Parker Luck

Chapter 15: Private Spider

*Crack* Spider-Man was slammed into a brick wall, a vice-like hand around his throat. What little breath he had in his lungs was driven out as a powerful fist went into his stomach. The webslinger desperately tried to free himself but the attacker was too strong and his hands were in too much pain. Slamming into the wall again Peter heard another crack and felt agony in his ribs, adding yet another injury. The man drew his weapon back. "Time to die Spider!" he hissed, plunging it forward, aiming straight at the hero's big heart. And Peter's day had started off so well.

**A few hours earlier**

It was a fine day in New York City, the sun was shining, the skies were clear and the motorists' angry cursing and honking was at a minimum.

Peter woke up in a good mood. With a smile on his face he threw open his curtains and looked out. It was the nicest day NY had seen for a while and Peter thought it was fine day for patrol. Throwing on his clothes Peter dashed out his room, almost bumping into his aunt. "Sorry May." he said over his shoulder. May watched as her nephew prepared breakfast and began wolfing it down. "You're certainly excited today." Peter nodded and, between mouthfuls, said "Yeah it's a nice day and I wanna go out on patrol."

As soon as he'd finished his morning routine the teen wasted no time pulling on his red and black costume. "Bye May." he called. As he went by Parker saw a black haired woman sat of the sofa with a serene expression. Apart from the charging cable plugged into her arm she looked perfectly normal. "Hi Karen. Bye Karen." Peter said to the LMD.

Sliding open the window Spider-Man prepared to leave before May called out to him "Be careful okay Peter? You know I worry." With a smile Peter hugged his aunt. "Yeah I know May. Don't worry I'll be fine. What could go wrong?" and with that he returned to the window and thiwpped away into the city.

The busker looked around, this was a good spot; no other buskers around, a good crowd and he had a new song he'd written himself. Strumming his guitar he began to play "Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size. Catches thieves just like flies. Look oouuut! Here comes the Spider-Maaaann!" he sang. He had a good feeling about this song.

A chinking sound came as some coins fell into his guitar case. Normally that wouldn't be surprising but this time they came from above him. Looking up revealed the webslinger himself swinging overhead. The busker briefly stopped to call out to and wave at the hero who waved back.

As he swung off Peter felt good as he heard the song continue. It was nice to know that, despite J. Jonah Jameson's smear campaign, some people still believed he was a hero. Spidey once again thanked his lucky stars (or at least whoever had done it) that the feed had been cut off and Mysterio's footage deleted before his identity had been revealed to the world.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. The man in question's face popped up on the screen and began his usual rant about Spider-Man being a menace. Parker tuned most of it out until something the presenter said caught his attention "That's right folks, the Daily Bugle will be offering a cash reward for any pictures of Spider-Man. By which we mean actual physical photos, not blurry camera phone c**p!" A voice apparently spoke in JJJ's ear "What d'ya mean I can't say c**p? I just did. It's my show, I can say c**p as much as I want!" he ranted before regaining his composure. "Ahem. Once again, you bring in pictures of the webslinging menace and if they're good enough we'll pay you."

To Peter this was a golden opportunity to make some money. Leaping off the rooftop he webbed onto a nearby building and headed home to grab his camera.

Swinging back the teen was lost in thought, planning how best to get the photos and if it would be obvious if he posed for them.

Suddenly Peter's hands were ablaze with pain. *Snap* The web line broke, sending Spidey plummeting to the ground. Groaning in pain the hero tried to push himself up but an arm gave out, either sprained or broken he couldn't tell. "Urgh. K.A.R.E.N what was that?" he asked his suit's AI.

"Unknown highly corrosive acid from an unknown source." The electronic voice answered.

A figure appeared on another rooftop and jumped down, making a perfect three point landing. Peter dazedly wondered if that was hard on the knees. "Uh K.A.R.E.N? I think I've found the source. Who is this guy?" he asked. The AI came up blank, much to Spidey's dismay.

