Parker Luck

Chapter 26: Doctor’s Checkup

*Bzzzt* *Bzzzt* Peter's phone buzzed on his dresser. "Hmm hello?" He answered drowsily. "Hey Pete. Did I wake you?" Harry Osborn asked from the other end of the line. "Harry! Hey man. No I've been up for ages." That was technically the truth, he'd been out on night patrol and had lost track of time. The sunrise was a big hint he should be getting back soon. It felt like he'd just closed his eyes when his phone rang. His heart sank when he saw the time. Switching to speakerphone he hastily got ready for school. "Alright cool. Anyway, I was wondering, if you're not doing anything this weekend do you wanna come have a look around Oscorp?" Harry asked and Peter's heart leapt. "Seriously? The chance to see inside the one of the world's leading companies in scientific developments? Yes!" He eagerly agreed. Harry laughed "Great. I'll come by to pick you up, is Saturday okay?" "Sounds awesome buddy, see you then." Peter's joy was short-lived when Aunt May called up to him "Peter! You'd better hurry up young man or you'll be late!"

Peter tried to focus at school but he was too elated to concentrate. The weekend couldn't come fast enough and when Saturday finally rolled around he was ready in no time. "You know if you put this much effort into preparing for school you wouldn't be late." May commented. "C'mon May I told you why I overslept, I was on night patrol." Spidey protested. "I know but you don't need to be out so late, superheroes or not teenagers need their sleep." May's mothering was interrupted by their doorbell ringing. 'Saved by the bell' Peter thought then frowned at the cliche. Harry stood behind the door with an easy grin. "Hey man. Good to see you." He greeted and the teens clapped a handshake. "Hello Mrs Parker. It's good to see you too. You're looking very nice today." A sucker for flattery May couldn't suppress a grin, "Why thank you Harry. But please, call me May." Harry grinned back "Okay. May." His eyes roved over her but an elbow to the side from Peter made him stop. "Right. Well, we'd better get going. C'mon Harry." Peter placed a hand on his friend's shoulder to guide him out. Once they were out of earshot of the apartment Peter turned to Harry "Dude stop hitting on my aunt." He chided and Harry gave a guilty smile "Sorry dude I can't help it. Haven't you noticed how hot she is?" He asked and got another elbow in retaliation "Ow!"

"So where'd you park?" Peter asked, eager to change the subject. Harry gave the brunette as sheepish look "Yeah. About that I was gonna get you myself but Dad insisted on sending a car." A sleek black limo was idling outside with a chauffeur standing by it. The car was drawing stares so the boys hurried along. The chauffeur opened the door for them "Master Osborn. Master Parker." He greeted. Harry thanked the man who he called Bernard and they got in. "Sorry again." Harry looked guilty about showing off his family wealth. "Hey don't be sorry this is awesome." Peter told him, "If only Flash could see me now." "Who's Flash?" Harry said, making Peter realise he'd said it out loud. "He's just some kid at school who thinks he's better than everyone else because his family's rich." Peter explained. Harry nodded in understanding "Yeah, well. Speaking as a rich kid, belive me, it's not all sunshine and rainbows." Peter was amazed and stared in surprise "Seriously? What do you mean?" He quizzed in confusion. "Just trust me on it." Osborn deflected.

The limo pulled up by a towering skyscraper with the company's name emblazoned on the side. The teens thanked the driver as they got out. A while after the Ultron incident Tony Stark had sold Avengers Tower. The buyer was none other than Norman Osborn who'd been eager to get one up on his rival. "Okay before we go in there's some things you need to know. First don't wander off, security's kinda touchy. Second don't take any photos, Dad's paranoid about corporate espionage. And thirdly Dad's here today so if you meet him be respectful, call him Mr. Osborn or Sir." Peter told him he'd got it and the boys entered the building.

As they approached the desk a man bumped into them. "Sorry boys. Wasn't looking where I was going," The man was dressed in a green boiler suit with yellow highlights and was scrambling to gather blackened pieces of tech into a box. "Don't worry about it Max." Harry told him "Burned out another one huh?" He asked and the man sighed "I just can't seem to get them to hold enough of a charge without overloading." He explained before walking off.

