Overlord: The Origin

Chapter 43

— Start of the Call —


[ Yuki: Yo, Bastard. What's up? ]

[ Satoshi: *sigh* Okay, let me explain first. ]

[ Yuki: Oh, so you know what you've done huh? Good, good. ]

[ Satoshi: Hey! In my defense, it's not like I meant to do all of this intentionally out of nowhere. In fact, I woul— ]

[ Yuki: Alright, Alright. You can stop now. I just wanna hear your pathetic excuse. Go ahead, enlighten me. ]

[ Satoshi: *sigh* Alright. You see, there will be a huge problem. ]

[ Yuki: ... ]

[ Satoshi: ... ]

[ Yuki: And? Why are you silent? ]

[ Satoshi: Huh? ]

[ Yuki: Did you expect me to understand what's going on with just that? What do you think I am? A f*cking prophet? Go, continue! Elaborate! ]

[ Satoshi: Y— yeah, I just thought that you'll react heavily to what I just said... Geez, calm down. ]

[ Yuki: Eat sh*t. ]

[ Satoshi: Anyway, as I said, we have a problem... and by that I mean, if we do what we originally planned to do that is. ]

[ Yuki: Well, first things first. How big of a problem is this? ]

[ Satoshi: Uuh. A massive one. ]

[ Yuki: Like, a mountain massive? Or just a building massive? ]

[ Satoshi: This problem could potentially end my— no, OUR whole career, regarding about YGGDRASIL. Me losing my job and you, getting your account deleted. That level of massiveness. ]

[ Yuki: Oh... I see. ]

[ Satoshi: Yeah. It's a f*cking ginormous of a problem. ]

[ Yuki: Hmm... ]

[ Satoshi: Anyway, as I said earlier, this all starts within our original Plan. You know, me getting you out of that stage forcibly by manipulating the system itself. ]

[ Yuki: ... ]

[ Satoshi: Ah, well, you see... Remember when I said to you that you won't be able to clear the stage? That it is still too much for you? ]

[ Yuki: Ah, that BS? Yeah, I do remember it. ]

[ Satoshi: Well, turns out that, you'll be able to actually do it. Yeah, I just realized that while I was doing my thing at that stage. ]

[ Yuki: Hmm? Thinking about it now, I actually thought that you were just trolling at that time, since it's not like you didn't know about my kits and status. So it's weird for you to misjudge my capabilities. ]

[ Satoshi: Don't get me wrong. I didn't misjudge you. Don't tell me that you didn't sweat while fighting all those MOBS you encountered. ]

[ Yuki: Well. I admit. I did sweat... for a little bit. ]

[ Satoshi: Man, those are just MOBS we're talking about. This wasn't a normal case for you, to be sweating with this level of enemies! These are your lowly MOBS for f*ck sake. Normally, you'd just run around while slapping these things out of their existence. ]

[ Yuki: ... ]

[ Satoshi: *sigh* What I just want to say, if this is a normal scenario, this would be an impossible run. But thankfully for you, it wasn't. ]

[ Yuki: I'm listening. ]

[ Satoshi: You see, at first, I really am trying to get you out of that stage. But as I'm doing my thing, I accidentally found out what kind of Final boss this stage has. Yup, and that's where my gears shifted. I immediately surmised that you would be able to clear this stage actually. ]

[ Yuki: Huh? You're an Admin but you didn't know what's the Final Boss for that stage? ]

[ Satoshi: Yeah, I would know every Boss of every dungeon and stage within the Game. I'm being sarcastic if you can't tell. ]

[ Yuki: The final boss is a, quote on quote, World Enemy. A Major existence within the game? Didn't you put some effort and love while you guys are creating those things? You should be able to remember where you put those things in-game at least. Like when you first heard this stage, you should be going "Oh right, this is where we put one of the big boys in.". ]

[ Satoshi: First of all, years had passed already, it's not like we're constantly checking those things in the first place. Second... I'm a very busy man. ]

