Parker Luck

Chapter 33: Warrior Woman

*Vroom* A silvery motorcycle sped along the winding roads leading to New Asgard. Lady Sif hadn't been sure about the mechanical horse but it had quickly grown on her and she loved the feeling of racing along as well as how it rumbled and shook beneath her. In some ways she'd been fortunate, she'd been on Midgard for Asgard's final days and had avoided it's destruction as well as the tyrannical reign of Hela. Although from what she'd been told Hela had killed anyone who refused to bow to her, including her comrades in arms the Warriors Three. She'd also heard about what happened to the survivors who were attacked by Thanos and she herself had been disintegrated later on.

Sif was still adjusting to New Asgard so didn't spend much time there, preferring to explore Midgard. She now understood why Thor liked it so much, it wasn't just Jane that made him choose to stay. Speaking of Jane, she was the reason she'd returned to the village. The Asgardian warrior had gotten over her jealousy of the scientist (although she couldn't deny she'd been pleased to hear her and Thor were no longer together) and, after getting to know one another, had become unlikely friends. The two had even exchanged contact information as Sif had acquired a device called a cellular phone which was far more convenient than sending letters via raven as they used to do in Asgard. She'd heard rumors about a big project of some kind underway in New Asgard with Jane at it's helm and was curious to find out more.

As she rode on, New Asgard slowly became visible over the hill and she gave a grin under her helmet and, twisting the throttle, accelerated.

Peter yawned and stretched, he couldn't explain it but he had a good feeling about today. He wondered what the day would hold, hopefully they could make some progress as with the additional help recently they'd made some breakthroughs and many of the team believed that they were close to completion. Stepping out the door revealed a bright sunny day and he felt cautiously optimistic. The rumble of an engine rang out and a few seconds later a bike rolled up into the village. The bike came to a stop and the rider reached for their helmet. Peter's world seemed to go in slow motion as the rider's face was revealed, a gorgeous woman with porcelain skin and raven black hair which flowed like ink as she shook it loose. The teen was transfixed by her "Who is that?" He wondered. "That's Lady Sif." A voice answered him and he realised he'd spoken aloud. "She's one of our greatest warriors and a close friend of the former king and of the queen."

After seeing the queen, her next stop was to visit Jane. "Sif?" The scientist ran to embrace her friend "It's good to see you." "You too." Sif returned the sentiment and the hug. The warrior was impressed with the size of the facility and the buzz of activity going on in it. Jane saw Sif looking "Welcome to Project Rainbow." Sif quickly understood what was going on: "You're building a new Bifrost." She deduced. "Yes and we think we're close to completion. Come in let me show you around." Jane placed a hand on the taller woman's shoulder to lead her along.

"So, theoretically, if we can generate enough power the machine will be able to create a localised Einstein-Rosen Bridge from here to another location. If we succeed it'll revolutionise transport forever and may even allow us to explore other planets. Although that's jumping ahead a bit." Jane was just finishing off her explanation when Peter walked in. "Hey Jane. What do you want me doing tod-" He trailed off when he saw who she was talking to. Lady Sif was even more impressive up close, providing him with a good look at how her motorcycle leathers hugged her lithe figure. "Oh you're here. Good." Jane waved the young man over. "Peter meet Sif, she's a friend and is gonna help with the project." The Asgardian gave a small nod, "I'm not much of an academic but I know a little about how the Bifrost works. Hopefully enough to assist you." She suddenly realised something; "I forgot to introduce myself; I'm Sif it's nice to meet you." She extended a hand to the webslinger who's face tinged pink as he took it. "Hi. I'm Peter Parker." Sif cocked her head in thought, "Peter Parker..." She mused. After a beat she snapped her fingers "Ah yes, Thor's mentioned you. Man of Spiders correct?" She asked, leading the teen to wonder why he even bothered trying to keep his identity secret if his teammates were going to blab. As Spidey walked off the tall woman watched him go, strangely enticed by him, the Spider-Pheromones at work already.

"Urrgh." Peter's good feeling had gone, replaced by a thumping headache. "I need a break." He said to no one in particular and got up for some fresh air. He wasn't the only one who needed it.

Sif had had a similar idea earlier and had gone to a secluded part of the village where a crude training area had been set up and was currently hacking straw dummies to pieces. "Hah!" She cried as her sword sliced through the dummies, their heads tumbling off shortly after. One of the severed heads rolled up to her feet and she gave it a half hearted kick, opponents who didn't fight back made for rather poor training aids.

