Parker Luck

Chapter 25: Daughters of the Dragon

Colleen had been busy, she'd spent days scouring every inch of the city for any sign of A.I.M. It hadn't been easy, she'd interrogated, bribed and both promised and called in favours. She was about to call it a day and let Peter or Misty take over the search for a while. Before she finished there was one last location to check out. Several criminals had claimed to know where A.I.M were based but these all turned out to be lies or hideouts that had been abandoned.

Misty had loaned Colleen her car and she'd parked up near to yet another warehouse. Pulling out a pair of binoculars she scanned the surroundings for any sign of activity. Tire tracks seemed to suggest someone had been there recently but other than that it looked empty. She waited for hours with nothing to show for it and was very bored when suddenly a van pulled up. Colleen quickly sat up straight and put the binoculars to her eyes. A man had gotten out of the van to bang on the warehouse doors which opened revealing an armed figure dressed in yellow. The individuals had a brief but animated discussion before the driver got back in and took the van inside. She then saw the van being loaded with exotic looking guns. "Got it." She muttered to herself before driving to tell the others.

The others in question had been occupying themselves by way of fornication, on Colleen's sofa of all places. Luckily for them they'd finished and dressed by the time Colleen got home. Excitedly the Asian woman strode to her door and practically burst it open. "Hey guys! I think I've found the main warehouse!" She announced. Peter and Misty looked up from their coffees "You're sure about this?" The detective asked. Colleen nodded "Positive. I saw their workers and their transporters going in and out. But it looks like they're shipping all their stuff out so we need to hurry, no time for the police." She told them. Peter looked to Misty "Well that's good enough for me what about you?" He said. Misty would've preferred to have let the law handle it but she knew by the time they'd gotten a team organised A.I.M would likely be long gone. "Alright I'm in. Get ready guys we leave in ten."

The trio set about preparing themselves for the raid. Misty made sure her gun was fully loaded and clean, Colleen honed her katana and her chi until both had a fine edge, Spider-Man slid on his costume and replenished his web cartridges. "Okay here's the plan." Misty had the three if them gathered in the main room and were looking over the pictures Wing had taken on her phone. "Colleen you go the the front and keep them distracted for as long as you can. I'll sneak round through the back entrance and Peter, there's a missing window I want you to go in through and scout the place. We try to take out as many guys and weapons as we can without getting caught. Once we've done that I'll call in the NYPD to arrest them." Knight laid out their battle plan "Any questions? No? Good. Let's go, I'm driving."

The three piled into the car and drove off (Misty had finally gotten the black Mustang she'd always wanted). Colleen had called shotgun so Peter had squeezed onto the backseat. "Ready?" Misty asked once they'd arrived and got two affirming nods. Colleen went straight to the front whilst Misty and Spidey peeled off around the back. The Asian woman put on a bright smile as she knocked on the doors. "Hi." She chirped once someone answered, "I think I'm lost can you guys give me directions?" She babbled on to keep the guard's attention. Misty stopped by the rear, waiting on Spidey. Peter slipped into the building unnoticed and sent his spider-drone to reconnoitre the place.

The building was surprisingly quiet but there was a large stockpile of weaponry, clearly the dealers were on their last legs and pooling their resources. "Okay we've got about twenty or so guys, give or take, most are working. There's two on the main entrance but only one on the back." Peter whispered into his earpiece to Misty and Colleen's. "Misty it looks like the guy at the back is changing over if you move quickly you might be able to get in without them seeing you." "Got it." She confirmed. Her mechanical hand squeezed the padlock and snapped it off with ease. The detective darted into the shadows a split second before the new guard could spot her. Once the man was close enough she shot out and grabbed him in a chokehold, muffling his cries with a hand. When he passed out he was roughly shoved into a hidden area. Knight continued this pattern, gradually picking the goons off one by one.

Her luck ran out when she accidentally bumped into a crate of supplies. A loud crash filled the air, letting every single person know something was up. Misty quickly found herself on the business end of several guns. "Shit." One of the men reached for a walkie talkie "We've got an intruder, some pig bitch is snooping around." Misty knew her badge wasn't going to save her and she wasn't quick enough to take the men out.

