Parker Luck

Chapter 43: Royal Decree

Shuri was completely in the zone as she worked. Although the embassy's lab wasn't as good as the one back in Wakanda, it was still highly advanced and the facilities were suitable for her needs so it would do for now. Once she'd set the lab up she'd requested that the data for her current research project be sent over as diplomatic mission or not, she would continue with it.

The project in question had spawned from a problem that Killmonger's reign made her aware of. After the heart shaped herb had been burnt, it was believed the only remainder of the mystical plant was in T'Challa and there would be no more Black Panthers after him as there was no other known place where it grew. Fortunately the plant was hardy and since then a small crop had regrown, nowhere near the vast former grove but enough to ensure that any future rulers would possess the power. Shuri had realised though that if something like that ever happened again they'd have the same problem with no guarantee it would regrow so she'd come up with a novel solution; creating a synthetic version. Any free time she'd had was spent in her lab studying samples of the herb as well as T'Challa's blood.

She thought she'd been making headway but then The Blip had happened and when she returned from spending the last half decade as dust she found the project had been iced and any progression had ground to a halt. The only positive was that there were more herbs for her to use in her experiments but it wasn't enough to make up for the lost time so she'd thrown herself back into her work. The princess looked contemplatively at the beaker filled with the purple liquid that was her latest attempt at replicating the potion. Her last few attempts had been failures so her hopes weren't high.

She was beginning to grow frustrated with her lack of progress so sincerely hoped it'd work this time. The complexity of the potion and the mystical element involved further complicated things but she'd still expected to have at least had something to show for her efforts by now. "Here we go." She muttered as she applied a droplet of the formula to a blood sample and looked into the microscope.

At first the vibranium particles seemed to be bonding with the cells, a faint purple tinge appearing on them, but it soon faded and was consumed by the white blood cells. Shuri groaned and buried her head in her hands, the failures were starting to wear on her and although her nights with Peter provided excellent stress relief it wasn't enough to stop her from feeling demoralised. She realised how late it was getting and knew that Peter would be here soon, a fact which lifted her spirts, hopefully a night of fun would take her mind off things.

When she entered her room, Spider-Man was climbing in through the window. "You know you don't have to sneak in. You can come through the door." A faint smile played about her lips though as she liked to pretend their nights of passion were a secret. "I know. Habit I guess." Peter said as he pulled off his mask to meet the princess in a passionate kiss. The kiss quickly devolved into sloppy making out and the teens disrobed as they staggered to the bed.

"Someone's eager today." Peter commented as he felt the Wakandan's body pressing down on his. Shuri didn't say anything but recaptured her lover's mouth and with hers and their tongues engaged in a fierce wrestling match. She hoped Peter could help ease her frustrations and was indeed eager, wanting to get right to it and not in the mood for any foreplay.

Her hands rested on Spidey's muscular chest as she raised herself up to align herself with his member. She'd wasted no time mounting the webslinger and sinking onto his length. "Oh yes!" She cried, her head tilting back at the familiar sensation of his hardness sliding into her, filling her up in the way she loved. The ride was rough at first but the juices flowing from her pussy soon slicked up the paler member and the cocoa skinned royal picked up speed. 

Her body shuddered with the impact of their hips meeting each time she dropped onto Parker's waiting cock. Peter likewise shuddered and thrust upwards, their bodies meeting with the sound of skin on skin. Smacking flesh and other sounds of lovemaking rang out. Although they tried to be quiet as although Ramonda had taken the knowledge of their 'relationship' well enough, they weren't so sure about T'Challa and Peter didn't want to deal with an overprotective big brother, especially one who was a superpowered king. Despite this, Shuri's hips rose and fell and Peter continued to meet each drop with and upwards surge. The teens engaged their primal urges with a passion, grunting and moaning the whole time and pleasure growing within them. Shuri bounced on Peter's cock desperately trying to let the pleasure erase the sting of failure. Unfortunately that made her mind wander and the frustration returned.

Peter grunted as Shuri's pace and force increased. It wasn't unpleasant, far from it, but the suddenness caught him by surprise. He soon adjusted and gave as good as he got. Nails dug into his toned chest as the princess rode him like she was a cowgirl and he a wild stallion, both going fast and furious. After a few more minutes of this the teens couldn't hold on any longer and reached their climaxes shortly after the other.

