Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 309: Rasta Dracule (2)

Shoutout to J K for patron support.


A/N: Can you guys confirm whether the Discord link works? I don't wanna just update it without confirmation.


"I guess the city is rotting me. Well. Fuck it. Talk about escalation," Nik leaves the pub as he uses his spirit senses to locate the 'freak' again. Oh, his chi is vast at a glance. The man is significantly stronger than Nik on 'paper.' But he is limited by the world. Nik can play it to his advantage and fight him off, or the latter will continue pestering him. That's simply not favorable.

"Oh, so you do have some sensing skill," he hears a harsh chuckle from the alley beside Yellow Flag as the previous host steps out with a brown cloak around him. "This cloak keeps me from getting sensed using the 'convention' means aside from Blood Magic. Newbie, are you aware of what magic is?"

Nik frowns, his shoulders tensing as he retrieves a staff from his space.

"A stake? No, no, no!" The man grins, revealing two fangs above his teeth. "That will not work. You would assume I cannot walk under sunlight, but that's not true either." The man steps forward with a chilling grin as Nik tilts his head. The stranger feels Nik's eyes glowing a hazy violet before his eyes widen.

Yet, Nik finds the stranger shuddering with rage, breaking from his bloodbending in less than a second as his shriek captures every passerby's attention.

"How dare you touch my noble blood!" The man zooms at Nik with a speed the latter can handle, only for something strange to occur.

"I'll kill you!" The man shrieks as Nik grunts, stepping back with his vision swimming. He is the lucky one. Others in their immediate vicinity find their ears and eyes bleeding as Nik grabs his head in pain, grunting. But it's clearly not enough as he quickly repositions his hand while biting his bottom lip and making a fist, his eyes brightening harshly!



Two spine-tingling cracked echo as Nik feels his chest cave in slightly, his body flying through the air and slamming into something impossibly hard. But he knows his attack hit. Precise Bonebending will take time, but he doesn't need to be meticulous with that freak. He just needed to fracture that monster's skull.

Yet, it's hard to breathe!

He clutches his chest despite the pain as he feels blood clogging his throat. One cough, two coughs! Fuck!

He cannot pay enough mind to bloodbend it out of his throat! His loud breathing feels undeniably shallow as his hand goes to his throat.


A heavy thud impacts his back, forcing the blood out of his throat as he coughs loudly, spitting all the blood and bile. Whatever, he'll clean it later.

He gasps for air, standing quickly. He uses his spirit senses as he realizes that heat senses don't work on the 'cold' freak. Seismic sense finds its way a second later, but it's clearly unneeded. He walks in from the front door. A calm and collected expression on his face as Nik's earlier seismic sense reveals the freak's skull is no longer fractured.

"Leave," he speaks English, coldly demanding of others. Really, it's only the Lagoon Company, Garcia, the Maid, and Bao hiding behind the Bar left in the first place. "My business with that man is yet unfinished. I underestimated you, newbie. I was going to demand ten from you. We're 'peers,' so even I follow the motto—live and let live. But now I'm thinking of increasing the price to 30. You can reimburse me with artifacts if you don't have enough."

"Man, it hurts to laugh," Nik chuckles. "You plan to kill me with humor, no?" He huffs as he glances at Lagoon Company and Garcia.

'That man's scream is like a mental attack. But it affected me rather considerably. His raw stats are off the charts, so his mental durability might follow the same pattern. I can't use similar attacks since it may counteract due to a margin of difference in ability.'

Nik frowns. "He's right. Leave us."

The man smiles. "Worried? For them? Oh, my. Peculiarly attached, are we? That makes things easier."

These words earned him the other ends of Dutch's, Revy's, and Maid's guns/umbrella.

"I sincerely advise you don't do anything foolish," The host smiles. "It will only make the result harder to achieve, but not by too much. You, newbie. You do know the name Jun-Sena-Ching, right? He didn't take the easy way."

Nik frowns, bluffing the obvious bluff. "What are you talking about? I killed him."

The freak freezes in place before chuckling wryly. "I'm caught."

