Pamper Eighties

Chapter 227

No matter what they say, the stock has been sold, and their worries can finally be put down. The next step is to stroll around Shenzhen and see old friends by the way.

“Awei, are you still busy?” The old man Feng’s voice sounded at the door of the store. Before anyone approached, the greeting started: “Is Awei here? Uncle sees you coming.”

A fat bald man came out from the depths of the store. He was nearly fifty years old. He had a general belly, two chins, and a bald head that shone like a light bulb.

This person is the former parallel importer with a bald head.

Compared with a few years ago, the bald-headed Wei is a little older and fatter. The domineering arrogance when he was young has been transformed into the kindness at this moment. He laughed and looked more like a Maitreya Buddha.

“Uncle, you’re here, and Uncle Shitou is here too.” The bald head hurried up to meet them, pointing at them in surprise and saying, “Oh, my aunts are here too. Are you going to Shenzhen to play?”

He knows that the Feng family and Zhang family are definitely not here to buy goods from him. How easy it is to wholesale it, and it can be done with a phone call. It is not necessary to come to the door in person, and it is not necessary to have identities like his Uncle Feng and Uncle Zhang. Take the initiative to do such trivial things.

Bald-touwei and the two families are old friends. In the past, when Old Man Feng and Old Man Zhang were their fathers, they just contacted him. After getting along for more than ten years, the relationship became closer and closer.

Two years ago, Baltouwei was tricked into a batch of goods, and he had no money to turn around. Old Man Feng lent him money to help him through the difficulties. After this, their relationship got better.

“It’s nothing, we just came to see you.”

Madam Feng smiled. She looked at the people in the store and said politely, “Your business in this store is good, didn’t I bother you?”

Bald-touwei shook his head abruptly, “No, no, I’m glad you can come. I hired so many employees to help with the work. Uncle, aunt, and dolls, all come in and sit.”

He led the group to the store. His store was no longer the hut it used to be. It has expanded many times in size. Even the location has been changed to Huaqiangbei, which specializes in imported home appliances and industrial accessories. Sometimes People’s factories need production lines, and they will contact Baltouwei to help them buy them.

While observing, Madam Feng tutted her tongue in praise: “Your shop is open and bright, it looks like a warehouse. Now the business of this appliance is easy, right?”

“Haha it’s alright.”

Bald-touwei is rare and humble, but the expression on his face is very proud. He couldn’t hold back and said: “There are many rich people in the mainland, and they are all willing to buy my appliances. Thanks to their help, I am here mainly It’s about taking volume and doing wholesale, which means small profits but quick turnover.”

Looking at the size of his store, Mrs. Feng estimated that he made a lot of money, and she was not interested in asking more. She didn’t expect the bald-headed prestige, but she was very interested in her canteen.

“Auntie, do you want to stock up in your canteen? Ah Qiang next door just arrived. If you want, I’ll tell him and ask him to help keep it.”

“Okay, pick some good ones and let him send them directly to my store.”

Madam Feng sat down to drink tea. She had always trusted Bald Head Wei very much. Every little thing that passed through his hand proved to be very good in the end.

Like most Cantonese, Bald Wei also likes to make kung fu tea. He skillfully boils water to wash the cup, brews and pours tea, and completes a series of flowing movements before he starts chatting.

“Auntie, I haven’t heard from you for a long time. How is the business of your canteen?”

“Okay, that’s great.”

Madam Feng pursed her lips and smiled, as if she was telling a story: “I didn’t want to drive at all, I was too tired to panic, but I didn’t expect the tourists would not agree, so they liked to go to my shop, take pictures, and have a drink. Drinks, and buy some tourist souvenirs, I don’t open it, they are not happy.”

After the canteen was opened, Mrs. Feng was running it locally, and she was not very concerned. The result was far beyond her expectations.

In the past ten years, her canteen has won a good reputation for her shop. Almost everyone who travels to Taoyuan Village has visited the canteen. In their mouth, the canteen has even become a sentimental old shop in Taoyuan Village. They are the ones who travel. It is a place where you must take pictures.

Madam Feng couldn’t hide her smile and said: “Tourists tell me that if you don’t come to the canteen, you have never been to Taoyuan Village. They even gave my canteen a nickname, called Coconut Tree House. What do people say? There is no way, I had to hire two small workers to help me and take care of the business in the store.”

Bald Head Wei heard from the beginning to the end, he sincerely admired and said: “It’s really good to be able to do business like Auntie, you must not close this store, and leave it to future generations in the future, it is a century-old store. .”

