Overlord: The Origin

Chapter 42

A door.

That's right. In front of Yuki, is a massive and grandiose-looking door.

Yuki has been fighting and exploring some new areas in the place he is in for some time now.

He was originally against in this idea but since he has no other choice, he decided to just go ahead and try to get out of this place all on his own.

Well, it's not like he can depend on his chances or ask anyone for help right now, given the fact that any type of communication is currently blocked by the system.

And not to mention that the only person that could help him, Satoshi, has yet to contact him even though a long time had passed already.

Oh well, back to the door.

He found the humongous door a couple of minutes ago.

The first time he saw it, he immediately knew what's behind it. Surely, a Boss room. That piece of information is practically a no-brainer. Any Player could have made that guess.

Though what kind of boss is it?

Is it an Area Boss?

Or a Final Boss?

He just doesn't know.

Either way, he's been in this place for a good amount of time, and he already fought some Area Bosses on his way here. So the chances that he might encounter a Final Boss this time is pretty big.

Actually, Yuki's been standing in front of the door for some time now. Thinking about all the choices he could make or paths he could probably take.

Even though he himself, knew pretty well, that there's just no such thing at the moment.

He's just making some self excuses in order to make himself feel productive while wasting his time, standing in front of the unusual-looking door.

What can he do? He just doesn't want to enter it. If it turns out that he'll really face a Final Boss inside, which he'll most likely do, then he's practically doomed.

Strong he might be, there's still a lot of things in this game that he can't do alone, and Yuki himself are pretty much aware of this fact.

Not to mention that his Equipments are already close to being tattered.

He also can't just turn back to where he came from. He'll just be welcomed by an infinite amount of Mobs.

The door in front of him is also the only path he could take. Other than the door, there's just no other way to move past his current location.

"... Sh*t! Life's an actual b*tch! Keeps f*cking me in my goddamn back for Every, F*cking, Time! ARGH!" Yuki cursed out loud as he move closer towards the door while venting his frustration on the poor innocent boulder near him.


Reaching the door, Yuki breathed a huge amount of virtual air, probably to relax his still frustrated mind, before finally pushing it open.


As the door opens completely, Yuki can now see the whole room behind it.

"Hmm... Wha— Wait what?" Yuki muttered with a confused tone as he scans the entirety of the Boss Room.

There's a huge amount of reasons why this stage is called, Hell's Paradise. Not only the difficulty is Hell, and the Mobs here are Hell~a annoying, for Yuki that is, the whole stage looks literally like Hell as well.

So expecting to see a Room that has a floor made out of Lava, a molten ceiling that drips magma every now and then, and probably a Boss that probably looks like Heatblast from Ben 10, should be the normal thought process.

So with these facts, anyone can probably understand why Yuki is surprised by the room that lays behind the door.

Everything about the room didn't even come close to his wildest expectation.

Dirt. The floor is made of dirt.

There are also some bodies of water in a certain corner. A thing that is impossible to see in a place like this.

The sky too is different. Although it looks dark, it's not burning like how it is outside.

The temperature inside looks pretty fine too, given the fact that there's some greenery in the vicinity.

So basically, the room behind the door is literally another place.

Like the door is probably connected to another realms such as Alfheim or Midgard cause it gives off that kind of vibes.

"... *sigh* Alright, whatever. Let's just get this over with."

After being mesmerized by this, Yuki finally started walking inside of what seemed to be, the Boss Room with a heavy sigh.


And like always, the door behind him closed itself as he walks deeper inside.

"... Come on, just show yourself." Yuki said as he looks around, waiting and searching for the supposed to be Final Boss of this stage.


And speak of the devil, just as Yuki looks for it, a roar suddenly rang from above, grabbing his full attention.


Though it seems that he doesn't need to actually look above just to see the owner of the roar, cause just after he heard it, the perpetrator landed in Yuki's far front.

All of this occurred too fast, one after another.

"... Crazy." Yuki said in a tone full of disbelief as he checks out the, what seems to be the Boss, that just appeared from above.

If someone we're to see the Boss, and has no knowledge or at least has little knowledge about the mythological creatures, then they'll surely describe it as, a weird and edgier version of a Japanese Dragon.

It's a giant snake with legs and wings. It's a Worm Dragon. Honestly, the Boss can be described in many ways.

Though its looks are undeniably intimidating, this isn't the reason for Yuki's disbelief.

