Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 308: Rasta Dracule (1)

"I didn't know it would be such a long ride!" Nik sprawls on the deck as Revy continues to tie the rope.

"Hey, help me—"

"Don't wanna. I feel devoid of the significance of life," Nik moans. Man, he wishes their ship was large enough for him to train in. Time passes quicker that way!

"Stop acting like that kid down there and help me!" Revy snaps, earning Nik's glare as he turns over, lying on his side and showing her back with a silent, stubborn refusal. "Grrrrr!" Revy grounds her jaw in annoyance as she ties the rope before leaning against the ledge and lighting her smoke. "Fuu," she exhales. "Stop acting like a goddamn brat."

"Why?" Nik sighs. "I already told you I'm going to put on a damn mask and steal the kid back from his buyer."

"You'll do anything to make yourself feel better," she snorts.

"We complete the job, and I get to keep my satisfaction in check. Dutch doesn't mind if I don't bring shit back to the company." He turns on his back again, smiling at the blue sky. "Besides, I wished I had a cool hero like that—someone who completed the job to earn his keep and still saved me from my hell hole."

She looks at him silently before averting her gaze and glancing at the sky. "They were right on the news channel. We can see the moon even during the daytime."

The reduced mass of the moon brought it closer to Earth and increased its pace of revolution, letting a hemisphere witness the moon twice a day. She smokes again, muttering, "Basically, we won't live long enough to see shit hit the fan despite all the theories of how the world will end."


A nerve pops in her temples as she yells, "Say it! I fucking dare you!"

It breaks Nik into full-blown chuckles as he sits up before stretching his arms. "I don't know what you're talking about, Revy. I'm going to check on the boy. Do you want to tag along?"

"What am I? Your mother?"

"Your loss," Nik climbs down the stairs. "I treat mothers really well~!"

She snorts before tossing the cigarette in the sea and following after him. The 'kid' in question is a brown-eyed, blond boy not older than 13 in a blue shirt with yellow collars and tanned shorts.

"Hey," Nik smiles. "I brought you something to drink."

The boy shoots the duo an unceremonious glare before crossing his arms and turning away from them. "See? I expected you to do this. This drink is actually for me," Nik snickers as he sits beside the kid. "You still won't talk, huh? Not even your name?"

"It's useless, Nik," Revy leans near the stairs, crossing her arms with a bored look. "The kid is smarter than you. Why would he play friends with his smugglers?"

"Well, I will eventually need to know where he came from to send him back, right?" Nik blinks. The kid glances at them unimpressed before snorting—as if he would believe thieves! Scums! His glare turns scorching with annoyance as Nik takes a dragging sip from the glass of water. "It's okay if you don't believe me. Believing that someone will help you for free speaks more about the believer than the one providing said service. Let me see," he tilts his head, pondering. "Ah. Would you like to see a trick?"

Seeing that he earned the boy's reluctant intrigue, Nik smiles as he closes his left fist before opening it to reveal his smartphone. He closes it again before opening it, revealing a rubber band.

It makes the two spectators frown. Nik continues, relishing his choice of wearing a full-sleeved shirt, as he performs the same action, replacing the rubber band with an empty candy wrapper.

"T-That's impossible!" The kid stammers as they hear another voice. "How did you do that?"

Nik glances at Revy before focusing on the kid. "One trick for one answer. You tell me your name, and I'll tell you how I did it."

The boy grows cautious again before admitting, "My name is Garcia Lovelace."

"Hmm. According to my promise, I will expose the secret of my trick. But I'm only interested in this question, yet I have three more tricks to show. Do you want to end our round of exchange with one trick or continue?"

Garcia frowns before he inquires. "All those tricks are like the first one? The Card tricks feel particularly cheap. I never saw anything like your trick in the 'Tube.'"

"They are just as good," Nik grins.

"...Fine. Show those tricks."

"Uh-uh," he wags his index. "We started with my trick. This time, I'll start with a question. Where did the Manisarera Cartel snatch you from?"

"On my way from school," the boy huffs explosively. "I'm from the Lovelace Family, one of the thirteen Noble South American Families. Those thugs took me from Venezuela!"

Nik knew the last part. They picked the boy from a port in said location. Smiling heartily, Nik ruffles Garcia's hair before standing up.

"W-wait! What about the tricks?"

"Oh, I lied." Nik smiles widely.


"Listen, Garcia," Nik stops short from climbing into the control unit. "As a man, I only keep my promises to my family and friends. Everything else is my whims. If you want to strive, etch this lesson in your mind!"

He leaves, leaving the duo dumbfounded until Revy's shoulders shake, and she bursts into laughter. "You're dumber than that idiot, kid!"

