Parker Luck

Chapter 14: God Save the Queen

The Benatar cruised gently over the Norwegian village of New Asgard. Whilst the place was nowhere near the former grandeur of its namesake, the acquisition of functional spacecraft after Thanos' defeat had allowed the Asgardians and the Sakaaran gladiators to obtain alien technology, some of which was salvaged from the ruins of the original Asgard. Among the recovered items were a handful of inoperable skiffs, some damaged armour and a small collection of weapons including the partially melted spear Gungnir. Some of the tech gathered had been used to make a crude, piecemeal (and currently non-functioning) Bifrost.

Leaning on the edge of his seat Peter Parker drank in the sight of the village. For the most part it looked very much like any other fishing village. What set it apart from the neighbouring towns wasn't just the advanced tech they possessed it was its inhabitants, whilst most could pass for human others stood out with features like having three heads, red skin or being made of living stone.

A being fitting the latter description was stood waving at the craft as it began to land.

When the Benatar set down Thor insisted on being first out. As the Asgardian disembarked the stone creature nudged his companion, a large grub like creature in a mechanical exoskeleton, "See Meik, I told you he'd come back." At the sight of his friends the Thunderer broke into a wide grin "Korg, Meik, good to see you again." He said as he drew the Kronan into a firm, back clapping, embrace and did the same for the bug. "I see you've found yourself some new friends since you've been gone." Commented Korg. "Indeed, these are the Guardians of the Galaxy;" Thor then introduced the group one by one, "And this is Spider-Man." He finished.

The alien introduced himself in a surprisingly high pitched voice, "Hey guys, I'm Korg this is Meik, we're kinda like Thor's best friends and the queen's envoys so if there's anything you wanna know just ask us." 

"Envoys? Since when?" Questioned a confused Thor. At this the Kronan's expression turned guilty, "Well it's not official as such, but considering we were so close when you were king we figured her majesty would want us around too, so we try to help her out with things." he said sheepishly. The grub then made a series of chittering sounds to Korg, which he seemed to understand "Oh yeah Miek's right, the queen said she wanted to see you, mate, and your friends."

The group set off with Thor and Korg continuing their catching up. "You missed Sif, she was here for a little bit the other day." The rock alien told his friend, "By the way man, have you lost weight?"

Peter watched Thor and his friends walk ahead, their chatter filling the air. The teen stared at their greeters, they were the first extraterrestrials he'd met that truly looked alien (not including ones that had tried to kill him), although the rock alien was wearing a loud Hawaiian shirt.

Korg and Meik lead the group to a large wooden building near the top of a hill. "Her majesty is expecting you so go right in." Said the Kronan once they'd reached the door. Entering the room revealed a long hallway with a short flight of stairs at the end. At the top of the stairs was a large wooden throne, simple but elegant in its design with ornate carvings and a high back. Sat upon the throne was a striking dark skinned and dark haired woman wearing white and gold armour and holding a long golden spear.

Thor was the first to approach and knelt, encouraging the others to do the same. "You may rise." The woman said. "Welcome to New Asgard, I am Queen Brunhilde." With a smile the queen changed to a less formal tone "Hello Thor, these must be the Guardians of the Galaxy you told me about." Valkyrie then turned to Peter "And you I remember from the battle. You handled yourself well, especially for someone your age."

"Um thank you your majesty" A flustered Peter replied. With a small nod Brunhilde continued, "You're all free to stay as long as you like but you will be required to help out with the rest of the villagers, in return for food and board. But for now it's getting late, so please join us for dinner. It's been a long time since we've had guests and the village wanted to throw a feast to welcome you. Korg and Meik will show you to where you'll be staying in the meantime."

The rooms were small but comfortable inside a small house. Unfortunately for Spidey the rooms were also very close together which eliminated the possibility of any 'fun' with the ladies, as he didn't want the rest of the Guardians knowing he was sleeping with three of their team.

When dinner came the village all gathered in a longhouse, filled with tables stocked with food. "This is amazing." Said an impressed Peter. Thor nodded "Yes, even on Asgard this would be quite the feast, reminds me of the old days." A wistful expression crossed Thor's face and he got a faraway look in his eyes.

As well as a large spread the locals had managed to create a reasonable facsimile of Asgardian mead.

Spirits were high in the hall, helped by their former king having returned. Said god was currently telling Spider-Man about his past adventures with Lady Sif and the warriors three, Fandral, Hogan and Volstagg; "So then just as the troll is about to swing at me, Volstagg comes out of nowhere, knocks it down and cuts the beast's head clean off with his axe!" Laughed Thor. The laughter faded into a sigh as Thor's face became solemn "Here's to you, friends," he said, raising his cup to his fallen comrades, "Valhalla gained three mighty warriors with you."