A secretary greeted them at the desk and gave them their lanyards. "You ready?" Harry asked and got an affirmative from the brunette. Before they could go through to the elevators they were stopped by a mountain of a man. "Need to scan cards before let you go." The security guard told them in a thick Russian accent. Harry rolled his eyes "C'mon it's me, and Peter is my guest can't we just go in?" The giant shook his head "Rules are rules. Boss says scan cards, cards get scanned. I do not want to lose job." Once the lanyards had been registered they were finally allowed in. "Sorry about Aleksei. He just got promoted so he's kinda overzealous." Harry said to Peter who laughed "I get it. Tony told me his head of security was the same." Harry grimaced at the name "Ooh yeah, one more thing, don't bring up Stark around Dad. He didn't like him and Stark Industries is Oscorp's biggest rival so he's a little touchy about it."

When they went into the work area Peter looked around in amazement at everything. The company had certainly gone up in the world since they'd moved. Peter flashed back to the last time he'd gone to an Oscorp facility, before becoming a crime fighter, before losing Uncle Ben and even before he'd gained his powers.

** "Is this awesome or what?" An enthusiastic Ned gushed to Peter who was just as excited. "I know right? A tour of Oscorp is like the best field trip ever! I read they've made some huge breakthroughs with genetic editing. I can't wait to see their CRISPR tech I bet it's amazing." Peter was majorly stoked for this and eagerly looked out the bus window even though they were nowhere near. "Wow. You guys're such nerds." A dry voice said. Michelle Jones sat on the row opposite them, her nose buried in a book. The boys ignored her and continued talking.

An excited voice called out to the bus "Hey guys check it out, you can see Avengers Tower." The students rushed to the side of the bus to stare at the home of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Their excitement grew when a figure rocketed onto the tower to land. A hubbub filled the bus at the sight of Iron Man himself. "I met him once." Peter told Ned "Who? Tony Stark?" "Yeah. It was when I was a little kid, he saved me from a killer robot." A derisive snort followed this. Unsurprisingly, the culprit was Flash Thompson "That's bull Parker. Next you'll say Captain America was your babysitter." He laughed at his own 'wit'. "Come on Flash, leave him alone." Liz Allen chided him. Peter's spirits were lifted by his crush coming to his defence.

The students poured out of the bus once they'd arrived at their destination. "Alright everyone stick together, no wandering off." Mr. Harrington called out. The group were greeted by a tour guide "Welcome to Oscorp. If you'd all put these guest passes on we can start."

Peter looked around in awe at all the cutting edge technology on display. Someone knocked him, sending his glasses skidding along the floor. "Aw man, May'll kill me if I lose another pair." He rushed to grab them before someone could step on them. Luckily, they weren't damaged. When he put them back on he gave a jolt. In front of him was a glowing tank filled with spiders. "Cool." He peered in to watch them scuttle about. Unknown to him, the lid hadn't been put back on properly. Peter didn't notice a spider climb down the tank, he didn't notice it make it's way along his arm to his hand, he did notice when it bit him. "Ah ow." He shook his hand, flicking the spider onto the wall and killing it. He heard his name called and ran back to the group.

Over the next few days his world turned upside down. When his body began to change, he began to worry. Looking up spider bites proved no help as growing muscles and senses becoming more acute (he didn't even need his glasses anymore) weren't listed as symptoms. The next few months passed in a whirlwind; discovering his powers, Uncle Ben's death, becoming a hero and then Tony's visit.**

Spidey gave a sad smile at the memories. Harry's voice cut into his thoughts "Hey Pete you okay? You kinda zoned out there." "Sorry just thinking." He said. "Well don't think too hard you'll miss everything" Harry joked and gestured for Peter to follow. The auburn haired boy led Peter through the various laboratories pointing out interesting features in each of them. "Are those electric eels?" Peter stared at a tank full of them sat next to several Tesla coils. "Oh yeah that's Max's lab he's researching electricity." Harry explained.

