Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 310: Lovelace Companion

While her personal ambitions met failure, her beliefs didn't. It's not one's actions that makes a man, but their cause and reasons. A just cause finds its victory no matter what.

She looks at herself through the mirror as the ugly bitch in there chuckles at her thoughts. Cause? Reasons? Beliefs? No, power determines character. You can be kind and evil or good and ugly when you have strength. And so she looks away from the mirror to adjust her shirt before wearing her skirt.

She witnessed the strength of character not too long ago. It's a surprise that the character lingers in the filthiest location. She almost feels her cheeks heat up at the embarrassing display that night. What she could have resolved with discussion, her uglier thoughts pushed her to take arms. He left, of course.

She glances at the mirror, donning her thick, round glasses; the face in the mirror sneers.

Of course, he ran at the sight of confrontation. He got beat up, and that freak robbed him. What exactly? Who knows. But he lost. That is not a character HER young master should look up to. That is not a character HER master should meet!

She glances to comb her waist-long dark-purple hair into braids, feeling calmer as she brushes her hair. Victory and loss are of little consequence. It's the living and the dead that makes a clear distinction. As long as one lives, they have a chance. He paid to save her Young Master's life. Her young master was his 'cargo.' Yet, she hears from her Young Master that the man intended to sell and rescue and safely return him. She believes that character could pull it off. The character even treats one peculiar 'skank' with kindness. It's laughable, not his kindness but whom it's wasted on.

She wonders if that man will show up. She's embarrassed. She promised him rewards, but the Lovelace Family didn't have much to offer. While he said the enemy robbed his dignity, the enemy actually talked in precise numbers. He took something else. No matter. She will think of something.

Her glance falls on her dressing table's mirror, finding that ugly face sneering back. She hates that sneer. Even after so much, that sneer won't leave her. No matter how she tries, it takes one error to let that woman through the mirror.

She clenches the cross around her neck. She will never do that again. She is Roberta of Lovelace.

Rosarita Cisneros is dead.

Is she dead?

She can see her laughing in the mirror. That woman is laughing at the one on the outside.

She isn't dead. She refuses to die.


The Mansion's deep bell snaps her out of her thoughts as Roberta adjusts her glasses and hurries to the door through blue-carpeted hallways, flanking armors of Lovelace ancestors, and down the central stairs to find Master already accepting the guests.

Ah, how rude! How embarrassing! Master won't discipline her. But someone should. Her tardiness should not entertain Master as such! But he is the kindest soul she met, the angel who gave her a second chance.

She adjusts her smile into a polite one. Her teeth are ugly to look at. They are unnaturally sharp and intimidate guests. She cannot possibly show such a shameful display to her, ah, their guests. He dresses appropriately. Truthfully, anything looks better out of that rotten city. His hair looks even now. Perhaps he was trying a different hairstyle at the time. Hmm, his brows match, too. She sees him shake her master's hand with a smile, exchanging polite words without awkwardness. Really, it is a pleasant day—

She smells it.

It's stinking. It's unbearable.

That skank steps in through the doors with utter disregard for decorum. Her clothes are less than exemplary as her black tank top reveals her midriff, and she might not even be wearing anything underneath, seeing how the ruffled edges of her booty shorts fail to cover said booty.

And is that a gun? Two?!

H-How dare she?!

Ah, Master overlooks the slut's horrid nature, inviting her with a pleasant smile as that man stops in front of her, grinning. "Thanks again for inviting us. The farmers outside said you're the only maid. But everything looks neat and clean. It's kind of amazing how talented you are."

S-Such high praise. If Master spoke those words, she wouldn't know how to accept those words. But if it's from someone like him. She allows a smile and opens her lips to say something.

"Yo," the woman beside her Young Master's savior opens her mouth.

"Bitch," she replies unconsciously.

The small crowd freezes a little before a smug grin spreads across the brunette.

What has she done?


Nik glances over everything, learning. "This estate is fantastic, Sir. I usually don't know how to decorate such extensive places, so it's good to learn."

"Haha, just call me Diego." The grey-haired, blue-eyed man warmly smiles as he offers seats in the living room. "You say you possess a mansion?"

