Overlord: The Origin

Chapter 45

AN: Yo, Just wanna say that the level of description that I'll make here is just a surface level.

I'll just explain what they can do in the most simple way, period. I will not go in-depth on what their nature and effects are, so no... "Whenever the thing goes activated, a whole a*s black hole with some swirling fire together with a loud screeching noise will appear and sucks everyone dry." when generally, all it says is, "It sucks everyone dry."

So to make things short, what I'll say here is just not what these items can do, there's much more to it but I just can't be bothered to explain more.

That's all, have a nice day.


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[ Book of Thoth ]

Description: A massive tome, as large as an ordinary man's torso, and in its cover, are a bunch of indescribable rune-like writings.

— This book is a collation of knowledge, and its pages are filled with dense writing. Contained within this book lies the knowledge to cast each and every spell that exists, ignoring the limitation of the class requirements. In-game terms, studying the book will let you learn one spell.

The exact duration of time that one needs to study, varies from each spell they're trying to learn. Each spell has a unique set of Learning Duration.

However, only one spell can be learned per day, and the Spell that the User will learn are completely randomized. You wouldn't be able to know what you're learning until you finished studying that specific Spell.

While "Studying", the user will be put in an Invulnerable state too throughout the whole Studying Duration. So, whoever wants to Study, needs to be in a safe and secure area first before doing the deed.


[ Symbol of Order and Tyranny ]

Description: A black stone Obelisk, has four faces on which the user can write in a "law". In addition to the Obelisk, is a crimson orb, which serves as a remote-terminal that lets the user modify the laws without being next to the item.

— The Obelisk is a prize WCI given by the developers similar to the "Throne of Kings", likewise the Obelisk can only be placed in a certain place. The Obelisk has two main functions. First is the law-making function, there is no true limit to the contents of the law, there is however a range limit. It cannot affect anything outside a 10 km radius centered around it.

For "Law" Reference: Don't use Recovery Items/Spells above tier 7, Lance-type weapons are automatically unequipped, Don't go down the ladder to your right, etc...

Though this item doesn't modify the game world, instead places limitations so no... "[GarrytheKiller098] must spontaneously explode." unless he actually does have a suicide skill.

HOWEVER the law is impartial, because even you and your allies will be subject to the power of the Obelisk.

The Second function the Obelisk has is establishing a "Kingdom" within the same 10 km radius. Within the "Kingdom" all naturally spawning monsters will be treated as POP monsters for your base, in addition, you and your allies will not receive terrain damage while in the "Kingdom".


[ Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth ]

Description: A tower with a ritual altar at the very top.

— When activated, it doubles the stats/abilities of the one using it, allowing him/her to potentially have multiple limit-breaking stats. Unlike other World Items, this one must be "built" by collecting 132 large (puzzle) blocks scattered around the 9 Worlds. Luckily they are not difficult to obtain, just hard to distinguish from ordinary rocks.

When all the pieces are brought together, the blocks will assemble themselves into a tower. It can ONLY be built in an outdoor location.

Although the tower is structurally sound, it can easily be destroyed by a few weak attacks. If destroyed, the User of the altar is reduced to Lv.1, loses all the gained stats, and is banished from whichever World the tower was built on for a certain amount of time.

Once destroyed, the Tower will also return to its original Puzzle pieces form, and be scattered throughout the nine Worlds again.

Note that the usage of this WCI is available for multiple Users.


[ Bringer of Dreams ]

Description: A simple-looking Pouch.

— The pouch contains golden dust, that when thrown, forcefully logs a Player out of YGGDRASIL and they wouldn't be able to log back in after 24 hours.


[ Eyes of Thought and Wisdom ]

Description: A pair of Eyes in a bottle.

— The Eyes of Thought and Wisdom have 3 main functions.

First, True Sight. This ability can allow the User to see anything within his/her vision. Be it a camouflaged or an invisible target, someone who's hiding, someone's who's in something, etc... As long as it enters the User's line of sight, it will be seen.

How this works is literally like having a Wallhack.

Second, Encapsulated Vision. This Ability can allow the User to see the surroundings by revealing anything in a single pulse of a wave. This ability works similarly to a modern radar.

However, this ability can only reveal anything that is within the 100-meter radius centered around the User. And this can only reveal anything that is only visible in plain sight.

But, if the User wills it, the Encapsulated Vision can be cast simultaneously to True Sight so anything, literally anything within the 100-meter radius, will be revealed. None will be spared.

Third, All-Seeing Eyes. An ability that allows the user to see everything happening inside the game/across the whole world. The effect is similar to the [ Mirror of Remote Viewing ], except there is no penalty or limitation to where the user can see.

