Parker Luck

Chapter 2: Schoolyard Hijinks

Morning sun streaming through the window roused Peter from his sleep. Stirring, Peter sat up, and immediately wished he hadn't. Head pounding and mouth dry from his hangover the young hero looked around, temporarily not recognising his surroundings. Peter was suddenly aware he was naked. He wasn't the only one. Lying next to him was an older woman in the same state of undress. Mrs. Stark!

The events of last night came rushing back to Peter. He'd slept with Iron Man's wife! Panicking, the teen quickly threw on his clothes, all the while wondering what he was going to do. Despite his concerns Peter couldn't help but admire Pepper's body not to mention her skills in bed. Whilst dwelling on those latter memories Parker felt himself starting to get erect. To stop himself from walking around with a hard-on, the teen ducked out of the room and into the guest bedroom he was supposed to have slept in.

"Hi Peter". The hero whirled around, startled by the voice. Sat at the table was a small brown haired girl, waving cheerily at the teen. Relaxing slightly, Peter smiled at the girl "Hey Morgan, how long have you been up?" he asked. A shrug was his only answer. "Well how about I make us some breakfast?" asked Peter and was given his response in the form of an enthusiastic nod. Peter reached into the fridge and began gathering breakfast things.

Soon the two were eating away happily. "So did you and Mommy have fun last night?" asked Morgan. Peter almost choked on his drink. "W-what do you mean?" the teen ventured, "I heard you talking after Mommy came in" said Morgan. With a mental sigh of relief Peter answered "Uh yeah we talked for a bit and uh got to know each other". Seemingly satisfied with this, the Stark girl went back to her breakfast.

A few minutes later Morgan lifted her head again for another question, "I heard Mommy say something about a game. Did you play doctor?" she asked. Before Parker could respond the little girl elaborated, "One of Daddy's friends was a doctor before he was a magician and he gave me some of his old doctor stuff to play with".

Peter gave another mental sigh before a though occurred to him. "Um Morgan... did you hear anything... else last night?" Peter cautiously asked, dreading the answer. "No. Nothing else, I fell asleep" replied Morgan with another shrug, "But I did see you coming out of Mommy's bedroom this morning". Peter racked his brain trying to come up with an excuse. "Did you have a nightmare?" asked the girl sympathetically "When I have nightmares Mommy sometimes lets me sleep in her bed". 

Parker took the opportunity he'd been presented. "Yeah I did but don't tell anyone okay? It'll be our secret" said Peter, putting his finger to his lips as Morgan did the same.

A little later Pepper's bedroom door opened and the woman stepped out. "Morning Mommy" greeted Morgan "Morning Sweetie" smiled her mother. When her eyes met Peter's Pepper's smile faded slightly. "Morgan, Sweetie would you mind leaving, Peter and I have grown-up things to talk about" said the redhead. "But Peter isn't a grown-up" the girl pointed out. "Morgan..." said Pepper reproachfully, causing her daughter to go.

After Morgan had left Pepper sighed and pinched her nose "Look Peter, as much as I don't want to we need to talk about last night". Even fully expecting the conversation didn't make it any less awkward for Parker. "Mrs. Stark," he ventured (it felt wrong to call her Pepper after what happened) "I'm sorry it was my fault I was drunk and.." Before he could continue the teen was cut off by a raised hand "Don't," said Pepper "If anyone's to blame it's me. I encouraged you to drink and if anything I was drunker than you were". An uncomfortable silence hung in the air. Eventually the young hero broke it "So what happens now?" he asked. Sighing again Mrs Stark replied; "I don't know but let's just agree it was a mistake and not talk about it anymore."

The rest of the weekend passed slowly and as it went along two suspicions formed in Spider-Man's mind. The first was that he'd never be able to look at Mrs. Stark again without remembering that night. The other was that something was going on with his powers, as despite her best efforts Peter could see the lust in Mrs. Stark's eyes whenever she was near to him.

The following day at school the second suspicion turned into a certainty when he saw girls who previously wouldn't have even acknowledged his existence, couldn't take their eyes off him. Peter resolved to talk to Ned about it. Hopefully his 'Guy in The Chair' could help him figure things out. Unfortunately neither had time to talk in private.