"Technically," Nik accepts the tea from Roberta. "It's two. But they are nothing compared to yours in size. One follows the infrastructure of extensive temples and is made from high-quality wood, while the other is similar to a pagoda." He places the tea on the table and gestures to form a triangle. "The one with layers."

"I see," Diego smiles. "You must have a large family."

"Right," Nik smiles. "Where is Garcia?"

"Ah," Roberta smiles. "Young Master is at school. He refuses home school whenever Master mentions it."

"That kid is a stubborn one," Diego massages his head.

"So?" Revy sniffs the tea and glances at Roberta before setting it down. "Are you going to keep standing?"

"I don't understand," Roberta strains a smile as Revy's smirk widens. "I heard old money usually have 'special' maids. I was hoping to meet one." She crosses her legs while still looking at Roberta.

"Ah, those," Diego sighs. "Some still continue such traditions, but our Family abolished those practices during the reigns of the seventh Patriarch. My apologies. I should have prepared better."

"Revy likes teasing others, Diego," Nik shrugs. "Just ignore half the thing she says."

"Wiser words, if any," Roberta affirms.

Revy tosses Nik a glare as he argues back with a similar look. At least keep it in your pants till we get our reward.

Diego smiles and offers. "Would you like to tour our plantation? Or perhaps the cause of the recent mess?"

Nik blinks.

"You see," Diego interlocks his fingers. "Our property tested successfully for a Rare Earth Element Lutetium. The news attracted some unwelcomed parties, including the Cartel. Unfortunately, the Cartel remained persistent. I didn't expect them to kidnap Garcia and ship him off."

"Cartel only keeps the nice kids," Revy informs bluntly. "Your kid must have been a hassle for them. They won't earn a dime if they killed him, so they decided to sell him off in Roanapur."

Roberta's glare intensifies upon Revy.

"What? Something to add?"

Their glares clash with invisible sparks spreading in the room.

"So, a mine and a plantation," Nik cups his chin. "I have more interest in farming. I think that's where I would love to start if we aren't too imposing."


How can he be imposing? It's that bitch who's a sight for the vulgar eyes. The crass way she sits, the audacity to not drink a laxative tea, and the way she speaks to her master—grrr!

So, he likes farming? A suitable taste. Agriculture produces food and replenishes one's being. It's an honest work, appropriate for someone like him. But she still doesn't know how she will reward him. A basket of fruits, perhaps? She hears Avocado is all the rage in the States. Maybe that will do.

Ah, Master is speaking.

"Before we continue, I would like to request something."


"Garcia spoke of something intriguing. He said you have a remarkable trick up your sleeves. I used to practice sleight of hand when I was Garcia's age. Magic always intrigued me."

Wow, she never knew!


She watches Nik close his empty hand before unclenching it, revealing a bulb of strange flower in his hand. He closes it again before opening it to unveil the bulb replaced by a bloom. He proceeds with the same action—only for a seed to rest in the center of his palm instead of the flower.

"Marvelous!" Diego smiles broadly. It's been so long since she saw him smile like that.

"Wait till you see him pull a grill from his ass."

Why does that woman have to open her mouth? Can't she choke on a dick and die of a splooge overdose? Their world will be better off without her.

"The trick is in your sleeves," Diego smiles knowingly—as expected of Master.

What is Nik doing? Roberta's eyes widen as he unbuttons his shirt and hands it to a dazed Diego. Honestly! But he looks good. If Roberta didn't know any better, she would believe he was trying to show off with those sculpted pecs, chiseled abs, and those alluring obliques. Maybe she will have to ask him later how he trains. She never got to show her obliques. And those pecs.

Tch. Look at that whore. How she stares at his back. Ah, that reminds her. His back must be as sculpted. C-Could she ask him to turn? No, that wouldn't be appropriate!

"Huh," Master's words snap her out. "There's nothing in your sleeves."

"It's just a trick." He replies humbly. Just when she thought her opinion of him couldn't get any better. Why did he have to work with that sloppy bitch and for that scarred bitch?!

But men with character are prone to attract bitches. She sighs, wondering if she should force the laxatives down that slut's throat.