Once they'd separated and caught their breath a thought struck Peter. "Hey Shuri? I've been wondering, you sure the implant you gave me definitely works? 'Cause I've been with you a lot as well as other women and I've finished inside them." The princess was mildly curious about the 'other women' remark but didn't ask, "Don't worry you wouldn't've gotten them pregnant unless you wanted to." Shuri told him but the hero's frown told her he was confused so she continued, "The implant is connected to your nervous system and controlled via thought so unless you actively choose to deactivate it, it's always on and ensures any sperm is unable to fertilise any eggs." She explained.

Peter visibly relaxed, "So that means we can keep doing this with no worries?" He grinned deviously and ran his fingers on her thighs. Shuri was sorely temped but resisted, "Sorry Peter, I need some sleep. I've got a lot of work to in my lab tomorrow." That caught Peter's interest, "What're you working on?" The teen geniuses talked science for a while with Shuri mentioning her issues with the synthetic potion.

"Hmm." Peter muttered, deep in thought, "What about using a polygenic solution to bypass the immune system to get the vibranium to bond with the cells?" Shuri was silent as she considered this, "That could work." She eventually concluded.

The next day she'd made the necessary modifications to the formula and once again mixed it with a blood sample. She watched with baited breath and this time the microscopic pieces of vibranium successfully merged with blood cells. Now only one test remained, seeing if it granted the abilities of the Black Panther. Without a guinea pig or any volunteers she had only herself to try it on. Raising the beaker to her lips she drank the purple liquid. It was like her entire being was on fire as power coursed through it, strength flowing to her muscles and her senses becoming keener.

After much testing she found the artificial heart shaped herb worked much like the real deal but she also learned the effects didn't last long. Shuri spent the next few days focussed entirely on refining the formula. The effects were still temporary with her latest batch but lasted much longer and she had an excellent idea of a new way to test them.

Peter hadn't been to the embassy for a while what with Shuri being busy and Ramonda having gone back to Wakanda but tonight the princess had invited him over.

"Shuri?" He called to her as he entered the room. The princess was laid across her bed without a stich of clothing on, a familiar sight to the wallcrawler but still one that made his member stiffen. "I've got a surprise for you." Purred Shuri, beckoning him over. When the now undressed hero joined her on the bed she pounced, pinning him with remarkable strength. "I managed to get the formula working." Shuri answered the unasked question. "Now let's have some fun." The princess hunched over peter, her nails like claws on his chest and her tongue running from his pecs to his abs and stopping at his crotch.

Her hand curled around his member, sensually rubbing it with her fingers and stroking the head with her thumb. Her grip was tight but not unpleasantly so and as she stroked she kissed him again and ground her lithe figure against his. With a mixture of firmness and gentleness she caressed the hard cock she enjoyed so much and listened satisfied to the grunts he was making. It was her turn to grunt when Spidey slipped his fingers into her wetness. Although he'd fingered her before the digits felt better than ever inside her and she theorised that the formula had made her more receptive, not that she minded and eagerly sank down on his fingers. Peter used every trick he knew to probe and stroke the royal slit, jabbing, flexing and curling.

Both teens were furiously toying with the other and utterly engrossed in each other. Heat grew between the two, especially in the princess who felt like there was a fire inside her which could only be quenched by sex and lots of it. She was too horny to care that the formula had made her like that and somewhat enjoyed the feeling. Peter's fingers thrust deep inside her wetness whilst her hand stroked his hardness even faster.

Meanwhile Okoye had been trying to get some sleep. Her time in America had been quiet and bodyguarding the royals was proving easy enough, if rather boring. She was fully aware of what was going on with Shuri and Peter and although she reminisced fondly on her time with the webslinger she hadn't been tempted to do it again until now. Up until tonight she'd been able to tune the lovers out but this time she just couldn't and she found herself feeling an ache.

Okoye peeked through the door, hoping some light voyeurism would be enough to take her mind off things but seeing how the teens were interlocking made the ache worse. Her fingers went straight to her pussy but masturbating did nothing to help with the need. She bit her lip as she stroked herself, watching the princess mounting the hero's length and starting to bounce. As she writhed in pleasure, Shuri's suddenly noticed the open door and their observer. "Okoye!" She cried.

