Overlord: The Origin

Chapter 41

Ever since Yuki started playing YGGDRASIL, he always played meticulously.

It may sound unbelievable to others, but Yuki has yet to put himself in a dangerous and dire situation throughout the time he plays YGGDRASIL.

That's because he doesn't go overboard with whatever he does, or at least not too much.

To others, he might seem reckless, but if they were to observe Yuki, every single day inside the game, if ever that's possible, they'll surely change their opinion.

Though no one can blame someone for thinking that Yuki is a very reckless person, cause in fact, sometimes, he really is wild to the point of recklessness.

But when it comes to Yuki, recklessness is not a good sign for anyone who has an Enemy sign above their head.

If anyone believes that having a reckless enemy is a good sign of victory, then that would not be the case if Yuki is that enemy.

Because if somebody sees Yuki in that state, going wild that is, then that only means, whoever that someone is, is so weak that Yuki doesn't even need to be wary of him.

He or She is not even on Yuki's radar.

Though normally, this isn't the case, since he only goes ultra wild with no care, whenever he's in front of the Players he hunts for obvious reasons. At least he was only seen in that kind of state whenever he does that.

Also, the probable reason why a lot thinks that Yuki is a reckless one in the first place is that it was the side of him that every other Player always sees whenever they meet or fight him.

Though that may be the case for others, the actual truth is that there are many more instances where Yuki is always serious and wary of his surroundings.

But surprisingly, these instances only happen whenever Yuki goes for a World Exploration, Mapping, Dungeon Raids, Quests, Campaigning, Etc. Basically, anything that has nothing to do with any Players.

Well, he's the strongest Player so this wouldn't be a weird fact really.

But. Even with all these amazing facts. The current Yuki can't help but still think to himself...

"... Where the f*ck did I go wrong."

While... dodging multiple fire beams heading into his way.


It's already been two hours since Yuki logged back in inside the game. It was after calling his friend Satoshi about the current problem he has.

But that also means that Yuki, has been simultaneously fighting and venturing this hell of a place for about two hours now.

"... Haa~ f*ck." Yuki cursed as he sits down and hide behind a massive boulder in an attempt to delay being found by his pursuers. Pursuers that he managed to lose just now.

Yuki is currently super stressed and a bit exhausted, mentally.

Everything that had happened so far in these past two hours is not according to his expectations at all.

"... What's taking him so long? Where the f*ck is he?" Yuki grumbled as he operates his console.

Before logging inside the game, Yuki talked with his friend Satoshi.

They formed up a Plan to take him out of the Hell hole he's currently in.

But even though Yuki's only part in the Plan is to just go inside the game and wait for Satoshi to do the thing, he didn't expect that everything is going to be easy.

... But he also didn't expect that it'll be this hard.

First of all, ever since Yuki logged back in, up until now, he has yet to hear or read a single word coming from Satoshi. Which is weird and extremely annoying for him.

He doesn't know if their plan is still ongoing, or if there's a problem that occurred. He's very clueless about the current situation while being forced to do a single thing he doesn't know if it's the right thing to do in the first place.

Actually, he want to log out so bad already and ask Satoshi what the hell is happening, but since he doesn't know sh*t, he thought that if he does that, he might disturb what Satoshi is doing and make everything worse, if it is not already.

So currently, he has no choice but to have faith in his friend. To believe that he's still in the middle of fixing him up and that he just needs some more time, and while he's doing that, he too needs to hold on and survive as much as he can.

But doing that thing is becoming more difficult as time goes by because there are so many factors that make Yuki's life in this place, so damn hard.

First, the whole stage itself.

The first time that Yuki got in this Stage, he didn't notice it, but as he stays here for a good amount of time, he realized that the name of this Stage, Hell's Paradise, is really good and fitting.

Since everything about this is literally Hell.

First of all, the Mobs. The Mobs here are hella strong for a Mob. It's so strong that if a Player who's not Yuki is here, then they'll surely think that this place is being swarmed with nothing but Bosses.

If that's not enough. There's also the fact that any Player in this Stage will continuously receive a certain amount of Damage just by existing in this Stage alone. The amount of damage that one will receive becomes great the deeper he gets on the Stage.

There's also a lot of fiery traps, scattered around the whole place. No one knows when will the spot they're standing on, becomes a fountain of oozing magma, or a mini erupting volcano. Everything about this Place is almost unpredictable.

Not to mention that here, Healing Potion, Healing Spells, and Healing Skills are also not as useful as they are usually, since the Burning effect of this Stage doesn't only give anyone continuous damage, but also an Anti-Healing debuff. As if everything that has been said so far wasn't enough.

Plus to all that was a problematic and a weird fact that Yuki can only stay in a certain area for a short amount of time.

After being in this place for some time now, Yuki started to notice that this place has some sort of feature that no matter where he is, Mobs will eventually find him. No matter what.

It's like a rule. No matter where he is, how carefully he hides, he will be found.