The kicked head slowly tumbled down the hill until it came to a stop by hitting into Peter's legs. "Yah!" Naturally he was alarmed at his find until he realised no one had actually been decapitated. Once his heart rate had returned to normal, the teen heard someone up the hill and went to check it out. When he got to the top he saw a semi-circle of headless scarecrows with Lady Sif in the middle. She'd traded her biker outfit for a suit of shiny armour and was holding a sword. "Uh. Hi." He didn't know what else to say and felt politeness was the best approach, seeing as she was armed. Peter held out the dummy's head. "Is this yours? I mean I know it's not yours yours but, um, you know what I mean right?" He fumbled for words much to Sif's amusement "I understand don't worry." She chuckled and beckoned him over. "How do you feel about sparring with me?" She asked once she'd relieved him of the head. "What like with swords?" Sif nodded. "Wooden ones of course." She said, to Peter's relief. "I can show you some of the basics." She added. Peter agreed and the warrior went and grabbed a pair.

"Keep a firm grip and raise your arm a little higher." Sif adjusted it as she spoke and, when she was satisfied, held out her sword. "I'm going to attack and you need to try and block me." As soon as the teen said he was ready she lunged, her sword clacking against Peter's. To his credit Spidey was doing well for a beginner, although his Spider-Sense was the only thing allowing him to parry Sif's strikes. His body tingled as the Asgardian swung at him and he was just able to bring his sword up in time. The two locked eyes as they pushed against each other, equal in strength, and a heat was forming between them. "Good. Don't be afraid to be more aggressive, really attack." Sif instructed. As their match had gone on Parker had felt his cock growing erect watching Sif's body in action and Sif had likewise found herself getting aroused. The heat grew each time they clashed and the gap between them grew smaller. When their swords crossed again they made a token effort but it was quickly forgotten. Their lips mashed together with a fervour and their bodies followed suit. Even through her armour Peter could feel the heat coming from the warrior as they kissed, tongues intertwining. Spider-Man ground against Sif, his steel hard cock leading the way. It wasn't so much a makeout session as a continuation of their sparring.

Clothes were rumpled as they pressed together and pawed at each other, one of Sif's hands down Peter's pants and his reaching under her skirt. Peter was fumbling with Sif's breastplate when his phone rang. "Oh damn." He had a good idea who was calling and why. "Peter where the hell are you?" Jane demanded after he answered. "You were supposed to be helping me out today." The brunette winced and made his excuses. "Continue this later?" He asked Sif hopefully.

"What happened to you two?" Jane took in Peter and Sif's sweaty and dishevelled appearances with a raised eyebrow. "Sparring practice." They said in unison.

Jane was more focussed on the project and didn't give it much thought. "Whatever. You're here now and I need you to do this for me." The scientist gave a long list of instructions to Peter and told Sif to come with her and explained the current situation. "We think the machine is nearly ready we been able to activate it but we haven't been able to open a portal. From what I've been told the original used a sword like a key in an ignition. We've tried to make it more efficient but no luck." Sif nodded in understanding, "And you're wondering if the sword is here somewhere." She shook her head, Unfortunately, Hofund was lost when the refugees were attacked. "Although." She said when a thought came to her, "It's possible another piece of Uru metal could be used." "What about your sword?" Jane suggested which the Asgardian considered. "Perhaps. It is made of Uru."

"It's worth a try." Foster said "We've already got a similar setup to the original so it shouldn't be too hard to modify it to work with your sword."

The rest of the day was spent doing just that and after several hours it was ready. Sif approached the machine to slot her blade in and attach numerous electrodes and wires to it. With both hands on the hilt she twisted it. The machine hummed and whirred as the power built up and crackled around the facility. Excited utterances came from the scientists as a faint rainbow glow appeared. Their joy was short lived when the machine overloaded, blowing out the lights, plunging the building into darkness.

Once power had been restored the hour was late and it was agreed work would resume tomorrow.

Sif had a promise to keep and was eager to do so. She captured Spidey's lips the instant he answered the door to her and they stumbled in the general direction of the bed. Having ditched her armour she wore nothing but close fitting underclothes which Peter tugged at as they grappled. With a thump they collided with the wall, clothes askew. Peter hiked Sif's skirt up and pawed at her underwear as she pulled his pants down. The teenage cock stood tall and prodded at Sif. Parker had freed the Asgardian's pussy to slip his fingers in. Sif tossed her shirt aside and Peter copied her example before lunging at her. He'd taken her earlier advice to heart and was taking charge, pressing her to the wall again and running his hands over her body.