The other Guardians seemed to be enjoying themselves. Quill had underestimated the strength of the mead and was passed out drunk and snoring, Rocket was talking tech with Meik and appeared to be trying to convince the grub to give his exoskeleton to him, Groot was completely absorbed in his game as per usual, Mantis was engrossed in delicately picking at her meal, Drax and Korg had hit it off and were laughing drunkenly about the Kronan's tales of revolutions, failed and successful, as well as someone called 'Noobmaster69', Nebula and Gamora, ever competitive, were arm wresting Asgardians and appeared to be winning.

Valkyrie looked across the room, glad her people were enjoying themselves. A good feast always improved the mood of the village and having plenty to drink certainly helped. The old Valkyrie, the scrapper from Sakaar, wanted to be boozing and partying with them but she knew the ruler should set an example. Brunhilde didn't want to go back to her old ways and, having seen what a mess Thor became after turning to alcohol for comfort, had cut back on her drinking.

Whilst the Asgardians certainly knew how to make a celebration, their revels were tame in comparison to the Grandmaster's. The man may have been a crazed tyrant but he sure knew how to throw a party. The queen sometimes wondered what happened on Sakaar after the revolution but had no intention of returning to the trash planet to find out. Whilst Brunhilde didn't miss who she'd been then she did miss the readily available sex that was common there. Although she'd never been to one of the Grandmaster's orgies (she'd been invited to several) she'd frequently had mindless hookups.

After arriving and settling on Earth, the Valkyrie had been with one or two lovers but had always been too busy for them to be regular things. Now that she was queen she could sleep with who she liked, but felt the queen shouldn't be sleeping around. Spider-Man however, did catch her eye. The young hero's enthusiasm and awkwardness amused her and also he was quite good looking.

Brunhilde then noticed the subject of her thoughts was currently staring at her. When the teen saw the the woman had caught him staring he looked away blushing. A thought formed in Brunhilde's brain that it might not be a bad idea to have a consort, for a while at least.

Peter was enjoying his stay in New Asgard. The people were friendly if a bit strange and he and the Guardians had been made to feel very welcome. Like the queen said the group worked through the day to earn their beds and food. For the most part the work was simple enough; mostly fishing and preparing the catch as well as odd jobs around the village. After a hard day's work Parker usually dropped straight off. Tonight however was a different story. Try as he might the webslinger could not get to sleep.

Pulling on his clothes and slipping out the accommodation Peter thought a walk might help him sleep. The town certainly looked picturesque but also looked very similar and Peter found himself getting lost. The hero was regretting his decision but didn't want to disturb anyone to ask for help.

Peter's ears caught what sounded like movement emerging from a building nearby and hoped that meant someone was awake. "Hello? Is there anyone here? Sorry to bother you but I need help." The brunette called through the door. Other than more clattering the webslinger received no answer. Deciding to try again Peter noticed the door was ajar so slid it open.

Spidey was half right; the occupants were awake but they wouldn't be much help. Horses peered over their stable doors at the teen. "Damn it." Moaned Peter, deflated. A soft nose nuzzled at Peter, at least the horses were friendly. Movement near the back of the stable caught Peter's attention as a pure white horse became visible. What set this horse apart from the others wasn't just his colour, he also had a pair of swan like wings emerging from his shoulders. "Hey buddy, I remember you." Said Peter, walking over to stroke the Pegasus. "Thanks for the lift back then."

A voice then spoke out "That's Aragorn. I believe you've met." Startled, Peter whirled around to see Queen Brunhilde standing behind him. "Y-your majesty!" He stammered as he started to bow.

"Stop." Said the queen. "There's no need to bow and you can just call me Brunhilde. Or Hilde, if it's easier."

"My name's Peter Parker. But isn't calling you by your name a little disrespectful?" Asked Peter.

"I'm not big on formality" replied the Valkyrie. "Anyway, Peter Parker, what're you doing here?"

Trying to save face Peter responded in kind; "Um, what're you doing here?"

Brunhilde raised an eyebrow, "I am the queen. I can go where I like." Embarrassed by this Peter blushed "Right. Sorry." He said "I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk but got lost and I went in here because I thought there was someone awake who could help, but it's just horses." Peter babbled and turned even redder.

Smiling at the brunette's bashfulness the Asgardian spoke "I see, well don't worry I can take you back" she told him. "And I came here because I couldn't sleep either and wanted to see Aragorn." The queen then explained. Leading him out, Valkyrie could clearly see how humiliated the teen was. "Tell you what, Aragorn seems to like you so meet me here tomorrow evening and we can go flying. Wear warm clothes."

With that promise Peter's day passed quickly and when the evening came around he was in a good mood.

As promised the queen was waiting for him with her steed. The Pegasus whinnied at the sight of the teen, letting Brunhilde know he was there. "Hello Peter. Are you ready?"

