Parker Luck

Chapter 34: Life to Death

Hela shrieked in fury at the figure looming before her. She was Hela Odinsdottir, goddess of death and the true ruler of Asgard and she would not allow her kingdom's destruction, especially not by the hands of that brute Surtur. Although the fire demon had had assumed a mountainous form she wasn't about to let that stop her. She watched furiously as the fire demon laid waste to the city. Her face a mask of rage, she burst out the water and launched a series of blades at the giant but they barely slowed him down. Her anger turned to horror when she realised she couldn't stop the titanic sword cutting through her platform like it wasn't even there and plunging into the heart of Asgard, bringing about Ragnarok.

A wash of fire overwhelmed the city, burning it to ash. The ground beneath the goddess' feet then crumbled and a violent explosion followed, completely obliterating the kingdom.

Unlike what Thor believed, Hela didn't die in the explosion but instead her world turned completely black and she felt herself tumbling into darkness for what seemed like an eternity, even for an immortal. As she fell the temperature of her surroundings increased, growing the further she went and eventually she passed out.

"Ah the queen awakens." A deep mocking voice was the first thing she heard when she came to. The heat hit her first, cloying, oppressive and almost more than she could bear. Getting to her feet, her vision cleared somewhat and she saw she was in a stone cage hanging from the roof of a colossal cave. The voice had come from the figure slouched on a throne opposite her. "Surtur!" She snarled and tried to lunge for him. Her lunge went nowhere as she hit against the bars, causing the fire demon to laugh. She attempted to summon a blade but this only served to further amuse the king of Muspelheim. "Pathetic Asgardian, you are powerless."

Odinsdottir snarled at her captor "I'm not the only one, demon." She hissed venomously. Surtur growled "True. I will need time to recover but as long as I remain here I will regain my strength. You on the other hand are helpless without your precious Asgard." As if to prove his point he stood up and shoved her cage, knocking her off her feet. He laughed as she fell over "Get comfortable Asgardian, you're going to be here a long time."

Compared to her centuries of imprisonment in Helheim, the few years as Surtur's captive was the blink of an eye but still a deeply unpleasant experience. The infernal heat alone would've been bad enough but the fire demon insisted on torturing her when he was bored or letting his minions do it for him. The only thing that made it bearable was the feeling of her strength slowly returning. Indulging in fantasies of escaping and killing those who had wronged her helped pass the time as well. As fate would have it, her plans weren't necessary.

An electric feeling filled the air, waking Hela. She knew that sensation, it was the energy of the Bifrost. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, she perked up, this could be her chance to escape. A few seconds later a familiar beam of rainbow coloured light rained down. Just out of reach from her cage. The goddess would not be denied and began to swing her prison back and forth. The cage rocked ever closer to the beam and Hela could practically taste freedom when suddenly the chain holding it snapped. "No!" The cage hit the floor with a jarring thud but still too far from the portal. She slammed against the bars in a desperate attempt to break them. She thought she imagined the creaking at first but when she looked the bars were cracked. She hit them again and with, a resounding crack, they snapped. And not a moment too soon either as the beam was starting to retract. Odinsdottir ran to the portal. She didn't care where it took her, anywhere was better than this and perhaps her destination would be ripe for conquering, she deserved to be worshipped again.

At the other end of the portal a bunch of scientists had no idea what they were in for. Their long hard hours working on the Bifrost 2.0 had finally paid off and they'd successfully managed to open a portal. Although to where was unknown as they hadn't set coordinates but that was a problem for another time, right now was a time for celebration. They were too caught up in their revels to notice anything else. One man however had something catch his eye as he went to shut the machine off. He thought he was imagining it but it looked like a shadow had appeared in the beam. As he stared at it the shadow seemed to be condensing into a shape "I think there's something in there!" He called out.

Before the beam disappeared the shadow had a definite human shape and seconds later a figure burst out and landed in the facility. As the figure stood they revealed themselves as a pale woman with long black hair wearing a formfitting black and green outfit. "Free at last!" She proclaimed. A hand shot out like a snake and grabbed the unfortunate scientist by the throat "You! What realm is this?" She demanded. "Um? Earth?" He choked out. The woman wordlessly tossed him aside and ran her hands through her hair, forming an elaborately horned headdress. "So I'm back on pathetic Midgard." Contempt laced her words as she surveyed the understandably panicked scientists.