With both teens staring at her, the general felt very self conscious. "I apologise princess, I'll leave." She prepared to leave but her name being called again made her look up. Shuri hadn't stopped riding Peter's cock but her attention was on the older woman, "As princess of Wakanda I hereby order you to join us." There was unquestionable authority in her voice and Okoye wouldn't have disobeyed even if she'd wanted to. "As you command." She shut the door as she entered the room and undressed. The teens stared intently as the Dora general stripped to display her muscular and shapely form.

Once Okoye had gotten on the bed with the lovers, Shuri lifted herself off Peter's member. He made a sound of disappointment but was shushed by a finger on his lips. "General. My lover's cock is dirty, clean it off." She commanded. Okoye dipped her head obediently and stuck out her tongue to run it along the shaft, licking up the mixed juices coating it. She made sure to do her damndest to get every last drop and slowly ran the wet muscle along the length, slowly going up and down. At the crown of Parker's cock she stopped, letting her tongue rest against the pink head before curling around it. She hungrily lapped at his member and eagerly swiped her tongue back and forth and in small circles all of which elicited sounds of pleasure from the hero. "Lie back." Shuri was enjoying being in charge and when Peter did so she wasted no time sitting on his face. Spider-Man's tongue set to work and quickly shot up into the wet opening. He passionately writhed his tongue inside the princess, curling it back and forth and also twisting it from side to side.

Okoye slurped at Peter's cock whilst he slurped at Shuri's pussy, all three in a chain of pleasure. Peter lapped at the wetness and began plunging in and out as Shuri started to buck on his face. The heir noticed how the general was worshipping Spidey's dick and the moans he was making because of it and felt a twinge of jealousy. Leaning forward, she began to lap at his length too. Unlike Okoye's deliberateness, Shuri's licks were quick and sharp, darting over the hardness in short sharp movements. The African beauties worked diligently at Peter's cock and he wished he could enjoy the sight. Tongues licked all over his member top to bottom, cockhead to balls and everything in between. Two tongues worked in near perfect synchronicity along the hardness and when they met at the tip of the flesh they were worshipping they began an elaborate dance with each other.

All the while Shuri and Okoye were servicing his member Peter was still working his tongue deep inside the former's now dripping pussy. The wet muscle lashed wildly from side to side and curled and twisted against her walls and hot core. The princess shuddered in pleasure at the stimulation of her sensitive spots and she knew that Peter's efforts were bringing her close to her release. Peter licked with practiced ease, his tongue running all over Shuri's core with the taste of her juices playing over it. Each lick got her closer and the more his tongue swirled around the closer she got until eventually the floodgates burst and the hero felt the familiar sensation and taste of release in his mouth.

Shuri spent a couple of moments basking in the afterglow but lifted herself off and commanded Okoye to take her place. The women quickly swapped over and a wetness covered Peter's mouth again and like last time his tongue shot out to please it. Okoye groaned at the feeling, other than the occasional masturbation she hadn't had any pleasure for a while but her fingers couldn't compare to having Spidey eating her out again. Although she was getting pleasured, Okoye wasn't about to be selfish and her lips latched back onto the hard cock in front of her. The pair of mouths and tongues worked over Peter's cock which was tensing with pleasure. The dark skinned women noticed this and took turns taking him into their mouth. One minute Shuri's lips were teasing his head next minute Okoye had swallowed several inches. Whoever's mouth was around the member made sure their tongues kept at it too whilst their heads bobbed back and forth. The blowjobs increased in intensity the closer to his climax Peter got and the ladies took it in turns to take him to the base.

As the warm wetness enveloped him Peter gave a muffled moan into Okoye's pussy which her and Shuri took to mean he was close. As Okoye sucked Peter off she wrapped her generous boobs around his shaft and Shuri was envious hers weren't large enough to do that. The pillowy mounds engulfed the member and Shuri's tongue drifted onto them as well, lapping at the dark nipples as well as the pale cock. As to be expected he couldn't hold back for long and spunk shot from his rod, whiteness studding the chocolate faces.

Not wanting to be left out, the general ground harder on the teen's face and he responded by upping his game with his tongue. Already close to her release, Okoye's body was alight with pleasure as the teen's tongue furiously writhed inside her core. Before long and after several skilled licks, she reached her climax and the hero once again felt cum across his mouth.