As the man approached Spidey took in his appearance. He was clad head to toe in green body armour. His face was covered by a mask with orange lenses over the eyes and emerging from his back was a long mechanical tail. At the end of the tail was a large bulb with a curving stinger dripping acid that hissed and sizzled when it hit the pavement.

"Hello Spider-Man. Been a while." he growled "You are gonna pay for what you did to me."

Scared but trying to hide it Peter, having no clue who the guy was, asked the obvious question "Uh have we met?" the villain was unimpressed by this and booted the hero in the ribs. Hard. With a groan Spidey rolled over, fortunately just in time to dodge the metal sting.

Having missed his target the villain's weapon had gotten stuck in the ground. Spider-Man saw the chance to fight back and struck his enemy with an uppercut, sending the man sprawling back. Unfortunately the punch also aggravated Peter's burns.

Whipping around the man fired a jet of acid from his tail which the hero had to jump to avoid. "What gives? Who are you?" Spidey questioned. At the same time he fired thick streams of sticky webbing which ensnared the man in green. The villain struggled for a moment but manged to rip free. "You really don't remember me? Let me give you a hint!" the man snapped, swiping his tail to knock Peter over.

Before he could get away Spidey was pinned by a strong hand "I've been waiting years for this." The bad guy's unoccupied hand started punching the webslinger in the face. "This is for ruining my weapons deal!" "This is for getting me locked up in prison!" With each sentence the fist struck. Although the mask cushioned the blows somewhat, they still hurt a lot and Parker could taste blood. The villain then picked Spider-Man up by the neck, punching him again and saying "And this is for messing up my face!"

It finally clicked with Parker who his assailant was "W-wait Gargan? Is that you?" he asked. A vicious grin spilt Gargan's face " These days I go by Scorpion. See if you can guess why." With that Scorpion hoisted the hero by the neck and smacked him into a nearby wall. Scorpion's tail loomed menacingly behind him as he glared at the superhero he had pinned to the wall. Mac Gargan knocked the webslinger about a couple more times to ensure he couldn't fight back.


"Time to die Spider!" Tail arching, the super villain prepared to impale his prey with the razor sharp spike on the end of it.

Just before he could finish Spider-Man, Scorpion felt a yank on his tail, stopping it cold. Twisting his head around he snarled at what he saw. A black haired woman in jeans and a leather jacket was somehow holding his tail back with nothing but her bare hands. "Leave him alone, asshole!" she said, pulling again.

Gargan was beyond enraged, here he was about to finally get his long awaited revenge when some random woman was stopping him. "Let go, you bi-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as he was pulled off his feet. A horrible rending sound soon followed as the woman planted her feet on him and ripped his tail clean off. The tailless Scorpion barely had time to react as he saw his tail being swung at him like a club. "Oh no." was all he said before being beaten to unconsciousness.

A semi-conscious Spidey watched the whole thing, half wondering if he was dreaming. With severe effort he managed to pull himself to his feet and fired another stream of webbing, this time restraining the villain more firmly. Parker's vision blurred and he started to sway and stagger. "Hey you okay?" he vaguely heard his saviour ask. "Ah shit, don't pass out." Was the last thing Peter heard before he passed out.

Groaning, Parker stirred. Panic went through the teen as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings. Getting to his feet Peter suddenly became aware he wasn't wearing his mask and looked around for it. Fortunately it had obviously been tossed aside and he quickly pulled it back on.

"Good, you're awake." the woman from earlier stood in a doorway with a bottle of vodka in hand. Her voice startled Spidey who whipped around, aiming his web-shooters at her. The woman snorted. Not the reaction Peter had hoped for. "Relax kid, if I wanted to hurt you I'd've left you to that psycho. You're welcome." Peter figured he had to take her word and lowered his hands. "You took off my mask." was all he could think to say. The woman shrugged "I wanted to make sure you were still breathing" she said.

