Parker Luck

Chapter 4: Captain’s Orders

There was no doubt now, the meteor was rocketing towards Peter. Dozens of thoughts raced through the hero's mind, most of which were profanities. Some more coherent thoughts included; 'How're they gonna explain this to Aunt May?', 'The others are gonna be so mad' and eventually settled on the thought that being hit by a shooting star, after a week of making love to beautiful women, was a pretty damn good way to go out.

As the meteor got closer the light radiating from it got brighter and brighter until Spidey could no longer bear to look at it. "Warning, lux overload detected." Came the synthesised voice of K.A.R.E.N with the words also flashing up on the mask's HUD. Shielding his eyes, Peter prepared for the end.

"Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?"

At the sound of the familiar voice and familiar greeting, the teen turned around in shock "Captain Marvel?" Floating a few feet in front of him and several feet off the ground was a tall woman wearing red, blue and gold and surrounded by a golden luminescence. "C'mon Peter, we're off duty, you don't have to call me Captain Marvel every time." Said the Kree hybrid as she settled on the roof, retracting her helmet.

"Force of habit, sorry." Apologised the teen, "How come you're on Earth?" He then inquired. With a shrug Carol responded, "I was in the galaxy, figured I'd stop by, shake off the space lag". Peter looked confused "Space lag?", "Yeah it's like jet lag only, y'know, instead of going between countries you're travelling between planets." Explained Carol. "Oh." Was all Peter had to say.

"Hey is there any booze?" Danvers eagerly asked. The sudden question caught Parker of guard, "Uh I think there's some somewhere." he guessed. "Great!" Said the captain "You want any?" She offered. "Carol, I'm sixteen." Peter pointed out but this just got him another shrug from Carol "So?" "Never mind." Sighed the brunette, "Just some sodas, please?" "No problem." Carol flew off.

A couple of minutes later the blonde's return was heralded by the glow of her powers. As she emerged Peter saw that in one hand she had brought a pack of sodas and several six packs and bottles of all kinds of booze balancing in the other. "Where'd you get all that from?" Peter wondered, somewhat impressed "A few places. A lot came from Clint's room, I think he's got a bit of a problem." Answered Carol "Hang on there's more coming". As promised the woman flew off again and once more returned with a large quantity of alcohol. "Are really gonna drink all that?" asked Peter in amazement. "I'm gonna try." Said the blonde. "See, being part Kree means this Earth stuff doesn't affect me as much, so I have to drink more of it to get a buzz." She told him.

"So what's been happening around here?" Carol asked Spider-Man, flicking the cap off a beer as she did so. Carefully omitting certain details (namely the ones featuring Pepper, MJ and Wanda) the young hero gave the space farer a brief rundown of current events both personal and otherwise. "What've you been doing?" Parker asked of the heroine. "The usual." Said Danvers nonchalantly "Checking in on planets after The Blip, trying to keep the peace, kicking ass and taking names." Carol then gave a snort of amusement "Hey speaking of kicking ass, let me tell you about a fight I got into once..."

** (About 17 years ago) "And stay out if you know what's good for you!" Shouted Captain Marvel after a group of aliens currently fleeing from the bar they'd tried to pick a fight in. Turning back to her drink Danvers shook her head. Was the whole universe conspiring to stop her from getting a bit of peace and quiet? She wondered.

A few minutes later a booming voice rang out "You! Pink-skin!" Danvers tried to ignore it but when it called out again her frustrations got the better of her, resulting in her 'glass' getting crushed in her grip. That was the final straw. "What?!" She burst out, seething. The source of the voice was a muscular blue skinned humanoid with thick bright red hair. The alien looked at the blonde with a smug expression on his face "You are the one called Cap-Tain Mar-Vell correct?". "Who's asking?" Hissed the Kree hybrid between clenched teeth. The smug look on the blue man's face grew as he pointed a thumb at his chest and introduced himself.**

"Pfft! Haha, 'The Champion of the Universe'. That's seriously what his name was?" Laughed Spider-Man, spitting out his soda. "I had pretty much the same reaction at first" Grinned Carol (already on her third beer) "But yeah and he's all like-", Carol put on a deep and dramatic voice, "Cap-Tain Mar-Vell! I, The Champion of the Universe, challenge you to single combat!"

"So then what?" Asked Peter, eager for the rest of the story. "Well I was pissed and, between you and me, kinda sexually frustrated, so of course I accepted, we fought, and to give him credit he was a good fighter, but I won. "But you're not gonna believe what happened next." the woman told Spidey.

 "So it turned out he was sexually frustrated as well and he believed that he could bed any female he beat in combat." Danvers continued. "Seriously?" Asked Parker, "Wait how'd you know he was sexually frustrated?". Captain Marvel gave Peter a meaningful look, "It was pretty obvious." She said, pointedly moving her eyes down as she spoke. "Oh, right" The younger hero understood what she meant. "So as I was saying, we were both sexually frustrated, and he was a big boy, so I decided to let off some more steam." Danvers continued. "You'd of thought by the way he talked that he was some kinda sex god." Went on the space farer, enjoying the curious and slightly uncomfortable expression Peter had on his face, "But turns out size really isn't everything, all he cared about was trying to make himself feel good. So soon as he finished I left.