The blood had drained from Bruce's face. "Oh god." He muttered "That's Thor's sister! I thought she was dead." The woman's head snapped around and she glared at Professor Hulk with laser like intensity. "I recognise you beast. Where are my traitorous brothers?" Banner didn't answer but called out an order to evacuate "Everyone get out of here!" He shouted and there was a rush to get out. A jagged blade flew from the woman's hand and embedded in the wall. "Get back here and kneel before your queen, Hela has returned!" Rather than bow, the men and woman were even more determined to escape. Hela made to follow them but was intercepted by Bruce who tackled her aside. "Get out of here!" He ordered. 

Peter's Spidey-Sense had been tingling like mad ever since the woman had arrived and he was glad he'd brought his costume with him. Unfortunately, he wasn't wearing it and had to run to get changed. When he got back several more blades had lodged themselves into the walls and Bruce was grappling with the woman. The goddess was wielding a pair of swords and slashed at the green man, scoring him across the face. Spider-Man shot lines of webbing to disarm her before she could cause further injury. His efforts proved to be in vain as two new ones appeared in her hands. His attempt to to tie her up was also met with failure as she simply sliced through it. Bruce and Peter worked together to hit her with super strength punches but she hit back just as hard. Spidey gagged for air when a vice like hand clamped around his neck. Her eyes fell on his logo. "A human spider?" She laughed. "Perhaps you mortals know your place after all." "Kid!" Bruce charged at Hela who casually sidestepped.

A loud crash rang out and armed warriors marched into the room lead by their queen. The women glared at each other, their hatred palpable If looks could kill, the Valkyrie and the goddess of death would've been dead a thousand times over. "Stop her!" The queen commanded and the soldiers spilled forward to surround Hela. Had she been at full strength, Odinsdottir could've slain all of them without breaking a sweat but in her current state she was too weary. "Stay back or I open him up." Her sword had been replaced by a smaller blade which she held at Parker's stomach. Brunhilde gritted her teeth, she could tell Hela was tired otherwise she wouldn't be making threats but she wasn't willing to risk Peter's life and instructed the soldiers to stand down, lowering her own sword in the process. "What do you want?"

Hela bared her teeth "What I want is to make you suffer but for now I'll settle with a skiff." She tightened her hold on the teen, wrapping him in a chokehold. Although there was the high chance of imminent death, Peter couldn't help but notice the Asgardian's body pressed against his.

"Follow me and he dies." Hela hissed when the skiff arrived and she dragged the webslinger along and unceremoniously threw him in. "No tricks mortal." She warned as she climbed into the flying boat. She was confident that the Asgardians wouldn't shoot her down with a hostage but still intended to throw him out when she was far enough away.

Her plan hit a snag as exhaustion took her, she'd used too much of her strength fighting. Rather than risk crashing, the goddess set the boat down on a nearby hill. Peter had been planning to escape and this seemed the perfect opportunity but he had an pang of conscience when he saw Hela doubled over panting for breath. "Are you okay?" he asked despite himself. Hela shot him a evil look "None of your business!" She hissed. Once she'd recovered she straightened up but her expression softened a degree. "If you must know with Asgard gone I'm weak and I've spent the last few years as a prisoner." "I'm sorry?" Peter offered, "That must've been rough." The Asgardian nodded "Yes it w-" She shook her head as if to clear it "Why am I telling you this? You're just a measly human, I should just kill you and be done with it." She summoned a knife again and was about to do as she promised but was stopped by the teen's lips on hers.

'Oh god I hope this works.' Peter thought as he willed the pheromones to take effect. He closed his eyes and hoped kissing the sexy but terrifying woman would stop her from killing him. Hesitantly he opened them and saw Hela frozen with a stunned expression. She snapped back to attention looking pissed and Peter felt certain he wasn't long for the world. "Mortal! How dare you do that to me." Spidey flinched and closed his eyes again, awaiting his sudden (and probably violent) death. "Without permission." Hela suddenly added with a lustful expression on her face. "What's your name mortal?" "Uh Peter." Hela grinned "Well then Peter you owe me an apology." Spidey was willing to do pretty much anything to stay alive so gave a grovelling apology. "It's a start." Hela told him, "Now disrobe." She commanded. Although he should've expected it, it was still a surprise. "Your queen gave you an order." Hela's voice had some of its former ice and Peter decided to play it safe and stripped.