"Yeah I'm ready." Nodded the hero, full of enthusiasm.

"Good. Let's go then." With that the queen swung onto her horse with practised ease. After a couple of tries Parker managed to scramble on behind her. "Hold on tight." Brunhilde instructed, nudging Aragorn with her heels. The steed broke into a trot, sped up into a canter and then a full gallop. Stretching out his wings the Pegasus gave them series of powerful beats and took off into the sky.

The rush Peter felt from from soaring through the air was better than web-swinging. Now that he wasn't fighting for his life Spider-Man could properly enjoy the experience. "This is awesome!" He shouted. "We've barely started, keep holding on!" The queen shouted back. With another nudge Aragon began climbing. The view was incredible but Peter didn't get long to enjoy it. Valkyrie leaned forward, instructing her steed to dive.

Peter felt his stomach rising like he was on a roller coaster. Much to the teen's mortification his stomach wasn't the only thing rising, the thrill of the ride (and clinging to a fiercely attractive woman) had given him a fear boner, which he prayed the queen wouldn't notice. Naturally the Valkyrie felt something poking her in the back and quickly realised what it was. She decided not to comment on it and further embarrass the webslinger. "Brace yourself!" Hilde called. "Brace myself for whaaaaah!" Peter's question turned into a scream as the riders were turned upside down when the Pegasus arched into a loop. The teen clung even tighter to the warrior woman, not caring if she could feel his hardness or not. "Good boy Aragorn, time to go down." Brunhilde told her horse.

"That was terrifying but amazing. Thank you Brunhilde." Said Parker once they had settled back on the ground. Brunhilde smiled "Glad you enjoyed it. Same again tomorrow?"

Peter obviously said yes, eagerly anticipating it.

The webslinger fell into a routine, he spent his days working in the village and his evenings going flying with the queen.

Queen Brunhilde meanwhile was giving serious thought to taking the young hero as a royal consort. In the end she resolved that she would and set about making a plan as to how to seduce him. Admittedly that wouldn't be very hard to do he was a hormonal teenager after all.

Spider-Man took to riding/flying quickly and Valkyrie trusted him enough to let him ride on his own. The queen had an ulterior motive for letting Spidey ride solo. Slipping into an empty stable, she had stripped down to her undergarments to wait for Peter.

Spidey leaned back to savour the wind rushing past him, even the chill felt good. When he opened his eyes he noticed that the dark skinned woman wasn't there. Peter signalled the winged steed to land. "Hilde?" he called out, confused as to where she could've gone. "In here." Spidey heard the queen answer from within the stables.

Entering, Peter looked for where the voice had come from. A call of "This one." was his answer.

The teen didn't know what Hilde was up to but he certainly didn't expect her to be sitting in just her underwear with her legs spread. Spidey went dry mouthed at the sight "Um is this a bad time?" Peter asked. Valkyrie gave a soft chuckle at this "No. In fact you're right on time." she said with a growing smile "I've chosen to appoint you as my royal consort."

"What does that mean?" Spidey asked, although he suspected he already knew the answer. "Basically it means that you get to fuck a queen when I ask you to." the queen explained, "And I'm asking now." she added.

Spider-Man wasted no time throwing off his clothes and tossing them aside. "What do you want me to do first?"

Brunhilde was pleased with the hero's willingness "It's traditional to start with a kiss so come here." she told Peter. Doing as he was told Peter knelt and planted a firm kiss on the royal lips. Hilde was even more pleased with her consort's enthusiasm and returned the kiss just as firmly. The two's tongues began to wrestle for dominance. Spidey was attempting to multitask and remove the dark skinned woman's bra. His fumbling attempts were going nowhere so Hilde allowed him to peak so he could remove it. The queen gestured to her panties "Take these off consort, and eat me out."

The underwear was quickly thrown off and Parker's tongue set about flicking around her entrance, getting her wet and ready. A small groan from the warrior woman made Spidey redouble his efforts and began to press his tongue harder. The teen quickly moved to deeper in the queen's pussy which was starting to ooze precum. A louder groan told Peter that she appreciated it. Peter's tongue slowly went in and out the pussy in careful scooping movements. "Deeper! More!" commanded the queen and was swiftly obeyed when she felt the brunette's tongue worm and writhe within her. "Use your fingers too." said Hilde between grunts of pleasure.

Peter obliged and his tongue was joined by a pair of fingers. The digits slid in and started to twist and probe, quickly becoming coated in juices. "More." the cry came again so Spidey mirrored the actions with his free hand.

The fingers then spread the lips apart, enabling Peter to delve his tongue as far in as he could reach. Valkyrie gave a load moan as the muscle flexed, curled and twisted in her core. "Ahhh! K-keep going!" she whimpered. The fingers returned to their previous efforts even faster.

