone could hear him clearly.

Not matter how strait the Gate,
How charged with crimes and sins the scroll,
I. Am the master of my fate,
I. Am the captain of my soul,
And in all the days and all the nights to come,
My heart will forever burn for justice and freedom!”

As if it had been rehearsed, the ground began to shake from the left side of the area, while the right side was engulfed in an inferno.  In the middle a ship came falling down and stopped a few feet above the ground before landing delicately. A unique ship with the head of a Lion for a figurehead. If anyone wasn’t already aware of who that ship belongs to, the Jolly Roger certainly did the Job. A stupidly grinning skull wearing a straw hat and with its captain standing on top of the figurehead.


Whatever he was going to say, nobody knew because he was sent flying right in the middle of a group of marines by a kick from behind. Courtesy of Boa Hancock. The Kuja empress got off the ship accompanied by four other women.

“You DARE try to put my husband to death?!” yelled the Amazon queen, charging forward.
“And you thought we would let you?” added a very calm faced but furious Robin, blooming hands and clones, clutching and wrestling the group of marines in front of her.

Nami used her weather abilities to deal with her own group. Kaza was hacking her way in. Reiju transformed into her full dragon form and began breathing poison. All of them were joined by the rest of the crew and a few additional members. Rick recognized Ivankov, Kuma, Aokiji and Dragon. The latter had definitively eaten the Kaze Kaze no Mi by the way the air moved around him.

“Insanity!” said one of the Elders, completely furious.
“They dare invade this sacred place?! The domain of the gods?!” exclaimed another.
“Soldiers, kill the prisoner.” a third ordered.

The two executioners obeyed on the spot and pierced Rick’s body. However to everyone’s shock the spears broke on contact, clearly having hit something way harder than the metal they were made of. Not missing the opportunity, Rick used his armament haki to break his cuff, chains and removed the explosive collar around his neck, throwing it up in the sky to detonate.

“IMPOSSIBLE!” exclaimed the youngest looking of the elders.
“The seastone should have weakened you too much to use haki!” said the kinda samurai looking one.
“I am the captain of my soul and no one else.” Rick smirked as he punched the executioners by his sides and took a fighting stance.

The true meaning of his words only now dawned on the elders. Every devil fruit user had a piece of the original goddess in them, tainting anyone’s soul. Yet, Rick claiming being free ment only one thing, the Goddess was back for only her had the ability to take back a devil fruit’s power. It was a part of her after all.

“That can’t be! She can’t be back! She’s dead!”

Not caring one bit about what was being talked about, Akainu moved in a flash in front of Rick and punched him with his one good arm made of lava and haki. Rick had barely got the time to make a crossguard but without good footing he was simply sent flying away high up in the sky.

Fortunately for him he was caught by a firm but warm embrace. He felt his head lodged against the valley of a bigger than average chest though nothing as big as Robin or Hancock. Looking up, his eyes met blood red ones.

“Miss me?” asked Diana in a teasing tone.
“Just a little bit.” Rick answered by downplaying the truth a lot.
“Sure. I’d say not as much as Robin but close. I’m your roomie after all.”
“Maybe. Thanks for catching me by the way.” he replied as he looked around. Diana was battling her wings up in the sky.
“Oh, don’t thank me yet. Not before you eat this.” she said as she pulled a fruit from a satchel tied to her waist.
“What does it do?”
“It gives you back your gravity among other things.”
“Other things?”
“Hiyori fed me as many fruits as we had and Robin used most of her points to buy cheap ones from the system. Despite all that, while I’m not at full strength, I could take everyone’s down but I won’t.”
“... Up to us to make our own future. We can’t always depend on you for everything?”
“Correct. Not directly anyway. By that I mean that instead of putting your Me Me no Mi ability in the fruit, I replaced it with another.”
“... Something to deal with those assholes’ immortality?”
“Right in one!” she admitted with a grin. “You’d have the power to steal or rather destroy a trait of a person or an object.”
“Like… Removing for good someone’s sense of humor? Something abstract but which exists?”
“Oooooh! They won’t understand what’s coming for them. Are you sure you’re a Goddess because that’s pretty evil.”
“I always thought I was both to be honest.”
“Say… Can I snatch away fruits’ abilities with it? Or souls?”
“Of course. I derived that power from the Yami Yami no Mi and the Soru Soru no Mi.”
“I quite like the power but I’d like my sprouting powers back afterward, please.”
“Deal, now eat it.”

