Parker Luck

Chapter 1: A Pinch of Pepper

It all started innocently enough, a simple text which would go on to change Peter Parker's life.

Mrs. Stark: Hi Peter how's school? I need a favor. This weekend could you come and babysit Morgan? She's been asking about you and I have to do some things at work. Peter: Hi Mrs Stark sure I can look after her no problem. Mrs Stark: Great I'll ask Happy to pick you up.

The rest of the week progressed slowly and, surprisingly enough, quietly with nothing requiring Spider-Man. Peter was grateful for the peace, allowing him time to focus on his schoolwork and work on his web formula.

*RRRIINNG* The sound of the bell broke the young hero's concentration from the formulas he was writing down. "Hey Peter" a voice called as Peter gathered his books. Looking up the teen saw his best friend Ned Leeds waving to him. "Hey Ned what's up?" Peter asked his friend. "Betty and I are gonna go to Staten Island this weekend, you wanna come?" "Can't, promised Mrs. Stark I'd visit." came the response "You guys have fun though." Ned looked slightly dejected but quickly perked up again "Alright then, you too buddy." Said the dark haired boy. "Is this y'know work related?" Ned then asked, making air quotes on the word 'work'. With a chuckle Peter replied, "Nah, just gonna be looking after Morgan." "Okay then. Tell them I said hi." Came Ned's response. "I will." Promised the brunette.

Humming to himself as he walked back to his apartment Peter's mind drifted back to his brief time on Titan five years ago.

**"Mr. Stark... I don't feel too good.",

"You're alright."

"I don't wanna go sir, please. Please. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I'm sorry."**

Peter shook his head trying to dismiss the memory. Even now he still had nightmares about Thanos as well as his own disintegration. Despite his best efforts more memories began surfacing. The first thing Spider-Man recalled after being dusted was waking up on Titan with Iron Man gone, surrounded by aliens and with a man in blue robes and a red cape, who he remembered called himself Dr. Strange, standing over him.

**"Wake up kid we've got work to do."

"Wizard Guy? what's going on?" Asked a bewildered Spider-Man.

"Long story." Was the curt response, "Short version; five years ago Thanos destroyed half the population of the universe with the Infinity Stones, including us. Stark and the others found a way to bring us back and now he needs our help."

"Five years?!" was all Spidey could think to say, "We're stranded on another planet how're we gonna be able to help Mr. Stark?"

Instead of an answer Strange held his hands out, crooked his fingers and started drawing circles in the air. Yellow-orange sparks flickered into life, gradually forming a circular portal. Through the portal was an imposing sight; Iron Man, Captain America and Thor stood battered and bloody, facing off against the Mad Titan and his entire army. "Prepare yourself." Was the only advice the doctor gave.**

Most of the fight was a blur for Parker but two certain points he knew would stay with him forever.

**Laying on his back and holding onto the Nano Gauntlet for dear life, Peter looked up at the glowing woman above him, wondering if he was dead and this was an angel. Hesitantly introducing himself to the woman rewarded him with an amused smirk and the flirtatious line: "Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?"**

The memory of that encounter, and the subsequent rallying of other beautiful women around him, always gave Peter's loins a tingle whenever he thought about it. The other, considerably less pleasant, memory was his mentor sacrificing himself with Peter's futile self-assurances that Iron Man couldn't die, Mr. Stark just needed time to heal that was all.

With a sigh Parker wondered how Mrs. Stark and Morgan were doing after Tony's death as, despite their composure, he knew they were in pain. He'd talk to them at the weekend.

Calling out to his aunt when entering the apartment they shared, but getting no answer, Peter figured that she must be out doing something and shrugged it off. After packing a suitcase and writing a note for May, Peter climbed into the car that had pulled up outside the apartment.

Peter was given a friendly greeting by the large man driving "Hey kid.", "Hey Happy."

"Morgan's been looking forward to seeing you" Happy informed the teen "How're they doing?" Asked Peter. "They're... coping." Happy managed "They both know what Tony did saved everyone but that doesn't make it any easier for them." He continued.

"I miss him." Said Peter sadly. "Yeah me too kid." Replied the driver.

With a crunch of tyres the car pulled up outside the Stark's riverside residence that evening. "Sure you don't need help with your case?" Hogan asked the teen. "I'm fine, Spider-Strength remember?" Spidey replied.

Knocking on the door resulted in rapid footsteps and excited squealing. As the door opened Peter was greeted by an enthusiastic cry of "Peter's here!" As a little girl ran into his arms. "Hi Morgan. Man you're getting big." Commented Peter as he lifted the little brunette. Following Morgan was an attractive red haired woman with a smile across her freckled face. "Hello Peter, please come in" She welcomed. "Thanks Mrs. Stark." Replied the teen. "Peter.", chided Pepper, "We've talked about this, you can call me Pepper." "Right sorry Mrs. Stark, Pepper." Corrected Peter with a faint blush.

The next day passed quickly with Peter spending most of it playing with Morgan. The time was spent with him showing her his, as Morgan called them, 'Spidey tricks' much to the little girl's delight. He also regaled her with exciting (and somewhat embellished) stories about his crime fighting as Spider-Man.

That evening when Morgan was tucked up in bed and Peter was watching TV, Pepper walked in looking dishevelled. "Hi Pepper, rough day?" Inquired Peter. "Nothing I haven't had to deal with before but it's been tougher lately." Was the redhead's answer as she poured herself a glass of wine. "You want some?" She asked the young hero. "Um. I'm not sure I should be drinking." Said Peter uncertainly. Eventually though (with some encouragement from Pepper) he accepted.