"So you fucked an alien?" Summarised the webslinger. "Pretty much yeah" agreed Danvers, crushing a can of larger as she did so.

"And he didn't like lay eggs in you or something?" Asked Peter. The question made the Captain snort "What? No where'd you get an idea like that?" She laughed. "For the most part male anatomy is pretty universal." Said the ex pilot, "Let me tell you another story..."

 **(About 30 years ago) Vers, Att-Lass and a handful of other Kree were sat in the Hala equivalent of a nightclub laughing and very drunk "No way, that did not happen!" Laughed Vers, "It is true, every word I swear by the Supreme Intelligence" Assured the blue Kree next to her "So what did Yon-Rogg say?" The hybrid had to know. "He does not know, and I am not going to tell him!" Att-Las replied. In Vers' hammered state the warrior's mildly amusing story was hilarious. "You may not have a sense of humour, but at least you know how to have fun." The blonde told him. "Yon-Rogg's too much of a square to do something like this." Att-Lass looked baffled, "But Yon-Rogg is not square, he is Kree shaped." He frowned, waving his hands to emphasise his point. Vers considered trying to explain but thought better of it.

Looking across to the bar where, much to her surprise, she saw Minn-Erva appearing to be chatting up a Pink Kree man. The hybrid waved to the sniper who simply rolled her eyes and went back to the man. Despite her rebuff the other woman had given Vers an idea. "Att-Lass, you wanna get out of here?" She asked flirtatiously. The male Kree got the hint and let himself be led out.

Stripping off their Starforce uniforms whilst pressing their mouths together Vers and Att-Lass stumbled into the blonde woman's quarters. Before long both were naked and by unspoken consent agreed to skip the foreplay. Carefully lining himself up the alien thrust into the hybrid's entrance. Giving a grunt of pleasure the male began to draw his cyan cock out and then shoved it back in. Vers gave a moan and grabbed hold of Att-Lass, pulling him into a sitting position, and started gently biting his lip whilst bouncing up and down.

"Harder!" Demanded Vers of her teammate and fuck-buddy. Complying, the sapphire humanoid slammed his pole into the hybrid's wet slit with as much force as he could muster. Within a few minutes Att-Lass couldn't hold it anymore and sprayed blue liquid onto the blonde's body.

Waking up in the morning, both soldiers agreed it to be one-time thing. Whilst not forbidden, fraternisation with other members of Starforce was frowned upon and both knew it would've never happened if they had been sober. Although both were satisfied by the experience, Vers and Att-Lass decided not to risk incurring their commander's ire.**

By the time the former pilot had finished her story Spidey was quite turned on but was trying to hide it. "So both these aliens wanted to do it with you the whole time?" Questioned Parker. "Yes. Is that so hard to believe?" Carol gestured to herself. "Uh, no." Said Peter, blushing, "It's just I'd of thought aliens wouldn't want to er, mate outside their species" Elaborated the teen. "I used to think that." Said Danvers nonchalantly, "Turns out though there's something about humans that acts like an aphrodisiac to most humanoid races." "And some non-humanoid ones too" She added with a shudder, recalling a memory of fleeing from a pack of horny Jotunheim beasts.

Carol's words sparked a tiny flicker of hope in Peter "So uh do you know if another humanoid could affect other members of the same race like that? Say, I don't know, a human?" He queried, trying to sound casual. Another shrug from the older woman, "Never heard of it happening, but maybe. "Why?" "Uh.. no reason." Lied the young hero, poorly. "Uh-huh" The heroine wasn't convinced in the slightest. "A lot of species are affected by it you know." She then remarked in an off hand manner and Spidey took the bait, "Like which?"

The woman thought for a minute and then started listing names on her fingers; "Well let's see there's; Asgardians, Zehoberi, Skrulls, Luphomoids, Celestials, Spartoi, Majesdanians, Shi'ar, Xandarians, Kree.." Carol stopped to grin and look at Peter "Kree hybrids." She stopped their with a sultry grin, "So Peter," Danvers purred, "Is that a web shooter in your pants? Or are you just happy to see me?"

Spidey gulped as Carol lifted him up with one hand, her strength superior to his, and brought him closer. The Captain then kissed Parker, tenderly at first, but becoming more forceful as she deepened the kiss. As she pulled away Danvers raised her free hand and ran a glowing finger down Peter's chest. The tingle was like an electric shock, stimulating the hero's nerves. "Where'd you learn to do that?" he asked. "Less questions, more screwing" Was Carol's answer. "Yes Captain." Responded the brunette "But don't you wanna go inside?" "What and miss the chance to make love under the stars?" Replied the blonde woman, rhetorically.