And Rick did. The first bite surprised him. When he ate the Zushi Zushi, it tasted awful. It was even worse for the Me Me no Mi. This one however tasted like no other fruit did before. The best he ever had in fact.

‘So? How was it?’
‘Diana? Why did you… you wanted to continue reading my memories, didn’t you?’
‘Guilty as charged! When I left you, I was reading Berserk. The eclipse was about to begin!’
‘Damn, no wonder.’
‘That’s not the main reason though.’
‘No. With me connected to you again you can do one thing you can’t do without me.’
‘... I like the way you think. I guess it’s time to see if practice paid off.’

Rick made himself float, extracting himself from Diana’s embrace and took his hand instead.

“We don’t need to be in contact, you know.”
“I know but I feel it’s right to do it like that.”

In one smooth motion of his free hand, the entire area was covered by a purple dome of gravity to which Rick added the conqueror Haki; his link with Diana gave him access too. Every single person under the dome found themselves crushed. Both physically and mentally. The first ones to fall unconscious were of course the Celestial Dragons who had yet to evacuate the premises, believing that less than twenty people couldn’t best their might. Or rather the might of their servants and slaves. They had been wrong. Of the two hundred thousands of fighters that had been present to make sure his execution went without any problem only 0.1 percent resisted it.

“Holy crap!” exclaimed Usopp.
“Since when does he have conqueror haki?” inquired Sanji.
“More importantly, how is it so strong?” Sabo asked.
“While it’s strong it’s not that strong. My father's is stronger. No, it’s the combination with his gravity. It’s a two time attack. First the body is put under pressure by gravity and then the mind which is more susceptible to attack because of the focus put on resisting the gravity. Quite clever.” explained Dragon.

Rick let go of Diana’s hand and with a burst of speed, flew right onto Akainu. So fast that the Fleet admiral could do nothing when a blackholed hand pierced his chest where his heart was. Or rather used to be. With the new ability the moon goddess had given him he took away the logia ability of the surprised man. Rick didn’t even bother to pull his arm free and simply increase the gravity of the black hole, sucking it the whole body until nothing was left under everyone’s horror.

Everyone but two people. Sengoku immediately switched to his Budha form  to launch an attack. His arm was deviated by a haki imbued bullet shot by Tsuru and missed Rick.

“So you changed sides, Tsuru. After all this time?”
“I don’t want the world we have anymore Sengoku. Long ago I dreamed of a just world, a fair one. That’s why I enlisted and yet nothing came out of it. Tyrants ruling and passing themselves as gods when they’re the lowest of the low. I don’t want my family to live with them in charge, worrying, fearing every day that maybe it would be the day a Celestial dragon enslaves them for their own twisted pleasure.”

Rick made a move for the five elders, leaving the old friends dealing with each other. Sengoku tried to stop him with one arm while Kizaru attacked Tsuru but both attempts failed when they were stopped respectively by Garp and Fujitora.

“Garp?! Why now?!” asked the former Fleet Admiral, his head pushed against the ground.
“Because… I’m tired, Sengoku. Tired to serve a bunch of scum worse than pirates. Tired to see how they make the world uglier wherever their reach gets to. I don’t want to spend my remaining days regretting my actions. Telling myself that everything I did was for nothing. That I couldn’t help make a better life for a single person.”
“That’s the order…”
“Order can be changed! Look around you, Sengoku!” shouted Garp, pulling his best friend’s head up.

All the Budha could see was marines down everywhere. Gods down too.

“They’re not gods! They shouldn’t get to rule! Not when they’re destroying the world bit by bit for their own twisted greed and pleasure! Not when their rule is based on a lie! Build upon the millions of corpses of innocent people. O’hara! Lulusia Kingdom! The Lost Kingdom! The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Especially when the few are genocidal megalomaniacs!The world needs that change or it is doomed.  ”

Higher up Marie Geoise, Rick was facing the five elders that had transformed into gigantic beasts.