Master has her escort the duo to the plantation and then barely constructed mines. It would be a pleasant job had he come alone. But Nik made it bearable for both of them. He is witty but doesn't invade their personal spaces with his words despite understanding the filthy lying under their facades. And the bitch? She exists to spoil. Ah, what is her name? Ronny? Well, Ronny, it is.

"Ronny," she states calmly. "Please refrain from stealing any unripe fruits."

"Ho— You bitch! It's Revy! Why the fuck would I steal fruits? Looking for a fight, huh?"

'Ah, it's returning. The filth is pumping in my veins. I mustn't!' Roberta snaps at herself, offering a polite smile to the bitch.

"I'm sorry. I will keep that in mind, Rundy."

"Revy! And don't you think I overlooked the insult in Hindi!"

How typical. Of course, the bitch would know insults in every language. She personifies them.

Young Master returns while they tour half of it. He dazzles the slut with his glib tongue and masterful memorization of Master's plantation. Wait? Is the skank ignoring Young Master? The fucking cunt!

But Roberta is happy their mood is harmonious despite the ugly business. The mine is incomplete, so there isn't much to see, and they return with Young Master musing how the Crescent Moon will affect their lives.


Roberta returns halfway through dinner. Garcia won't join them since he exhausted himself by doing the tour. Well—

"Is the food not to your liking?" Diego questions with a smile.

"Hmm?" Revy swallows when Roberta speaks up. "Master was speaking with Mister Nik."

"It sucks," Revy mouths at Roberta.

"Slut," Roberta mouths back with a polite smile.

"The food is delicious. I just felt odd for a moment," Nik frowns. "I don't think it's anything urgent. Anyway." he smiles. "Let's finish our meals."

Only then does the main talk begin.


"Roberta told me everything that happened," Diego sighs while leaning back on his sofa. "I can't particularly fault your involvement with my son's transportation. If not you, it would be someone else. And I'm not blind to overlook how your professionalism kept my son safe from more revolting acts during said transportation itself. Nik, Revy, allow me to impart something you wouldn't ordinarily hear. The world is no longer the same. My political opponents are my friends all of a sudden. And there are talks."

Diego glances at his table with a hesitant expression. "There are talks of the End. Can you believe it? Political rivals tossing away their facade because they want to do 'good.'"

Roberta glances at her feet with a blank look.

"Isn't it great?"

An amused voice breaks the somber silence. Revy scoffs at that as Nik chuckles. "It's never too late. We should use these moments instead of wondering the why and the how. What if others get addicted to doing good? What if they do more good in a few months than others did in years? We are nobodies. When given a second chance—" Nik rubs the back of his head with a wry smirk. "—We should accept and roll with it. There is no use doubting your second life when you already know what's right and wrong for you, right?"

Revy grows quiet as Diego chuckles. "Well said."

"Ah, where were we?" The man smiles.

"Rewards," Revy tilts her head.

"Of course. As you can already see, we don't have much to offer. But my estate would be meaningless with the loss of my son. Roberta explained how the corpses looked the other day. I don't doubt you save Garcia's life. Please, ask anything. Give me a chance to repay the favor."

Nik smiles. His 'meeting' with Lava-Head was enlightening. If that man can collect AP in a lump sum, why can't Nik? If there aren't any Hosts to rob, doesn't every world provide a chance?

He explains his desires as Revy's, Roberta's, and Diego's lips hang open.

"I-Is that all?" Diego flounders. "Please, don't feel slighted by our state. I can still provide the most lucrative of presents!"

"That's what I want," Nik smiles. "Remember? It's not money he took from me. And it's not money I need."


She takes off the cross hanging from her neck. What she is about to do is exceedingly sinful. She cannot bear such shame upon the cross. She slowly removes her headdress and aprons before unbuttoning her shirt and skirt. The face that looks back at her from the mirror is undoubtedly disgusting. But she cannot look away from it as she slips into a thin black teddy that matches her panties before untying her hair and letting it flow naturally.

How could she let it be just THAT? Sure, he is humble. But there is a limit to it. How can she shame the Lovelace Family by not meeting her promises? Master Diego will forgive her. Young Master is young, but he will understand. It's certainly not his pleasant scent or the urge to see his back before they leave tomorrow.