"Why does no one respect the secret identity?! I just want to put the mask on and keep it on without someone finding out I'm Peter Parker" the hero bemoaned. The woman then started sniggering "I uh didn't know your name." Peter gave an inarticulate cry of frustration. "Fair's fair I guess, my name's Jessica Jones" the PI introduced herself.

Deflated and wanting to change the subject the teen noticed the bottle in Jones' hand. "Is that for my injuries?" he asked. Jessica looked at the bottle as if she'd forgotten she was holding it "I guess I can do that to." she said before taking a hearty swing. "Take off your onesie" she instructed. Seeing his hesitation she added "Don't be so self conscious. I've seen guys in their underwear before." You are wearing underwear right?"

"Yes" snapped a defensive Peter. Jessica gave him a look which he understood to mean 'get on with it'. Reluctantly Spider-Man peeled his costume off, leaving him in just his boxers. As Jessica looked over his injuries and gave some the cuts splashes of vodka (between chugging it herself) she ran an appraising eye over his figure and felt a slight tingle.

Eventually the black haired woman finished "I'm no doctor but you don't look too bad. Nothing seems to be broken, except your nose." Peter rushed to a mirror and gave a groan when he saw she was right. "Okay you've seen this done on TV loads of times, how hard can it be?" he asked his reflection. Taking a deep breath he firmly grasped his nose and, with a wrench, set it back into place. "Fuck!" he burst. Peter inspected his work and gave a sigh of relief that it was in place.

When he went back he saw the PI was waiting for him with an inquisitive expression. "What?" he asked. Jones didn't answer but instead asked a question of her own; "I saw the beating that guy gave you. How come you're barely injured?"

"It's to do with my powers," the teen explained "I heal quickly." He then remembered what the woman had done to Scorpion. "Hey, speaking of powers, how'd you do that earlier?" He asked Jessica. The investigator shrugged again "I'm stronger than I look. Let's leave it at that." clearly indicating she didn't want to discuss it. Parker decided to change the subject again "I didn't know there was anyone else with powers in New York, other than Luke Cage." he said. Jessica nodded "There's a few of us but we prefer to keep a low profile." she said.

"Why don't you join the Avengers?" Peter asked and got a derisive snort in response "What part of 'low profile' didn't you get? We're not world saving types, we just try keep the streets clean. Plus we're not really the cape and tights type."

"Oh." said Peter "Well thanks for the help. I owe you one." As he started to leave he had to stop as pain shot through him. "Yeah fast healing or not, you're in no shape to swing off." Jones called out to him. "Besides, like you said you owe me." With sigh Spidey walked back "Alright. What do you want?" he asked. "Simple. I run a business and recently I've been swamped so help me out for a while and as soon as your healed you can go."

"Alright fine. So what do you do?" asked the teen. "I'm a private investigator so you just sort papers, calls and shit." Jessica then explained how Peter should deal with those things. "Oh by the way, someone called May called you a bunch of times." Jessica suddenly said. "What?!" Peter's heart dropped, "Where's my phone?"

"C'mon, c'mon pick up." Spidey muttered as it rang. "Peter! Are you alright?" his aunt's concerned voice came through. "I'm fine May, It wasn't that bad." he tried to reassure her. "Wasn't that bad?! He looked like he almost killed you! Where are you?" May burst. Peter winced "Sorry auntie, I'm with a PI she helped me so I'm helping her." he explained. "Not that Jones woman?" May asked. That surprised Peter "You know her?"

"Only by reputation. The news doesn't say good things about her." May told Peter. Peter thought that was a little unfair, "They don't say good things about me either." he reasoned. May sighed "Alright just be careful okay?" Spidey promised he would be and hung up.

"You alright?" Jessica asked once he'd returned. Spidey nodded. "Good now put some clothes on and get to work." Peter blushed as he realised he was still in his underwear.

Parker managed to find some old clothes and set about sorting papers and answering the phone (he had no idea how many crazy things people wanted PIs to investigate).