“Damn, you guys are ugly.”
“Your life and chaos stops here.”

The one that looked like a bird said and flew straight towards Rick who backhanded  and sent him toppling to the ground below. To all present’s shock but Rick, the man was back into his human form, bleeding from a wound on his head that didn’t heal.

“What… What did you do?”
“I took away your devil fruit ability and your immortality.” replied Rick simply.
“That’s… Only she can do that! She’s…”
“Alive and well.” came the voice of Diana flying stationarily to Rick’s side.

The white silver hair, the horns, the white angel wings and the blood red eyes. The elders recognized her on the spot.

“Unlike you, gods wannabe, she’s a true goddess.”
“Everything you have, everything you are, comes from me and you think yourself my better? You think my daughter my superior? How foolish. I’m a full goddess when she’s only half of one. And that’s stretching, she took after Joy Boy more than she did me.”
“Joy Boy?!” inquired in exclamation one of the elders.
“Her father, numbnuts. I bet she didn’t tell you that. Hm? Rick revealed.
“It’s a lie!”
“Whatever, doesn’t matter. You’re all going to go down and be judged.”

Using his many times proven tactic of attracting his enemies and pushing himself forwards, Rick quickly removed from the elders their immortality and powers. That didn’t mean they were defenseless. They were great haki practitioners but Rick was stronger and in no time they were all incapacitated.

“You ready?” he asked Diana.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

They landed on the ground and walked inside Pangea castle. There were no soldiers to stop them on their way. Soon enough they arrived at the foot of the empty throne.

“Imu.” called out Diana to the woman sitting on the throne of the world.

She was tall. Taller than Diana with black hair and silver locks. Her face looked nothing like his godly friend but the eyes… They were identical.

“Your childish temper tantrum stops now.”
“A temper tantrum? Is that..”

Rick didn’t care one bit what she had to say, Just life for the elders she rushed forwards to reach his target. Unperturbed, Imu raised her hand and sent a powerful stream of water to stop him. The water shaped around Rick and trapped him in a sphere.

“Your new toy leaves a lot to be desired, mother. He’s nothing like father.”
“Of course not. Your father was your father, Rick is Rick. It’s moronic to compare the two. I thought you smarter than that.”
“But I am. Didn’t I take your place? Didn’t I rule this world and shape it as I wished for the last 800 years? Only because of my superior intellect was it possible.”
“You’re smart, true. I always knew. I also always knew that your hubris made you delusional. You’re not half as smart as you think you are, dear daughter.”
“Oh, really, mother? Your champion is trapped, soon to die by drowning and you can’t harm me. You don’t have it in you. We wouldn’t be here today if you had.”
“You’re right. I foolishly thought that after 800 years, after all the wrongs and evil deeds you’ve done… I could. I even told him so. But now, seeing you… I realized that I was deluding myself.”
“Then surrender, mother and join me. I never wanted you gone, I just wanted your place. What happened back then was an accident, you were never meant to die.”
“I believe you but I can’t do what you ask of me. You see, Imu… I love you. Always have, and always will but I don’t like the person you turned out to be. You need to pay for your sins. Starting with your hubris. As I said you’re not as smart as you think you are otherwise you would have noticed that Rick is still wearing seastone bracelets.”

Imu’s eyes widened in shock and understanding at the same time as her body was attracted to Rick at neck breaking speed. Hand raised, the moon goddess’ roomie, who was holding his breath until now, caught the demi goddess by the throat and removed her immortality and all her mother’s power. The water sphere trapping him broke down, freeing him.

“I didn’t know if you had other abilities or not, so I baited you and waited for your guard to lower.” he said looking at the very soon to be former ruler of the world. “Any last words?”
“Mother! You can’t…”
“You’re right, I cannot. But he can. Goodbye, Imu. Send my love to your father would you?” a tearful Diana asked her daughter.

Rick didn’t wait any further and used a black hole in his hand to suck in his captive, killing her. Floating down to the ground he landed near his friend.

“I’m sorry, I suck at comforting people.”
“I know. I didn’t expect you to, but I’m touched that you would.”
“Of course I would. You know me more intimately than anyone. Even Robin. Don’t pretend otherwise.” he replied and she drew a very small smile. “What now? What happened after you fled Vegapunk’s island?”

