Parker Luck

Chapter 3: It’s Witchcraft

*Thwip!* Thwip!* Thick strands of sticky webbing ensnared the robot's legs, stopping it cold. On the other end of the webbing, wearing his Iron Spider armour, was Peter. With a confident grin under his helmet the arachnid themed hero yanked hard on the webbing, which sent the machine crashing to the floor. Before the robot had chance to push itself up Spidey flipped over and pinned it down with the four mechanical spider legs emerging from the back of his armour. Slapping the button on the back of the android's head caused the training drone to shut down.

"Yes! Hey K.A.R.E.N how fast was that?" Peter asked of his suit's AI. 'Your time was 17.53 seconds. Congratulations Peter, that's a new personal best." Said an electronic female voice in the teen's ear. "Sweet!" exclaimed Peter fist pumping as he did so. The (new and improved) Avengers Facility's new practice bots were great for battle training thought Parker to himself, he only wished that Mr. Stark (who had designed them) had been able to see them implemented.

Dismissing those melancholy thoughts the teen looked over to the other side of the room where a young woman in red was facing two (considerably larger) training bots. As one of the robots swung a metal fist at the woman she evaded it easily as well as the follow up attack from the other bot. Crimson energy flared into life around Scarlet Witch's hands and her eyes glowed the same colour as she telekinetically grabbed the robots and smashed them together with ease. Wanda Maximoff took a second to admire her handiwork before brushing her hair out of her face. In doing so the Sokovian woman saw Peter watching her and gave a small wave, before heading over to him. By sheer coincidence they were the only two Avengers at the compound.

"What was your time?" asked Wanda with a friendly smile at the younger hero. Since being restored by Professor Hulk (as he went by now) and rejoining the Avengers, Wanda had jumped back into life with both feet, determined to make up for lost time and ensure that the sacrifices made hadn't been in vain. Wanda and Peter had formed a strong bond, with the young woman sympathising with being the youngest of their teammates and becoming something of a cool big sister figure to the teen (not that, that had stopped him from getting a schoolboy crush on her).

"According to K.A.R.E.N, 17.53 seconds." boasted Peter. "New record right?" Asked the redheaded woman, with her Sokovian accent slipping out. "Yeah." Replied Spider-Man, clearly proud of himself, "Well done." Smiled Wanda and offered him a high five which he accepted. "Soon you'll be ready for the big ones." Commented Wanda, "Nah." Said Peter, puffing out his chest "Too easy, don't want to make the rest of you look bad." This earned a laugh from Scarlet Witch "Come on then tough guy, target practice."

At the shooting range the heroes lined themselves up "Best of five?" Asked Wanda. "You're on. First to ten points wins." Smirked Peter, "K.A.R.E.N. switch to web pellets." He instructed. As the targets sprang up the duo let loose with dense balls of webbing and focused blasts of psionic energy.

Soon the two Avengers were tired and sweaty. "Time to hit the showers." Said Wanda "Nice try Peter you were close." This was however just Maximoff being nice, her increased control over her abilities had won her all but one rounds of their competition. "Yeah, thanks" muttered Spidey hollowly, hopefully a hot shower would wash away the sting of defeat.

After his shower Parker stood to try and comb his hair. Looking in the mirror Peter realised that before long he'd need to start shaving. Whilst trying to sort his hair the teen thought back to his week, most of which had been spent with Michelle. The girl was practically insatiable and proved to be a major test for Peter's enhanced stamina.

**Walking past MJ Peter felt someone pinch his ass, looking at the obvious culprit (MJ) resulted in a sultry fluttering of eyelashes from his lover** That was one of the tamer things she did to him all week.

**Parker was sat on the school bus gazing off into space when he suddenly became aware of someone sitting down next to him "Hello Peter. Wanna have a little fun?" she breathed into his ear. "Like what?" the hero asked although he had a pretty good idea what Jones had in mind. MJ surreptitiously looked to see if anyone was paying them any attention, before reaching across to the boy and stuffing her hand down his pants, squeezing his manhood.

No matter how many times she did it Peter never got tired of Michelle's soft hands on his cock. Unfortunately for the two the bus arrived at school before they could finish, resulting in Parker spending the first period with a boner.

At one point the day after their lovemaking MJ had taken out the condom she'd saved and drank it's contents in front of the young hero (which also made him wonder if Jones had a kink about almost getting caught.) **As he was leaving class Michelle grabbed his hand and the teens slipped into the Men's room. After locking the cubicle door and practically throwing the young man down, Jones once again yanked off Peter's underwear and set about licking and sucking his cock like there was no tomorrow.

When her lover was hard enough for her liking Michelle plucked another condom from her jacket (Spidey was starting to think she had an infinite supply of them) and handed it to her fuckbuddy. When he was ready Peter leaned back and guided his hard-on into Mj's waiting hole. To stop themselves from crying out the teens had to cover their mouths. Lost in the bliss of each other's bodies Peter and MJ didn't register the bathroom door opening. The sound of whistling did make them pay attention. Shit! mouthed the hero to the dark skinned girl, in response Michelle's worried expression morphed into an evil grin as she lifted her hips before bringing them back down.