The goddess's eyes raked over the teen, paying particular attention to his hardening member. "Hmm not bad. For a mortal." The way she said it implied she was paying him the highest of compliments. "Oh. Uh. Thank you your majesty." Hela ran her hands down her body and her outfit dissolved into nothing. "Kneel and worship your queen." Peter did as he was told and bowed at her feet.

"I said worship me." Hela grabbed him and pressed his face against her pussy. Peter's tongue shot out into the warm hole. The tongue darted back and forth and swirled around, licking like his life depended on it (which it probably did). He slurped, licked, lapped and flicked, eager to please the goddess. "You have some talent." Hela admitted whilst pushing his face closer. His tongue went further in, continuing to lick away. The wet muscle slurped at Hela's slit. He alternated between teasing her outer folds to probing at her core. He put everything he had into eating her out and his tongue twitched and flickered inside her, stroking her inner walls. He then delicately traced over the lower lips, darting into every nook and cranny. The tongue wormed it's way further in, slowly making it's way in deep. Juices dripped onto his tongue which he took as a good sign and wriggled it further. He licked away, slow to fast and back again and slurped over every inch, coating it in drool. The wet muscle writhed inside the goddess' pussy, tasting her juices and stroking the sensitive flesh. Hela groaned, although she'd never admit it, the hero was doing a good job. The slow slurps turned into rapid flicks and Spidey's tongue was a blur as he scouted the depths of Hela's slit and writhed at her core.

The goddess purred as the teen ate her out and she only let him stop for breath. Peter suddenly found himself flat on his back, Hela had pushed him over and seated herself over his face. Whilst Peter resumed slathering her pussy, Hela grasped his cock. The goddess' hand stroked the hardness, her hand firmly squeezing it. She gave no consideration to gentleness as she jacked him off. The webslinger meanwhile was shoving his tongue up the opening above him, wriggling and writhing inside. The teen grunted when Hela sped up, her strokes getting rough.

"I am a gracious queen, I reward those who earn it." Hela's slit lifted as she turned to the teenage member. Her mouth slid over his length and immediately started to suck. She bobbed her head, taking the cock smoothly and easily. Hela's tongue slurped over the member as well and worked alongside her mouth to coat it in drool. Hela sucked with practiced ease and before long was deepthroating Peter. Her warm mouth plummeted from tip to base before pulling back up. As she went on she got faster and faster and was giving him one of his best blowjobs ever. As she sucked him off Peter made sure to shower the goddess with praise when he wasn't licking her pussy, hopefully she'd let him live afterwards. He ate her out with as much enthusiasm as he could muster and juices were dripping from her opening onto his face. Precum leaked from the brunette's cock into Hela's mouth which she scooped up and let the taste play across her tongue. Said tongue curled like a serpent around the pink head between her lips, twisting and slurping all over it.

Peter's efforts weren't going unnoticed by Odinsdottir who's body tingled with pleasure. Her juices oozed out as the precursor to a larger release. The Asgardian ground her pussy over Peter's tongue, every inch of which had been inserted in her wet hole. "Keep it up, human." She purred, her release getting ever closer. Her hips ground even harder and Peter redoubled his licking. Rather than make any noises of pleasure, Hela took Peter back into her mouth. She slid her mouth to the hilt, the head prodding the back of her throat, and started to bob again. It worked to a degree but her moans were undisguisable when she finally came. Hot cum burst from her soaked entrance and into the teen's mouth.

Barely slowing, Hela kept on bobbing her head and sucking on the shaft. She could feel his member leaking and twitching and knew he was about to cum. To Parker's disappointment, she took her mouth off him. Her fingers curled around the dripping member to stroke it again with more gentleness this time. Hela's tongue teased his cock, delicately lapping at it. The wet muscle carefully tickled the boner, driving Peter crazy. "Ahh I'm cumming!" The teen groaned and seconds later spunk spurted from his cock and Hela brought a hand to her mouth to sensually lick it off.