Adamant not to disappoint the queen Peter was doing everything he could to provide stimulation to her warm chasm.

Brunhilde knew she'd made a good choice as she spurted her juices, moaning Peter's name. Panting slightly the queen gave another command, "Good, now clean me up." Eager to please, the webslinger lapped up the cum, trying to get every drop.

"Well done." Hilde said when the teen was done, "You deserve a reward. Sit back" The queen's coffee coloured breasts wrapped around Peter's cock and gently rubbed against it. Peter leaned back relishing the feeling of the warm softness around his member. His pleasure grew when the Valkyrie's tongue flicked out across his head. The frequency of the licks increased until the queen was slurping at his cock like a lollipop. Just when he thought things couldn't get better Parker felt soft lips glide over his lower head and gradually descend.

Spidey threw his head back and groaned at the queen's talent, her mouth was one of the best he'd encountered. Pursing her mouth Hilde sucked hard at the meat, eliciting another loud moan. Grinning as best she could with a dick in her mouth Brunhilde picked up the pace and started to furiously bob her head. The way she was sucking him she knew that her consort couldn't last much longer and took the rest of his hardness down her throat. As she predicted, Peter said through gritted teeth "Cumming soon!" At this Hilde gave another couple of quick sucks before drawing her mouth off the twitching member. "All over me" was the royal command. "Hiiildeee!" moaned Spidey as he burst, his seed splashing over her face and tits.

It didn't take long for Parker to get hard again at the sight of the queen rubbing her hands over her body, scooping up his cum and sucking it off her fingers.

"You're ready I see." Brunhilde commented. The monarch then leaned back, spreading her lower lips with one hand and cocking a finger with the other. "Take me Peter, take me hard."

Taking his member in hand, the webslinger guided it into the waiting pussy. The duo grunted at the sensation, Peter at the warmth of the hole and Hilde as it had been a while since she'd had a cock in her. The Valkyrie quickly adjusted "Consort, your queen commands you fuck her." Spidey did as she said and carefully drew some of his length out and swiftly thrust it back in. "Ah yes!" Groaned the queen. Peter repeated the action again and again, getting faster and faster. Valkyrie was in Valhalla as the young hero's hardness went in and out. Hilde had a long held fantasy about having sex in a stables like in the erotic novels she'd read. The fact that her fantasy was coming true got her even more turned on.

On his knees Spider-Man sheathed his length in the woman's entrance as hard as he could, knowing he didn't have to hold back. As the cock thrust in her over and over an idea came to Hilde. "Suck on my tits" she told her lover. Almost instantly she felt a warm mouth alternating between her dark nipples, sucking hard and nibbling gently.

 "Fuck! Yes!" cried Hilde. Taking encouragement from this Peter bucked his hips which sent his entire dick into the eager pussy. The queen wailed ecstatically as the teen jackhammered into her. Suddenly though her lover slowed down. Before she could comment Parker's hips started to gyrate, rubbing his cock over her inner walls. Fingers and lips switched between each breast each doing their best to make her feel good. His efforts worked as, crying out even louder, the dark skinned woman's cum squirted out, covering his member.

Spidey could tell that his release was rapidly approaching so continued his hard thrusts, determined to maximise the queen's pleasure.

Removing his mouth from a perky nipple Parker called "Hilde! Cumming!" Before he could blow Brunhilde gave another command, "Cum all over me!", and took his cock out her pussy. Peter ran his length across the sopping tunnel and, shortly after, thick white liquid burst out.

Panting for breath Peter had a question "So how did I do as a consort?" he asked.

"You did very well. For your first time. We'll need to do this again before I can properly say" replied Brunhilde.

The next few days Peter and Hilde spent their time screwing like rabbits and the hero had to admire the queen's libido.

Eventually it was time for the Guardians to leave and a small party had gathered to see them off. As the group entered the ship Star-Lord turned to Peter. "Hey kid, there's space for one more on the Guardians if you want to join us" he offered.

Peter had to admit he was tempted, the idea of travelling through space, meeting aliens and seeing other planets was every sci-fi nerd's dream. "Thanks for the offer but no. I'm gonna stay on Earth" he told Quill.

"Well the offer still stands if you ever change your mind" the redhead said and with that the hatch began to shut.

Spider-Man waved to the group as the Benatar quickly became a speck in the sky. 'Now.' he thought 'How am I gonna get home?'

The sudden sound of his phone ringing jarred Parker from his thoughts. Looking at it revealed an unknown number. "Hello?" he answered.

Nick Fury's voice emanated out, "Hello Spider-Man. We need to talk."


End of Chapter 14.

Next Chapter: Private Spider.

On a personal note I'm fond of horses which is why I added the Aragorn scenes.

Just because someone isn't in the tags doesn't necessarily mean I won't be doing them.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.