Overlord: The Origin

Chapter 44

Its been a month already since the past conflict within Yuki's life happened.

Though if someone were to ask Yuki, that said "conflict", the moment when he got trapped in that particular stage, is more of a blessing rather than a problem.

Well at first, he also has the same opinion about it, but during the aftermaths of it, he immediately changed his mind.

Actually, it's the compensation that made him switch sides really.

The Admins of the game, treated Yuki's situation so seriously, just like how Satoshi said they would do.

Ever since the game launched, up until the current day, no bugs or glitches had occurred or been reported yet. That's how careful the Admins are when it comes to this topic.

So the moment they knew about Yuki's situation, they went sicko mode.

A certain Player was suddenly teleported to another place while doing something completely unrelated to that.

This is what the reports are like. So when the Admins first heard of it, they immediately thought that, it was probably a Bug or a Glitch.

Of course, as they investigate what happened, they found out that neither of that was at play, and it's just a snitch all along.

So, fixing the situation is so easy for them since there's almost nothing to fix in the first place.

They just need to teleport the said Player out of the stage and reset the Stage itself to its untouched form.

Well, they felt the need to reset the stage since Yuki managed to complete it. Given the fact that it is an important stage for the later part of the game, they can't just leave it as it is cause eventually, Players will surely find it.

And a stage/quest that has been completed already when the stage/quest before it has yet to be even touched, is pretty odd to hear. Not to mention that one has to go through the stages in order, so this kind of thing shouldn't happen in the first place.

But, with all of these happenings, of course, no one did forget about the main subject of this event.

Yuki himself.

Of course, even though they're resetting the stage, they can't just forget Yuki's achievements through it, given the fact that he managed to Clear it. Which is very impressive from the Admins' point of view.

So, to sort it all out, they gave Yuki, some "Compensations" right after they fixed everything.

This said Compensation includes...

A huge amount of Gold. Some unique items that Yuki has yet to own. A New unique Job Classes. A bunch of High-quality Data Crystals. The return of every item that Yuki lost while on the stage.

And probably the most eye-catching part, A single wish.

They offered Yuki a privilege to ask them a certain, already existing item, he would want and they'll simply give it to him.

Though there's a catch. He needs to be very specific about it, like, he should know exactly what that particular item is, or they won't give it to him. And also, a World-Class Item is out of the question. And it has to be on the spot. He can't reserve the wish.

Yup, That's all of it...

Normally, if another Player is in Yuki's position, they would be jumping in joy and won't hesitate to receive this stuff.

But Yuki is not your everyday Player.

Gold? Gold is the last thing he would want in YGGDRASIL, he has tons of these. He can literally drown a city with the amount of Gold he has currently.

Unique items? That could be a good thing... If they're not offering the items that he'll suppose to get when he beats the whole stage that is. He would have gotten those in the first place anyway, if they didn't get in his way.

Let's not even talk about the Data crystals. This has the same scenario on Yuki's Gold.

Though the Unique Job Classes are good, it is not good enough to be included in this category as a major point. Besides, with Yuki's current status regarding about Job Classes, he couldn't see where he'll put these things in anymore.

Next, about the Wish... The Wish sucks. Other than the World Class Items, is there any other item that Yuki would want? He's literally buying every new item that would pop up in-store, ever since DAY 1. So meaning, the Admins can't offer him anything other than the New stuff they would release in the future, which he would just buy anyway.

So to make everything short, the "Compensation" is very sh*tty from Yuki's point of view.

All of the stuff he was offered is generally good, but he will not benefit from it.

He wants something else. He wants more.

And Yuki knows that they can give more, it's just that, they're treating him cheap. They want to give him stuff, but they're also making sure that he will benefit from it, as little as possible.

Which in a normal scenario, would be fine, but Yuki made some extreme effort along the way, so for him, all this sh*t sucks and is very unfair.

At first, Yuki planned to go on with their standard Compensation.

He want to milk this situation so bad, but he kinda felt bad for the Admins too, since they did nothing wrong anyway and just like him, they just got dragged into this. And also the fact that they will thoroughly investigate and find the culprit for all of this is already considered to be a reward for Yuki.

But knowing that they're thinking of him to be this cheap, that these things are already enough to make Yuki's tails wag.

Well, the tables are flipped.

YGGDRASIL is known throughout the public as the "Perfect Game", so if somehow, the information about Yuki's situation got leaked, everyone will surely make a big deal out of it. That'll make YGGDRASIL'S reputation, shattered.

And the Admins don't want that.

And of course... Yuki knows this very well.

So, holding with that kind of fact, Yuki threat—

I mean, calmly ask the Admins for more compensation.