“Hahaha, it’s for Mengmeng. When we built the house, we didn’t expect it to be today.”

Madam Feng recalled the hard days more than ten years ago, as if she had experienced a dream, without any sense of reality. Back then, they were busy farming and going to sea every day, how could they have imagined that they would have a good life today.

Now that she talked about her store, she also said, “What about your old store? Don’t you plan to open it?”

When he mentioned this, Baldouwei got a little angry. He shrugged and said, “I think so, but the government won’t let it, and the surrounding bosses can’t drive. They all left, so I moved in.”

He gasped for breath, suddenly laughed and said, “Fortunately, I moved here, and the business is much better than before.”

It was the first time that old man Zhang heard about this news. He asked with concern: “Where are those bosses? Have they all changed careers?”

“A large part of it, some people can’t do it anymore, so they can only change careers. Now it’s not like before, doing business requires capital, you know we used to take money, and we all have to deposit money. Sometimes the goods are detained, and the money Soup.”

Speaking of these past events, Baldouwei’s face couldn’t help but flash a hint of sadness. The last time he lost money was because the goods were deducted.

He sighed and said helplessly: “I can’t go back to the past, Luosha Village, there are no water ghosts going there now. Hong Kong is about to return, and the government wants to face it.”

He gave Old Man Zhang a “you know” look.

“Oh, I see.”

Of course old man Zhang understands. Speaking of Luosha Village, that is where he started, he felt a little nostalgic in it, and said with regret: “It’s a pity that such a good place is not allowed to go.”

Bald-headed Wei shook his head and said, “No, I heard that it is going to be developed into a tourist area, but we are not optimistic.”

He gestured with his hand in the air and said, “That is the last place of Wutong Mountain. There are so many mountains around, and the seats are better than it. If people want to play, they don’t necessarily go there. There are Donghu Park and Xianxian. There is Lake Park, and Luosha Village is in the back, so the stowaways only go there, and there are no stowaways anymore.”

When he said these words, he always carried a touch of vicissitudes, as if his thoughts could travel through time and space and return to the old days.

At that time, he was the boss of parallel imports, and Old Man Feng and Old Man Zhang were down-to-earth masters. They sweated and broke through the sky in that era. When I think about it, they are very brilliant.

After leaving Baltouwei’s shop, Old Man Zhang still cherishes the days when he was a poor man.

The old lady Zhang simply said: “Don’t think about it, we have a car at home. If you think so, just drive over and see, what’s there to sigh?”

“You don’t understand.” The old man Zhang was embarrassed to admit that he missed the past because he felt old.

But he wouldn’t admit it. His hair wasn’t all white yet, and his face wasn’t full of wrinkles. He wouldn’t admit that he was really old.

In order to save his respect, he had to use the dolls to say: “I’m not doing it for myself, I just think Wutong Mountain is fun, just when we have time, take the dolls to climb the mountain, and don’t go to places where birds don’t poop. Now, just go to the park, I have come to Shenzhen so many times, but I haven’t been to the park seriously.”

They have made their money, and they should really enjoy it.

The old man Feng also made a final decision and said, “Anyway, I’m not in a hurry to go back. I’ll play more in Shenzhen and take you to mountain climbing tomorrow.”

The next day they drove to Wutong Mountain. This is a famous mountain in Shenzhen. One end is connected to the urban area and the other is connected to the sea, separating Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The vertical and horizontal mountains are like a green dragon. , several parks around it, all surround it.

The weather was very sunny, the sun was shining brightly, the temperature in the mountains and forests was cooler than outside, and there were birds chirping and the fragrance of flowers everywhere.

Four old men and four children walked slowly along the mountain road without any purpose.

“Today Thursday, there are not many people, it’s really quiet.”

Madam Feng’s climbing posture is exceptionally vigorous. She can also swing her arms and legs while walking, and she can use her arms from the front to the back to give high-fives and do a lot of exercises.

The boys carry heavy bags with materials for their picnic, and no matter where they go, they are always reluctant to grieve their stomachs.

Mengmeng is holding a small parasol and eating a popsicle in her hand. Her task is to let people take pictures. Standing in front of the flowers and grass, she just smiles. Occasionally, a dark shadow will rush down in the sky. Leave an eagle in the photo.

In summer, Wutong Mountain is as lush as a virgin forest, but compared with the real forest, there is still a big gap.

Relying on the fact that they were from the mountains, the guys didn’t take the usual route when it was almost noon, and went to the old woods to find a campsite with water and grass.

After searching for a long time, I finally found it, and I don’t know where it is. There is a river in front of it, and it divides a small stream. It looks quite clean. I decided to cook here.

