Parker Luck

Chapter 27: Full English

The world around Peter looked so familiar but also totally alien at the same time. He wandered around, desperately looking for something that wasn't different. In the distance the Empire State building stood tall. It certainly seemed he was still in New York. The city was busy, hoards of people marching along the streets, many of whom stared at the teen as he went by. He tried speaking to people but was brusquely ignored or told to go away. Eventually he saw someone who looked approachable. "Excuse me?" he asked and the man looked up from his newspaper. "Whaddya want?" "Uh. Yeah am I in New York?" Peter asked him and got a funny look in response, "You okay kid? Course you're in New York where's it look like?" The man replied. "And um, what year is it?" Peter asked hesitantly. The man lowered his paper to stare confusedly, "You some kinda hippy or somethin' buddy? It's nineteen forty-six of course!"

**48 hours earlier**

"Let's see, this goes here, that attaches to that and these... I'm not sure what these do." Bruce Banner muttered his thoughts as he worked. For the last few months he'd been making repairs to the Quantum Platform. Clint's sword had done a number on the device and Banner had struggled to fix it but was now finally done. Or so he thought. Standing back he took another look over the machine. He would've appreciated the help with the device. Hope and Scott had chipped in when they'd been at the facility but that hadn't been very often so, like always, he had to do the heavy lifting. "He couldn't settle for just hacking it to pieces. Oh no he had to get rid of the blueprints too." Professor Hulk grumbled. He leaned back down to resume his soldering. "This would be so much easier if Tony was here." He said sadly.

A few hours later he stood up to examine the machine. "I think that did it." He went over to the computer console near the device "Alright here goes." He entered the activation command. With agonising slowness the Quantum Platform gradually came to life. "Ha ha! Yes!" He cried, his feeling of triumph making him forget why he'd been tasked with repairing the machine in the first place. If he was honest he didn't want to send Natasha back at all but he knew there were all kinds of risks with time displacement and the changes that could be happening to the past without Nat being there. Deciding it was time to test out the machine, Prof Hulk rummaged around and grabbed a piece of scrap metal and placed it on the platform. "Okay first test here we go." He entered the activation code and the machine got to work. The device then began to spark violently and caught fire. "Shit!" He was glad he had a fire extinguisher nearby. As soon as the flames were out and the blackened piece of metal was tossed aside he set back to work.

The rest of the day passed with little to show for it. Several more tests later and the pile of burned items had grown considerably, as had his frustration. "Come on you hunk of junk!" Banner snapped, giving the platform a thump for good measure. To his surprise he then heard the machine begin to start up. He stared in disbelief for a second before getting another piece of scrap to test. After firing up the machine nothing sparked or set alight which he took as a good sign. Bruce activated it one more time. The machine hummed and whirred and then the test item was gone. The only downside was, without a GPS, he wouldn't be able to bring anything back from where he sent it to. After much searching Bruce managed to find the one Natasha had been wearing when she'd been brought to the present (the rest had been destroyed in Thanos' attack) and set it to automatically activate. This time when he sent the item out he managed to get it to return. It was time for a live subject, he just needed to persuade another Avenger to be a guinea pig.

The next day Banner had gathered the team by his lab. "I'm sorry to pull you guys away from what you were doing but I've got the Quantum Platform up and running again and I need someone to test it to make sure it's working properly." He told them. Naturally, Natasha wouldn't be going and Clint would've preferred that the machine had stayed broken so they were ruled out. The others looked uneasy either from memories of the last time they went through time or put off by the idea in general. There was silence for a beat then a voice spoke up "I'll do it." Spider-Man had stepped forward to volunteer. "Whoa hold on there Spidey." Rhodey held out an arm to stop the teen. "Time travel isn't as fun as it looks in the movies, it's damn freaky and the thing might not be fully repaired, sorry Bruce, who knows what'll happen?" He told him. Sam then chipped in "If this is about what happened with A.I.M a while back, you don't need to prove yourself kid." Spidey held up his hands to get them to stop "I'm not trying to prove myself or do this for fun. Someone needs to test this thing and I'm sure it's safe so why not me?" Peter told them. He didn't want Nat to return to the past either (although for a different reason) but he also accepted it was going to happen eventually. The older heroes tried to talk the webslinger out of it but he asserted himself and eventually they gave in. "Alright fine." Sam relented "You'll need a suit."

