Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 139: Epilogue

Chapter 139: Epilogue



After their spectacular departure from Marie Geoise, the crew kept sailing the New World for a year until it was time to return to Wano. As promised Momonosuke opened the borders of the country and unsealed Pluto. A huge automated Battleship half the size of Zunesha. Rick had warned Tsuru of what was about to happen and Fleet Admiral Fujitora, who had done an excellent job of reforming the navy had allowed it. He knew his permission meant nothing and that the crew would blow up Reverse Mountain regardless but for the public it mattered a lot. The blind man had readily agreed when he learned that, not only would it give access to the Lost Kingdom but also open the seas and provide a new home for the mere people and anyone else that wanted to live there. Vegapunk’s help had been a key point in creating an artificial island where the Mountain used to be. Franky was even the one to design the island itself to accommodate the people from all species.

Shirahoshi had used her powers to ask the Sea Kings to bring up Noah there while every single one of her people boarded the ark. For many, they fell in love with the sun at first sight, most notably the young children. To bring a bit of fishman island on their new home Garp had been dispatched to sprout and bloom Eve trees making him extremely popular with the mere people.

The turbulence created by such a huge morsel of land disappearing had as expected created chaos but Diana got everyone covered. She had led the crew on the moon, incidentally making Sunny the first ship to ever make the journey, and activated Uranus and brought it back on earth to do its purpose. In the meantime, Pluto was destroyed for everyone’s safety. Nothing good would ever come for such a weapon to keep existing.

Just as hoped, All Blue came to be, to Sanji’s, Zef and many other dreamers’ joy. The crew’s cook had decided to have himself built another boat restaurant and stationed it around the New Island that people started to call Elysium. Many times a day, Sanji’s ship toured around the island to provide a change of scenery for his clients. It became one of the most popular and well respected restaurants in the world. He wasn’t alone in his endeavor however. Charlotte Pudding had joined him and after working together for a few years, the two wed. To everyone’s shock, he never looked at another woman than his wife.

With Reverse Mountain gone, Twins Cap disappeared too unfortunately. At the charge of the World Government a new light house had been built for Crocus and Laboon. When Brook wasn’t touring the world for his music, he spent his days either there or on Elysium. Diana, with her powers, had taken his soul away from his skeletal body and restored the latter before putting his soul back. It was a form of apology as the Yomi Yomi no Mi should not have brought him back like that. A miscalculation on her part that she rectified and she never made the fruit ever again.

Franky had come back with his wife, Baby-5, to Water Seven to help Iceburg, after studying under Vegapunk for a few years. The two together succeeded in making the island float on the sea, just like the sea train’s rail. Afterwards, Franky took the whole Franky Family with him and opened a shipyard on Elysium.

Zoro went back to Wano and opened the most popular dojo there. He was put on a pedestal as the Swordsman of the caliber of Kozuki Oden and their national Hero Ryoma. The fact that he mastered Enma, Oden’s personal evil blade did nothing but boost up his reputation.


Chopper decided to keep traveling the world, to heal any disease and teach others medicine. He felt right at home with his crew composed mostly of minks.

Usopp, having adventured enough for a while, went back to Syrup village where he married Kaya. He dedicated his time in growing his green pops and writing a book about all the adventures he and the crew had. Of course Usopp being Usopp not all of it was true, but the stories were loved by the children and his books were sold all over the world. His most popular book was the story of the crew and how Luffy became the true Pirate King.

Jimbei had taken the job of head of the knights when King Neptune offered it to him. When he wasn’t by the king’s side he was by Shirahoshi’s. He was also tasked to supervise the training of the new recruits in the guard. The day a giant and a human woman enlisted to become guards and knights for the mere people’s royal family was a great day. Of course not everyone was happy about it. Prejudice didn’t go away but Jimbei welcomed and treated them like any other recruit. With time, many other recruits from other species became part of the knight order.

Luffy, not one to stay idle for long, set sail on his own. Or tried. When Nami heard what he intended to do, she smacked him down and said she was coming with him. He still needed to help her make a map of the whole world. They took many breaks during their journey to visit friends or go home. Both missing their nephew and nieces. It wasn’t the two of them only. Ace, who had disbanded the whitebeard pirates officially, had joined his little brother. Yamato joined too, saying that just like Oden he wanted to sail with the Pirate King. However, following Rick’s advice he stopped trying to be his idol and instead did things his way.
Officially, the strawhats crew never disbanded. Luffy argued that you couldn’t disband a family after all.

Diana had made two homes. One on Elysium, at the very center of the island where she made a huge garden of normal fruits. The other was on O’hara. She had liked Rick and Robin the most out of all the people she got to know since she awakened. From time to time she journeyed to other islands. The most visited one was Wano of course since Hiyori had officially become her priestess just like her mother before her. The princess loved her duty and loved even more that she didn’t need Yamato as a bodyguard anymore. When you have a goddess with you, there isn’t much you're scared about. Rumors were that she was enamored with a green haired swordsman but nothing was ever proven. She did have children with greenish hair though and everyone wondered who the father was. Diana had simply said it was a gift from her to her priestess for serving her faithfully.
The moon goddess wasn’t just accompanied by her priestess. Vegapunk traveled with her everywhere, to learn more from her. It was a constant exchange of knowledge and discovery. Diana quickly considered him a close friend.

Robin had begun living for good on O’hara. More importantly she did it with her husband and their children. She had three with Rick, two boys and a girl. The poor little one had to endure the over protectiveness of her elder brothers and father but most of the time secretly liked it and felt like a princess. Robin wasn’t the only wife around. Rick had finally married Kaza and Vivi. The latter in secret, though when the Alabastans learned their beloved queen had given birth to twins, a girl then a boy they didn’t even wonder who was the father. But like many things concerning Vivi, they kept quiet about it.