Throughout the day Peter noticed that instead of lessening like he'd hoped, the girls seemed to be paying him even more attention. Multiple times throughout the day Parker saw Sally Avril staring longingly at him and winking whenever he caught her. During lunch several girls decided to share a table with Peter preventing him from talking to Ned about his 'problem'. Later on after decathlon practice Cindy Moon caught the teen by surprise by blowing him a kiss. Even Betty Brant was giving him the eye regardless of her relationship with Ned.

Surprisingly enough of all the girls in Midtown High the only one who wasn't drooling over Peter was MJ. The dark skinned girl seemed no different from usual, every bit as sarcastic and sharp witted as any other day. Eventually Parker managed to get chance to talk to his best friend alone, albeit having to practically tear him away from Betty.

The two teens walked into the empty school computer room and sat down. "Alright man what is it?" asked the larger boy. "Well it's kinda weird, but girls have been flirting with me all day" explained Peter. "How is that weird?" asked a confused Leeds. "Ned it's me we're talking about" said Peter gesturing to himself "Unless they're on the Decathlon I'm pretty much invisible to them". "Good point," said the dark haired boy "When'd it start?" he asked. The young hero explained what had happened over the weekend with Pepper and what was going on with his female schoolmates.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Ned "you had sex with Mrs. Stark!". "Dammit Ned keep your voice down!" snapped Peter "but yeah, at first I thought it was because we were both kinda drunk but I've been sober all day". Putting a hand on his chin Ned thought for a minute "Did she say or do anything that stood out?" "I'm not gonna tell you that!" remarked Spidey. "I mean before you y'know" said Ned making a specific hand gesture. "Oh right hmm" Peter thought back; **"Hey Peter what cologne is that?"... "Something about you smells so good."** "

"Mrs Stark said I smelled good and she looked at me funny the next day whenever we were close" remembered Spider-Man. In response Ned spun his chair to the nearby computer and spent a few minutes typing. The brunette leaned over his friend's shoulder at what he was looking up "Pheromones?" he read aloud.

"Yeah" said Leeds, as he turned back to Peter "They're special smells that some animals produce" he explained. "I know what pheromones are Ned" said Parker in a slightly waspish voice "Can you find anything that might help?" Shrugging, Ned swivelled back to the screen "I'll try but I've never heard of spiders or humans producing pheromones, not like that anyway".

The sound of the finishing bell caught the pair's attention. "I'll see what else I can find at home" said Leeds to his bud. "Thanks man me too" replied Peter giving Ned their signature fist bump. Sending a text to Aunt May saying he'll be late home as he's going out on patrol, Parker headed towards the Men's room to change into his costume. Much to the young man's surprise he saw Michelle leaning against the door frame. "Uhh hey MJ" said a confused brunette. With her semi-fixed smirk MJ moved closer to the boy "Parker" she said by way of a greeting. 

Turning red with his crush being so close the hero managed to stammer out "W-what're you doing here?". "Waiting for Spider-Man" answered MJ coolly. Despite his heart doing it's best Quicksilver impression Peter was able to keep his cool "You're waiting for Spider-Man outside the men's room of our high school?" he asked trying to sound incredulous. His response was a flat look from the girl "Cut the crap Peter I know you're him".

Shit! was Peter's only thought closely followed by; when in doubt deny, deny deny. "No I'm not" the boy said as convincingly as he could. This was met with a snort of derision from the dark-skinned girl "Please, how stupid do you think I am?". Michelle held up a hand and began counting off fingers "One: You're never in the same place at the same time, two: You disappeared off the bus before the Blip and Spider-Man was seen with the Avengers right afterwards and three: I can literally see the costume sticking out your backpack.

Faced with undeniable evidence the hero slumped dejectedly. "Alright fine I'm Spider-Man, happy?" he asked. "I am now" replied MJ. "Soo what're you gonna do?" asked Peter nervously. "This" came the girl's response as she grabbed Peter's shirt and kissed him. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time" said MJ after breaking the kiss. "Those pheromones are powerful stuff, do have any idea how hard it's been to stop myself from jumping you in the middle of class?". "Wait so you were affected?" said Parker "And how do you know about the pheromones?". "Duh" remarked Michelle "But unlike them I have self control. As for knowing, I was eavesdropping on you and Leeds earlier". "So that means you heard about Mrs. Stark" said Peter "Heard about and don't care" Said the curly-haired teen "Now come here Hero" pulling Peter into another kiss.