With a few adjustments, Clint's suit was repurposed for Peter's use. The webslinger took a deep breath as he stepped onto the platform. "Last chance Peter. You're absolutely sure about this?" Banner asked. Peter nodded "Yeah I'm sure. It's gonna be fine." He sounded more confident than he felt "But just in case something goes wrong can you make sure my aunt is taken care of?" After being promised that she would be Peter activated his GPS and his helmet snapped up. "Alright Peter I'm gonna send you back a week, leave you for a few minutes then you'll come straight back to now got it?" The teen gave a thumbs up to show he understood. Banner set to work programming in the timestamp and setting the coordinates. "Okay sending you back in 3,2,1 now!" Peter shrank down and was in the Quantum Realm in seconds.

"Whoa!" The teen marvelled at the bizarre sub-atomic world as he was propelled through it. He was so focused on his surroundings he didn't notice his Time-Space GPS was now sparking. At the same time the Quantum Platform had overloaded. "No, no no!" Bruce's heart plummeted as the machine sparked and smoked. "What just happened?!" Demanded Sam. "I don't know!", A panicked Bruce replied. "It just broke down and I can't get a lock on Peter." He faced Sam, wild eyed. Sam manged to keep himself calm and tried to get control of the situation. "Can you get him back?" He asked,. "I'll try." Banner frowned in concentration and typed furiously at the console. "No good." He announced, "I'm gonna try the communicator." He then pressed a button and spoke, "Peter? Peter can you hear me?" *Krrzzt* *Krrzzt* "-lo? Doc-tor Bann-? -at happen-" A heavily garbled and badly cut off voice came through. Banner felt a spot of hope "Kid where are you?" Any reply the teen gave was drowned out by the interference and then the line went dead. An ashen faced Bruce turned to face his teammates "We've lost the kid."

At the same time as this was happening Peter was still blissfully unaware anything was wrong. He quickly became aware when he suddenly felt himself being catapulted along. "Ah!" He cried as he sped up. He noticed a rapidly approaching brightness and hoped it wasn't the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel, he absolutely didn't want to die as a teenager (again) and tried to move away. His efforts were in vain as he was pulled ever closer to the bright light.

Suddenly he found himself standing in a bustling city. Peter noticed the people staring so ducked into an alley, his quantum suit disappearing. "This doesn't look like last week." He said to himself. The sound of static emerged from his communicator followed by a distorted voice "-Peter can y-" *Krrzzt* "-me?" Peter recognised it as Banner's. "Hello? Doctor Banner? What happened?" He spoke into the device but was unsure how much went through. The static grew worse before the channel went silent. Although Peter's communicator/GPS was fried and useless he kept trying to get through to the present. It quickly became apparent that he was on his own so he decided his first action would be to figure out where he was.


The realisation that he was stuck over seventy years in the past hit Peter like a ton of bricks. He felt like his world was ending as he thought about his family, his friends and his life, all of which he'd never see again. He staggered off in a daze, not looking or caring where he was going. He slumped down on the side of the road and buried his face in his hands, tears forming in his eyes.

He sat there feeling utterly hopeless. "Oh dear, are you alright?" Peter looked up and saw a brown haired woman in a blue suit and a red hat looking at him concernedly. She looked vaguely familiar, he was sure he'd seen her before but he didn't know where. He did know she was the first person to show him any kindness since he'd arrived in the past. Obviously he couldn't tell her everything so he gave a half truth "Yeah I'm really lost." The woman gave a sympathetic smile "Where are you trying to go?" She asked with a silky English accent. "Uh. I'm not really sure." He told her. The woman thought for a minute before speaking again. "I have a map at my flat if you'll come with me I'll help you find somewhere." As Peter followed her he became sure he recognised her.

When they reached a hotel they stopped and the woman peered through the window. "What're you doing?" Peter asked her. "Making sure my landlady isn't here." She then told him. Apparently she wasn't so they walked in. Just before they reached the stairs a stern voice rang out "Miss Carter!" The brunette grimaced, "Shit!" she said under her breath before turning to face the speaker. "Hello Ms Fry." The older woman scowled at her "You know the rules no men above the first floor." She snapped. Carter tried to smile "This is my nephew from out of town, he's come to visit me." The woman's face didn't change "I don't care who he is, no men means no men." Fry violently gestured to the door. "I'm sorry about her." The woman told Peter once they were outside. A hand flew to her forehead "I forgot to introduce myself; my name's Peggy Carter."

