Parker Luck

Chapter 28: Waiting on a Friend

"Good morning Peter." The brown haired woman lying next to the teen greeted him. Peter thought he was dreaming at first when he saw her face. The woman next to him was Peggy Carter. Whilst he knew his luck with women had improved recently, he couldn't figure out how he was sharing a bed with the naked S.H.I.E.L.D founder.

His memories of the accident with the Quantum Platform which had blasted him back in time returned to him and he got over his shock. The hero grinned at the memory of what happened last night, he'd been surprised at how dirty the Englishwoman was and how voracious she'd been. "Good morning to you too." Peter replied, his grin still present. The teen closed the gap between them and planted a rough kiss on Peggy. Her eyes widened at first but Peggy quickly returned the kiss and slid her tongue into the hero's mouth. Peter did the same, their liplock turning fierce and furious. The two rolled over with Peter lying over Peggy and groping her voluptuous breasts without his lips leaving hers.

Their attempted lovemaking was cut short by knocking on the door and then Jarvis' voice came through "Mr. Parker? Mr. Parker if you're awake Mr. Stark has asked to see you." There was a beat then he spoke again "He said the sooner the better." With an annoyed sigh Parker rolled off Peggy, "Does he always interrupt like this?" Peggy gave a sardonic laugh "You'd be surprised but you should go see Howard, he's not the most patient man and doesn't like being ignored." Peter was still reluctant to get out of bed. "If you don't go he's likely to barge in anyway and I'd rather not be caught with my knickers down." Peter gave another sigh but acknowledged her point. "I'm sure they'll be more time for shagging later." Peggy said after seeing his expression. That cheered the teen up and he hurriedly pulled his clothes on.

Howard Stark's mind had been blown at the idea that actual time travel was possible and he was giving serious thought to the future. He'd tried to wheedle information out of the time traveller (specifically about him) but other than letting slip that he'd have a son, Peter had remained tight lipped, he wouldn't even tell him the name of the woman he was supposed to marry. Either way it had gotten him thinking about his legacy and, for the time being, he wanted that to be his company. Part of Howard was considering keeping the device Peter had brought with him. If he could reverse engineer the future technology it would put Stark Industries miles ahead of the competition. Seeing the teen's eager face when he came into the lab dissuaded him though, the kid was clearly desperate to go home.

"You wanted to see me Mr. Stark?" Peter asked, hopefully Howard had some good news for him. "Morning kid." Stark greeted the teen "Listen I've got good news and bad news. The good news is I've managed to repair the damage to your device." Spidey's face lit up "I can go back? That's great." Howard grimaced and raised a hand to cut him off "Hang on. don't get too excited, I haven't told you the bad news yet." Peter's face fell and when he spoke again it was with considerably less enthusiasm "Alright what is it?" For a moment Howard considered downplaying it but decided to give it to him straight. "The bad news is that's all I've done. The damage is fixed but I have no clue if it's working or not."

"What?" Peter cried in dismay. He'd been so sure that Howard could help him return to the present but now he felt adrift, although he didn't mind the 40's he didn't want to be stuck there for the rest of his life. "I'm sorry Peter but you told me this thing is advanced even in your time. I've done my best but we have to consider the possibility of it never being fully repaired." Peter's heart was sinking rapidly "What're you saying?" He desperately hoped Stark wasn't saying what he thought he was. Howard spread his hands, "I'm saying you may have to get used to living in our time." "Isn't there anything you can do?" Peter begged of the inventor who sighed "I'm doing it, I'm being honest with you." Seeing the hopelessness on Peter's face he gave another sigh, closing his eyes and pinching his nose, "Alright I'll keep working on it but no promises. Is there anything you haven't told me about this or the thing that sent you here?" Peter racked his brains for anything that might help but he couldn't think of anything he hadn't already told him. Suddenly he remembered something so glaringly obvious he couldn't think how he'd forgotten to bring it up in the first place. "Well... The time machine was based on quantum technology." He ventured, unsure how it could help. Howard's eyes snapped open "Did you say quantum tech?" He asked eagerly. Peter was taken aback by the sudden change in attitude "Uh. Yes." Howard brightened at the possibly that he wouldn't fail and a grin had appeared on his face. "I think I might know I a guy. I need to make a phone call."