Diana stayed quiet, then moved to sit on the last steps to the throne. As her ass touched the ground she stood back up and reached for it as if she had forgotten that another satchel was there. Pulling from it a small vial of green liquid she tossed it to Rick and then sat down for good.

“It’s an elixir. Robin bought it for you in the shop. Its cost was 800M. Considering it heals everything from mortal wounds, to diseases, to curses. It’s well worth it.” she explained and Rick drank it, his body quickly healing the four months of injuries it had sustained.

Afterward he sat down next to Diana.

“And she still had enough points to force feed you with fruits? Damn she must have earned a lot of points.”
“She did find the missing history. Something only she could do and that was tied to the very fabric of the current world. Plus, the fruits were really cheap. 5k, 10K then she went up.”
“That’s my wife. So smart.”
“That she is.”
“Alright, I’ll tell you. When we escaped the island Hiyori immediately exited the infirmary to reach for the crew and Vegapunk. She explained what you did and what you asked her and Vegapunk to do. That man… gosh he’s smart, such a shame he doesn’t see the big picture. Everything he creates is for the betterment of the world but he never thinks that it could also be used to destroy it.”
“Someone would need to keep an eye on him.”
“Oh, I will. In fact he asked himself to learn under me. I thought it was a good opportunity so I agreed. He’s… a good man in his own way. Anyway it took him a week to make me a new heart by cloning my original. By the time, on Luffy’s order, we went back to Wano, since it was the closest known and allied island. Then Hiyori undid her mother’s doing and I woke up. I felt so powerful at the time and yet I couldn’t help but feel like something was missing.”
“Me.” interjected a confident Rick.
“No, you dimwitt! I missed at least half of myself!”
“Hu-huh.” he replied, not believing her.
“I’m telling you!”
“Right, right. Go on.”
“A few days earlier the news of your arrest was printed. Your… entourage who were already very unhappy with the situation and with you became even more so. Robin contacted Koala to get more information. Lucky for her she had some. Tsuru had secretly and discreetly leaked your location and from there an operation to free you began to be planned among the crew.”
“I saw members of the revolutionary army outside.”
“That’s Koala’s doing. She contacted any sympathizers to the cause and made a better plan herself. The idea was to have the strawhat fleet attack Marie Geoise from the New World side while the R.A. would attack it from the paradise side. At least at first. Vivi answered Koala back and told her that she would bring her army with her for the occasion. What began as a simple rescue turned into the opportunity to strike the World Government at its heart and take it down. Dragon and Sabo gathered their troops from all over the world, while Vivi got in contact with King Neptune and King Riku. The latter got in touch with another king he was friends with and who did the same. On and on it went. While both sides of Red Port were being attacked, a small team would fight on Marie-Geoise to free you and take down the World Nobles and the top echelons of the navy. It was decided that the plan would be put into action today since the whole world would be watching.”
“... That’s crazy.”
“You and Luffy left a mark on people’s minds and hearts. The R.A. couldn’t let you be executed. Not when you’re the most prominent symbol of hope they ever had.”
“... What now?”
“Now we rebuild. Now we put in place a fair system where the world is ruled by every sovereign who will be accountable for their actions.”

Looking down, Diana and Rick saw Dragon and Fujitora at the foot of the stairs.

“Nice to finally meet you.” Rick said, walking down and extending his hand for a handshake that he got.
“Likewise. And thank you for taking care of my son and putting some sense in my father’s thick head.” the man replied with a smile.
“You’re lucky I don’t charge you for that.”
“Very! I’m pretty sure the price for one alone would bankrupt the world.”


Everyone present laughed at that.