Shuri pounced on Okoye, pinning her like she had Peter and running her tongue over her body in long slow swipes to clean of the specks of spunk scattered across it. Okoye was surprised by the princess' roughness but went with it and she licked any droplets on her body she could reach. Shuri's tight teen body pressed against Okoye's more womanly figure, their nipples and pussies rubbing together. Throughout their cleaning of each other whenever their tongues met they would entangle whilst their lips engaged in a heated liplock.

Naturally the erotic sight was getting Peter turned on again but for the moment he was content to simply watch. Shuri's hands cupped Okoye's mounds, the soft skin moulding to the shape of her fingers as she squeezed. Beneath her, the older woman did the same, her hands completely enveloping the perky tits. Peter's cock grew fully hard as he watched and was taking immense willpower not to jerk off. "I think he's ready, princess." Okoye had seen Peter's state and as much as she was enjoying Shuri's attentions she wanted more. Shuri got off Okoye and beckoned Spidey over. "Fuck her Peter." She pressed herself against Peter's back once he'd crossed over to them and took his cock in her hand to guide it to the Dora's wetness.

The feeling of fullness was one Okoye had sorely missed and she moaned as the inches sank into her. Shuri gently stroked Peter's length as he entered Okoye and watched it go in with great excitement. With her free hand she took one of Parker's and rammed his fingers into the wetness between her legs. Shuri wanted it rough and Peter was willing to oblige, roughly jabbing her slit with his fingers and driving them in hard as he could. With a slight buck, the remainder of Peter's hardness went into Okoye's pussy and as soon as it had his hips began to move. He was gentle at first but with Shuri's urging he quickly sped up.

With Okoye writhing underneath him and Shuri rubbing against his back Peter felt like the filling in an Oreo. Shuri watched Spidey's member pumping in and out of the general with great interest and she shoved Peter's fingers in harder. The princess ground against the hero's fingers and, holding his wrist, pulled them further in. Peter's multitasking skills were being tested as he fingered one woman whilst ploughing another. Both women moaned at his efforts so he kept it up, flexing his fingers inside Shuri and sliding his cock into Okoye. For the sexually charged princess though, as good as the fingers felt, they weren't enough so she got up and placed herself over Okoye's face. A tongue immediately slithered out to lap at the royal pussy, the older woman wanting to please the younger. The general was helpless beneath the teens but found it strangely exciting and happily ate Shuri out whilst savouring Peter's cock.

The teens were enjoying taking charge and were heatedly making out and at the same time Shuri ground harder on Okoye's tongue whilst Peter thrust harder. The triangle of bodies were locked in rapturous pleasure, fucking, licking and riding. Peter turned things up a notch and raised the bald woman's legs in order to penetrate deeper and with more power. His hips smacked back and forth, driving his dick in hard and fast and making sure Okoye got every last inch. The general's moans tingled the princess' soaked opening and rivulets of juices flowed over her tongue. It wasn't the first time Okoye had eaten pussy, after all it got lonely in the Dora Milaje barracks sometimes and some of the warriors would seek physical relief in each other but Shuri was far more eager than any of the others she'd been with. Shuri was surprised at Okoye's skill and savoured every brush of the tongue against her walls. The general's skilled tongue fucked the royal pussy, passionately slurping at the wetness and drinking up the leaking juices. Hungry for pleasure, Shuri ground her pussy harder on Okoye so she could feel the entire tongue working its magic.

Peter's length continued pumping the warm hole and was slick with his and Okoye's precum and he gave a grunt when he felt her tense around him. The bald woman knew how to take a cock and how to please it, her walls clamping tightly around him and rubbing with each thrust. He upped his pace slightly and the increase drew louder moans from the Dora, albeit muffled by the pussy over her mouth.

"That's so hot." Murmured Shuri, rubbing her breasts and twiddling her nipples. When she'd learned that Okoye had fucked Peter she'd been curious as to what it'd been like and watching the current session was giving her a good idea. "Fuck her ass." She commanded after a few minutes. Peter didn't hear her at first, being too engrossed in the general's pussy, so she repeated herself more loudly. Okoye felt a twinge of worry, she'd only done anal once as W'Kabi had wanted to try it. It hadn't been unpleasant but it had been a strange sensation. Her mouth was currently occupied so she couldn't protest when she felt the hardness pull out her front door and probe at her backdoor. The teens grinned as Peter's slick rod slid into Okoye's asshole, the ring of muscle dilating to accommodate him as he pushed. The general cried out in pain and pleasure sending vibrations through the wetness over her lips. Although it was hard to concentrate with a dick going into her ass, Okoye hadn't stopped licking Shuri's pussy and her mouth was soaked with her juices.