Peter's jaw dropped "The Peggy Carter?!" He gaped. Peggy frowned "You know me?" She was both flattered and taken aback. "Where I'm from you're famous." "Where you're from?" She echoed getting even more confused. "And where is that exactly?" She asked him and the teen clammed up, realising he'd made a mistake. "Somewhere really far away?" He tried but this time a half truth wasn't good enough. He sighed at the woman's stern glare and relented "Is there anywhere more private we can talk? Your room perhaps?" He suggested. "My room is on the third floor and you can't go upstairs." Peggy told him. "I'm a good climber." Spidey said and convinced the Englishwoman to go.

At the teen's request Peggy had told him which room was hers and was waiting for him. Out of curiosity she looked out the window, expecting to see him scrabbling up the drainpipe. Instead he was literally scaling the wall and in no time had reached her window. "Time for some answers, who are you? How can you do that? And how do you know who I am?" She demanded once he was inside. It was time for honesty, "My name is Peter Parker and I'm a superhero from the future." He confessed. Peggy reeled at this but it strangely made sense, after all she'd seen she was very open minded. "A superhero? Like Ste-Captain America?" She asked and Peter nodded he was about to tell her that he knew him but decided against it. He then told her in length about the time travel experiment and how he'd wound up in the past. As he spoke Peggy found he reminded her of Steve in a way and felt some attraction. She also realised that his knowledge of the future could be dangerous so she needed to help him get back to his own time. "Next thing I know I'm here and my device is busted." Peter finished, lifting his arm to show the GPS. The strange piece of tech gave Peggy an idea, "I might know someone who can help with that."

Next morning Peggy made a phone call and shortly after a car pulled up outside the hotel. A man got out and greeted Peggy with an English accent "Delightful to see you again Miss Carter and who's your young friend?" Peter was about to give the nephew excuse but Peggy spoke first; "This is Peter Parker Mr. Jarvis, he's got something of a complicated situation which requires Howard's expertise." She said. "Understood I'll take you there right away."

They stopped at a lavish mansion and Peter wondered who this 'Howard' was. He was surprised when he was lead to a lab in a secret basement. A black haired man was tinkering with some piece of tech "Mr. Stark?" Peter blurted out, causing the man to look up. It wasn't Tony but the resemblance was obvious, this must be his father. "You know him too?" Peggy asked. "I knew his son." Peter explained and Howard focused on him "Hey! I don't care what the papers say, I never got any of those girls pregnant!" He snapped. Peter shook his head "It's not like that." He tried to think how to explain. Fortunately, Peggy saved him the trouble "Howard meet Peter Parker he is from the future." There was a beat before Stark burst out laughing "Didn't realise you had a sense of humour Peg. From the future, good one." His laughter stopped abruptly when Peter remembered he had his phone with him and dug it out his pocket. "What is that?" Stark's eyes widened. "It's called a cell phone." Peter told him. He handed it to Howard who was clearly itching to look at it "A mobile telephone? Genius!" He muttered to himself before addressing the teen. "Okay I believe you. But what do you need me for?" He asked Peter who gave his story.

"My god. Actual time travel." Stark said, awestruck by the idea. He came to his senses "Look kid I know I'm good but even I can't build a time machine. I'm not H.G Wells." Peter quickly assured him otherwise "You don't need to build one, we've already got one in the future. The problem is this is broken." He showed his GPS, "It's like a high tech beacon but with it broken they can't find me to bring me back. If you can fix it then I'll be able to go home". Howard visibly relaxed and then got a spark in his eyes which reminded the teen of Tony. "Alright then I'd better get to work."

Howard told Peter and Peggy that they could stay at the mansion. Peter accepted Peggy didn't. The days passed slowly and Peter tried to keep himself occupied however he could. Howard had shut himself in his laboratory, relishing the challenge the future tech provided. Peter came to see how he was doing one day and was horrified to find his phone had been gutted. "What the hell?!" he protested "What did you do that for?" Stark gave a shrug "I wanted a look at it and I figured I could use it for parts for this doohickey." He said unapologetically. Peter offered to help but was brushed off.