Breaking off, Spidey sat on the bed with his legs apart. Sif knew an invitation when she saw one and got on her knees. A hand grabbed the shaft, guiding it to her waiting tongue. The warrior didn't bother with gentleness and forcefully dragged her tongue over the length, a thick layer of drool following. With the same roughness she slathered over the teen cock and soon it was slick with spit and precum. Once she was satisfied, Sif opened wide and clamped her mouth around the member, sliding it down with remarkable ease. Her hair was quickly tied back to provide the young hero a clear view of her lips going up and down his cock. Emboldened, he buried his hands in her hair, shoving more of his length in. Although she gagged at first, the raven haired woman's throat adjusted to accommodate the hardness and (with some help) she made her way to the base. The Asgardian gave a blowjob like a professional, smoothly bobbing her head. With each suck she took every last bit of the dick in her mouth and at the same time curled her tongue along the shaft. Up and down and back again, she deepthroated Peter's cock and licked up and of the salty drops that leaked from the tip. Her lips pursed, forming a seal around the meat as she continued to suck. Sif's tongue was working just as hard, dragging along his length and wagging from side to side. Sucking at impressive speed, Sif angled her head, twisting over the hardness.

Sif's speed had gradually increased and now her head was jumping rapidly and she swallowed the cock with ease. Her skill was paying off and with each bob she drew the brunette closer to his release. His grip tightened in Sif's hair, pushing and pulling her head along his rod. A sudden grip on his balls made him shudder when Sif began to massage the orbs. Sucking and squeezing, the warrior knew the teen wouldn't be able to resist for long.

Her prediction proved accurate. After a few more rapid fire bobs she could feel his balls swell in her grip and his member tense between her lips. Groaning loudly, Peter's body rocked as he exploded. Sif was eager to taste his load and hungrily drank the release, letting the saltiness spread over her tongue before swallowing it down.

Thanks to teenage hormones and enhanced stamina Peter was up and ready to go again in a few short minutes. To prepare the Asgardian he thrust his wet slippery tongue between her legs, lapping at her sweet nectar. Copious amounts of spit accompanied his tongue on it's journey into Sif's pussy. The raven haired woman was already wet but with Peter's actions she was dripping. His tongue lapped furiously, rivulets of mixed fluids coating his chin. Sif gave a groan of pleasure and impatience, Peter's tongue was doing a good job but she wanted more.

Easing Peter's mouth off her she rolled onto all fours holding her ass aloft. Peter was quick to get into position on his knees, lining his cock up with Sif's oozing slit. A single hard thrust sheathed his cock to the base. The roughness caught Sif by surprise but wasn't entirely unpleasant. After a minute of adjustment Parker started to move, creeping back before ramming forward. Sif grunted and pressed her hips back onto the hardness. Peter responded by pushing harder, his cock unsheathing before diving back in. His whole length was withdrawn and slammed back in with each thrust, he gave no thought to gentleness, knowing an Asgardian could take the pace. Operating on this logic he fucked the warrior with everything he had, making her body tremble with each thrust. Sif was relishing the sensation of the hard member slamming in and out her pussy and pushed against it. Sif clenched around his length, almost pulling it in each time. For extra leverage the teen wrapped his hands around Sif's waist, yanking back as he thrust forward. The force of his pounding rocked Sif who shoved back just as hard. The pair rutted like animals and the bed creaked under the strain. Sif howled when Peter's cock hit her sweet spot, her hair tumbling loose.

The Asgardian gave as good as she got and tensed her warm hole around the length filling it. She gave another cry when Peter's hands moved from her waist to her ass and teased the hole with a thumb. Sif's enthusiasm encouraged the teen and he too was giving low cries as his cock entered the warm wetness repeatedly. Sif was consumed with pleasure, her mind a blank other than the feeling of Peter entering her. The feeling was like a fire swallowing her and before long it was too much for her to take anymore. Tongue lolling and eyes rolled back, she came like a fountain. Peter kept going but felt the pressure growing in his cock. Determined to hold out he carried on thrusting, although they had become sloppy and slow. His powerful thrusts eased off as he got closer to cumming and his movements slowed. Pulling his member out he finally burst, cum raining onto Sif's body.

Spent the two collapsed onto the bed, panting.

The next day the necessary modifications and repairs had been made to the Bifrost 2.0 and testing could resume. The sword was inserted and cranked and this time the power didn't immediately blow out which was a definite improvement. Like last time the machine buzzed at it built up power but it held out. The sound grew in volume and was soon deafening. Just when it seemed it would overload again a beam of rainbow coloured light burst from the machine.

The light stayed in place, shooting upwards. The team whooped and cheered at their success and were about to shut it off when an sharp eyed scientist noticed something. "I think there's something in there!"


End of Chapter 33

Next Chapter: Life to Death.

And that's the last chapter of the year, the next one will be January.

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