Overpowered Idiots

Chapter Fourteen: Feast

Chapter Fourteen: Feast

A few hours passed in the garden. Star observed each and every plant available to her comparing them to their counterparts recorded in her book, which remained floating it the air the majority of the time. Salem relaxed against Opal during this time, meditating quietly. Before they knew it the time of the feast had arrived. The elderly mayor came bustling into the little garden to fetch them.

They walked together to the feast in the center of the town. The first thing Star and Salem noticed was the change the town center went through. Instead of a plain square there now stood dozens of benches filled with foods and people. The main bench, sitting above all the rest, seemed to be the one the trio was approaching.

The people parted for them, staring in awe, fear, and reverence that their forms. The trio walked up the stairs leading to the benches. The mayor directed Star and Salem to the twin seats made of pine wood and cushioned with red pillows. When Star sat down the pillow puffed slightly, becoming more relaxing. How nice.

“Please relax and enjoy the feast!” the mayor said to them before turning to the crowd, “We are here today to honor these great…”

Star began tuning him out staring down at the food displayed across the a table below. The majority of the foods she was familiar with, but a few were foreign. She wondered what kind of flavors they would hold. She nearly began tapping her foot before she restrained herself, it wouldn’t do her any good making the people more nervious then they already were.

“Let the feast begin!” The mayor called out, snapping Star from her thoughts, just as she was about to bounce up from her chair to get food the mayor turned back to her and Salem, “We have prepared a myriad of dishes prepared specially for your graces,” He said just as a few waiters came into view holding a few platters of food. “I hope they are to your liking.” He bowed low.

Star nodded, “Good.” She only realized how callous she sounded after the words left her mouth, curse here lack of social skills!

The mayor bowed one more time before moving aside for the head chief.

“Your grace, for you we have prepared a mature rainbow trout, fished just this afternoon it…”

Star once more tuned the man out as the dish was place before her. She raised her hand holding a fork, ready to tear into the fish when Salem slapped her hand away. Star looked up at her aghast. Salem glared down at her, silently reprimanding her. Star gave up on her endever, sulking in silence.

Once the man had stopped speaking Salem took a bit, signaling to Star it was now ok to eat. She immediately dug it, only to be repremanded once more.

“Manners, Star.” Salem scolded in their native tongue.

“But its good.” Star grumbled back, taking a smaller bite.

The dish was finished in what felt like a heart beat, and new food was place before them. Once more the head chief droned on and on about the dish. A vegetable based dish this time. Again Star forced herself to wait until Salem gave her the signal to eat, she really didn’t want to make a fool of herself in front of all the nice people.

Star and Salem relaxed during the duration the feast, munching on the foods offered to them. At some point Star began giving ratings and suggestions to the chiefs. Salem looked ready to scold her once more, but the chief seemed delighted with her advice, unknowingly saving her from a scolding. Lucky her.

The feast drew to an end once the sun began to fall behind the hills, lighting the sky in vibrant oranges and pinks. Star couldn’t help but felt a deep since of melancholy mixed with wonder at the scene. It’d been a long time since she’d seen a sunset so beautiful.

Sighing to herself she turned and addressed Salem, “We should skedaddle soon.” She dropped a small token to the floor, pressing it into the ground with her foot. Once she felt the token disappear from the ground she moved.

The token had two functions. The first as an alarm of sorts if something were to go wrong in this little village she’d be notified. The second function of the token would be to transport both Salem and Star to its location if they desired.

Salem nodded, “Agreed.”

They stood from their chairs ready to head out. However before they could take so much as take a step the mayor, who's name they still did not know, intercepted them.

“Great emperor spirits, do you need a place to spend the night tonight? We have prepared our finest room--”

“No thank you mayor, we’ll be heading out now. Thank you for your hospitality, we will not forget you kindness.” Salem cut in, speaking in a calm tone.

“Of course your graces, please have a wonderful night.” The mayor bowed as low as his body would allow him.

“And may you experience excellent health.” Salem responded before turning away without another glance.

Star gave a small smile and wave before hopping after Salem, “So what did you do?” She asked, a small snicker in her tone as she spoke in their shared mother tongue.

“Oh you know, he’ll just find himself a decade younger when he wakes in the morning.” She snickered.

“Nice,” Star bobbed her head as the duo reached the outer gates of the village. “Well one last thing then.” She pulled two items from the bag, the first was a small paper airplane. The second was a small golden potion in a cylinder bottle, across the front were the words fontune potion. Popping the cap she laced the paper airplane in the potion and sent it on its way.

The paper air plane had two abilities. The first would allow the paper airplane to transfer the effects of a single potion it was soaked with to any individual hit by the plane. The second effect would allow Star to direct the air plane, making it hit whoever she desired. Combined the two abilities would allowed Star to hit Ben with the paper airplane and ensure the little boy would reap the benefits of the potion.

“Well, time to go then.”

The duo exited the village, the gates left wide open for them. As soon as they exited the gates a small chirp from Opal called out to them, letting them now she was still there. Wasting no time Star and Salem entered the forest, joining up with their wyvren friend. They walked through the forest, quickly reaching the river in a just few moments. They were able to quickly passing over it without any issue. They walked a while longer, watching as the sun dipped all the way behind the trees leaving them in darkness. It was at this point they decided they were far enough away from the village and stopped, turning to one another.

“So we both admit that was super weird right? I wasn’t just imagining it.” Star asked, sitting down on a log.

Salem nodded, joining her. “I believe it most likely had something to do with our appearances.” she theorized.

“Yeah,” Star thought back to when they first meet the little boys mother, “You noticed how Ben’s mother switched up the way she talked to us once she saw our eyes?”

Salem nodded, “I wouldn’t be surprised if it is also our hair and face that made them act like that.”