"Shut up! You wanted to see those tricks, too!"

"You're seeing things!" Revy barks in reply, staying put instead of following him. "But aren't you a lucky one? Ordinarily, we would sell you. And said seller would find a grimy cage for you with a 'pig' or just toss you for the beasts."

The boy grows more guarded as he frowns.

"But who knew Nik was interested in boys?" She licks her lips. "Oh, don't look so afraid, boy. He treats others well. I'm sure he'll treat you 'Reaaaal' nice."

Garcia's complexion turns pale.


"So," Nik leans on Dutch's seat from behind. "Why would the cartel lie about the boy? He says he's from a noble family."

"Ignore it," Dutch smokes calmly. "Kids are always the clever sort. They will look innocent even when they lie. Besides, does it matter if he's lying or not? Your plan is way worse than that."

"I'll do it smoothly," Nik shrugs. "I guess I want to know the clear picture after the missile incident."

Dutch frowns as he taps the throttle a few times before humming. "I'll ask around when we get back."

"Thanks," Nik grins.

Dutch stays silent for a few minutes before questioning, "How long do you plan to keep at it?"

"About what?" Nik scrolls through the gallery on his phone. He's taken a lot of pictures. Girls training, Katara water blasting Toph to high heavens before the latter digs a hell for the former. There's also Revy's befuddled look when the Lagoon found them. The video of Revy actually dry-humping Eda over a trash bin while cursing the latter and Eda accepting it while insulting Revy is one of his best 'captures' yet!—and unsurprisingly arousing.

"About doing things the wrong way," Dutch muses. "I suppose it's acceptable because you're powerful. But you would have died several times by now, probably at Revy's hands, if you were any weaker."

"I've already died a few times," Nik snickers. "It doesn't bother me."

"I would think you mean metaphorically," Dutch glances at him as he sits, leaning on the wall, scrolling through the smartphone. "Do you?"

"Who knows?" Nik mutters. "Snapping my neck felt like a dream. So, maybe it was a dream. You can say I dreamt death multiple times."

"Then you don't know what it feels like," Dutch mutters, returning his attention to the sea.

"I don't know what it feels to get shot," Nik admits. "But I do know how numb your body gets when you die. No amount of it makes you used to it."

"It feels like you're bragging," Dutch smiles.

"I think I am. Just a little," Nik locks his phone and stows it in his Personal Space. "I just find you slightly admirable, so I can't help but brag a little."

"Dutch, Nik, we have company," Benny's voice buzzes in at this time as Nik frowns and gets up. "What is it Benny-Boy? Talk to me," Dutch picks up the communicator as Benny's voice crackles in. "There is a boat following after us. They're trying to communicate. I'm connecting you."


"Hello? Can you hear me?" The voice inquires. "My compass is pointing in your direction. You must be there, right?"

Nik's frown tightens as Dutch replies, "This is Thai Vessel 88-987. Identify your purpose."

The voice on the other side dies as the connection cuts off. Nik moves out from the control unit and stares at the distant, significantly better ship gaining on them. "Nik!" Dutch shouts from underneath. "Benny says it's got heavy firepower. I'm sending Revy—"

'First act of being a host, never let another host linger anywhere near you. They have too much to gain by killing us,' Ray's voice recollects in his mind as he takes a deep breath before feeling the familiar thrum of his chi roiling like crashing waves and ruthless tides. It's only the distance compelling Nik to move, or he'd sink the ship at once.

But instead of going overboard and creating a humongous tide to swallow the enemy ship, Nik stomps his feet and creates a giant glacial spike right under the silver vessel before snorting and exhaling. 'Take that, sucker.'

He returns to the control unit only as Revy climbs up from the engine room.

"It suddenly stopped," Benny's voice catches Dutch and Revy by surprise as Nik quietly sits in the corner, ignoring the duo.

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: A host tried 'contacting' me. How are things on your end?]

Unfortunately, Ray doesn't reply as he sighs internally.

"Oi," Revy towers over him. "What happened?"

"My undeniable charm won the enemy over from the distance. It's hard to believe, but it happens occasionally," Nik glances at her before closing his eyes. She snorts, dragging herself upto the deck to confirm things with her eyes as Dutch mutters, "Benny, how did they gain so much on us without any notice?"

"That part got to me, too. I don't have any answer yet," Benny replies.

"They really stopped," Revy returns to the control unit.

"Were they here for you or Ray?" Dutch questions. "Ray had a strange compass. I don't like asking questions when I have no need. It helped us find you two. But if a mess is following your stink into my company—"

"There's no mess," Nik opens an eye with a smirk. "And don't worry. I don't know that man."

