Overpowered Idiots

Chapter Fifteen: Ocean

[Sorry this is a bit late, I've been sick.]



Star and her companions entered the coastal town with a pep in their step. The streets were dim with it being rather late into the night. The majority of the buildings around them had there lights turned out. The streets void of life. The only sounds were that of chirping crickets and the light footfalls of the group. Together they walked the streets, simply wondering around.

Star began to hum as she walked, lightly swigging her arms. The group meandered closer to the beach taking in the various sights. Finally, Star felt hard stone give way to soft sand as she stepped out onto the beach. Curiosity filled her as she looked down at the sand. In one swift movement she removed her socks and shoes, choosing to go barefoot. The sand felt cool under her feet.

Star giggled as she wiggled her toes, feeling the sand move all around them. Opal was having a similar experience in her own little way. When Star looked over to her she couldn’t help but burst out laughing as she watched Opal jump around in the sand, sending it flying into the air. In one smooth motion she jumped, sending the sand flying into the air as she flopped onto her side. Opal then began rolling around in it.

“Opal no- stop- your going to get sand everywhere in your fur!” Salem protested rushing over to the naughty wyvern. “This is never coming out...”

Star decided to not pay her any mind. Choosing instead to run across the sand just to see how it would feel. She sprinted down the beach, quickly reaching the lighthouse. She tapped the outside of the wall lightly with on hand before going back. With each step she sent plums of sand into the air with the force of her running. Once more she was back to Salem and Opal, Opal still on her back looking up at a disappointed Salem.

“Salem! You gotta take your shoes off, the sand feels great.”

Salem didn’t even look at her, only breathing a heavy sigh before reaching down, “Alright,” She took off her socks and shoes. She looked a little miffed as she stepped onto the sand. “… weird.”

Star vibrated.

“Are you going to go into the ocean?” Salem asked, hands on hips as she addressed Star.

“Oh yeah!” Star turned looking out into the sea. “Water!” She took off, running and jumping into the water. All around her water splashed, spraying high into the air. Star sank into the water opening her eyes to see what lay below. She saw nothing because it was night and the salt water stung her eyes.

Star yelp, pushing off from the sea floor, sending herself shooting up out of the water. Due to her enhanced physic she ended up looking down at the ocean five feet above it. Shrieking she plunged back into the freezing water, this time keeping her eyes closed. As soon as she felt herself settle within the water she began swimming up, popping her head above water.

“The water hurts!” She exclaimed, whipping her eyes before she opened them.

“No shit Sherlock, its salt water.”

“Fuck you Watson, I forgot salt water hurt!” Star began swimming leisurely towards the shore, paddling with the waves. She got her feet under her not long after standing up in knee high water. She padded out dripping wet and shivering.

Salem looked to be restraining laughter. Star scolded, pulling a small glowing berry from her bag. She gave it once over before popping it in her mouth. Instantly she began warming up, her shivering stopping.

“Having fun?”

“Fuck you.”

Salem cackled.

“Ugh, that hurt. I’m going to try it again tomorrow when I can see everything.”

“How are you planning to solve the salt water problem.”

“I’m going to create an ocean affinity potion. Something that will let me hold my breathe for a long time, see underwater without dying, and keep me from freezing as well.”

“Oh? Make two then, I’ll try one.”

Star blew a raspberry, “No you were mean to me.” She huffed, crossing her arms and turning away.

“Aw, I’m sorry.” Salem cooed before letting out a heavy, dramatic sigh, “I guess I won’t be able to explore the ocean with you then.”

Star’s eyes widened, “I take it back.”

Salem laughed.

Star attention had already drifted, looking behind Salem’s shoulders. “Hey what’s that?” She asked, spotting a few lights coming towards them from the town. She squinted trying to make out what they were.

Salem turned to look, “I think its people.” She suggested.

Star caught the outline of the people as they drew closer, “A whole group of them it looks like. Do you think it was all the sand I shot into the air.”

“Mostly likely, come on, lets get out of sight.” Salem grabbed Star’s arm dragging her away. They jogged a little farther off, watching the group come closer. As they ducked behind a small dune the group paused at the area they once stood at.

Distance murmurers where all they could make out.

“What are they saying?”

“I don’t know. Lets get closer.”

The duo began moving out form the behind the dune only to pause looking back to the wvyren rolling around in the sand. Opal paused, looking up and giving a goofy grin.


“You stay here, ok Opal?”

Opal blinked, chirped and continued rolling.

“I think she’ll be alright.”

Star and Salem stalked closer to the group of new comers.

“-- I’m not asking you what your opinions on the empire are Daryl I’m asking what could have cause those plums of sand we saw.” One voice braked.

“Well-- right sir-- so-- what I’m saying is--” A second slightly shaker voice stuttered.

“Out with it!”

“Well the only things around here that could have cause this would be either a massive sand crab or a particularly large sand iguana.”

“So a person couldn’t have caused this.”

“Well… technically yes. It would take an especially high level tank or perhaps a magic wielder specializing in, well, sand.”

“So your saying a capital dog could have done this?”

“Well, I mean maybe, but why would someone from the capital bother coming here?”

The first man growled, “That. Is none of your concern.” He muttered something else under his breath.

“Oh that sketchy.” Star muttered.

“If I may captain.” A new voice, perfectly even and calm, spoke, “In what situation would a capital dog come here, in general that is.”

The first voice, now identified as the captain seemed to be shaking in rage. His fist clinched tightly as he spun towards the third voice. “What did you just ask me?” Furry dripped from his tone.

“I’m just wondering.” The voice’s tone was light, amused even, “Why are you so worked up? You should have nothing to worry about. Right?” The voice mocked.