Peggy came by most days which helped Peter stave off the boredom, she'd even provided him with some period appropriate clothes so he could go out in public without drawing attention. The two talked a lot and spent the time getting to know each other (as much as they could without Peter revealing too much about the future). Peggy found herself able to talk to Peter about pretty much anything and he listened with interest about her work with the SSR, her struggle with accepting Steve was gone and her apprehension about dating again. Peter in turn told her about how he'd become a superhero and his life. He also answered some of Peggy's more general questions about the future. The more time they spent together the more Peggy found herself noticing the young man. It also made her give thought to how it had been since she'd had any physical satisfaction. Peter likewise found himself becoming enamoured with the beautiful Englishwoman.

That night Peggy's attempts to get to sleep were challenged by an uncontrollable sense of arousal. Although scandalous, she couldn't get the idea of Peter out of her head. As hard as she tried to fight the fantasy the more it stuck there. This became a recurring occurrence over the next few nights, even being away from Peter at her flat didn't help. Before long she couldn't take it anymore, she needed satisfaction. "Oh bloody hell!" She exclaimed one night, having elected to stay at the Stark mansion. She threw off her blanket, she was never going to be able to sleep like this. She lay staring at the ceiling until making a decision. Rolling out of bed, she made her way to Parker's room.

Tentatively she knocked on the door. Peggy gave a smirk at Peter's expression when he opened it. "Hello Peter." She purred "I'll get straight to the point, I need some relief and I want you." Peter went bright red, surprised but with no intention of refusing the Englishwoman. As soon as she was through the door Peggy grabbed the hero by the collar to drag him to the bed. The Englishwoman passionately kissed Peter, pushing him onto his back as she did. Whilst she kissed him Peggy traced a finger along the tent forming in his pants. "What have we here? Is this for me?" She teased as rubbed the boner. Her lips pressed passionately against Peter's and her hand continued to stroke the clothed member. They eventually pulled apart for air and Peggy sat up to slip off her nightgown, letting it fall to the floor to slowly display her curvaceous form. Peter was about to take off his nightclothes but was stopped by Peggy who insisted on doing it for him. She undid his shirt buttons one by one and ran an appreciative hand along his muscular body. The hand slid down to his waistband and hooked onto it, easing it down. Carter's eyes lit up when the hero's cock sprung out.

Peggy stared hungrily at the cock and curled her fingers around it to give it a squeeze. Her free hand went to her pussy to finger at the sensitive opening. Leaning over the teen her tongue shot out for a taste of man meat. The woman's tongue flickered over the hard length, gently painting it with saliva. Another strand of spit dripped onto the member. Peggy rose to reposition herself, one pair of lips remaining hovering over Peter's member but the other pair in line with his mouth. "I believe they call this a sixty-nine." She said as she adjusted. Spidey was surprised at how adventurous she was, "How do you know this?" He had to ask and Peggy gave a small chuckle; "You find all kinds of things during bunk inspections and Howard has a tendency to leave his magazines lying around." She told him "Now get to work Mr Parker." The webslinger complied, sticking his tongue out to lap at the brunette's pussy. His tongue slurped at the entrance, occasionally probing further. The young hero thoroughly lapped and licked.

Peggy was currently savouring the feeling but knew to return the favour. Her tongue trailed over the member providing a liberal coating of spit. Her tongue spiralled from tip to base and ventured to his balls before making a return trip. Her mouth opened and engulfed the cock. Her lips sucked on the hardness whilst her tongue circled around it. Peggy's head eased back up so just the head remained in her mouth. The Englishwoman gently mouthed the pink head, her lips pursing around it. Peggy's soft lips worked their magic on the teen's lower head and he was very vocal in his pleasure. He grew louder when her mouth slid down to take more in. He was surprised when she didn't slow for a second and reached the hilt of his cock in one go without even gagging.

Spidey thrust his tongue out as far into Peggy's wet hole as he could. The hero's tongue wormed and writhed inside. Peter leaned forward to bury his face in the dripping chasm. He licked at the delicate walls with everything he had. Not to be outdone, Carter bobbed her head and tightly wrapped her mouth around the hard length. The brunettes worked furiously on the other's organs, licking and sucking, slurping and blowing. Peter thrashed his tongue and Peggy swirled hers. What had started as mutual pleasuring had turned into a competition to see who'd cum first. Changing tactics, Peter slowed down and had his tongue slowly glide over the sensitive insides. Peggy did the opposite and sped up, her head bobbing and twisting to swallow the whole cock each time. The Brit's efforts were paying off and Peter knew his release was coming. He took a leaf out of Peggy's book and went fast, his tongue blurring in and out of her hole, pushing her closer to her climax as well. Deepthroating his cock Peggy could tell Peter was close. She could also feel that her climax was approaching. Soon it became too much for the hero, removing his mouth from Peggy's entrance he groaned her name as he came. As he cried out Peggy's mouth left his member but hung open in anticipation. The teen's load burst form his cock and splattered onto Peggy's face.