"If you want my opinion you should've never reactivated it in the first place." In the present day Hank Pym had made no secret of his distaste for time travel and was quick to chide the Avengers for not destroying it after the Infinity Stones had been returned. The heroes had called him to ask for his help in repairing the machine and bringing Spider-Man home. Fortunately, despite his reservations, he'd agreed to help and had brought Hope and Scott with him. "How's it looking in there?" He spoke into a communicator. Ant-Man and Wasp were currently shrunken down to examine the machine from within. "Not as bad as it could've been." Hope answered, "It's pretty fried in here but it might be fixable. It'll take some time though." "You will be able to get him back right?" Bruce had been beside himself with guilt and worry, he felt it was his fault for letting Peter persuade him to let him test the machine. Banner was dreading having to tell the boy's aunt about what happened and how to explain it. "That is the plan." Hank told him. The older man rolled up his sleeves and set to work.

Back in 1946 a perturbed Peter had left the lab and was lying on his bed, lost in thought. He was trying very hard not to dwell on the idea he might spend the rest of his days stranded in the past. Peggy had gone to work, Jarvis was busying himself around the house and Howard was still in his lab so Peter was all alone.

A few hours later the doorbell rang. A young man with long brown hair stood at the door. "Can I help you?" Jarvis questioned. "Yes. Howard Stark called me and told me to come here. My name is Hank Pym."

"Mr. Stark? Dr. Pym is here to see you sir." Jarvis announced as they entered the laboratory. Howard thanked and dismissed his butler. He rose to shake the younger man's hand "Good to see you Hank." "Likewise." Hank replied before cutting straight to the point, "So why did you call me?" Howard sat down, inviting Hank to do the same. "You're the world's foremost expert on quantum theory and, as much as it pains me to say this, I need your help with something. Now this will sound unbelievable, I certainly didn't at first, but just listen." Stark launched into an explanation about Peter and his situation with the beacon. Pym thought he was being conned at first but as Stark went on he couldn't help but feel there may have been a ring of truth to his tale. His scepticism waned when Peter was called in and backed the story up. Hank's eyes widened upon seeing the time-space GPS. "Alright. You've convinced me. Let's get to work."

Peter couldn't get Howard's warning about not getting his hopes up out of his head. A few days later Peggy stopped by again. "Is everything alright?" She asked seeing how dejected Peter was "Not exactly" Peter admitted "Mr. Stark said there's a chance I'm gonna be stuck here for good." "No offence." He then added. "None taken." Peggy replied "You've got a life in the future. I understand. But I do have something that might cheer you up." She continued. Peter got the idea and closed the gap between them, his mouth smashing onto hers. The Brit returned the kiss at first but then pushed him away. "That's not what I had in mind." She told him. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a pair of tickets. "We're going to Broadway tonight!" Peter wasn't so sure but didn't say anything.

Once the show was over instead of leaving, Peggy headed towards the dressing rooms. "What're you doing?" Peggy gave a smirk "Trust me." She stopped outside a door and knocked on it. It was opened by a young woman. A wide grin spread across her face. "Oh my god! Hi English!" The woman shot forward to hug Peggy. "Good to see you too Angie." Peggy said, returning the embrace. "You were fantastic out there." She then said once the younger woman had let go. "Aw. Thanks Peg." She then caught sight of Peter "Who's this?" Peggy introduced Peter as her nephew and introduced the brunette as Angie Martinelli. "Huh. Didn't know you had a nephew Peg. Nice to meet ya." Angie pulled Peter into a tight embrace and he felt himself blush as her body pressed against his. Angie's face likewise heated feeling the hero's muscular form. "How's things at the phone company?" The actress stressed the last two words. "Peter knows about my real job." Carter chuckled. The women chatted away until a knock on the door interrupted them "Ms. Martinelli, you're on in ten." "Oh shoot!" Angie exclaimed. "Sorry guys gonna have to cut this short." She was then struck by an idea "I've got a day off tomorrow. Come round to my place." She scrawled out an address and handed it to Peggy.