“What’s the situation outside?”
“Former fleet admiral Sengoku ordered the marines still fighting down Red Line to surrender and acknowledged the loss of the World Government. Dr. Vegapunk is currently revealing the truth of the world.” answered Fujitora.
“Wait! He didn’t talk about me didn’t he?!”
“I’m afraid he did, my Lady.” the blind Admiral said with an amused smile and a small bow.”
“Noooooooo! That idiot! I don’t want to be worshiped anymore!” she shouted as she began to run outside to stop the man prompting Rick to laugh again.
“That’s… not how I imagined a goddess to be.” Dragon said to no one in particular.
“She’s technically not a Goddess. She’s… the only one from a different race even she doesn’t know anything about it. With her powers, people simply believed she was divine and while she played the game, she never truly considered herself as such. In fact you’re very lucky to have seen her like that. She’s all proper and regal in public. You should see how she acted on Wano where she’s revered by the people. She’s behaving like you’d expect of a God. Otherwise she’s like… a woman in her early twenties most of the time.”
“Any idea what she’s going to do? With the revelation of her existence to the world…” inquired Fujitora.
“She’s probably going to find a nice spot and spend her life immersing herself in her hobbies. She may provide advice but anything political would be off limits I suppose. She’s the type to let people figure things out by themselves. Like a mother who teaches children so one day they can stand on their own two feet by themselves.”
“I like the sound of that.” said Dragon and got a nod of understanding and agreement from the two others present.
“We should go. A party doesn’t happen by itself.”
““A party?”””
“Yeah. It’s tradition to celebrate a success or a victory, no?”


The party lasted well into the night. Pirates, Revolutionaries, soldiers, even marines celebrated the end of an age and the beginning of a new one. Humans, mere people, giants, minks and many other races mingled, laughed, drank, ate, danced, sang and so much more.

To Diana, it was a bit like her dreams had been realized. All kinds of people meeting each other and becoming friends even if just for one night. There was tension at first between some factions, but Luffy, his crew and the people used to their antics washed it away and roped others into having fun and putting their mistrust and grudges aside.

Rick had escaped his wives, fiancees and lover to have fun by himself. The truth was that he had been allowed but he would never admit that and forever deny it. He found himself at the table of the navy’s elite. Or former elite since Aokiji was there. Rick was surprised to see Kizaru among them.

“I didn’t think you’d stay around to celebrate.” he said to the yellow dressed man.
“A celebration is a celebration. One should not miss it.”
“He got ordered to be present for showing an image of a united navy.” revealed the iceman.
“It’s true.” Sengoku confirmed.
“Perhaps, but that doesn’t mean I lied. I’m very happy to be here.” Kizaru defended himself and took a mug of ale to his mouth.
“Sorry about the hand by the way.” apologized to the man who waved it away.
“Risk of the job, besides you did warn me.”
“Your ability to not hold a grudge is outstanding. Anyway, any news about what you’re going to say to the world tomorrow?”

Arresting the losers and tended to the wounded had been a priority higher than to talk about the New World Government. Dragon already had an idea of a system in place but he couldn’t enforce it without the men and the women. Getting the help from the navy was crucial even if some negotiation had to be made.


“You’ll see.” Sengoku replied cryptically while Tsuru had an amused smile and Garp was grinning from ear to ear.
“I don’t like the sound of that. Nor those two’s faces! It stinks of a prank.”
“Fine, what I can tell you is that as the face of this new age and because you took down the elders and the World Nobles, your presence will be required but nothing more.” leaked Sengoku.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”


“...vy will have in mind the safety of the people first and foremost as it should always have been and how the organization was presented to the world. It’s time to back up the words with actions. That is why, to make sure that it goes in the right direction, it has been unanimously decided by the top officers of the Navy and the rulers of the kingdom present during the battle, to name, as a the new Fleet Admiral, someone who had been framed for crimes he had never committed by the previous Fleet Admiral…”

Getting where Sengoku was going with his speech, Rick froze like a deer caught by headlights.

“Someone who always had the best interest of the people and their safety in mind even when the whole world was against him. I have the honor to introduce you to your New Fleet Admiral, Wal D Rick!”

Garp put a white overcoat over Rick’s shoulder and slapped his back to push him forward towards Sengoku who was waiting for him. All under the sounds of cheers, whistles and clapping hands from the people in the audience. When Rick reached his uncle he received a cap in his hands.

“Can’t be a Fleet Admiral without the proper hat.” smiled the man.
“But, that’s…”
“The one I gave you all those years ago, yes. Someone sent it this morning with a note saying what it was.”