Evening soon came and Parker could barely feel his injuries. The door opened and the brunette looked up to see if it was a client but it was just Jones coming back from photography. "You're still here?" she asked, surprised. "I figured you'd be gone." Peter was somewhat hurt by the assumption "I said I'd help you so I did." Spidey gave the woman a run down of the calls. When he had finished he saw that Jessica had locked up the door. "It's late. You wanna spend the night here?" she asked. Peter was surprised by the woman's generosity "Okay, thanks." Jessica had begun digging through the fridge "Just don't expect anything fancy. It's leftover Chinese for dinner and you can sleep on the couch."

The two ate (or more drank in the PI's case) in silence until Jessica decided to break it. "So, Peter, how'd you get your powers?" she asked idly. "Well it's kinda a long story but..." the webslinger explained about the spider and his uncle. Jones was a good listener and only spoke when the teen had finished. "That sucks kid sorry. I lost someone I care about too." she then told her origins and the deaths of her brother and father, even about the fiasco with her mother. Peter didn't know what to say other than "I'm sorry."

Jones necked her glass, "Thanks Peter. You're a good kid." Parker smiled at the woman's compliment but was caught off guard by what she said after. "You're not bad looking either. If I was your age I'd probably have a crush on you." Jessica gave a small grin when she saw the teen blushing. Since seeing him in his pants the raven haired woman had been thinking about the last time she'd been properly satisfied. Her mindless hookups had taken the edge of a little and Oscar had been better, caring even, but not enough. She'd yet to experience anyone who could please her like Luke did but she suspected the webslinger might be able to.

Jessica figured it was worth a try. "Let's have another look at your injures." she told the teen and eyed him up as he stripped down. "You look better. You should be able to go tomorrow." "You've been a big help today." the woman told Parker. She got up and took Peter's hand saying "I think you deserve a reward."

After dragging him into her room the PI pulled Spidey close and roughly kissed him, quickly bringing her tongue into it. Whilst kissing Jessica was also throwing off her clothes. When she was fully undressed Jessica re-initiated the kiss and guided her 'assistant' to the bed. Running a hand over his his crotch Jones could feel Parker getting hard and yanked off his underwear.

Normally Jones would skip foreplay and get straight to it but this time she wanted to treat her partner. Breaking the kiss Jones ran her tongue down Peter's body, stopping at his balls. The PI gave them a suck and a few licks. Peter felt fingers curl around the base of his 'web-shooter' and ever so slowly rub it. The fingers were soon joined by a tongue which just as slowly ran from base to head. Jessica ran her tongue over every inch of the hero's meat. Peter felt a tingle as Jessica rapidly flicked her tongue over the tip. The raven haired woman combined her licking with firm strokes of the member.

The quick laps at Peter's head were gradually replaced by long slurps. Peter groaned as the PI's tongue ran from tip to base and back again. Jessica's tongue slurped over his member, giving it a liberal coating of spit. Once she'd had enough of teasing Jessica took the pole into her mouth and, barely taking a second to adjust, swallowed it entirely. Much to Peter's delight she immediately started sucking him off like there was no tomorrow. Pleased by the reaction she was getting Jones continued to bob her head, taking the whole cock each time.

Peter started bucking his hips as if trying to get even more into her mouth. "God you're so good!" groaned the teen, and he meant it none of the women he'd been with (so far) had given him such a fantastic blowjob. Encouraged by this the black haired woman sped up. Bucking his hips even more and crying out Peter spurted his load into Jessica's mouth.

Jones was a little annoyed at the lack of warning but wanting to please him, greedily licked up and swallowed the hero's spunk. "While you recover I need some attention too." she said as she rose and settled over Peter's face. A small whimper emerged from the PI when his tongue probed at her pussy. Peter's fleshy tongue mimicked what Jones' had done earlier and moved rapidly back and forth. Peter's quick flicks soon had Jessica dripping precum. Swallowing the fluid Spider-Man shoved his tongue into the wet hole above him, drawing it in and out.