The next day Peggy and Peter drove to the address, a moderately sized house in Brooklyn. Angie greeted the two enthusiastically, wrapping them both in a hug. "Nice place huh? Can't compare to the palace Stark let me use but sure better than those flats." Angie said after they'd gone in. The three talked away (Angie doing most of it) Peggy and Angie catching up and getting to know Peter. The Brit's keen powers of observation clearly saw the way her younger companions were looking at each other so she decided to give them some privacy. "Gosh. I just remembered I have some things I need to do. Peter you stay here, I'll be back later." With that she slipped off.

"You're not really Peg's nephew are you?" Angie phrased the question as a statement. "I'm sure you've got a reason and Peg likes you so I ain't gonna pry." She then abruptly changed the subject, "Do you have a girlfriend Peter?" Several women flashed through his head but none of them really fit the description of girlfriend, except for maybe Michelle, (he made a mental note to speak with her about it if he ever got back). "Not exactly." "You ever been with a woman before?" Angie asked without an ounce of hesitation. "Yes." He answered honestly and the actress gave a devious grin as she asked her next question. "Wanna have some fun now English is gone?" Peter wasn't about to reject such an offer and began stripping down. Angie followed suit, tossing her clothes aside. Peter's hands gravitated to her perky breasts, twiddling the nipples. The actress ran a hand down the hero's hard muscles. The hand drifted lower so her fingertips gently skimmed over the length, running from tip to base. A flick of a finger and Angie scooped up a drop of precum leaking from Peter's lower head. Angie sucked on the finger and found she enjoyed the taste of Peter's essence.

"C'mon." Angie demanded, dragging Peter to the bedroom. Throwing him on the bed, Angie dropped to her knees. She hungrily examined his shaft and gave has balls an experimental squeeze. Angie then firmly grasped the length and positioned her mouth over it. Strands of drool dripped onto the eager member. Angie's tongue pressed against the warm flesh and, with agonising slowness, meandered along. The wet muscle left a trail of saliva as it went and before long had the length wet and slippery. Her pert mounds swallowed up Peter's shaft, the fluids slicking them up. The orbs pressed tightly over the teen's length providing a pleasurable friction. Low groans emitted from Peter which Angie took as encouragement. The actress sped up and brought her tongue into the mix, flicking it over his cock each time it went up. At first Angie's tongue rapidly darted over the dripping head but then slowed down, giving long sensual licks. The webslinger was eager for more and began bucking his hips. The shaft began poking Angie in the face so she decided to do something about it. Opening her mouth, the cock slid in and was held in place by her lips. The brunette tenderly sucked on the end of his cock which made Peter groan even more. A particularly loud cry came from the teen when Angie steadily lowered her mouth. Martinelli wasted no time in plunging her head down, impressing Peter with how well she swallowed his dick. Angie pursed her lips as she blew, forming a tight seal around the hardness. Adjusting quickly, Angie sank her head down to gradually take the more of the length in.

Angie got closer and closer to the base. With her now free hands Angie snaked them around Spidey, one fondling his balls and the other gripping his waist. The first hand joined the second and they pulled the teen's hips towards her. This was the push Angie needed to deepthroat the remainder and she savoured the hardness filling her mouth. Barely gagging, Angie sucked on the shaft and rubbed her tongue on it's underside. When she started bobbing her head, Peter saw stars, he'd never get tired of the sensation. She quickly got faster and enthusiastically engulfed the member each time. "Don't stop!" Peter grunted. Angie didn't slow for a second. Angie's hard and fast style of blowjob was very pleasurable and Peter's shaft began twitching and pulsing. The salty taste of precum danced on Martinelli's tongue as more and more leaked out. Peter's hips were pulled forward and then again a beat later. Angie kept tugging on his waist until he got the message and started to buck. Angie smiled around his length, she could feel by the way he was tensing Peter's release was approaching. The brunette kept up her pace, the slick meat sliding down her throat with ease. "Close." Peter said. Just before he blew Angie pulled back. With a shudder Peter erupted. Hot cum filled Angie's mouth, the volume catching her by surprise and making her puff her cheeks. The actress let the load sit in her mouth for a minute before drinking it down.