At the front the guard's radio squawked and Colleen's face fell. The guard saw this and angrily aimed his gun at Colleen "You're here together aren't you? You were just distracting me." He growled.

Misty stared down the guns pointing at her and gritted her teeth for the inevitable. *Thwip* *Thwip* Webs shot down from the ceiling, snagging two of the guns and tossing them aside. "On the roof! It's Spider-Man!" The goons turned their attention to the wallcrawler and opened fire. Now they weren't pointing guns at her Misty took the opportunity to grab the closest man and deck him with a metal fist.

The man confronting Colleen heard the commotion and his attention slipped "Guys? What's going on in there?" He shouted. The instant he lowered his weapon he regretted it, Colleen had swung a leg up and kicked him in the crotch. The goon sank to the ground in the fetal position emitting a whimper of pain. Colleen simply sauntered past the guard, only stopping to use the iron fist to destroy his weapon. Drawing her sword she joined the fray.

Peter's agility was being put to the test as he flipped, swung and dodged the volley that chased him across the warehouse. Misty had drawn her gun and fired at the men, unfortunately the bright yellow outfits were bulletproof. Fortunately they weren't punch proof and the detective swung and jabbed at the men. A shock wave rippled through the floor, knocking the A.I.M goons down. "You started without me." Said Colleen, fist aglow. Misty smirked "Don't worry there's plenty left." Beside her another man was pinned to the ground by a web and Parker landed next to the women who now stood back to back. "We should do stuff like this more often." The dark skinned woman said as she punched. The Asian woman laughed "Sure. We'd be a badass crime fighting duo." A swipe of her glowing blade cut through a gun. Spidey knocked a grunt out and pinned two more to a wall.

A while later and there was only one man left. Seeing the others knocked out and webbed up he wisely dropped his gun and surrendered. Misty promptly cuffed him. "Alright punk tell me, are there any more of you out there?" The man shook his head vehemently "No we're all that's left, a bunch of us quit once the Avengers started crashing our storehouses and no one's seen M.O.D.O.K in ages." Knight glared at him "You'd better not be lying." She warned. "I'm not I swear! This is our last hideout." Misty seemed to consider this "Hmm. Alright I believe you. Have fun in jail." The three left, ignoring the man's cries of protest.

Misty made the call to the police on the drive back. After hanging up she spoke to Colleen, "I was being serious earlier, we make a good team we could do a lot together." "Maybe." Wing admitted and got a nudge in the ribs. "C'mon just think about it, all we'd need is a badass name. Hey what was your ring name again?" Misty asked.

"What? You mean when I was cage fighting? The Daughter of the Dragon."

Misty gave the steering wheel a thump of approval "Hell yes! Misty Knight and Colleen Wing; Daughters of the Dragon." She enthused, earning grins from her passengers.

"You know what? This calls for a celebration." Announced Misty when they got back to the dojo. Colleen agreed and fished out drinks for the trio. "To taking down A.I.M" She toasted and was echoed by Peter and Misty. The three celebrated until late in the night and the good mood was infectious and gradually raised libido and lowered inhibitions. Colleen was sat next to Peter and had sidled up to him as the night went on, pressing against him whenever she got the chance. Although she thought she was being subtle Misty saw it plain as day and got an idea which made her pussy tingle. "This has been a good warm up but let's get this party really started. C'mere girl." She beckoned the Asian woman over. "I know just how to get things going." She said before leaning towards Wing and kissing her. Colleen pulled away, more in surprise than dislike. "What was that?" The flustered woman asked. Misty smirked "C'mon Colleen, I've seen how you look at me, I know you're curious." Colleen's face was bright red but she didn't deny it "What about Peter?" "Well." Said Misty "I was thinking he could join us. It's not like he hasn't seen it before."