A small groan escaped the young man. "Huh?" called out a startled voice, which Spidey recognised as belonging to Flash Thompson, "Is someone there?". There was a beat and then Flash said in a more controlled tone "That you Penis Parker?". After getting no response Flash seemed to give up. *Chink*, the reason Thompson wanted to be alone was made apparent from the sound of a lighter and smell of tobacco. Relaxing slightly Michelle continued riding Peter "Penis Parker indeed" she murmured to her partner.**

Having sex whilst his rival was just outside the door had to be one of the scariest things Parker had ever done and that included some of the situations he'd gotten into as Spider-Man. The memory of his escapades with MJ had given Peter a boner. His hair still a mess Spidey furiously tried to comb it back to little success. The bathroom door opened and in walked Wanda wearing nothing but a towel. "Oh Peter! Sorry I didn't know you were in here, I'll use another room" said the Sokovian woman clearly flustered.

Scarlet Witch was about to leave when she saw the state of young man's hair. "Having trouble?" asked Wanda kindly, slipping into sister mode. "Uh yeah" replied Peter in a defeated voice (He just couldn't win today). With a compassionate smile the Maximoff woman reached out to the teen "Here let me help". A tingle ran down Peter's spine at the feeling of Wanda's fingers in his hair. "Pietro, my brother, used to be the same, I'd help him too" Wanda told the young man and started telling him an anecdote about having to untangle her twin's hair after he ran.

Despite nodding Peter wasn't fully paying attention, he was instead mentally reciting; 'Please don't look down, please don't look down, please don't look down, please don't look down'.

Wanda looked down.

"... And guess what I found... in... there" Wanda trailed off at the sight of the tent in the young hero's towel. A flicker of desire passed through Maximoff but she managed to stomp it down by thinking about Vision. After staring at the erection long enough for it to get awkward the brown haired woman managed to regain her composure. "There you go" she said chivying Spidey out of the room.

The heroine's efforts to suppress her desire weakened at the feeling of the hot water on her creamy skin as she began to think about how long it had been since she'd had satisfaction (not counting the five years after The Snap).

** In a dark hotel in rainy Scotland a mutated human and a synthezoid were making love (Now there's a rare sentence). "Uh yes, Vis keep going" a red haired woman urged her companion, a blonde man with a glowing stone on his forehead. The 'man' was performing cunnilingus on Wanda and clearly had skill. After a few minutes Maximoff's pussy juices covered The Vision's face.

"Mmm I love it when you eat me out" Wanda told her lover, "Thank you Wanda" replied the android in a soft English accent "I only wish I had a penis so I could satisfy you more thoroughly". Wanda leaned across to Vision who had let his human disguise drop. "Don't worry about it." said the fake redhead "The way you use your fingers and tongue are more than satisfying". The synthezoid replied with a smile, "And if you really want to we can get a strap-on" continued Maximoff, she then started giggling "Or, or maybe you could talk to the Avengers to make you one". That got a chuckle from Vision. "Hello Tony, Hello Bruce" said Wanda mimicking Vision's accent "I want a dick, why didn't you build me with one?". That set the two bursting into laughter.**

Back in the present Wanda's memories had made herself sensitive to the slightest touch. Lost in pleasure the Sokovian fondled her pillowy breasts with one and whilst the other rubbed and flexed at her vagina. "Ahh" Maximoff started fingering and groping her genitals harder and faster. With a cry Wanda came for the first time in half a decade. As she did do her memories drifted back, not to the hotel with Vision, but to with Peter in the bathroom earlier.

Stepping out the shower Wanda thought that she should feel guilty for thinking about Parker like that, after all the spider hero had implied he was seeing someone, but couldn't seem to bring herself to. Walking back to her room Wanda couldn't resist a peek into the webslinger's quarters. Peter was masturbating. Maximoff's first thought was that she should leave him to it, her second (which quickly overrode the first) was that he was well-hung for a boy his age.

Unable to resist any longer the brown haired woman let her towel drop and pushed the door open. "Wanda!"

** (A few minutes earlier) At roughly the same time the mutated human was remembering the last time she'd made love and getting turned on, Peter was trying to do the opposite. Eager to get rid of his boner the hero tried several methods; ignoring it didn't work, he couldn't concentrate on anything else and he was too far away for a cold shower. Try as he might it wouldn't go away so he decided to get rid of it the old fashioned way, wank it out,. At first Parker's thoughts were on Michelle and their wild sessions, and briefly on Mrs. Stark and their night of passion, but they began to drift to the Sokovian woman he had been spending the day with.

The way her body twisted when fighting the drones, how her breasts jiggled when she fired energy blasts at the targets, the feeling of her soft fingers along his head (It didn't help that at the time the mirror had provided the brunette with a clear view down her cleavage). Jerking away the webslinger was imagining what it would be like to be with the Sokovian.