Eager to get him hard again Jessica started to stroke at Peter's cock all the while groaning from his cunnilingus. Spidey's tongue twisted and flexed in Jessica. Wanting more Jessica ground her hips down, pressing her entrance to the teen's face. This let Spidey reach further in and continue his efforts. "Uh uh uh, Fuck! I'm gonna cuuum!" cried the black haired woman as she felt her release coming. As she thought a few seconds later juices flew from her love tunnel.

Jessica swiftly recovered and dropped down, using her hands to spread both her holes invitingly. Peter got the message "Which first?" he teasingly asked. "I don't care! Just stick it in!" Jones snapped impatiently. In response Parker roughly shoved his fingers into the wet pussy and gently prodded his shaft at her ass. "In! Now!" Jessica commanded. A load groan emerged from the PI as Spidey did so, shoving his member in hard and fast. After a couple of strong thrusts and some finger flexes Parker's dick and fingers switched places. The wetness enabled Peter to enter with ease and with a push his entire length slipped in.

A wail from the woman told Spider-Man that he was doing a good job. The sounds of sex filled the apartment (and the one next to it). "God! Yeah!" it wasn't clear who was moaning louder. To Jessica's dismay she felt the member being taken out her pussy. The feeling was short lived as it quickly took over from Spidey's fingers at her backdoor. "Harder! As hard as you can!" Jessica moaned, grateful she'd paid for a reinforced bed. Indulgently Peter drew back and rammed his length into the tight hole with full force, resulting in an ecstatic cry from his lover. "Fuuuck!" she wailed as Peter boned her like a jackhammer. Spidey's fingers, now slick with cum, scissored and curved with all their might, adding to the PI's euphoria.

"Gonna cum!" Jessica cried out again. "Ahhh! M-me too!" Spider-Man replied. True to her word the black haired woman spurted over the hero's fingers. Peter was able to hold out a little longer but soon erupted, his cum overflowing from Jessica's asshole.

The lovers lay next to each other, both exhausted, both thoroughly satisfied. "God you were great." the woman commented "I haven't been fucked like that since I was with Luke." Peter ignored the mention of another man. "Thanks you were amazing too." he told her. The two locked lips briefly before they were overcome by tiredness.

Peter woke up early and slipped out the bedroom. Cobbling together breakfast he sat down in front of the TV. To his displeasure it was tuned to The Daily Bugle's channel where JJJ was reviewing footage of Spider-Man and Scorpion's fight. Appalled at the allegation that he was working with the villain the webslinger couldn't even change the channel.

"Wow that guy really hates you doesn't he?" Jones had emerged wearing nothing but dried cum. Peter grunted "You have no idea." he muttered.

"Hey, if you ever want to take legal action I know some good lawyers." The investigator said whilst writing something on a piece of paper. She paused for a minute and then started writing something else underneath "If you get hurt again I also know someone who'll help." "Here." she handed the scrap to the teen who nodded his thanks.

Spidey pulled on his costume and prepared to go home. As he did so a quick whistle got his attention. Jones, now fully dressed, gave him a smacking kiss "Don't be a stranger." she told him.

As she watched Spider-Man swing away Jessica thought out loud "I wonder if I should give being a hero another try?" Then remembered the costume Trish had made for her "Nah." she dismissed the idea.

Once he was home Parker unfolded the paper Jessica had given him. It read 'Nelson, Murdock and Page; Attorneys at Law' followed by contact information. The other name read simply; 'Claire Temple' with a number afterwards.

Peter resolved to check them out.


End of Chapter 15.

Next Chapter: Running Up That Hill.

I've had this one planned for a long time and was one of my favourites to write.

Props to you if you know where I paraphrased the dialogue between Peter and Jessica after he wakes up from.

Fun fact as I was writing this I learned that Tom Holland has broken his nose three times.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.