The Brit slurped the load off her face as well as whatever didn't go on her face. "My turn." She said, grinding her hips onto Peter's tongue. The teen continued to make his tongue dance, rubbing it over every square inch of the woman's pussy. His persistence and enthusiasm had a very positive effect on Peggy who moaned loudly at his efforts. "Oh Peter! Yes!" She cried out as the heat in her core exploded. The woman's juices flooded Peter's mouth and ran down his chin.

The two needed a minute to catch their breaths after such intense orgasms but swiftly recovered. Peggy made it clear she was ready by pouncing on the teen and pressing her luscious mounds into his face. At the same time she pressed her ass to the re-hardening shaft. Spider-Man wasted no time suckling on the full breasts, rapidly alternating from left to right. Carter ground her ass on Peter's member until it was back to full hardness. Lifting her hips Peggy teasingly hovered over the member then, with a sultry grin, plunged down. Both cried out as the cock entered the pussy. Peggy gritted her teeth and grasped onto Peter's pecs as she adjusted. "Go." The Englishwoman eventually forced out, intending to push through the pain. Uncertain but eager to please, Spidey eased his hips up to slowly push deeper. At Peggy's insistence he began to move, his dick going in a little at a time. "Faster!" Carter snapped and the hero obliged. The teen grasped her ass to pull her down harder. The agent swiftly found a rhythm and bounced on the hardness. Spidey was more than willing to buck his hips up but then an idea came to him. Taking control of the situation, he pulled out, grabbed onto the Brit's body and reversed their positions, Peggy flat on her back and him lying over her. Drawing his length back Peter then roughly thrust into Peggy, making her whole body rock. In seconds he was pounding her like a piston.

Slapping flesh and primal moans echoed through the room as Parker slammed his shaft in hard. His cock blurred as he fucked the woman underneath him. Peggy locked lips with the webslinger as he ploughed her. Strong hands gripped Peggy's voluptuous breasts to squeeze and knead them. Peter drew back, his length sliding out the slick opening, and plunged back in. "Yes keep doing that!" The Brit wailed and Peter repeated the action. Again and again the hardness thrust in and out it had Carter seeing stars.

Throaty groans came from Peggy, her mind blank with pleasure. As Peter fucked her hard she felt a ball of pleasure burning inside her, one that grew rapidly every time the shaft went in. "Yes! Peter!" She grunted. "You. Feel. Amazing!" The hero groaned between thrusts. As the meat rubbed against her walls Peggy could feel the pleasure beginning to overwhelm her. "So close." she cried. Parker was also in a loosing fight to hold back his climax but continued to pound away.

Soon it became too much for Peggy. A high pitched wail of "Cuumiiing!" and she squirted. Hot juices washed over the teen member and onto the bed. The teen pounded on regardless, so lost in pleasure he barely noticed. He began to notice when the pressure in his cock threatened to become overwhelming. "Peggy. Close." He forced out. Although cock drunk, The Englishwoman still had her wits about her. "Not inside!" She quickly told him. Peter did as he was told and unsheathed himself from her. His meat quickly found a new home between two pillow boobs. Peggy squeezed her impressive rack over the hardness. The friction was almost as good as her snatch and Spidey resumed his previous pace. Exhaustion crept up on him and he began to slow. The euphoria didn't fade and he knew he'd blow any second. He was right. "Peggy!" he grunted. Hot sticky ropes of cum fired from his cock and coated the Brit's face and considerable bust. 

A drained Peter slumped onto the Englishwoman, his body pressed against hers, and they stayed like that for the rest of the night. His last thoughts before dropping off were that maybe being stuck in the past wouldn't be so bad after all.


End of Chapter 27.

Next chapter: Waiting on a Friend

Be honest how many of you were expecting Peggy Carter?

This is set between seasons 1 and 2 of Agent Carter.

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