[ Yuki: *sigh* Excuses, but whatever. Anyways, I actually planned to ask you about that Final Boss when I made this call, but now that you mentioned it, is it really that weak? ]

[ Satoshi: Well, it's not weak actually. Like what you said, we give those guys some love while we were creating them back then, so there's no way we made any of them that weak. In fact, that World Enemy you faced, is one of the strongest ones. But like I said, this whole run of yours is abnormal so... ]

[ Yuki: That World Enemy is one of the strongest? Well I'll be damn. ]

[ Satoshi: Well, raw status is not its strongest point, but its extreme flexibility and adaptability. But honestly, in your situation, that guy's strongest points, became its ultimate weakness. ]

[ Yuki: Hmm... ]

[ Satoshi: You see, that guy is supposed to be classified as one of the Lords of the Seven deadly sins. Are you familiar with that phrase? ]

[ Yuki: Yeah. The cliche trope of Pride, Greed, Lust, etc. ]

[ Satoshi: Exactly. And within all of that, that guy has the role of Envy. So, to make matters short, we give that guy the ability to copy its opponents' overall stats. You know, to give off the vibes of enviousness. ]

[ Yuki: So you're saying that, it has my Stats when I fought it earlier? ]

[ Satoshi: Well. Yes, and no. You see, there are three things I had in mind when I surmised that you can probably clear Hell's Paradise. First is that, you can surely reach the Boss room. Second, is the fact that the Final Boss has this weird trait. And lastly, and probably the most important part, is that you're an overly cautious person. ]

[ Yuki: Huh? How did my cautiousness get in there? ]

[ Satoshi: Well, it's 50/50 actually. You see, back then, when you arrived at the Boss room, I was actually hoping that you'll stay cautious and go in as you are at that moment. And that you did, fortunately. ]

[ Yuki: Huh? ]

[ Satoshi: Well, the Final Boss can copy its opponents' overall status right? That's why the moment you get in on the Boss Room, it immediately did its thing and copied your stats. But since your stats are sealed, it only managed to copy the status you had at that time. ]

[ Yuki: Hmm... But since I unsealed my status mid-fight, I managed to overpower it through raw stats? ]

[ Satoshi: Exactly. That's why you managed to one-shot it cause it has your old stats. Your status that will only pale in comparison if it was compared to the overall status you have right now. ]

[ Yuki: Wait, so its ability to copy my stats is only applicable once? ]

[ Satoshi: Uuh, no. Not really. ]

[ Yuki: So why it didn't just copy my stats when I did the unsealing then? ]

[ Satoshi: Well, it's not like it can copy its opponents' status instantly. It will still need a couple of seconds to do that you know. And since everything happened, from you unsealing your stats, to you striking that guy, almost instantly, then there's no way that could even happen. ]

[ Yuki: Then that ability sucks. ]

[ Satoshi: Sucks? Bruh, that only sucks because the odds are on your side. Imagine if you became impatient from the very beginning and release your overall stats all the way. Then that would have been a different story no? ]

[ Yuki: Well, the odds are on my side like you said so I couldn't care less. ]

[ Satoshi: Tch! ]

[ Yuki: Anyways, I could see why that World Enemy could be one of the strongest. I mean, I kinda get that the stage I've been in is not meant to be challenged by one Player. Like I could imagine a Legion going in there, just to meet a World Enemy that has a status, equal to their whole overall status. That would have been a mess. ]

[ Satoshi: Yeah, that's why you are so lucky with your situation back then. ]

[ Yuki: Right right. So, what's the humongous problem you're talking about then? ]

[ Satoshi: Right. So, with all those reasons, and given the fact that I am such a good friend, and know that this is a very beneficial thing for you, I just let you do the whole run, knowing that you have a high chance of success for it. But if you were to do this, I immediately realized that a huge problem will occur. ]

[ Yuki: And that is? ]