"Now this is something cool." Harry pointed at a winged contraption. "What is it?" Peter asked and Harry smiled "It's a glider. Dad thinks it could have military uses." They heard someone shouting and Harry's face fell "Speak of the devil." He sighed, "Dad's mad again."

A man who looked like an older Harry in a suit was yelling at a shorter man with a bowl cut. "Enough excuses, Octavius! Oscorp expects results, I expect results!" The scientist tried to speak "But, Sir-" "I said save it! Since you started here you've given me next to nothing. Even Connors has done more than you and he's only got one arm. With that harness of yours you have six!" Octavius cringed at the tirade but managed to get a word in "There is something I've been working on sir." He was about to continue but Norman had seen the boys and cut him off "Hold that thought." He turned to Harry and Peter with a smile "Hello Harry. And you must be Peter I've heard a lot about you." He offered a hand to shake "Nice to meet you Mr. Osborn." Peter said. "Call me Norman. I hear you're a bit of a scientist yourself Peter. Perhaps there's a place for you here if you ever want to quit with Stark." Peter was flattered but could hear how bitterly he said the name "Um. Thanks. I'll think about it." His eyes fell on something glowing purple "Is that Chitauri tech?" He asked warily. Octavius brightened "Yes it is." He saw the look on Peter's face "It's perfectly legal and perfectly safe." He said defensively and turned to the alien tech and began explaining what he was doing with it. "Dad seems to like you." Harry said with a hint of envy. "Yeah I guess. He's intense though." Peter got an uneasy feeling about the businessman.

A shudder went through the hero and time seemed to slow down. He quickly realised the device was going to explode. "Duck!" He cried, tackling Harry and Norman to the ground a split second before it blew. As he dove Peter hit his head and blacked out. "That was close huh Pete?" Harry broke the silence "Pete?" He saw his friend's prone form "Dad I think he's hurt!" The older man checked for a pulse and scooped Peter up. "No time for an ambulance." He told Harry, "Get Dr. Cho."

Helen Cho was having a rough day. It didn't help when a unconscious teen was dumped on her. She was a geneticist not a medic, as she explained to Norman who told her to help him anyway. Some days she regretted accepting his employment offer. He was a good looking boy she couldn't deny. She began her examination, thankfully nothing seemed broken. "Oh my." She said when a part of the teen's body reacted to her hands on him. A groan came from the boy as he stirred. "Welcome back Mr. Parker." She introduced herself and explained what had happened. "Now I need you to take your clothes off so I can examine you more thoroughly." Peter was reluctant but did as he was told, desperately willing his member to go down.

As Helen checked him over her eyes couldn't help but fall on his erect member and she felt a tingle downstairs. Peter was likewise trying (and failing) not to stare at the sexy doctor. "Well Peter, other than some cuts and bruises and the bump on your head, you seem fine to me." Helen told him. Spidey only half heard her he was instead wondering if the pheromones had affected her as well. Deciding to go for it he leaned forward and kissed the Asian woman. He pulled away but when he saw her stunned expression he worried he'd made a mistake, that the pheromones hadn't affected her. He began to stammer out an apology when his fear was assuaged by her smiling and kissing him back. As they locked together Peter felt a hand grasp his shaft. Helen's hand gently stroked his member, feeling every twitch and pulse. The doctor broke away to remove her scrubs, followed by her underwear. Now they were both naked she was eager for more.

Cho joined Peter on the table that was doubling for a bed and parted her legs, showing off her snatch. The teen buried his face in the warm opening. His tongue traced a quick path around her delicate lips before slurping at her inner walls. The older woman moaned, egging Peter on. Peter gave her pussy another lick and then eased his tongue inside. Little by little it slid deeper and gently teased the insides. An impatient Helen pressed on his head so the worming tongue went in deeper. His tongue licked at Cho's pussy, lapping up the dripping juices. Helen gave another moan when Peter's tongue sped up. Peter rapidly flicked and swirled his tongue, tasting the precum and pushing it as far as it could go. He licked, flickered and lapped at the wet entrance for all he was worth, much to Helen's delight. Spidey then started to bob his head so the wet muscle thrust in and out. The doctor seemed to enjoy that so he sped up. Helen felt waves of pleasure go through her as the teen's head bobbed. Her moans grew louder as she felt a release coming. With a cry it came. Peter's tongue flickered again to lap up the load.