The hero barely had time to recover before Angie practically pounced on him. "Your turn." She told him as she thrust her pussy over his face. Parker pressed his mouth against the fleshy lips and teased them with his tongue. "Don't toy with me." Angie warned. Doing as he was told Spidey plunged his tongue straight at her core. The stimulation of her walls had Martinelli writhing in pleasure and eager for more. Peter's tongue thrashed from side to side. Angie moaned loudly when he did this and ground onto his face. His clever tongue scouted her pussy, slurping at the sensitive spots. The wet muscle slathered over Angie's inner walls and was quickly coated in her juices. His extra effort was paying off and her precum flowed rapidly. The hero worked his tongue furiously inside Angie's wet hole, covering as much as he could in spit. The young woman had started to raise and lower herself to drive the writhing tongue deeper. A series of high wails came from Angie as she got closer to cumming. "Peter!" she cried as her release came. Spidey opened wide in preparation as the hot fluid rushed out. With love juices smeared over his mouth Spidey slid out from underneath Angie.

The brunette took Peter's place on the bed, lying on her stomach. Peter reached towards her pussy but was stopped. "Sorry but I'm saving there for until I'm married." She then held her hips aloft "The other one however..." The webslinger was happy to oblige and set to work. His tongue and fingers worked in tandem, lubricating and stretching her tight backdoor.

His efforts soon paid off and Angie was ready and willing. The teen firmly grasped Angie's ass and pushed forward inch by inch. The brunette moaned as the hardness entered her. Peter clenched his teeth at her tightness. Martinelli's horniness outweighed her discomfort and she told Peter to start moving. Steadily he drew back, half in half out, and paused to let Angie adjust. He kept this up, gradually going further in. Tightening his grip, Peter sheathed himself in the asshole. The pair cried out when Peter was fully inside. Drawing back again Peter gently pushed into her. His shaft eased back and forth. With each buck of his hips Peter got faster. "Harder! Fuck me harder!" Angie burst. "Here goes." Warned the hero as he prepared to do so. Lunging forward, their hips met with a smack and a cry. Repeating the action had Peter tensing in pleasure and Angie moaning loudly. As Parker's speed increased so did the volume and the sounds rang through the room. Angie was loving the teen's rough thrusts in her ass, which send shock waves through her body. Remembering a trick that usually worked well, Spider-Man reversed, leaving just the tip pressing against the ring of muscle. With a powerful thrust he embedded his cock all at once. That had the actress screaming in delight and he did it again. The hero ploughed into her furiously, turning her into a quivering mess.

Pounding fast and furious, Peter's mind was overwhelmed with pure lust. His member was like a piston in and out of the tight ass and each thrust had Angie moaning and grunting. The webslinger ploughed the brunette's ass, revelling in the pleasure. Angie was in a state of pure bliss at the feeling of being filled over and over. As he thrust Peter could feel a knot of euphoria growing inside him. The heat grew each time he entered and soon was all consuming. His shaft tensed in preparation to explode. "Ah Angie!" Crying her name as he burst, Peter made sure every inch of his cock was inside her. Angie wailed as the molten liquid filled her backdoor.

"Peter!" The lovers jumped as someone thumped on the door. "Peter I know you're in there. Get your clothes on we need to go!" Peggy ordered through the door. With no time to enjoy the afterglow the teen redressed. "What's going on?" Peter asked as he followed the Englishwoman out the house. He was too concerned to be embarrassed at being caught with his pants down (literally). Peggy didn't answer until they were in the car. "Howard called, he said it was urgent."

"Good you're here." Howard said as soon as he saw them. "Your device started beeping. I think your friends are trying to find you." He explained. Peter hastily grabbed the GPS and strapped it around his wrist, his quantum suit forming over him. "Goodbye guys thank you for everything." He gave a heartfelt goodbye as he prepared for the jump to the present.

Nothing happened.

Peter slumped, utterly gutted. "Must've been a false alarm." He said bitterly. Suddenly the helmet snapped shut and a split second later his word went sub-atomic. He was finally going home!


End of Chapter 28.

Next Chapter: Mayday

I admit past Hank being there might be a continuity error.

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