Speaking of Mobs, Yuki also noticed that the number of Mobs that are being spawned in this stage is at a crazy level of amount. Not to mention the places where he passes through.

Cause for some reason, whenever Yuki wants to go back to where he came from, seemingly to take a rest, the number of Mobs that he will encounter on his way is suddenly spiking up, ridiculously.

Spiking up to the point where he's starting to feel like his situation, at that time, is the same as the MCs of every horror film he had watched in the past. The same moment where the leading characters are being surrounded by a horde of zombies. Yes, Yuki's situation is like that.

Yuki's situation right now is so far from his original plan.

It's supposed to be, to stay still in the spot where he first landed when he got forcefully teleported in this Stage, and just slay all the Mobs that will come for him. Simple as that.

But due to the facts that made that plan almost impossible, he was forced to create a decision.

It's either he stays and lets himself be swarmed by a never-ending amount of Mobs, or he moves forward. Obviously, he chooses the latter. Which, coming from his friend Satoshi, is a thing he shouldn't do actually.

But what can he do? The only choices he got right now are both bad choices. It's just that the other one is a little worse than the other.

So overall, as obvious as it is, if any other Player is here, switched in Yuki's place, then they will surely die without even knowing what this place is about.

That statement wasn't even an exaggeration.

Yuki, being the one who's currently experiencing this very Stage, can already agree with Satoshi's opinion, about this place being too advanced for anyone, including him if some matters are taken out of the frame.

The current Level of Players, within the community of YGGDRASIL, is just too weak to be in this Place. It's too early for everyone. They still need to develop greatly first before even thinking of stepping here.

Though a void might ask out of curiosity. How did Yuki manage himself in this Stage?

Well, first of all, about the Mobs.

For Yuki's level, they all are somewhat manageable. If he handled them correctly that is.

Though Yuki himself can admit that he got a hard time at first, but it becomes more manageable as it goes by.


Well, because Yuki is very adaptable.

Strong they might be, but in the end, the Mobs here are still classified as "Monsters". Something he's very compatible with.

Yuki adapts better with their nature the more he kills. Making the fight with each and every one of them, easier for him.

Given enough time, they'll just turn into nothing but a walking foods for him to consume.

Next, about the Traps.

Those we're indeed dangerous, if it hit anyone that is. They might be a bit tricky to deal with due to their unpredictability, but Yuki, who has high agility, and a lot of defensive spells and skills, wouldn't be hit by these traps so easily.

Lastly, about the Continues Damage of the Stage and the Anti-healing debuff.

Well, these two are actually the most problematic factors for Yuki... but like the first one, it becomes more manageable in the mid-run.

The Burning effect wasn't that much of a Problem for Yuki's HP. Due to his Health Regeneration Spells, Skills, and Items, the Continues Damage he keeps receiving was put in a manageable state.

Sure, there's the Anti-Healing debuff, but it wasn't strong enough to debuff all the outrageous amount of Yuki's Healing Spells, Skills, and Items.

A single Ant might be weak and tiny, but a colony of it can be overwhelming, even for a Human.

Even if the Anti-Healing effect, debuffed the effectiveness of Yuki's Healing Spells, Skills, and Items to a whopping 1%, then he'll still have an overall total of 104% healing effectiveness from all of his Spells, Skills, and Items. And that's just the passive ones, active ones are excluded yet.

Though the Burning Effect might not affect Yuki that much, he can't say the same to his lovely Equipment. That's because not only him, but his equipment too are receiving continuous damage, causing each of its durability to drop.

And the most saddening part was that, Yuki has no counter for this one.

But he has a way to lessen the effect.

So, leave with no choice, Yuki was forced to bring out and equip an Armor from his Overpowered Series.

His most Heavy Duty Armor.

( I made a digital art of it, but it got deleted sadly. So just imagine it to look like this but less spiky and has no tail.)

It also has the same element that the Stage has so the Burning Effect was lessened. It might still be receiving damages, but this Armor won't go down even if Yuki stays here for a whole week.

That's just how durable this Armor is.

So overall, these are all the things that made Yuki's survival in this Stage, possible.



"... Hmm?"

Suddenly, while Yuki is in the middle of fidgeting his communication console, seemingly trying to contact his friend Satoshi, which looks to be impossible still, and constantly trying to Teleport out of the area too, which is also impossible, he heard a rustling followed by weird sizzling noises from a not so far area.

"... *sigh* These f*ckers."

Glancing towards the source of the noises, knowing what it is already, Yuki found his good ol buddies that likes to accompany him throughout his journey in this Hell of a place.

The never-ending Mobs.

After seeing the Mobs that are approaching him, doing what they had always done for this past two hours, Yuki didn't waste any more time as he close the opened consoles in front of him and bring out his Spear back.

"... Hup!"

After that, Yuki immediately bursted forward, rocketing himself towards the Mobs that appeared in his sight.

And with that, Yuki's struggles, continues.


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