“I did notice none of them had markings like we did.”

“You also have to remember the block we faced when we went from 99 to 100, I think the method we used to jump levels may never have been invented here.” Salem reasoned.

“Hmmm, then we can use disguises in the next town we visit, right? Just to not deal with… that again.”

“Well I don’t see why not, do you have one in mind?”

“You betcha!” Star reached into her bag pulling out a cloak. “This baby has the ability to make to so no one is able to notice us!”

Salem took it from Star’s hands looking it over, “It looks nice,” She throw it around her shoulders, pulling the hood up, “Does it work?”

“Well not on me but it will work on anybody who meets two conditions, one they must be a lower level and two it won’t work on someone with the… uh… hang on.” Star pulled out her book, “Ah yeah, the all seeing eye skill of a level higher then 98.”

“Why 98?”

“I kinda messed up the synthesis a little bit.”

“Then make another?”

“I don’t have the materials anymore. All I’ve got is that cloak and this one.” Star pulled out another cloak made of the same materials as Salem, “Well technically I have one more replica, I got three from one synthesis.”

“I’m sorry, you got three of the same cloak but you couldn’t make it so people higher then level 98 couldn’t see us..”

“Only if they have the only ability and yes that is exactly what I’m saying.” Star nodded, “Who’s going to even have that ability at that level anyway. We have nothing to worry about!”

Star shock her head, “You jinxed it, someone is definitely going to notice.”

“Na, I’ve got to good of luck.”

“Fine, someone is going to notice me.”

Star looked Salem up and down, “Na.”

Salem’s eye twitched, “You know what, it is what it is,” She clapped her hand together, “Where are we going next.”

“I was hopping to go to the ocean actually.”

“Alright, and do you know where the ocean is?”

“Well the mayor said it would be off to the east, remember?”

“Ah, right well, Opal.”

Opal bounced to her side.

“We’re heading east to the ocean, alright buddy?” She explained petting Opal’s snoot.

Opal chirped, bending down to allow Salem and Star on her back. Salem got on first sitting down on her back. Star followed behind, plopping down behind Salem. Opal released one last chirp before launching up into the sky. The cool night air brushed against the three as they took off darting across the sky. Star whooped, laughing as they flew forwards at breakneck speeds.

“Yeaah!!” She cheered, “Salem you gotta let me ride Opal more!”

Salem looked back to Star for a few moment, seeing her arms raised high in the air. With a amused look in her eye she taped Opal’s back. Opal, receiving her master’s messaged immediately began doing lop-d-lops. Star screamed, shutting her eyes and bringing her arms down and holding tightly to Salem. Only to begin laughing as the initial terror wore off.

Salem laughed with her as they leveled out again. Opal stopped her tricks chirping in delight as she flew. Star opened her eyes again as their speed leveled out, still giggling.

“Wow, what is that?” Star asked, peering around Salem’s shoulder at the bright lights coming from a city below them.

Salem looked over at the city below them, watching the lights twinkle, “It’s not the ocean, do you want to stop?”

Star thought for a moment before shaking her head, “No, but I’ll mark it on my map.”


“Yeah, I made another map for this world.” Star explained as she marked the city on the map, “Mysterious city, done.” She smiled happily.

Salem laughed, rolling her eyes, “Are you planning to change that name when we figure out what the city is actually called.”

“Only if what it’s actually called is funny.”

“Whatever you say.”

The trio flew for another hour before they came across a vast blue stretching out endlessly before them with no end in sight. Alongside the vast blue of the ocean stood a small coastal city. The only light coming from it being from the little lighthouse, helping usher in a few ships still out at sea.

“This is it.” Star muttered, she’d forgotten what the ocean looked like until this point. “That’s the ocean!” She exclaimed, almost yelling directly into Salem’s ear.

Salem winced slightly at her volume, “Yep, we’re going to stop just outside of town. Opal dive.” Salem order.

“Dive?” Star questioned just before Opal suddenly dropped from the sky, diving down. Star screamed.

A few moments later Opal landed on the ground with grace, chipping happily.

“Good girl, Opal.” Salem complemented as she slid off the massive wyvren’s back.

Star jumped off Opal with shaking legs, “That was so fun.” She said, nearly vibrating from adrenaline. “Why have you denied me this for so long Salem, what did I do?” She questioned getting close to Salem’s face.

Salem pushed Star’s face away from hers, “I asked you, you just declined.” She explained pulling her cloak on and walking away.

“Yeah but I didn’t know it would be this fun.” Star called back as she throw her own cloak over her shoulders following close behind Salem.

Opal chirped racing after them with thundering steps.

“Oh, and that reminds me,” Salem stared turning back to Star and Opal, “Opal shrink.”

Opal huffed, but did so. She shrunk all the way down to the size she was when they first got her. Salem walked up to her throwing the cloak over her. It didn’t fit. Star and Salem stared at the wyvren with a cloak on his back.

“Yeah that’s not going to work.” Salem muttered.

Star hummed pulling out her book. The book quickly flipped to the page. “I’ve got something.” She glanced at the book one last time before pulling out a pair of dog ears from her bag.

“I’m sorry what the hell is that?”

“It have almost same effect as a cloak, but, you know, instead it makes people thing whoever is wearing it is a dog.”

“...Why do you have those?”

“Well they were going to be a prank, but then I realized they wouldn’t work and promptly forgot about them.”

“Why do you have them in the bag?”

“I put my entire alchemy space plus garden in the bag. Nothing was left behind.” Star inched forward with each word.

Salem pushed Star’s face away, “...Right.”

“Opal~” Star sang, hopping over to the wyvren. “I’ve got something for you.” She place the ears on top of her head. It looked ridiculous. “Now you can go into town with us!” She cheered, clapping her hands.

Opal tilted her head.

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