Pushing Peter to the floor, Carol began gradually peeling her outfit off, enjoying teasing the young man. Even more turned on by the heroine's striptease, Spidey got up to try speed things along a bit but was pushed to the floor again, "Ah ah, you just lie there and do as you're told." Commanded Danvers with an even more sultry grin. "Yes Captain." Said the teen again. Carol wouldn't have told Spider-Man this, but the way he said 'Captain' like that caused her nether regions to stir. When she had fully removed her costume the hybrid spread her lower lips and straddled the brunette's head "Eat me out." She ordered. "Yesh Cptin." Peter's voice was muffled after he'd pressed his face into the blonde heroine's warm hole.

Carol moaned at the feeling of Parker's clever tongue worming around in her clit, lapping up her fluids. "Ah yes Peter! Your tongue feels so good!" Cried the heroine. Encouraged by this, Peter began alternating the speed of his licks, switching between slow and long and quick and short. The hero's skill did not go unnoticed by Carol's body and very soon she spurted a big release.

"That felt great." The blonde told Peter "You've earned a reward." She added as she peeled him out of his red and blue costume. Before Parker could say anything, Carol shoved one of her breasts in his mouth whilst slowly running a hand, glowing with power, along his rock hard penis. Determined to make the woman feel as good as he did, Spidey swirled his tongue around Carol's nipple, occasionally giving a gentle nibble, all the while squeezing her breasts with his hands.

The pair continued their heavy petting for several minutes, with it almost becoming a competition to see who'd cum first. Eventually Spidey couldn't hold it any longer and erupted over the blonde's hand. "Wow Parker you could put some aliens to shame" Commented Danvers, "Now let's get this ready again." The hybrid knelt and slowly dragged her tongue along Peter's length. As soon as he was hard enough Carol opened her mouth wide to take the whole of Peter's dick in her mouth. Danvers wasted no time slurping at the meat in her mouth and bobbing her head as fast as she could.

"Uhh! Carol I'm close!" Grunted the teen, face screwed up in pleasure. "Sorry, kid not yet." Smirked Carol. Spider-Man started to protest but was quickly cut off by the next thing the older woman said, "With any of the girls you've been with, have you ever done anal?"

Caught by surprise, the brunette could only shake his head. With a smug grin the blonde then said "Well today's your lucky day Peter. But first you have to get me ready." Carol stretched out over the young man, their bodies in a sixty-nine position and restarted sucking. Peter gave a grunt and then started probing the tight ring of muscle with his tongue. "Good boy, keep going" Encouraged Danvers between sucks. Deciding she was wet enough, Parker slid a finger into the blonde's ass and pushed it in and out. "More!" Demanded Carol around Peter's length. Complying Spidey pushed a second finger in, stretching the tight hole as he did so.

"Good boy." Said Carol again in a more seductive tone, "Prepare to have your world rocked." Carol floated into the air and then slid onto Peter's waiting hardness. Both gave moans of ecstasy as the teen's length entered the woman's back hole. "Fuck. Me. Hard!" Demanded the hybrid once she'd adjusted. Using his full strength Peter thrust hard into the blond who, judging from her euphoric expression, she appreciated it. It took all of Peter's control not to cum the instant he started fucking the tight hole, but he was adamant not to disappoint the Kree hybrid and kept thrusting.

"Fuck, Yes!" And variations thereof, were all that Danvers had to say as she rode the teen like a bronco. Carol then floated up and twisted to face Peter and began Frenching the brunette. Breaking the kiss, the blonde lifted one of Peter's hands to her mouth to suck on his fingers. "You're gonna take those fingers and you are gonna put them in my pussy." commanded the ex pilot. "Ah, ah Y-yes Captain!" Manged Peter through his euphoria and proceeded to do so.

With both her holes being stimulated, Captain Marvel felt her orgasm coming soon and bounced even faster on Peter's cock. Spider-Man then announced that he was gonna cum which surprised the hybrid. Danvers quickly got over her surprise and decided to let Peter have a treat "Do it, cum in my ass." She told him. Carol's powers flared into life, once again stimulating all of Peter's nerves. The surge of pleasure caused Spidey to shoot his batter into Carol. Trying to draw out the experience for as long as she could, Danvers tensed her rear entrance. With a euphoric cry Danvers squirted her spunk across Peter's chest.

When the two had recovered enough of their breath to talk the brunette managed to pant out "That was amazing Captain." The blonde simply smiled, "Carol." she gently reminded him before giving him another kiss. "Remember when I said that male anatomy is pretty universal?" Asked the spacefarer when they'd separated and the teen nodded "Yeah?" "Well female anatomy is practically universal too." The older woman told him. "I learned that when I was part of an orgy on Sakaar."

"So it was about six or seven years ago..."


End of Chapter 4

Next Chapter: When the Cat's Away

As before if any of you have do have suggestions for some sort way of showing that the pheromones are in effect please do say.

The Champion of the Universe is a real Marvel character I based his personality on a combination of his comics version and from his appearances on the Guardians of the Galaxy animated series. Also all the species mentioned come from the comics and MCU.

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