"Nik," Revy interjects. "What the hell is going on?"

"The stranger is bullying me for pocket change, that's what," Nik narrows his eyes.

"Then give him the pocket change," Benny chuckles nervously.

"Finally. A smart one," the freak chuckles.

"What is your name?" Nik blinks as he glances at his side. He looks at the maid in a daze as she questions again. "It's Nik. Is it not? That man can dodge bullets and punch a hole through most objects. Fighting him with Young Master his hostage is not advisable."

"Shut up! You bitch!" Revy snarls.

Nik notices a ruthless glint forming in the maid's gaze for a moment before she suppresses it. "The Lovelace Family promises to compensate you."

"Now you can recover your losses," The freak chuckles. "You're a lucky one. We'd be having a chat about our skills if you didn't use that move earlier. You're strong. But I'm stronger. Try to be clever, too."

"Or I can run," Nik muses.

"Leaving them alone," The man mocks. "You know they won't last a second. You saw what happened outside. Twenty-three men died at once."

The revelation shrinks the gun-wielding trio's pupils as Nik's brows twitch. He could try and fight. But 30 AP are going to be easy to recover. Likely, the man ahead doesn't like to 'scavenge' for AP due to his power.

Again, Lagoon Company is at the most prominent risk. One attack from the freak will have them bleeding from their sockets.

"Fine," Nik grits his teeth, hating the distaste of defeat. And Ray killed one of them?

"Your tag?" The freak smirks.


"The what?" Others blink in surprise as the freak rolls his eyes.

[Lava-Head Sent You a Friend Request. Accept?]

He scoffs, accepting the request before sending him AP through the friends tag in the chat module.

[Authority Rank: 1 (49.1→19.1/100)]

"Phew~! I guess the compensation from the Paradise filled your wallet, eh? Pleasure doing business. I'll be seeing you around."

He laughs, striding out the door without waiting for anyone and downright uninterested in others.

Nik wants to call out to Lava-Head so bad and leave a snarky remark, but he can't. He lost. The man beat his ass WHILE the world held him back! How many planets did he travel, and how many APs did he grind?

It makes Nik remember how Ray said they would travel into different worlds alongside others with similar ratings. Does his rating match with freaks like that monster?

No wonder Ray panicked when she understood his first world. She had a good reason to panic.

"Man," Nik sits back on a nearby stool. "That was exhausting."

"R-Roberta!" Garcia runs into Roberta's arm as she sighs in relief.

'I didn't have to resort to those methods in front of Young Master,' Roberta counts her lucky stars. "Mister Nik," she hugs Garcia while addressing the injured man. She can only wonder about the impact she would endure had she received such an attack. "The Lovelace Family cordially extends you an invitation. As I said, we will provide adequate compensation. But I do wonder what that man wanted."

"He got what he wanted," Nik leans on the counter. "And thank you. I will require some compensation."


A foot jabs on the counter between Nik and the maid as the latter glances up to meet the cruel gaze of the brunette 'skank.'

"Oye, dog," Revy growls. "Who do you think you're looking at?"

"Roberta?" Garcia looks at the woman, whose expression flips almost instantly.

'Oh, right. Roberta. I forgot her name. The fucker punched memories out of me.' Nik still wants to fight. But it isn't a 'fight' for the enemy. Lava-Head only desired currency, and he used the most efficient method. Nik begrudgingly respects that.

"It's alright, Young Master." Roberta pats Garcia's head while Revy snorts and looks down at Nik. "Going to explain?"

"Going to give me something to drink? I think my ribcage's fractured."

Revy smiles widely, patting his shoulder. "Minor fractures increase their durability, no?"

His eyes twitch as he cannot help but anoint a title to the bitch bitchier than Azula, "You bitch."

"One more thing," Nik chuckles. "I've been trying to hold it. But my head's spinning." He slurs by the end of it as his head dips back, leading darkness to shroud his mission. Lava-Head packed one mean mental punch.