"What? You too?" Colleen got her answer in the form of a wicked grin. Colleen considered it before agreeing. "Great. You up for this Peter?" Misty asked the teen. "Totally." He replied. "Then what're we waiting for?" The detective promptly began taking off her clothes. Colleen was slower and got an assistance from Misty, by way of her literally ripping them off. "Hey" She protested but was cut off by Misty's lips before she could continue. Now fully undressed, ebony and ivory locked in a passionate embrace. Spidey quickly found himself rock hard at this and wished he had a camera. Leaning back with a grin his hand moved to his crotch and jerked away. The detective carefully slipped a finger into the younger woman's hole. Colleen jolted but was quick to return the favour. The women made out heatedly, their bodies pressed together like something from a porno.

"You gonna sit there all night or are you gonna join us?" Misty invited the webslinger over. Misty was the first to lock lips with the hero before Colleen took over. "I wanna try something" Colleen said once she and Peter separated. She reached her arms around her partners, drawing them in close and, once the three were bunched up, pressed her mouth to theirs. Tongues were brought into the three way kiss, twisting and spiralling with each other. Spidey kneaded Knight's soft mounds and rubbed Colleen's tight pussy and they reciprocated with a hand on his member, slowly working out a pattern of strokes. The three remained like that for several minutes. "Hey Misty lie down and open your legs." The younger woman told her in a display of boldness. Colleen teased at the dark skinned woman's lower lips with a finger, tracing every inch before easing the tip in. The finger began to move in small circles and little by little delved deeper until it was all the way in. The first finger was joined by a second earning a groan from Knight. The slim digits jiggled and flexed inside Misty, probing for her sweet spot. The fingers were then removed and a wet tongue took over. In the midst of her pleasure Knight felt something hard pressing at her face. Opening her eyes, she saw Peter kneeling with his cock looking in need of attention. Her tongue darted out and flickered over the teenage member. A tongue wasn't enough for Parker and he firmly drove his cock into her soft mouth. Misty took it with ease, hollowing out her cheeks for maximum suction as she blew him. Misty used her arms to pull her lovers closer, taking their cock and tongue even deeper.

Colleen ate the older woman's pussy like there was no tomorrow, her tongue lashing up and down, side to side and in all other directions. She eagerly slurped up the flowing juices, she couldn't believe she'd waited so long to do it with a woman. Peter meanwhile had eased the last few inches into Misty's mouth and watched her work. Misty's head blurred, taking the hard member to the hilt every time. As she sucked Knight's tongue swirled around the meat, heightening Peter's pleasure. She moaned loudly around the shaft when Wing's tongue was joined by her fingers. The digits picked up where they'd left off but even faster. Peter bucked his hips. Colleen thrust her tongue. Misty was in paradise.

Peter tensed up as a heat grew in his member, growing more intense with every second it spent in the detective's mouth. Colleen hadn't slowed her lapping for a second but wanted more and used her free hand to finger herself. The self pleasuring egged her on and she licked at Misty's pussy with vigour. The dark skinned woman responded well, giving pleasurable moans which made Peter's shaft vibrate. That was the hero's breaking point. "Cumming!" He grunted shortly before he blew his load.

The eruption filled Misty's mouth but she didn't swallow, holding it in her mouth. The detective knew that she was close to cumming herself and silently encouraged Wing to keep going. Knight's form of silent encouragement involved her shoving Colleen's head deeper in. Wing's tongue worked furiously, she could taste the precum oozing and could tell Misty was close. She was right. Hot juices squirted onto her face whilst Misty gave suppressed moans. Misty didn't waste a second to straighten up and smash her face onto the Asian woman's. Cum and spit intermingled and dripped onto their bodies as they made out. "Damn." Peter said, watching with interest.