All Seeing Eyes can also be synergized with the True Sight and Encapsulated Vision for a much better result.


[ World Egg ]

Description: An Ostrich sized Egg, with a crystalline features, and also glows with a corresponding pair of colors.

— A mystery item that has no exact explanation for what it is.


[ Soul Devourer ]

Description: A unique golden weapon that can change from a staff to a sword.

— The Sword form deals Physical Damage whilst the Staff form deals Magic Damage.

The Main Function of the Soul Devourer is that, it takes a portion of the User's exp in exchange for greater damage.

The damage that the Soul Devourer makes can be amplified based on how much exp it takes.


[ Halla's Dark Tribute ]

Description: A staff ( Image )

— The staff itself is usable for combat, but it won't do any better than a regular normal staff. But If the User stabs the Staff on the ground, it will trigger its unique effect.

Once the effect is triggered, any Player within the radius of 1km around the place where the staff got stabbed on, will be dragged into a different dimension, the User included.

The only way to escape that said dimension safely is for you to be the only remaining Player in that place.

In short, it basically makes anyone trapped into a battle-royale situation.


[ Longinus ]

Description: A fancy-looking spear.

— The User gets to select a Target within his given AOE.

Once the Target is selected, the effect of the Longinus will activate and proceeds to Delete that Target from the whole YGGDRASIL itself.

However, once the deed is done, the User will also suffer the same treatment of getting erased from the Game.

The Banishment is on the Account Data level, so a recovery from this is almost impossible.

The only way to get back in YGGDRASIL after this is to create a new account and start over again.


[ Caloric Stone ]

Description: A glowing type of stone

— An item that's classified as a Material.

The stone itself isn't much. To bring out its full potential, one needs to craft it into something else first.

Actually, most of Yuki's OP items are in fact, made from this very item.


[ Seeds of the World Tree ]

Description: A small bean-looking seed.

— A racial change item that is used to transform into a different race.


[ Gungnir ]

Description: Another Fancy Looking spear.

— The spear itself has many functions. But throughout those functions, only two are considered the "main" ones.

The first one is the [ Graze of Omnipotence ], which is the Spear's main core and what makes Gungnir, Gungnir.

[ Graze of Omnipotence ] Is a type of glowing energy inside the Spear and can be utilized in many ways while wielding it. It's basically a unique type of Mana.

Even just by holding the Spear, the Energy within it is already being utilized as it automatically covers the whole spear, giving it multiple buffs such as Holy and Light tributes in every attack.

The Second one of the two Main Function is, [ Absolution ].

To make it simple...

While wielding Gungnir, the User won't miss.


[ Avarice and Generosity ]

Description: A pair of gauntlets, which looks like a devil's hand, while the other looks like an angel's.

— Has the ability to absorb experience points. In that regard, it is capable of storing them for later use whenever the wielder is ready to consume the experience points.


[ Crius Glyph ]

Description: A Black Orb that has a swirling dark smoke inside it.

— Allows the User to select a Target within the given AOE upon activation. Once the Target is selected, the effect of the Item will then activate and Trap the Target in a different dimension.

Once completely trapped, the Target will not be able to escape that said Dimension unless the User wills it.


[ Mirror of the Sun ]

— A shield that can defend and reflect any kind of attack, Magical or Physical. As long as it is a Projectile that is.

However, it can only reflect an attack coming from one direction. A large scale of attack is not possible. Well, it is still reflectable, just not all of it.


[ Hex of the slighted Goddess ]

— An idol of an undead goddess that endlessly emits a miasma of Negative energy until it spreads and covers an entire world. This effectively becomes a plague that continuously weakens all Players who has a Positive affinity while simultaneously strengthening the ones that has a Negative.


[ Billion Blades ]

Description: A wooden training sword.

— To describe it more simply, Billion Blades is a free customization sword.

The Base form of the Billion Blades is a Wooden Sword, but once you get a hold of it, you will be given the privilege to change it the way you want it to be without any restrictions.

You want it to have an Ice Element? Go for it.

You want it so every time you damage an enemy they'll burn to death? It can be done.

Or maybe, you want a sword that can pull an enemy towards you like a vacuum. That's also possible.

The sky is literally the limit.

You can customize the Sword wherever and whenever you are, infinitely.

Though, there's only one catch. You, the user, will have to pay Gold for each time you customize the sword.

And the sum of Gold that you have to pay, depends on the Sword you made.

Basically, the crazy your sword is, the crazy your bill gets too.


( The end, that's all for now. )


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