Furiously making out the teenagers pushed into one of the cubicles to continue. "You sure you wanna do this in a high school bathroom?" asked the webslinger of the young woman on his lap. "Hey I'm not the first and I know I wont' be the last, so shut up and get ready to forget all about Mrs. Stark". Michelle then snaked her hand into Peter's pants to rub his 'lower horn'. "Now I see what all the fuss was about" smirked Jones as she rubbed her partner to hardness. "Your hand feels so good" groaned the boy "Just wait" said Michelle flirtatiously.

Before Spidey could ask what she meant MJ slid his pants and underwear down and, getting onto her knees, began dragging and swirling her tongue around his cock. Peter moaned in pleasure "How are you so skilled at that?" he asked and, to his surprise he saw Michelle blushing. "I've had a crush on you for a long time so I got sex toys to practice on so I could make you feel as good as possible if we ever went all the way" the dark skinned girl explained. Jones then returned to treating the erection like a Popsicle as well as rubbing her hand on whatever wasn't being licked.

MJ suddenly stopped but before her crush could protest she opened wide and gradually took his entire length into her mouth. The warm wetness around Peter's cock almost caused him to blow there and then. Within a few seconds of the blowjob the hero couldn't hold it any longer "Ah MJ I'm gonna cum". In response Jones bobbed her head even faster and licked him whilst doing so.

White liquid shot into Michelle's mouth leaking from the corners and, as she stopped sucking, over her face. "That was spectacular" breathed Peter "I want to return the favour". MJ protested half halfheartedly that it was about him but got up and switched places. Remembering what he did with Pepper, Peter slid his fingers into MJ's vagina flexing them as he did so. Spidey spread the tight pussy with his fingers and, being a teenage boy with access to the internet, knew what to do next. Leaning in and lapping at MJ's crotch the brunette was determined to make the girl feel as good as he had.

Spider-Man's tongue frequently caused his enemies to go crazy and it was having a similar effect on Jones but in a different way. "Oh god, Peter yes!" cried the teenager "keep going". Doing as he was told Parker alternated between slow and fast licks, precum dripping down his face .The stimulation on her lower lips made MJ cry out in ecstasy and squirts of cum coated Peter's chin. "We are totally doing this again" said Michelle as she frenched her lover tasting her own juices, Peter could only nod.

Standing up Peter looked into MJ's eyes. Understanding the curly haired girl reached into her fallen jacket and pulled out a pack of condoms. Deciding to treat Peter a little Jones rolled the casing onto his dick before giving a quick suck for lube. Pressing his lips against his crush's Parker slowly prodded at her entrance with the tip of his member. "Mmmm!" was all MJ had to say which the hero took as an affirmation. Drawing back Parker pushed forward his member sliding into the drenched folds with little difficulty. "Ah careful, I'm still technically a virgin" Michelle grunted. Spider-man slowed down and then eased out again. "Dammit Parker don't tease me! Fuck me!" snapped the dark skinned girl, "As you wish" was the boy's reply.

Peter unsheathed himself from Michelle and then thrust all the way in which made her scream in a mix of pain and pleasure. MJ might not be as skilled as Mrs. Stark, thought Peter, but she more than made up for it with her enthusiasm and tightness. A knocking sound echoed through the bathroom as the lovers' hips met again and again. "Hang on I wanna try something" forced out Michelle between thrusts. Twisting around and lowering her body across the seat gave Peter an excellent view of her dripping pussy. The boy took the hint and, squeezing Michelle's ass, started his thrusting again. Spidey saw MJ's undulating breasts and twisted at her nipples.

The euphoria that engulfed the teens was overwhelming. "I'm cumming!" cried out MJ, "M-me too" groaned Peter. The pair reached their climax within seconds of each other. Panting Michelle took the condom off Peter's dick and tied it up with a wink "Souvenir" she said, followed by; "You were amazing Spider-Man". Man did I hit the jackpot! thought the young man.

"You were right MJ," Peter commented as he pulled on his costume, "I did forget about Mrs. Stark". "Now" said the masked hero "How're we gonna get out of here?". Jones simply shrugged "You're the superhero you'll figure something out."

Spider-Man wall crawled out of the bathroom window and began web-slinging across the city with MJ on his back. Leaning close MJ whispered in his ear; "Next time you're wearing the suit".


End of Chapter 2

Next Chapter: It's Witchcraft

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