Hancok had given birth to not one, not two but four more daughters before calling it quits. Rick couldn’t ever resist her when she came onto him full of lust and demanding a baby. She had given up her crown to her sister, Sandersonia and lived full time on O’hara.

So did Reiju, who wasn’t interested in marriage. She and Rick had argued about it and it was Robin that put an end to the dispute. The both of them would be indefinitely engaged and that was it. Rick who didn’t want Reiju to be seen as a concubine or a mistress agreed and Reiju who just didn’t want to be a wife did too. The only times they ever fought was about their children’s education. The pink haired princess had proven that she just didn’t look like her mother by having a dirty blond boy first then quadruplets. All girls with their mother’s hair color.

Of the women that had made their list, Viola had accepted to be part of the family, just like Nami did, by marrying both Robin and Rick. When that posed a problem for the throne of Dressrosa with the people, Viola told them all to fuck off and that their archaïc mentality was the reason why her elder sister, beloved by everyone, had ran away with Kuros. What made things even more complicated was that Rick and all the strawhats were still wanted by the World Government. The kings and queens had admitted that they couldn’t brush away their crimes of piracy, just because of the good they did for the world. None of the crew members complained. Secretly, unless they were committing any new crime, the authorities were told to leave them alone. Not like anyone was mad enough to go after them as the saying went, you don’t tickle a sleeping dragon.

Shirahoshi was still undecided about joining the family. She wanted to but was still too shy to take the first step. Robin, Nami and Rick were planning on taking her anyway if she was taking too long.

Eight years after the beginning of a new Age. Rick and Robin were cuddling in their bed on a fine spring morning. It was Saturday and they didn’t have any work. Or so they thought. The door to their bedroom opened violently, not able to resist the flood of children pouring in.
From three to twelve years old, eighteen children got on the bed, fighting and wrestling each other to wake their father up. The chaos made Rick groan and amused Robin who was assaulted too. Raising his hands he sprouted fingers on each of his children and made them float up to the ceiling. Some protested, some giggled but they kept fighting and making noise.

“Really, dad?”

Opening his eyes he saw his oldest at the entrance door of the bedroom. Eri was not a teenage girl anymore. She was now a full fledged woman in all her beauty. Looking exactly how their mother did at her age, just taller. Another difference was the mischievous and amused grin she had on her lips.

“I should have known it was your doing. Only you can order them all around at the same time.” he grunted and sat up after giving Robin a good morning kiss. “Why me? Their mothers all have a clone with them! Why, your mom even…”
“I don’t want to know what mom and you get on to in your private time! Anyway, I wasn’t about to prank a poor clone.”
“Next time warn me in advance so I won’t be there,” Robin asked, getting up and waving amusedly at the children.
“Sorry about that, Robin but I’ll keep it in mind.”
“You could at least have done that on a weekday.” said Rick rising up too.
“Yes but today is important. Everyone is here after all.”
“Everyone?” her father replied and looked up to see Lili and Cobra, his and Vivi’s children but also Scarlett and Rose, his children with Viola.

They were supposed to be with their mothers in their respective kingdom. Them being here meant that their mothers were too. Why? He didn’t know, they were not supposed to visit for another month.

“They’re not the only ones. Grandpa, Uncle Sengoku, Kuzan, Luffy, Ace, Sab..”
“Yeah yeah, the whole family is here, then.”
“No one is missing.”
“Why?” asked Robin.
“They were invited by Dr. Vegapunk. He wanted everyone present for the surprise.”
“The… Holy… He finished it?” asked Rick in realization.
“Yes. O’hara is ready to fly. Oh, and just so you know, Fleet Admiral Fujitora was invited too both because he was curious and officially to offer an apology from the World Government’s act against O’hara, even though it was the previous one.”
“Alright, they’re waiting downstairs, I presume?”
“We’ll be there in ten minutes.” announced Robin.

Rick sprouted one clone for each of his children and made the later land on the shoulders of the former. In a flash, only he and Robin were left in the room. He took her in his arms and gave her a kiss full of love while fondling her ass.

“You’ll never get tired of my ass, won’t you?” she asked, amused. Every morning for the past eight years he had grabbed her posterior without exception.
“Never.” he replied seriously then changed the subject. “I was wondering… if I should not have a vasec…”
“I want a baby!” Nami shouted, kicking open the door to the bedroom. She was followed by Diana who said some outrageous words too.
“What she said!”

Rick and Robin looked at each other. Their faces couldn’t be more different. Rick looked like a kicked puppy while Robin was biting her lips to not laugh at his face and the situation.

Wal D Rick’s life would not be boring anytime soon.



[Author’s note: And this concludes his story in One Piece.]
This one at least.
[Author’s note: Yes, this one at least. Maybe I should have his mind wiped and send him back just before he left the Navy? Make him stay instead and be in opposition to the Strawhats.]
Or send him to another world.
[Author’s note: That too… What to do, what to do?] the god pondered.
May I choose? the narrator requested.
[Author’s note: You have something in mind?]
Yes, I intend to…
[Author’s note: Don’t tell me, I want it to be a surprise. I hope for your sake, it will be fun for me to write. Wipe his mind of any knowledge about us when you sent him away.]

The god left the space he and the narrator were in with nothing but a thought as a portal opened. The narrator changed their shape for the familiar golden cloud Rick knew them as.

You did very well this time.”
“I believe I did.” Rick replied with a smile.
“It seemed you had fun. Good, you won’t last long if you don’t enjoy each life.”
“I'll try to. Where’s next?” the unknowing puppet asked.
“That’s a surprise.”

A new portal opened and the gods’ plaything walked through it to an unknown new adventure.


The End

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