And surprisingly, after some careful thinking, the Admins agreed and add more.

Add everything that Yuki asked that is.

Though Yuki didn't go overboard and only asked for two things.

These are...

A complete detailed Map that can be used for the whole Nine Worlds, and his Original rewards for clearing the Hell's Paradise.

He also added the phrase... "This is enough to shut me up and make me erase the records of my gameplay." Just to solidify his intent with this matter.

Of course, Yuki knows that the stuff he asked for, is a bit hard to achieve completely.

Especially for Yuki's first demand. That's just, ridiculous. Even Yuki himself can agree that there's no way they'll agree to this.

But for Yuki, it's all mind games. Because him, demanding this kind of stuff, is him, setting up his standards to them.

It's like selling an item that is worth 500 yen as a 1000 yen, then suddenly lowering it to 500 yen to make it look like a steal for the buyer.

So, just like dancing on Yuki's palm, the Admins said that a Map for the whole Nine Worlds is too much... BUT if it's just for a single world, then that's doable.

Which Yuki immediately accepts. Since that's pretty much what he wanted in the first place.

Though, unfortunately, the Admins said that they will choose the World themselves... And he has no say for this matter, and again, since this is already an extreme privilege. And that this kind of item is already comparable to some Low tier World-Class Items. Well, Salty Admins will still be a Salty Admins till the very end, just like what Yuki said.

So until Yuki got his hands on the said Map, he won't know what kind of Map it is, or what World is it for.

Yuki knows when to step back so he just accepted that without saying anything. Generally, that's practically better than getting nothing at all.

Now for Yuki's second demand, well, fortunately, the Admin didn't contemplate too much about it.

They agreed on it, but they told Yuki that they can't give him anything that can be used as proof that he actually managed to beat the said stage (Hell's Paradise).

Though other than that, Yuki can have everything.

And of course, Yuki accepted that too.

He couldn't care less about the titles regarding about the completion of the stage anyway.

Though about his second demand, when Yuki asked for this, he didn't know what he got in those said rewards since he didn't even look at it in the first place.

When he got those rewards, he just close everything and immediately logged out.

So the only reason why he included this in his demands is because of his friend Satoshi, he's the one that told Yuki to demand this. Saying that he'll surely like what he'll get from it.

And... He wasn't wrong. Yuki did like what he got— actually no, more like, he freaking Loved it.


Well, Yuki did get a lot of things from the rewards, even though the Admins removed some of the things that are originally there.

To sum it all up, it will be a total of 56 rewards. Varying from Currency Rewards, Item Rewards, Quest completion rewards, Stage Completions Rewards, Personal Achievement Rewards, Racial Achievement Rewards, and Job Achievement Rewards.

There are a lot of true eye-catching things on Yuki's list of rewards, though if someone were to look at the List, anyone can see that one of those things, greatly outshines the others.

It's like a shining diamond in the middle of a desert. It's really hard to not notice it.

What is it?

Well, a particular class of item.

A World-Class Item.

That's right. The World Enemy that Yuki killed, dropped a World-Class Item right after the fight ended, and got included as one of the Rewards after the Stage Completion.

The World-Class Item is called, The Eyes of Thought and Wisdom.

It's a consumable type of World Item. A parasitic one. An item that once consumes, it's almost impossible to remove.

Well, it's not like Yuki will have a problem with that since after reading the capabilities of the said World-Class Item, he immediately consumes it on the spot.

An indication that, he liked what the World-Class Item can do.

Some might say that Yuki is pretty hasty with this action of his and it might come back to bite his own ass in the future.

And... He can agree. He knows that he's a bit hasty with his decisions.

But did he regret doing it?

In this question, Yuki can only say one thing.

Of course not.


Simply because, he doesn't give a f*ck. It's a World Item.

Beggars can't be choosers.



[ Eyes of Thought and Wisdom ]

— The 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗿 can use the Skill [ All Seeing Eyes ]

— The 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗿 can use the Skill [ Encapsulated Vision ]

— The 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗿 is immune to any kind of Abnormal Status that hinders the sight, such as Blindness, Paranoia, etc.

— The 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗿 can use the Skill [ True sight ]

— Everytime the 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗿 uses the Eyes' abilities, the 𝗟𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁 meter will rise up. The 𝗟𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁 meter rises up, depending on the amount of the Eye's usage.

Once the 𝗟𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁 meter reaches the 100%, the 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗿 will lose the ability to use the Eyes and will be 𝗕𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗱 throughout the given duration.

𝗟𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁: 0%

𝗗𝘂𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: 288 Hours

— ( Removed )

Class: World Item

Type: Parasitic/Consumable

Condition: C̶u̶r̶s̶e̶d̶ (Removed)


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