"What was that?" Lava-Head grips his right arm as his shoulders tremble. He stares at Yellow Flag from a distance while crouched atop a loading crane. "That wasn't blood magic. But he still captured a Vampire's Blood. Hah! It's almost laughable I had to use Limit Breaker Ring. But it worked. Five seconds were all I needed to make an impression. Any more, and I would incur a loss, and I would rather not kill powerful AND smart hosts. It's always convenient dealing with them."

[Lava-Head: Why the fuck did I get paired with you, you ANT! Fuck my luck. Everyone else probably got more competent teammates!]

[Managed-Ant: 凸 ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)凸]

Lava-Head snorts as he watches men rush the docks in drove. "Fighting them earns me nothing. I should wait and let others recover their AP before catching them by surprise again."

Nik was right to think the only way out was to defeat such men.


As usual, he got healed effortlessly. This time, he didn't need Yue's or Katara's help. But the Freak left him with enough trouble despite kicking his ass.

Yet, he finds himself in Balalaika's familiar office with porn paused on her TV as she smokes her cigar while sitting across Garcia on the sofa and letting everyone stand.

"Senor Garcia," Balalaika smiles. "Was Sankan Palace Hotel to your tastes?"

Garcia ducks his gaze before glancing at her TV discreetly. "U-Um," he swallows a nervous lump. Benny could empathize. Why was he called here?!

"If you would please shut that disgusting—" Roberta speaks when Balalaika leisurely interjects. "I am speaking with the successor of House Lovelace, Rosarita."

The name causes Roberta's eyes to harden as the scarred Russian woman continues. "Does the noble have no decorum? If my hobbies disturb Senor Garcia, he will speak appropriately. You will talk when spoken to, yes?"

"P-Please don't address Roberta in that tone!" Garcia snaps for a moment before stammering and looking away.

Balalaika smiles gently, "Apologies. I hope you had a pleasant sleep. I took the liberty of paying for your room for an entire week, should you wish to stay and take in the sights."

Roberta's gloved hand clenches as she lowers her head. Standing next to her, Nik thins his lips. 'This woman has some serious anger issues!'

"Thank you," Garcia mutters as Balalaika nods. "I wish to know about yesterday's events from your words. As things are, I find an outsider's perspective more reliable."

"So, after I and Roberta explain the situation, we can leave?" Garcia questions.

"You ARE free to leave, Senor Garcia. All you're doing right now is showing me an outsider's kindness. Besides, I won't require your maid's recount. She isn't an outsider."

Revy and Dutch glance at the maid as the woman exhales softly but keeps her calm when she feels the towering Boris' gaze behind her. She cannot blow her top at the expense of her young master.

"Well," Garcia begins with how the cartel kidnapped him for 'some' reason before handing him to the Lagoon Company to smuggle over to Roanapur. The boy persists in keeping the reason for his captivity a secret when everyone in the room can see he knows something. He then recounts his steps to Yellow Flag.

Balalaika took an interest in the 'stranger.' Garcia described him as a shadow, claiming he may have seen things incorrectly and how the 'shadow' dodged all bullets. Nik's sudden crash into the bar and the stranger's motive of wanting something from Nik were not something he felt the need to hide either.

"Hmm. I would request one final assistance, Senor Garcia. I called a sketch artist. Would you describe the man to my employee?"

The boy gulps, nodding slowly.

"Great. Boris, will you show him the way?"

"Yes, Kapitan." Boris nods as Garcia smiles at Roberta. "I won't be long, Roberta."

She bites her bottom lip before nodding. Once Garcia leaves, the maid slowly turns to look at Balalaika, matching the Russian's whimsical smirk.

"Your second-in-command isn't here to protect you," Roberta balefully whispers.

"Oi, bitch. Start anything with Anego, and she'll destroy your Family out of spite," Revy cleans her ear. "So, go ahead. I'd love to see it."

"Ahahaha, what a humor you have, Revy," Benny chuckles while Dutch and Nik stay silent.