Before long and after some more glasses the two were a bit tipsy and more than a little giggly. "You know I've been thinking." Said Pepper to the young man, "You and Tony were so close and Morgan loves you but I barely know anything about you."

"Is.. there anything you want to know?" Asked Parker somewhat hesitantly. "Hang on, let's make a game of it." Said the businesswoman with a slight slur. "Okay how?" Was Peter's reply. Pepper thought for a minute, "How about you ask me something then I ask you something?" Said the red haired woman. The pair's questions started off pretty harmless; 'What's your favourite colour?', 'Mornings or evenings?' 'Favourite food?' Etc. As Peter and Pepper talked their conversation was interspersed with drinks of wine which loosened tongues and lowered inhibitions.

"So Peter do you have a girlfriend?" The question caught the webslinger by surprise, "N-n-no." Stammered Peter. "That's a shame." Remarked the woman. "A handsome boy like you should've been snapped up a long time ago." "You think I'm handsome?" Inquired the brunette disbelievingly. "Sure." Said Pepper "In fact you remind me of a younger Tony in some ways." "Really?" Peter asked, believing that even less. "Yes, you're both brave, smart, caring..." Mrs. Stark broke off there, choked up, "Selfless" Pepper finished with a sob and then started crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Sobbed Pepper "It's okay." Peter softly said. "It's just, some days I still wake up expecting him to be laying next to me or out working on yet another armour." Explained the widow through her tears. "I understand." said Peter drawing the older woman into a hug "I didn't know him that long but he taught me so much."

Pulling back from the hug, Pepper took in the sight of the young man sitting beside her. A slightly glazed look then crossed Pepper's face, "Hey Peter, what cologne is that?" Asked the businesswoman.

"I, I'm not wearing any." Muttered the webslinger, confused. "Well something about you smells so good." Said Pepper in a husky voice. Blue eyes met brown ones and suddenly Peter felt soft lips press against his own. Much to his own surprise, the hero felt himself kissing her back. Within seconds hands were all over each other and tongues were wrestling for dominance. Between kisses a thought occurred to Peter, "Wait what about Morgan?" He managed to force out. "Mmm don't worry.", Was Pepper's response, "The girl sleeps like a log."

After a couple of minutes of making out the older woman stood up and took the young hero by the hand. "Let's take this someplace more comfortable." Said Pepper in an enticing tone. The horny teenager could only agree to be lead into the bedroom. "Are you sure about this? I've never been with anyone before." A more rational part of Peter admitted. "Yes! God yes! It's been so long." Exclaimed the widow breathlessly. "There's condoms in the bedside cabinet if you're worried and relax I'll help you."

Spreadeagled on the bed and making out furiously, Pepper ran her hand along the bulge in Peter's jeans. "Hard already?" Smirked Pepper "Well you are beautiful Pepper. And I've always had a thing for redheads." Was the young man's reply. Peter then set about squeezing and fondling Pepper's breasts. "You're good at that. Are you sure you've haven't done this before?" She teased.

"No wonder you're Spider-Man." The businesswoman then remarked as she pulled Parker's jeans and underwear down and stared at his bulge. Pepper began to rub and stroke the young man's hardness. Stripping off her top and bra, Parker continued his ministrations on Pepper's soft mounds of flesh and sucked on her perky nipples.

"Go lower." Advised the woman. Obliging, Peter ripped off his partner's soaked underwear and set about stroking her wet folds. Pausing only to throw off his shirt, the hero delved his fingers into Pepper's pussy, flexing and scissoring them as he did so. "I want you inside me." Said Pepper "I need that cock!" Peter drew back and slowly guided his rock hard erection into Pepper's glistening vagina. Immediately the young hero was overcome with pleasure as he lost his virginity. The feeling of Pepper's walls around his cock was indescribable, despite having gone through childbirth the woman was still tight. Giving the woman a few seconds to adjust Peter started thrusting his hips.

Pepper was likewise in ecstasy feeling the young man sliding in and out, her senses on fire. "Oh yes! Yes! Yes!" Cried Pepper, wrapping her legs around the superhero's waist. "Faster Peter!" demanded the MILF. Peter was more than happy to oblige, filling the room with the sound of slapping flesh. Moaning, the redhead once again captured Parker's lips with her own, only stopping for breath, determined to taste as much of him as possible.

A kinky idea then formed in Peter's mind that he'd once seen in a porno. Standing, he lifted Pepper up and firmly grabbed her hips, driving his full length into her. The red haired woman gasped in pleasure as she bounced up and down on Peter's erection like a jackhammer. "I'm close!" Moaned the teen. "Don't stop!" Begged Pepper, "Don't you dare stop! Give it all to me!"

Peter grunted in euphoria as he settled the older woman back on the bed, continuing to thrust into her as he did so. Soon Spider-Man was moaning incoherently as he yanked the rubber off his 'web shooter' and shot thick spurts of cum across the red-haired MILF's body. The young man collapsed onto the bed, panting for breath. Pepper ran her fingers across her body, seductively sucking the spunk off them.

"Mmm you taste good. I want more." She remarked, leaning back and spreading her legs "Ready for round two?" Pepper invited.



End of chapter 1.

Next Chapter: Schoolyard Hi-jinks.

I am going to include women from the MCU TV series but not until later on in the story.

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