As he reached his climax, unable to stop himself, Spider-Man called out; "Wanda!". Then, as if by magic, the door swung open and there stood the object of his fantasy, buck naked and dripping wet.**

"Wanda!" Peter cried again, quickly attempting to cover himself. "What're you doing in my room?!" exclaimed the teen. Maximoff said nothing, instead she looked at the hero giving him a sly 'come hither' stare, beckoning with a finger as she did so. The sheer sex appeal of that look stripped Parker's conscious bare, leaving him unable to react. When the young man didn't move Maximoff stopped beckoning and used her powers to bring the teen to her. The webslinger was defenceless against the energy that surround him as he floated off his bed into a passionate embrace.

The intense heat from their embrace only made Peter harder and decide to throw common sense out the window as he surrendered to Scarlet Witch's efforts. The pair only stopped tonguing for breath. A small part of Scarlet Witch acknowledged the taboo but ignored it, in favour of the need the young man had aroused in her.

Once he'd stopped struggling against the psionic energies Parker was more than happy to let Maximoff lead him back along to his bed. Overwhelmed with ancient instinct Wanda pressed Spidey onto the bed with one hand, occupying his lips with hers and grabbing his cock in her free hand. Taking her hand off Peter's chest the brunette woman slid her hand around Peter's balls, stroking them gently. Already close from his earlier masturbating Spider-Man erupted over Wanda's hand.

Giving Peter a sultry look Maximoff licked her fingers clean. Wanda turned around so that the pair's genitals and mouths were meeting and dragged her tongue along his regrowing erection before sucking him off. "God you're even better than MJ" exclaimed Parker. Immediately realising his mistake Spider-Man shoved his face into Scarlet Witch's moist opening and wormed his tongue around. Wanda hadn't heard Spidey and even if she had she wouldn't cared she was too entranced by his scent and the taste of his penis.

Wanda came first with no warning spraying the webslinger's face with cum. Peter briefly noted that Wanda tasted different from MJ and continued lapping away. Scarlet Witch was bobbing her head on Spider-Man's dick as if she was trying to suck the sperm right out of his balls. Wanda's efforts were rewarded as Peter shot his load for the second time that day. The Sokovian woman slowly pulled her lips from the rigid appendage.

Staring Peter in the eyes the heroine swilled the cum around in her mouth and swallowed it, licking her lips afterwards. "Tasty" Wanda commented, her accent back in full force, "I'll be needing more later, but now I want you in me".

Rummaging through his bedside cabinet Peter found a box of condoms (multiple forms of birth control had been provided to the Avengers as, in the words of Nick Fury, "The world ain't ready for super-babies yet"). The instant the hero's member was covered the Sokovian twirled her tongue around it and gave his balls a squeeze. "How do you want to do it?" asked Peter in answer Maximoff got down on her hands and knees, presenting herself to the young man.

"Go slowly" Wanda told Spidey "I've never done it down there before". This surprised Parker "So you and Vision never...?" inquired the hero. "Peter" reprimanded his partner "Stop talking and put that dick inside me". Never one to refuse such a request Spider-Man pressed the tip into Wanda's pussy "Keep going" was all she said. Obliging, Peter slowly pushed the rest of his boner into Maximoff, drew out just as slowly and then thrust again.

"Fuck! Wanda, you're tight" the young hero exclaimed as he thrust in and out. Cries of pleasure were Wanda's answer as she basked in the loss of her virginity. Her pussy dripping like a waterfall, made both Wanda and Peter's experience even better. "Faster", "Harder", "More", "Yes" as well as the occasional "Wanda" and/or "Peter" filled the room and the rest of the living quarters.

"God yes, Peter I'm gonna, I'm gonna" burst out Scarlet Witch. Peter took his hands that had been resting on Wanda's ass to her voluptuous bust and turned the stickiness of his fingers on to give extra pleasure. It worked as with a scream the brown haired woman came like she never had before.

His stamina still holding Spidey carried on fucking Wanda's love chasm, until he too felt his imminent release. "Ah yeah!" Parker cried as he prepared to eject. Before he could a tendril of red energy wrapped around his cock and drew the condom off. "On me." said the Sokovian woman, "I said i wanted more of your cum." As if triggered by the word, white liquid splattered across Wanda's back.

"Peter, we will be doing this again" panted Scarlet Witch who was currently sprawled across the webslinger's bed and falling asleep. Exhausted, Spider-Man could only nod. "Man, cumming three times in one day is exhausting, even with super stamina. I need some fresh air" said Spider-Man to himself as he slipped into his fabric costume.

After a snack, a nap, and now reclined on the compound roof looking up at the night sky, the brunette teen had regained his energy. A series of shooting stars caught Peter's attention. 'Hey I could make a wish' thought Peter.

"I wish-" he started but before he could finish, Peter noticed that one of the comets had suddenly changed direction, and was now headed straight towards him!


End of Chapter 3

Next Chapter: Captain's Orders

I'm trying to come up with some kind of subtle tell to show that the pheromones are working and am open to suggestions.

For those of you who didn't see it the song was Witchcraft by Frank Sinatra

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