"Hm," Dutch hums.

The rest of their journey to Roanapur was uneventful.


"The Manisarera Cartel and the Lovelace Family," Dutch speaks into the phone beside the bar as the company finds themselves a table, with Nik capable of hearing in on Dutch's soft conversation despite the rowdy crowd in Yellow Flag due to the night.

"And can you help me with the other two? Yeah, them. I know. I'll keep the cash ready."

Nik rolls his eyes. Then again, asking Dutch to trust the Dundies entirely would be unreasonable. Yet, his gaze draws to the quiet maid sitting beside the bar as Revy plants the can of cola for Garcia on the table. "There you go, kid. Bitch about it, and I'll shove it up your ass." She snorts, drinking.

"Hey, did you hear about those fools?"

"Someone hit the cartel, right? The Roanapur branch is on its own."

Nik frowns as he picks up an intriguing conversation. "The entire Manisarera got fucked in the ass. I hear Joseph's picking up the dregs and reforming something new. But there's going to be tough competition from bosses from other countries. Venezuela is going to experience some turf war with people on edge about the Moon and all."


Nik blinks as he watches the twin-tailed maid's hand clench her mug's handle a bit tighter. But she stays to herself, her eyes trained forward at the bar.

"Revy," Nik sips his drink. "Are you hearing all this? I don't think the cartel is going to pay us."

"Hah?" Revy crosses her feet on the table while leaning on her chair. "You get drunk too easily, you bitch. We already have the front. Why won't they pay the rest?"

"To rebuild themselves," Nik cups his chin as Dutch arrives with a mug of beer in his hand. "Something's wrong," he speaks the second he sits down. "Balalaika had information ready for some reason. Something happened in the Cartel, and I don't like how it's going to affect us."

"What did she have to say?" Benny leans forward.

"Somebody wiped out the cartel," Dutch frowns. "I would say that someone killed them. But no, her brutality scared others off instead. And she did all that in a maid's uniform."

Nik blinks, glancing at the maid sitting in a quiet spot.

"A maid?" Revy smirks crookedly. "That sounds strangely awesome. What did she do? Pull machine guns from under her skirt?"

"Maids ARE awesome!" Garcia suddenly speaks. "Our family's maid, Roberta, would totally kick your ass if she knew I'm here!"

"Pfft," Revy laughs.

'Can nobody see a maid sitting menacingly right there?!' Nik gapes. He hears hurried footsteps, but something else catches his attention when he uses his spirit senses.



"Are you sure she is here, Sergeant?" Balalaika glances at a picture of a distinguished gentleman standing between a boy and a dark-haired maid whose eyes practically tear through the canvas when seen by an 'experienced' gaze.

She sighs, tossing the papers on her desk as Boris stands silently beside her. "Do you see her eyes?"

"Da, Kapitan," Boris narrows his gaze. "That one is a mad dog. And someone let that dog loose."

"Well," Balalaika sighs. "We won't be interfering. It's not—"


Boris waits until Balalaika nods to answer his cell phone, his expression turning stricter as he hangs up.

"Trouble, Sergeant?"

"Minor skirmish with an outsider near the docks," Boris replies. "One man injured. They say the outsider emerged from the sea and moved like a shadow. Kapitan, Ivan does not drink during his duty."

Balalaika smiles, "So, it really must be a shadow." She stands up as Boris follows after her.


It's always the inexperienced hosts that are the easiest. As a ballpark, he will use his compass to locate anyone with less world experience than him. In Rank 1, such experience matters the most. Since he isn't obsessed with any particular item, his compass can respond to more straightforward desires and help him locate valuable targets.

Sure, killing them is hard. But the target will either waste their time by staying inside their personal space and squandering their chance to explore the world and acquire different resources, or they will pay a small sum for their stay.

[Lava-Head: Are you still alive, noobie?]

[Managed-Ant: Yeah, I am. And don't you fucking contact me.]

Lava Head snorts. A newbie from Transmigration Paradise will only slow him down. While they are in Rank 1, his power surpasses ordinary hosts, allowing him to act more freely despite harsher restraints on his being. He has a plan for that, too. Paradise sells items to unshackle the hosts from such restrictions for a reasonable duration.

'But the host ran away after capsizing my ship. He's afraid. Was he another newbie from Transmigration? It must have come as a surprise how we act. The leisure ways of transmigration paradise become a liability in our world. Anyway, I'll have to look out if they know more about the verse. I'm only familiar with John Wick. It's a pity I was too far away to save his dog, but the mission's deadline ended quickly.'