[ Satoshi: The others will notice it. ]

[ Yuki: Huh? ]

[ Satoshi: You know that any form of contact or a connection between a Player and an official of the game, inside the game, is forbidden right? ]

[ Yuki: Yeah. ]

[ Satoshi: So if the others find out that I have been in contact with you, let alone doing some "favors" for you inside the game, we're both finished, no matter what since that's in the terms and conditions. ]

[ Yuki: But, did they? ]

[ Satoshi: Fortunately, up until now, no. But if I contacted you during your trip on that stage, then I'll surely be questioned about it. All the "Favors" I did for you are hidden, the others won't be able to see it in plain sight. But if they were to commit themselves, they'll surely find all the things I did for you, and I don't need to tell you that it'll all be traced back to me. ]

[ Yuki: Right. So how is it connected to me, clearing the stage? ]

[ Satoshi: Well, cause the stage you're in is supposed to be an advanced stage. A stage that belongs to the later development of the campaign quests. Something that can't be reached by any Player at the current stage of the game, no matter what. So just imagine the heads it'll raise if we found out that the 90th quest has already been cleared when the 10th has yet to even be found. Surely you know already what we're going to do about it right? ]

[ Yuki: You guys will investigate how it happened. ]

[ Satoshi: Right. So how would I explain myself if they saw me contacting you throughout your run? I won't be able to. That's why I held myself back from making any contact since it'll be problematic. There's also the fact that throughout this way, we'll surely know who's behind all of this. Earlier, when I said to you that we'll investigate this thoroughly, I meant it. ]

[ Yuki: I see. Now it all makes sense. ]

[ Satoshi: Right? Everything is basically, killing two birds with one stone. You get to clear the stage, and know who's behind all of this mess. I'm such a genius, right? ]

[ Yuki: Yeah, though greatly annoying from my perspective, that's indeed a smart move. I give you that. ]

[ Satoshi: Now you finally realize haha. Anyways, there's another tiny problem too. Though it's not exactly a problem, just a thing that even I am not sure of. ]

[ Yuki: What is it? ]

[ Satoshi: Uuh, it's about the rewards you got for clearing the stage. I'm not sure if you'll be able to keep all of it once we sort all of this. ]


[ Satoshi: I get it. Trust me I do. But place yourself in our shoes. The rewards for that stage, are far too advance, given the fact that it is an advance and hidden stage. There are some items that are included in the rewards that are yet to be seen in-game, or at least, supposed to not appear yet. Would we really let a certain Player have that kind of privilege? Unlikely. That would be unfair for the other Players you know? ]

[ Yuki: Man~ I do understand but... That's so f*cking annoying. I also sacrificed some important things just to clear that damn stage and I'm not getting anything from it? ]

[ Satoshi: Well, you'll still get something. Surely you'll be compensated since technically, this is our mess, and you just got dragged in. ]

[ Yuki: Aah~ alright whatever. But that "Compensation" must be something, you hear me? That's gotta be f*cking something. ]

[ Satoshi: Haha~ I'll see what I can do. But for now, just relax while we do our thing in this matter. We actually have an upcoming meeting regarding about this. The others really took this thing seriously when they find out about this happening. ]

[ Yuki: Yeah sure. I need some short break from the game anyway. ]

[ Satoshi: Yeah, you definitely need that. Anyways, that's probably all I can say for now. Cause currently, there's no definite answer to some of your possible questions yet, since even I was not sure of anything until we finally discuss about it and be on the same page. ]

[ Yuki: Oh that's fine. Just fill me up later on when you guys finally decide on what to do. ]

[ Satoshi: Yeah. Oh, wait a second—  *Background Noises* Hmm, they're calling for me already. Man, they sure are eager for this meeting huh? Anyways, I gotta go now. ]

[ Yuki: Alright. Catch you later. ]

[ Satoshi: Yeah. Bye ]


— End of the Call —

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