The women broke their liplock for breath. Colleen's eyes fell on the webslinger's hardened shaft."My turn." Was all she said before practically diving onto the boner, swallowing it up. Wing slid her lips down and within seconds had his entirety within her mouth. The Asian woman sucked and slurped over every inch of the teen's cock, coating it in spit. Whilst she did that Misty reversed their earlier position and plunged her tongue into Coleen's pussy. The detective greedily dragged her tongue through Colleen's opening, eager to return the favour. Knight wormed her tongue further and further, making circles with it as she did so. Wing's tongue was just as busy slathering over Peter's member. Pursing her lips Colleen began to speed up. Like last time Spidey threaded his hands into Colleen's hair to make her suck harder. As she bobbed her head Wing made use of her tongue, slowly dragging it along the meat. The slurps got louder the faster she went. Peter's cock plunged hard and fast into the Asian woman's mouth as he bucked and thrust his hips. Misty's metal fingers explored the tight hole in front of them, sending a pleasurable jolt through Colleen's body. The dripping hole allowed the fingers to slip in easily and joined her tongue stimulating the tender walls. The metal digits probed deep, jiggling roughly. Misty had a different technique from Colleen, whilst Wing was slow and careful, Misty was all about speed and power. Despite a lack of finesse the detective soon had Colleen whimpering in pleasure and, not long after that, cumming over her fingers and tongue. The euphoric moans made the member buzz and before long Peter was following Colleen's example.

Spent from his second blowjob Spider-Man sank back "Need a minute." He said with some reluctance. "I think we can occupy ourselves in the meantime." Said Colleen as she squeezed up to Misty, their mouths interlocking again. The duo groped and rubbed on, their breasts moulding against the other's. As their tongues fought for control the women's cores pressed together. Misty ground her hips, forcefully grinding her wet lips on Colleen's. The martial artist moaned and did the same as her partner. They threw their legs over each others to further press their sensitive openings together. Slick lips slid and ground and the women were moaning loudly. Peter was once again grateful for his enhanced stamina as he'd quickly recovered and was even more turned on.

"I hate to break you two up but I'm ready." Peter gave his erection and squeeze to emphasise his point. Misty and Colleen carried on to tease the webslinger but eventually peeled off each other. "Alright Peter come and get it." Knight coaxed as she displayed her dripping pussy to him. The head slipped in with ease, the remainder following close behind and the teen was soon sheathed. "This is better than your ass." Peter grunted once he'd started to move. The hardness slowly eased back and forth. The pace was too slow for Misty and she remedied that by wrapping her legs around the teen to push his member in deep. Not wanting to be left out and still in need of satisfaction Colleen settled above Misty for another round of pussy eating. The dark skinned woman tongued at the Asian pussy with practised skill. Colleen then leaned forward and began to lap at any of Peter's shaft that wasn't inside the older woman. Spidey pulled his hips back and slammed into Misty. His hips became a blur and his cock a piston. Knight moaned into the wet hole covering her face, her tongue hard at work. Spidey bucked upwards to thrust his cock all the way into the detective, pounding her for all he was worth. Gentle licks from Colleen made his cock tingle. Misty's tongue twirled and flicked at Wing's pussy to cover the walls in spit.

The stimulation from Peter's hardness and Wing's tongue was incredible and Misty was in a state of bliss. Her climax got closer and closer, especially when Spidey increased his pace which filled the room with the sound of knocking hips and slapping skin. Pulling Peter close again Knight gave a muffled cry when she came in jets. The detective's climax spurred the other two on, Colleen ground her slit down so the tongue could reach her sensitive core and Peter grabbed onto her hips with each thrust to drive his entire shaft in deeper. Peter came next, groaning Misty's name he spurted hot jizz into her. Colleen had more in her and continued rubbing her wetness on Misty's tongue. She soon joined the others when she was unable to resit any longer and her release flowed out.