"... A World Enemy? Are you f*cking kidding me?" Yuki expressed his inner thoughts as he slowly backs off.

That's right. The Boss in front of Yuki, and the only obstacle that prevents him from going outside, turns out to be a World Enemy. One of the hailed, strongest beings in YGGDRASIL.

Everything just became too problematic.

"... What should I do? Think... Think!" Yuki hurriedly said as he look around the vicinity, hoping that he could spot something that'll increase his odds.

He's undeniably panicking. Well, in his defense, who wouldn't? These are beings that were said to be almost unbeatable. Even a Legion of 100 level Players, teamed up together to fight it, the odds are still tilted.

Now he has to fight that kind of Being, in an isolated place with no means of escape, and all by himself.

Thinking about it is just frustrating from Yuki's perspective.


But just like rubbing salt in the wound, as much as Yuki wants more time to analyze his situation, the sound that indicates for the fight to start, rang.


"... Ah sh*t!" Yuki cursed as he narrowly dodge the attack of the Boss.

Unlike Yuki, the boss is like a hunter looking on its prey, ready to pounce at him at any given time.

So the moment that their fight started, it immediately rocketed itself towards Yuki, looking like a hungry predator wanting to bite the sh*t out of him.

Of course, Yuki, fortunately, dodged the attack and gain some distance again.

Though unlike how usually it is, he didn't even think of testing the waters. Well, it's not like he needs to know how strong the Boss's attacks are. It's a freaking World Enemy, surely it'll hurt like a b*tch.

"... Fine." Having fed up with his helplessness, and seeing that he's going nowhere with it, he decided to just go ahead and face the Boss head-on.

Yes. He knows that there's a big chance that he'll finally have his first death for doing that, but at least he won't die while continuously b*tching about his nonexistential luck.

Having made his decision, Yuki grips his weapon harder while watching the Boss recover from its previous attack.

With a hardened look, if someone were to see his real expression that is, Yuki jump back a couple of times to create more space between him and the Boss.

Yuki knows that right now, he can't take this fight light-heartedly.

So, how did he plan to approach this fight you ask? Well, it's pretty simple actually...

Attack less, Observe more, and most importantly, No holding back.

"... Use Item [ Full Status Release ]."

Right now, Yuki just released his overall sealed stats. This is the first time he ever did this throughout the time that he played YGGDRASIL.


Finally recovered, the Boss once again, suddenly launched an attack towards Yuki with the same type of attack.

But unlike earlier, Yuki didn't prepare himself to dodge right away. Just as he planned, he needs to observe more. If he just gets out of the way without observing his overall situation, then he'll just achieve nothing.

"... First, I need to gauge how effective my attack is first. [ Teleportation ]." Yuki thought to himself while looking at the incoming worm before vanishing from his spot and reappearing at the top of it.

"... HAAAH!!!"


With all his might, Yuki swung his Empowered Blade at the back of the Boss, just below where he stands.

Given that all of this happened in almost an instant, the Boss didn't manage to react and Yuki's attack landed cleanly.


After making the attack, Yuki immediately jumps off the boss and distances himself. Probably to avoid it just in case it lashed out.

"... Alright. How much did that do?" Yuki muttered as he look at the Boss's HP bar on his console, probably to check how much damage he made.

He did this so he'll know what he has in hand and know how to work in this fight.

Even though he's not expecting that much, since the subject is a World Enemy, he's hoping that he managed to do something noticeable at least.

Well. At that, he did something very noticeable...

"... What?" Yuki muttered with a dumbfounded tone while looking at the Boss's HP bar.

Actually, there's nothing to look at anymore because right now, it's already clean empty for some reason.

Greatly confused, Yuki glanced in the Boss's direction just to see it slowly disintegrating into light particles, together with what seems to be, the Victory music.

He didn't know what just happened. This is too bizarre. Too unrealistic. Something that only exists in his wildest dream.

One shoting a World Enemy.

" ... "


Suddenly, while Yuki is in the middle of staring in an open space, processing all the sudden happenings, multiple windows appeared in front of him, showing all the rewards, achievements, and stuffs he got for not only defeating the final Boss, but for officially clearing the whole stage called Hell's Paradise.

At this moment, all Yuki's suspicions are gone. The system said it already, so it can't be a bug or a fake Boss.