"Was that man strong? Things are changing. Anyone can see that. The world's interest shifted to something else the second the Moon exploded. And it's no longer money," Balalaika interlocks her fingers. "There are only a dangerous few things above money. And with that change, we're seeing different 'monsters.' Last night, a sea of ants erased one of the most prominent Crime Families, The Richers of the USA. Their contraband disappeared alongside their properties. And we also got a visit last night from a 'shadow' who killed dozens by mushing their brains somehow."

"That man was strong," Nik nods. "And I think he can do more than just mush brains. I don't know about anything else. I'll say one thing. He isn't interested in anyone else but his profits."

"What did he take from you?"

"Aside from my dignity? Not much."

She narrows her eyes before reaching for her pistol. "The last time we did this, you snatched my gun."

She places the gun on the table. "I want that man brought to me so I can fill his head with the lead in this gun."

Nik glances at the gun before looking at Balalaika before shrugging. "I'll look for that man once Ray returns. But if I get what I want, I won't bring him. It would be too great of a loss."

"I have money."

"He didn't take money," Nik smiles. "If Ray is in South America, there's still a chance to meet her."

"Hold on," Balalaika smiles. "I have another important job for you. Bao says you're looking for a job in Japan. I may have something for you."

Nik frowns before glancing at Roberta.

"The job is weeks from now," Balalaika adds.

"Cool. What's the job?"


"That's it?"

"Did you believe I will need you 'Non-Fatal' Assassination?"

Roberta frowns at that and glances at Nik as he shrugs. "I'll take the job."

She nods, "You all can leave."

"Phew!" Benny huffs.

"Wait, Anego! Why'd you have us stand all this time?"

"I thought it was evident," Balalaika tilts her head.

"She was reaffirming who fears, respects, and hates her," Roberta scoffs, curtsying at Nik before retrieving a letter from her apron. "Mister Nik, this envelope has a ticket for Venezuela and clear instructions to reach Lovelace Mansion. We hope to see you soon."

She stamps her way out of the room as Revy's gaze zeroes in on the envelope before she finds Nik grinning from ear to ear.

She does not like it one bit.

He is injured, and he will need protection from that bitch.

"Ah," Nik stops before leaving. Grinning at Balalaika, "I finally searched what you and Revy were speaking—the silicone stuff. Why didn't you just say they inject it?"

Balalaika lights another cigar as she crosses her legs and sprawls her left hand back on her couch. "I was waiting for you to shove a stick inside your dick."

"Hah!" Nik barks a peal of laughter as he leaves with his hands crossed behind his head.

"I never thought I'd see Mister 'Non-Fatal' angry," she smirks once everyone leaves. "You learn new things every day, huh?"


[Smexy-succu-succu: Oh, man! I'm so sorry. I spent two days searching for the twins before tuckering out. I'm glad you're alive. You did the smart thing. 30 AP isn't worth all that much. Just devour 30-something ships, and you'll recover your losses. But now you also know why I'm hesitant to rank up. There are even weirder monsters out there, and we simply don't have enough accumulation to face others who've been at it longer than us.]

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: I guess you're right. Oh, and I got a good reason to enter Japan. I'll keep you posted. You have some interest in that location, no?]

[Smexy-succu-succu: Thanks. I just wish I find the damn twins.]

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: Do you know what you'll do once you find them?]

[Smexy-succu-succu: Love and cherish them.]

Nik smiles when something else catches his attention.

[Lava-Head: Thinking about you.]

You motherfucker! Can you make it any more scandalous?

Nik ignores the heathen.


Alternate Title: First Confrontation; Noble Blood; The Dracule; A Screech; Fatal Voice; Whispering Dead; The Slam Dunk; Caught Blood; Fracture; Caught; Compensation; The Lovelace Invitation; Kindness Begets Kindness; Payment; Exhaustion; Fractures Make Bones Sturdier, No?; Budding Frustration; The Annoyed Lava-Head; Sea of Ants?; Moves That Shake World; Mission Progress, A Family Out; New Job Offer; A Silicone Dilemma; Balalaika Is Nice With Kids?; Porno Intensifies; Make of Break; Unsettling Premonitions; A Chat Between 'Royalties'; The Angry Maid; A Skillful Resolve


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