Seeing that Rick wasn’t putting it on. Sengoku did it for him and pushed him forward, to the podium, to talk to the world. Everyone waited with bated breath for the words of the man who went from the most hated and wanted man in the world to leader of the police force.
Rick scanned the audience, wondering what he should do. And after a few seconds knew.

“When I enlisted in the navy in Loguetown… I was six years old. I was an amnesiac orphan with a big build for my age. I saw a recruitment poster for the marines promising adventures by traveling the world and protecting people. I… loved the idea of that. So with nothing to lose I went to the navy office and enlisted. I lied about my age of course and the officer in charge of admission back then refused me. He laughed of course, not to mock me I think but because the sight of a young child wanting to become a marine was perhaps adorable. Being a marine is a very fulfilling life but often dangerous. I believed he turned me down because he didn’t want a kid to know about how cruel the world could be. I protested and made a commotion that got the attention of the officer in charge of the place. He… told me to go home. I refused and started an eye contest. At the time I didn’t know what he saw in me but he changed his mind and agreed. Thus started my life and career in the marines. It stopped when I was eighteen.”

He made a pose at this moment, to let the audience digest what he told them until now. And to think further about how to say what he wanted to say. When he was ready he spoke again.

“I was visiting the Sabaody Archipelago and had my first encounter with a celestial Dragon. What that man did… Anyone else would have been thrown in prison for life. But he was a World Noble so laws didn’t apply to him. I knew then… At that very moment… That I couldn’t serve the World Government anymore. Things happened, I was framed and had to flee, losing everything I ever had in the process. All but one thing. The fire burning into my heart for justice, equality and freedom. Even in my darkest moments, when only embers were left, I still hoped for a better world for the people. Yesterday… A battle that had been coming for hundreds of years finally happened. Tyrants were cast down their lofty thrones and free people rose from the ground to stand on their feet. Today a new age begins. Hopefully a better one. A kinder and more just one. For that to happen, we all need to work together. It won’t be easy, it won’t be simple and we may stumble plenty of times along the way but I truly believe that we all have what it takes to make it come true!”

Once again the audience cheers, enthralled by his words and promises of a better future.

“As the first Fleet Admiral of this New Age that we fought for, it is my duty to make sure that the people in charge are exemplary and have what it takes to help the leaders of the world. That is why… Admiral Fujitora, please come forward.”

The blind man seemed surprised and confused about being called out but quickly did as ordered.

“My nomination as Fleet Admiral will not make everyone happy in the world, despite the unanimous vote of confidence that happened yesterday. I was a fugitive for a decade and became a pirate afterwards. You on the other hand saw the corruption of the World Government and chose to stay in the Navy to change it from the inside. That is why I’m choosing you to be the one to do it. My very first order as Fleet Admiral is only four words long. Tag, you’re it.”

Quickly, Rick put his overcoat and Fleet Admiral cap on Issho and began to run away into the audience to reach the Sunny where his family was waiting for him.
Everyone had their jaw hanging low at what Rick just did out of shock. Garp and Sengoku, who until now had a proud grin on their faces, shocked their stupor away and engaged Rick in pursuit in rage.

“Come back here, you little shit!” yelled Garp.
“You were chosen as the new Fleet Admiral, you're going to be the god damned new Fleet Admiral!”
“Don’t wanna!”

Garp began to grab pieces of boulders that were left from the destruction of the previous day’s battle and throw them at Rick. Once his grandfather's aim began to become better and better, he couldn’t help but comment on it.

“Holy shit, Grandpa! Are you wearing contact lenses that your aim is so good?!”
“Stop moving, damn it!”

After a boulder came way too close, Rick decided to fly and hasten his escape. When He grabbed the hand that Luffy had stretched, Franky used a coup de burst and the Sunny was propelled from Marie Geoise to the New World side of Grand Line.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRPPPPPPP!” yelled Sengoku that everyone heard.

Up the stairs of Pangea castle’s entrance. Tsuru laughed aloud at the antics of the closest men in her life.

“The world may change but some things never do.” she said, then noticing that Fujitora was lost at what to do, she smacked him on the head. “Go on, Fleet admiral, it’s time to work.”
“Yes, ma’am.” the man replied politely despite outranking her by two ranks.

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