'Second chance, huh?' She looks at the mirror. She got a second chance, and she squandered it. She fell.

She will give it all up after tonight. All temptations will be behind her. She will make the third one count. Master Diego gave her another chance. Before that, she had one thing left to do. Just one night left to experience—one last smile to burn in her memories.

She walks out of her room, letting darkness swallow her. Her naked feet make no noise as she deftly travels to the guest wing and stops in a startle.

"Phew~! You're looking banging, dog."

It's her, the bitch.

"Why are you here?" Blood boils in her veins as Revy leans across the door with a smug smirk. "Did you think we're blind? Nik and I could see the way you leer. I wanted to see if you'll crawl over to his room." The brunette straightens her back and snickers. "Now you'll see me enter his room."

Revy touches the doorknob but stops. It wouldn't be her if she didn't have another thing to say.

"Maid, wanna give that dress to me? You can crawl back naked. How about it? Act like 'Special Maid.' Hahahaha!"

Her laugh is as grating as the sight of her tits bouncing with each heave of her laughter.

She scowls but soon frowns as she watches Revy twists the knob and push over again.

Could it be? Roberta blinks.

"As expected," Roberta sneers at the slut. "Mister Nik is well above sinful women like us."

"Bitch! He has dozens of lovers!"

That's new. Roberta digests the news before nodding. She should have expected it.

"As expected. Mister Nik is gifted in several ways."

Revy hits the door with a head and groans.

Heh! That's a sight for sore eyes.

"Whatever," Revy pulls back and readies to kick the door down.


"What?" he steps out with a towel around him, glaring at Revy before tossing an appraising glance her way.

"What the hell took you so long?" Revy snorts. Truly. That bitch has no sense of appreciation.

"I was snapping pictures of my junk," Nik frowns. "I just never found the right angle. It looks weird every way."

Ah, how unfortunate.

"Mister Nik," she can comfort him still. "Size isn't everything. I'm sure you keep your lovers happy with your genius technique."

"Pfft!" Revy shudders with tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"Thank you?" Nik smiles at her. "Roberta, what are you doing here?"

She glances at Revy before clearing her throat. "I couldn't let our family shame your efforts—"

"She came here to fuck," Revy interjects.

"I see," Nik works his jaw. "Why the hell are you here? I thought we were on no touchy rule ever since that night."

She snorts. "Don't be dumb. Like I'll sleep with a broad like you. I'm just here to slam the door on that bitch."

"I see," Nik shrugs. "Come on."

Revy smirks as she follows and slams the door shut.

An unfortunate chain of events. It's depressing, really. But it's understandable. Nik wouldn't want a mad dog like her. At least she got to see his back. Now. How should she check out those legs?


The door swings open again as she hears Revy's bark. "Hey! What gives?"

"She got to slam her door," he grins at her. What a pleasant smile he has. "Why don't you come in?"

Oh, joy.

She blinks as her feet move before she registers the sound of the door closing behind her.


Alternate Title: Conflicted Sides; The Maid And The Mirror; The Truth Lies Beyond Both; One's Character; Hate Boner Exists *Roberta and Revy: Imma Ride IT!*; The Laxative Tea Is Literally Anti Iroh; Someone Please Discipline Roberta!; A Trick; Roberta While Leering Those Nippies: Hmm. Nice Trick; The Cute Maid Dog; The Only Maid; Bitch!; The Plantation and Mines; Roberta Would Love Some Obliques; Barely Watching Back: Onto Legs; Nik Can't Catch a Break; One Night Stay; A Sinful Night; A Sinner's Choice; Fooling Around; Door's Locked; Imagine If Nik Didn't Come Out; Young Master About To Unlock Core Memory Tonight; Second Choices Are Great; Roberta: Oh, Hey. Rundy. *Rundy Means Slut*


A/N: Honestly, I'm not too into the political bs of Black Lagoon. I read it because of the ladies. Maybe the exploding moon will save everyone the heartache of Roberta Blood Trails later down the line, and we could have a more 'fun' version instead, kekekekeke!


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