The three's eagerness had them raring to go in little time and they engaged in another make out session, alternating between partners. Colleen was more than ready for her turn and told Parker to get on his back. "Hey Misty? Can you get him ready for me? An Peter you get me ready." She instructed the pair. Misty got busy on Spidey's cock, her tongue making it wet and slippery. Feeling experimental, Colleen seated herself on the teen's face so her ass was over his mouth. Slurping sounds echoed loudly as tongues worked. To stretch her out the webslinger toyed with her hole before easing a finger in. Misty ran her tongue from balls to head and back again and then doing the same on the opposite side. The spit soaked asshole allowed another finger to glide in without difficulty, parting as they flexed and scissored. The tongue and fingers worked in sync to lubricate and stretch the tight ring and Wing felt ready for more. With some reluctance she removed herself from the brunette's mouth and spread out on her back. Peter needed no further invitation but before he could do anything the woman licking his cock stopped and draped herself over the Asian woman. Colleen and Misty once again swapped spit and ground their bodies together. At first the diamond hard member only prodded at the firm asshole, smearing precum for extra lube, but then, with a single powerful shove, buried itself inside her.

Misty felt small hands envelop her coco bust and firmly squeeze them. It was only fair Colleen got the same treatment and Misty grabbed handfuls of her perky mounds. Peter had given Wing a moment to adjust and was now gradually pulling his shaft out. "So tight!" He moaned, the hole squeezing around his member was an incredible feeling. The women's toned forms gyrated against one another, a molten heat forming between them. As Colleen's ass loosened Peter was able to increase his pace. The hole still provided enough resistance to make him put extra effort in which Colleen appreciated. To keep both women happy Peter planted his hands on the detective's thighs and thrust his thumbs into Misty's drenched pussy. Faster and faster his cock probed at Wing's ass. Now entering her with ease, Spider-Man unsheathed himself and gave a mighty thrust, impaling the Asian woman on his hard member. Colleen moaned into the kiss and bucked her hips. Misty responded by doing the same, forcefully grinding their dripping pussies together. The teen's thumbs wriggled and flexed inside Misty, jabbing for her sensitive spots and finding them.

Spidey enthusiastically pounded Colleen, not slowing for a second. Misty pushed her hips back onto the teen's digits, wanting them further inside her. With both her holes being pleasured Colleen was utterly blissed out and loudly mewled for more. The webslinger was happy to oblige her demands and thrust as hard as he could. The teen was like a jackhammer, ploughing the tight ass with everything he had. Each thrust sent a jolt through Wing, grinding her toned form onto Misty's shapely one, creating a pleasurable friction. The two ladies were dripping precum like faucets as they ground together. That still wasn't enough for Colleen and she hooked her legs around Misty's waist bringing her so close there was barely an inch between them. The soaked lips rubbed and gyrated furiously as the women's tongues fought for dominance. Their hands hadn't left the other's boobs for a second as they groped at the soft flesh, pinched and twisted the perky nipples and gave the occasional lick. The rapturous feeling was shared between the three as they fucked like there was no tomorrow, each determined to savour every second. Utterly lost in carnal delight Peter, Colleen and Misty's worlds didn't extend past each other.

None of them wanted to be the first to finish but exhaustion and pleasure were taking their toll. The women's grinding began to slow down, their slick forms sliding over one another. Spider-Man's cock thrusts also slowed and began to turn sloppy but he kept ploughing the asshole with his remaining energy. Much to Colleen's satisfaction Misty was the first to break. "Fuck, fuuuck!" She wailed and once again her juices jetted out, coating the younger woman's form. The cum slick pussies continued to bump and grind, giving the two a liberal layer of spunk. Wing was determined not to be next, clenching her ass around Spidey's shaft and twisting her body but to no avail. A rush of pleasure consumed her body and her vision turned white as she gave quite possibly her biggest release ever. Colleen's cum splattered onto Misty's pussy and even splashed onto Peter's member. When a heat formed in his balls and ran up the rest of his cock Spidey knew he'd be next. He gave a few quick thrusts into Colleen before pulling out. The hero aimed his webshooter over the dark and pale forms and fired. Ropes of hot sticky spunk splattered onto them, painting their bodies white. The woman lay there, the load running over their skin, before they yanked the teen off his feet to squeeze together again.

"Now that was a party.", Commented Misty, "We should do this more often too."


End of Chapter 25.

Next Chapter: Doctor's checkup.

And that marks my second threesome how does it compare to the last?

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