“Who are you?” The captain demeaned, “You are not one of my soldiers.” he hissed, hand on his sword.

“Perspective~” the voice sang. A small flash of light appeared from the circle of soldiers. The people surrounding it gasped, stepping back to reveal a petite boy decked out in silks. “I am a high mage from the capital. My name is Zane Wintour, heir to the Wintour family.” The wind seemed to swirl around the boy giving him a dramatic aura.

“Oh shit, politics.” Star commented, highly intrigued new situation.

The captain froze, before regaining his composure, he took a deep breathe before speaking again, “Soldiers, return to your homes, forget this night ever happened.” His voice held strong even as he trembled.

“But captain…” A few voice echoed.

“That's an order!” He barked. The group scattered, returning to town.

“Holy shit he’s not a total scumbag.” Salem muttered, “I thought this was going to go down way differently.”

After a few moments the soldier left the beach leaving just the captain and mage. Plus the prying eyes of a duo watching not ten feet away.

The captain spoke first, “Leave my men out of this, I acted alone. They had nothing to do with any of this.”

“Now, now captain, I can’t just take your word for that can I?” The boys voice drifted on the wind, as light and airy as ever.

“The drama…” Star muttered, “What did he do? What will he do?”

“Please, just, leave them out of this. I’ll-- I’ll do what you want, ok?” The captain begged through clenched teeth

“Oh now I just feel bad…” Salem muttered.

The boy hummed, “Well I suppose I could order my people off.” This tone implied a but. The captain stayed silent, “but, you will be required to sign this.” Zane the mage held up a paper.

The captain took it with shaking hands, holding it tightly as he read it over.

“Star, scan it, I wanna know what it says.” Salem ordered the anticipation killing her.

Apprenticeship contract

A contract require the signer to complete a five year apprenticeship under officer Bella of the capital guard (south east business district). Upon completion the signer will be initiated as a fully fledged soldier of the capital guard. If however the signer violates any on the 59 rules listed under the guards order act, or any of the 50 rules under the rehabilitation act the signer will be immediately kicked from the guard and punishment as usual will follow.

Penalties of a failed contract: reduction of up to five [5] levels of the signer, up to two [2] years of training in a boot camp of the masters choice

Penalties of a violation of the rules listed above: reduction of all skill to level 5, up to seventeen [17] years jail time, and the a ban from ever holding a position of authority for life.

“What?” The captain, Star, and Salem spoke at once looking at the contract.

“But- I thought-- why?” The captain stuttered.

“Well, quite a few people in the capital we’re quite impressed with your, well, escapades, they’ve decided some rehabilitation rather then punishment is due.” The boy’s voice lost its sinister undertone. “Surprise! I really got you didn’t I?” He giggled.

The captain took a few moments to say anything. “I- This is amazing, but what about this place? This city won’t have a captain anymore. Is this it? Shouldn’t I be facing a punishment of sorts? I mean I falsified several official reports to the capital and I resorted to placing myself under the control of the cult.”

“We have a replacement for your position already here, along with a few guards to help quell the rising monster population. As for your contract… well luckily for you we’ve have a method of breaking the cults contracts. Will you show me yours? It is the main reason I’m here.”

“I feel like I’m getting whiplash over here.” Star whispered.

“Of course.” The captain's voice turned steely as he pulled out the contract, displayed on his skill screen.

Current Skills:

  • Tactics [73]

  • Sword mastery [61]

  • Recovery [58]

  • Battle call [36]

Current Contracts:

  • Contract of captain's duty

  • Contract of binding

“Whats that?” Salem and Star muttered as they took notice of the strange addition the man had to his screen.

“We’ve never encountered those.”

“I see, stay still, this will only take a moment.” Zane the mage said, holding his palm out towards the captain. A bright white steam of magic emitted form his palm flowing smoothly around the captain, encasing him in light.

From the shield of light Star could hear a gasp followed by heavy breathing. The light surrounding the man began to disappear, dimming as it got absorbed. As the light dimmed Star was finally able to see the man as he collapsed to his knees covered in what looked to be some sort of gross goo.

“What the…” Salem muttered, staring.

The light completely went out leaving the group in the darkness once more.

“Well, that should have done it~” The young mage said snapping his fingers, “So me your stats again would you?”

The captain continued breathing heavily as he raised his hand. His stats screen appeared once more.

Current Skills:

  • Tactics [73]

  • Sword mastery [61]

  • Recovery [58] – Recovery [59]

  • Battle call [36]

Current Contracts:

  • Contract of Captain's duty

“Well lookie at that! It worked. Now sign this contract.”

The captain took a deep breath, staggering to his feet. He grabbed the contract out of the mage’s hand with one hand. “Thank you…”


“Oh no--” Star managed to get out just as Opal come bounding towards the group.

“Opal no--” Salem called just as she slammed into her sending her tumbling back, falling over directly between the mage and captain.

Star watched on in stunned silence.

“What the fuck?” The captain blurted.

“That is a massive dog…” Zane the mage observed.

“Star I’m going to kill you!” Salem barked, pushing Opal off of her.

“Wait a minute, how is this my fault!” Star questioned.

The captain and mage whipped there head towards Star finally noticing her presence.

“Who are you two? How long have you been here?” The captain demanded.

“Yes, please enlighten us.” The mage added, glaring at the two.

“Uh, fuck, uh,” Star ducked her head hiding her face.

“I thought you said--” Salem hissed.

“I know what I said! I just… forgot the last thing.”

“You forgot--”

“Hey… Hey!” The mage shouts to get their attention, “Who are you people, and how didn’t we notice you before.

“Shut up magic boy.” Star and Salem spoke in unison.

The mage chocked.

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