With three male dolls around, basically Old Man Feng and the others don’t need to do anything.

The male dolls cooperated well. Some built the stove, some burned charcoal, and some were in charge of roasting. For a picnic, of course, the barbecue is really good.

After a while, this temporary camp was full of fragrance.

Brother Rui brought the meat, Madam Feng cut the fruit, Mengmeng opened the big soda she brought, filled everyone’s cups, and they were ready to eat.

Being in such a beautiful environment, eating a picnic is extraordinarily enjoyable. Even Xiao Jin stopped hunting and stayed in the camp, waiting for Mengmeng to feed him.

“Here, thank you for your hard work.”

Mengmeng tore a piece of barbecue for Xiaojin. Every time she went out, Xiaojin had to keep up. This guy has wings and can fly faster than a car. Mengmeng and the others have not yet arrived in Shenzhen, so it will arrive first.

Xiao Jin pecked at the delicious roast meat, and wanted to eat another piece after eating it. It was the king of big stomachs. It was only after he wiped out all the extra roast meat that he could barely fill his stomach, he flew to the tree to comb his feathers.

This camp is well chosen, the sun is especially comfortable on people, Mengmeng washed her hands beside the creek, and came back and said, “If only Huzi were here, such a large forest is enough for him to go back and forth. already.”

Mrs. Feng packed up the things on the ground, raised her head and said, “Huzi’s size, if the car carries him, it can’t hold us. Besides, he still has Xiaohuer to take care of, so he can walk away.”

Mengmeng was a little disappointed. Erwa wanted to tease her, so she deliberately pretended to be mysterious and said, “I heard that there used to be tigers here. Those who smuggled in will be eaten by tigers if they are not careful.”

“Bullshit, if there are tigers who have been killed long ago, can they still be left to harm people?” Old Man Feng refuted it without even thinking about it.

He is someone who has experienced special years. At that time, let alone tigers, even wild boars, wild wolves, and poisonous snakes, if they saw one, they would kill one. They were all beaten, and the wise ones fled to the deep mountains.

“Grandpa, I lied to my sister, don’t tell me if you know.”

Erwa is a little aggrieved, how easy is it for him to coax his sister, and come to demolish his stage one or two places.

The old man Feng looked at him as if he was looking at the mentally handicapped, and he dismissed him unceremoniously: “Your sister is smarter than you, and if you don’t believe it, how can she believe it?”

No one cares about the legend of the tiger, only Mengmeng is more interested. When she goes to a new place, like minesweeper, she has to figure out all the corners and corners of this place.

While everyone was resting, she released her consciousness and started cruising in the mountains.

The mountains in Shenzhen, unlike their Longling Mountains, are not that high, and there are not many stones. There are dense trees and plants everywhere. The ground is covered with vines and bushes, and there is not even a place to stand.

In such a deep mountain and old forest, there should be no one, but Mengmeng found something wrong.

She opened her eyes and said, “It looks like there are stowaways. I saw someone over there.”

She pointed to the distant mountain forest, and through the dense shadows, everyone did not find the person she was talking about.

“No wow, where are you?” Several boys stood up and looked, and Old Man Feng and Old Man Zhang also stood up one after another.

Mengmeng took them to the side of the stream, pointed to the old forest on the other side of the river and said, “Yes, it’s there.”

They waited for a long time, and when they were about to suspect that Mengmeng had read it wrong, vaguely, there seemed to be a real figure.

“Really, wearing green clothes.”

Although old man Feng was old, his eyes were still very sharp. He could see that the man opposite was a man, walking with his back to them, but he hadn’t found anyone here.

So excited, Erwa couldn’t help but suggest, “Should we call someone?”

Old Man Feng slapped him on the head angrily, stared at him and said, “Who are you calling? We are the only ones here. What if the family is not a smuggler? Are you embarrassed?”

What he actually wanted to say was that in case that person was a bad guy and had accomplices, they would all be smuggled, and they would definitely not be afraid of death.

Old Man Feng and Old Man Zhang looked at each other, and said very old-fashioned: “Don’t make a sound, let’s go quietly and don’t mind other people’s business.”

They hunched over their waists, withdrew from the river to the camp, picked up their backpacks and planned to slip away.

Mengmeng walked with her neck shrunk, feeling very exciting, so she secretly told Xiaojin, “Xiaojin Xiaojin, fly over and see what he’s doing.”

Xiao Jin flexibly turned his eagle eyes and flew into the sky like an arrow, flying in that direction.

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