He finally did it. He finally cleared the stage. He can finally go outside and leave this hell hole.

But, although extremely happy and proud of his achievements, Yuki is just staring still at the windows of notification in front of him.

Again. He just can't believe it. Right now, he keeps asking himself, "... What even happened?"

While all of this are occurring, another window popped up in front of him. Right after that, Yuki heard someone speak from that same window.

[ Speaker: Aah. Hello dear Player. Just to make sure, can you hear me? Surely you can right? ]

Yuki knows what is this very well, this isn't the first time he see this window.

A GM call. A feature that can allow any Players to communicate the Admins of YGGDRASIL. Of course, it can also be the other way around, just like what's happening.

"... This bastard." Yuki muttered to himself as, even though the window doesn't tell him the identity of the speaker, he can already tell who it is just from the voice.

It's his friend Satoshi.

"... Oi Bastard. Did I misunderstand something? I thought that after I log in, you'll immediately get me—" Yuki, who's understandably frustrated with his friend for a bunch of reasons, was about lash out at him, but before he could continue his words, a series of coughing can be heard from the other line, clearly, the purpose is to interrupt him.

[ GM: It seems that you can hear me clearly. Don't worry, this won't be long. Now, first things first. I would like to apologize for this happening and all the troubles you had gone through. Please do understand that what happened to you is also unexpected even on our part. ]

'... Did something happen?' Yuki thought to himself because, for some reason, he can feel that there's something going on. Just from the Boss alone, and as to why Satoshi called him through the [ GM call ] function even though they have a private channel, and why he only contacted him now.

Either way, he decided to just get along for now with this facade. He's not that stupid to not notice the weird nature within his friend's tone.

[ GM: But worry not as we will investigate this thoroughly to know what's the cause of it and avoid it from happening ever again to other Players. ]

[ GM: Anyways, our team will still look into this matter first before we could make some clear decisions. We will contact you again after we finalized our talk so before that, please don't play this account in the meantime until we give you further notice. ]

[ GM: That's all, I hope you understand. Have a nice day. ]

And with that, the Call ended. Yuki didn't even get a say about it.

"... What the— Aren't they supposed to ask my permission for this? AISSHH~!" Yuki said in a frustrated tone as he ruffle his imaginary hair.

"... *sigh* You better explain this to me once I go outside." Yuki said with an exhausted voice before he closes all the windows of achievements in front of him.

He didn't even read the contents of all those Windows as he just closed them down.

Sure, he seemed to get a lot of things from this adventure of his, but right now, he's just so mentally drained already. He's been playing YGGDRASIL for a total of 13 hours today.

Besides, he can just check them out once he logged back in again.

So with that thought, he opened up his console, navigate the log-out button, and with a last heavy sigh, he disappeared within the vicinity.

With that, Yuki is finally done for today.


IGN: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel

Gender: Male

Race: Undead / Heteromorphic

Alignment: ( Neutral Evil -350 )

Level: 100


Hp: 569


Mp: 346870 +


Phy Atk: 452


Phy Def: 459


Agility: 415


Mag Atk: 430


Mag Def: 477


Resist: 400


Special: 600


Total Stats: 350677


Origin (5)


Weapon Saint (5)

Blood Drinker (10)

World Terror (5)

World Disaster (5)

Progenitor (5)

Eternity (5)

Silencer (5)

Monarch (5)

Prince of Darkness (10)

Armored Mage (10)

Elementalist (10)

King of Niflheim (5)

Striker (5)

High Cleric (10)




Did you know that among the worker group, Foresight, the only one who died among them is just Arche?

Yes, you read that right. After losing the fight against Ainz, her comrades were then turned into a rag doll-like state by the spell [ Paralysis ], therefore making them incapable of doing anything.

With a hope that she could escape from Ainz through the use of [ Fly ], she later found herself in despair as Shalltear tells her that they're still Underground and that she will die there. Of course, she was killed painlessly as Ainz ordered.

Her arms are used by something called "Deadman Struggle". A part of her skin was requested by Demiurge. Her head was given to a Silk hat demon. Her vocal cords were eaten by a Lip bug for Entoma's use. And the rest, was used as a fodder for Grant's children.

While she's now dead, her comrades are still alive, but of course, they're in an invulnerable state, with Hekkeran and Imina turned into Gashokukochouu's "nest" and with Roberdyck being mentally corrupted as several experiments were done into him.


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