Helen recovered remarkably quickly and shoved Peter down. She wasted no time taking the head of his cock in her mouth. She held for a minute, pursing her lips. Her lips then made their way to the base. She reached the bottom in no time and took his length like a pro. Helen stopped again to let Peter savour the warmth around his cock. With a wink she pulled her head back. Once again Helen paused but then dove her head down, the hardness going in with ease. Up and down, the Asian woman's head bobbed in a smooth rhythm. Helen sucked hard and made her tongue dance over Peter's cock whenever she stopped. The way she was sucking him off Spidey could feel a warmth forming in his shaft. The pleasure grew when Helen pursed her lips, sucking even harder and making the teen throw his head back with a groan. The soft mouth then slid back from deepthroating and a hand wrapped around what was exposed. As she sucked Helen's hand stroked and jerked on the teen's member. Peter's moans grew louder "Gonna cum." He grunted. To his disappointment Cho stopped her blowjob. "Save it for later." She told him with a teasing smile.

Her tongue left a trail of spit as it journeyed from head to balls and back again. Helen let her spit drip onto the boner, ensuring a smooth entrance. "Sit on the edge." The doctor told Peter once her tongue had finished slicking him up. Peter swung round so his legs hung over and his cock stood tall. "Here goes." Dr. Cho had crawled to the teen and positioned herself over his pole. Ever so slowly she eased her hips down, sliding his cock in little by little. Eventually she bottomed out. Once she'd adjusted Helen rose a little before sinking down. Each time she rose she went a little higher. Soon she'd lifted herself to the top. "Ready?" She asked Peter "Hell yes." He replied. "Good answer." The instant the words had left her mouth she dropped. "Ahhh!" She cried as the shaft rammed into her. That didn't stop her from doing it again. Helen lifted up and pressed down, her walls tightly gripping the teen's shaft. To guide her the webslinger placed his hands on her hips, helping her up then pulling her down. The lovers slowly got into a rhythm and picked up speed. The Asian woman's tight form bounced on the hero's member, getting faster and faster. "Harder." Came the cry as she rode him cowgirl style. Helen's bust jiggled and bobbed invitingly with every bounce, proving too tempting a target for the horny young man. He latched his mouth onto a nipple to nibble and suck. The stimulation drove Helen wild and she howled in delight. Helen rode Peter hard and fast, every thrust causing pleasure to wash over her. As her pussy dripped her bounces grew rough and sloppy, her hair falling loose over her shoulders. Peter bucked his hips to shove his member into the tight hole. Helen appreciated that and each time she went down gyrated her hips for extra friction. "Almost there." Peter managed to say around a nipple. Cho heard him and clenched around the twitching boner To her surprise she felt Peter completely lift her up and yank her down like she weighed nothing. The rock hard cock buried into the wet pussy down to the balls. A heat was forming in said balls and spreading to the rest of the teen member.

As Helen rode him hard Peter's climax got rapidly closer. He picked her up just to drive her down, her hips furiously slapping against his. "Helen, cumming!" The teen couldn't hold back anymore and was barely able to warn the doctor. "Inside me." was all the incentive he needed. A volcanic eruption burst from his cock, hot spunk shooting up the wet hole. Helen savoured the warmth inside her. Both were spent and too tired to move. Cum dripped out when Cho eventually got up. "Okay Peter you've certainly proved you're feeling fine."

Later that night Norman Osborn was sat in his office. Taking a drink, he rewound the tape again. He'd been suspicious about Peter; the strength of his handshake for such a skinny boy, how he'd seemed to know the explosion would happen before it did and how quickly he'd recovered. Reviewing the security footage one more time confirmed it; Parker had moved before it blew. No one's reflexes were that fast.

He thought for a minute before speaking; "Computer start a new file. Call it Project: Goblin."


End of Chapter 26.

Next Chapter: Full English.

It's been a whole year since this story started.

Been a while since I've done a flashback huh?

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