He sneaks about the city, glancing at his compass to approach a pub not far from the docks. He sees a group of armed men entering the pub.


A distraction.


"Hey! You over there!" Revy and others stop bantering as they watch the armed cartel beeline toward a maid. Garcia's eyes widen despite himself as his breath catches in his throat. Only now does Dutch notice the maid alongside Benny and Revy glancing at each other.

"You've been snooping in our business since afternoon." The figure scowls as she turns around. There's gloom in her gaze paired with frightening destitution that leaves little room for her eyes to sparkle with an attractive quality that a woman of beauty like her should possess. She picks her suitcase in one hand and her umbrella in another.

"Gentlemen," she speaks softly. Her words echo in the silent bar. "I apologize in advance. I shall have to resort to rude methods if you cannot point me in a certain someone's direction." Her gaze trains on them, but thankfully, her specs aren't for a show. She catches sight of someone out of place not far in the crowd.

Her lips parted open, and she almost drups her umbrella.


"You're fucking annoying," Nik hisses as he throws his chair at the entrance, flipping his hand and holding a pistol in his hand to fire at the dark shadow swooping past the chair and lunging directly at Nik, forcing him to shove Revy away before she decides to shoot with that Cutlass in her hand.

Bullets phase through the fucker, Nik notes as he sidesteps with a man dressed in dark blue and possessing red eyes revealing himself. His pale skin almost gives a bluish tint while deep-black hair scatters over his shoulder.

"Pay up," the man grins cockily. "You understand, don't you?"

The man spoke an entirely different language, but Nik understood. He narrows his eyes before glancing at the armed cartel and then at the maid before smiling. "He's asking me to introduce to you guys. He's the person responsible for your cartel's 'disconnectivity.'"

It also helps that Nik served a drink or two to almost all of them as their gaze left Roberta before falling on the strange crackhead.

"Him?" The leader points a gun in the host's direction as the latter chuckles. "Ah, home-ground advantage. A weak fool's tactic."

Nik feels everyone's stare on him as he shrugs. "He's saying only pigs hunt in groups while a tiger prowls alone. Oh, and he asked me to kindly fuck your mothers."

"That's it!" One of them pulls the trigger, causing everyone to follow after as the maid looks at Garcia with a panicked expression.

"R-Roberta!" The boy calls out, shivering at the sight of gunfire.

Everything was going fine!

The men were shooting as the host left quickly, weaving through the bullets or phasing through them until the men followed after him.

So why?

Why the fuck was the maid pointing a gun, nay, her umbrella at them?

"Let go of young master!"

And clearly more reactive to a gun pointed at her head, Revy hones her Cutlass at Garcia with a cold grin. "Try it, bitch. His head will blow up alongside ours."


Is this an existential crisis? Because Nik questioned everything for once. Just let the kid go. He admits he has seen many strange things, but this feels as wild as encountering Reaper for the first time. It's an absurd situation!

Dutch points his revolver at the maid, too, as Garcia shudders.

"Okay," Nik blinks. "Take the kid. I have that freak to handle," he scoffs. For once, Nik saw the truth of the city. He's all green light for preserving life, but if they want to fight and die badly, he just isn't in the mood to stop them. They will only put themselves in a similar situation in his absence again, so it's fine.

His sudden departure finds the Lagoon Company faltering in their stance only for a moment before Roberta growls. "Let him go."

"Revy, take the gun off the kid's head," Dutch mutters. "And point it at that bitch. If she attacks, one of us will shoot her AND the kid."

"Tch, fine. But I want you to have the talk with that bastard!"

'Nah, that's not needed. If anything,' Dutch wonders. 'I should have the talk with Revy. There just wasn't any profit in keeping the kid.'


A figure tears through the wooden entrance before slamming against the steel-reinforced bar with his breath knocked out beside the excited maid.

"Huah!" Nik clutches his chest as he tries breathing, his eyes wide in disbelief!

He couldn't 'take care' of the freak, perhaps.


Alternate Title: The Long Job; The Brat; Nik's Immaculate Idea; Man Proposes, Heaven Disposes; The Lovelance Successor; A Strange Boat; A Friend or Foe?; Debt Collector; Disbanding Cartel; A One Woman Army; Can't Nobody See The Damn Maid?; The Armed Distraction… For Nik!; The Advantaged of Connections; A Persistent Shadow; The Prowling Hound; Young Master's Sight; An Absurd Situation; Misled Sense of Security; Nik *In Thanos' Voice*: Fine, I'll Take Care Of It Myself. *Also Nik: On The Other Hand, Why Must We Be Violent?*




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