The dark haired woman turned again so she was facing Spidey. "Not bad." She said, "Now if you're good you'll be rewarded." The Asgardian cupped her mounds and Peter knew what she wanted. His hands replaced hers and were joined shortly after by his mouth. His tongue twirled over the nipples while his lips mouthed over them. He kneaded the soft breasts, squeezing firmly. He alternated from left to right and whichever one he wasn't sucking he was massaging. As he did that Hela had started to rub his member. Peter's tongue was replaced by his teeth as he nibbled on the pink nubs. The goddess seemed to like it so he bit harder, his teeth grazing the skin pleasurably. The Asgardian felt the rod growing hard again and decided it was time her subject got what he deserved.

Rising up, she hovered over his cock, tantalising him with her pussy. She lowered herself just enough for the tip to brush against her folds before pulling up again. She soon got tired of this though "You have an impressive sword, prepare to sheathe it." With this she sank down. She winced slightly as the cockhead parted her lips, it had been a long time since she'd had a lover and she'd tightened up. She pushed through the pain and continued to take the cock in her. Hela gasped as she hit the bottom and Peter did too at the tenseness around his dick. The goddess' legs coiled around the teen's waist. Pulling Peter close, she began to raise herself. Her wet pussy allowed the cock to slide in and out and she was quick to take full advantage of his hardness. The pain faded and in its place, immense pleasure. Odinsdottir rose and fell like a wave, riding Peter like a wild thing. She wasn't content with that though and started to slam her hips down, impaling her tightness with the hardness. "Tell me human, how does it feel to fuck a goddess' pussy?" She popped his head off her tit as she spoke. "Um it feels divine, your majesty." Peter said and that seemed to satisfy her. The pale woman clenched her walls around the cock pumping into her, milking him for precum. Drops were running down his length and slicking the goddess' hole with a mixture of their juices. Spidey had pursed his lips around the nipples again to suck on them. His hands had grasped Hela's ass to help her up and down.

"Yes fuck me harder!" She demanded. Spidey complied, driving his waist up and putting every inch of his cock in the wet pussy with all his strength. Powerful thrusts met hard slams as their bodies collided and the webslinger knew he'd be sore tomorrow. Centuries without satisfaction had taken their toll on Hela and she was overwhelmed with pleasure, perhaps mortals had their uses after all. She rode him even harder, bouncing on his dick like she was spring-loaded. Each time she sank down, she moaned at the feeling of a cock stretching her pussy and ground her hips to eke out as much pleasure as she could from it. "More!" Came the cry, over and over but as ecstasy consumed her they devolved into throaty groans. Hela was by far the wildest of the brunette's partners as well as the most domineering but he wasn't about to stop. Parker thrust his length into the warmth that gripped it tight.

Heat was forming in his nuts as he prepared to blow. He got the feeling Hela wouldn't be pleased if he did it with no warning so, in a strangled voice, he said "I'm close!" "Good, inside me! Fill me with your hot seed!" She wailed. He gave a series of bucks, getting closer with every one. He shuddered as he came. Hela did too at the warmth spurting into her slit. The teen barely got time to enjoy it when Hela stood. Her hole lined up with his mouth "Lick it." She said. Peter knew he didn't have a choice in the matter and stuck his tongue out. Hela's fingers joined his tongue to play with the pussy and the combination was like nothing she'd ever felt before. The goddess wailed as she came again, coating Peter's face in it.

Afterwards the two were too exhausted to speak and lay passed out on the grass. Meanwhile, Hilde had seen the skiff go down and had set off towards it, blissfully unaware of what she'd find.

When Hela came to she found herself once again imprisoned. Her shrieks of rage could be heard from outside the makeshift prison where a small crowd had gathered. "And you're sure you can keep her there?" Bruce asked and the queen smiled "Don't worry, Jane's working on something to keep her properly contained but if she does break out again we know who to call." She directed a subtle wink at Peter who blushed. With the Bifrost complete, the two heroes were headed back to New York.

His second visit to New Asgard had been even more memorable than the first but Peter was missing the comforts and company of home and was eager to return.


End of Chapter 34

Next Chapter: Starcrossed

I haven't done much femdom but I tired to make Hela like a dominatrix without going the whole hog.

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