With a gentle push, a few more inches of Spidey's hardness were sheathed inside the tightness. The length eased back to go forward again and sank deeper as it did. Repeating this pattern soon had the whole cock buried in the asshole at which point he sped up. Okoye's anus had loosened up and was swallowing the teenage cock easier each time. The looser she got the faster he got and the webslinger heard the familiar sound of flesh on flesh. His balls slapped against the ebony beauty as he sped up and his cock tingled with each thrust. Speeding up drew louder cries from both of them and each time he bucked waves of pleasure surged in them. Every last inch of his member was pounding the ass, going in and out with ease.

A loud cry of ecstasy from Shuri informed the general she'd found a sensitive spot. Putting her experience into action, she focussed on lapping at that spot again and again until soon the royal was a moaning mess. Of course Okoye wasn't much better, practically melting each time Peter slammed into her. Having a cock pumping her ass was a novel experience but one she was definitely enjoying and her whole body shuddered with the pleasure surging through it. Suddenly the heir cried out again as she came for the second time after being eaten out. Without being told, Okoye slurped up as much of the release as she could, even scooping it out the princess' pussy.

Spider-Man was only dimly aware of what else was going on as he was currently absorbed in bucking his waist and keep on filling the tight hole over and over. His length ploughed vigorously into Okoye's asshole, loving how the tight hole squeezed his cock and feeling a pressure in his nuts. The pressure grew as he continued to thrust, barely slowing as his climax approached. Not wanting to cum alone, he slipped a couple of fingers into the still wet ebony pussy and flexed, scissored and twisted them against the delicate skin. Cock and fingers pumped into two holes, both making their owner writhe in pleasure and moan wantonly. The heat inside the their respective bodies, becoming harder and harder to resist until eventually they couldn't take it any longer.

With her pussy and ass being filled Okoye came first and wildly, jets of cum squirting out in arcs to splatter down. Shuri, who'd since moved aside to watch, shot out a hand to scoop up some of the release and suck it off her fingers. She then coated fingers on each hand in the juices and slipped those fingers into the mouths of the other participants. Parker was familiar with the taste and sucked it off quickly but Okoye was taken aback at being made to taste her own cum, not that it stopped her from cleaning the fingers off. Meanwhile Spidey's thrusting had grown more wild as he got closer to cumming and after a few more he burst. Okoye could tell Peter was close and eagerly anticipated his hot load. The warmth shooting up her backdoor startled the bald woman even though she was expecting it but it felt good. What she didn't expect was for him to pull out and for the second spurt to rain down onto her tits.

Like last time, the women were quick to lap up any traces of the young hero's seed but this time Shuri wanted to go straight to the source. With a series of deft licks she gathered the droplets of hot cum oozing from Peter's dick and stored them in her mouth. Dropping to the floor she once again loomed over the Dora general before smashing her lips to hers. Their tongues intertwined as the younger woman passed the load between them, swapping spit and cum. When the general tried to raise herself she was aggressively pushed down by the princess who practically growled, an animalistic look in her eyes. The ebony women once again ground against each other, nipples bumping and pussies interlocking.

"My turn." Shuri demanded of Peter who silently thanked his enhanced stamina for letting him keep going. It hadn't taken long for him to get hard and ready again and even less time to insert said hardness into the royal's waiting slit. "Don't hold back." Was her next instruction to him when she felt his cockhead touch her opening. Peter did as he was told and with a powerful forwards surge sank his cock into her as far as it could go. This drew a scream of euphoria from the princess which was cut off by the general melding their mouths together, effectively muffling her. In next to no time at all the webslinger had grasped Shuri's hips and was pounding her with all he'd got, every ounce of his strength being use to drive his cock into her pussy. The effects of the herb formula (as well as her own liking for rough sex) let her withstand the furious pounding and more barely suppressed cries came from her. The wallcrawler's forcefulness was having an effect on the older woman too as each time he slammed into Shuri, her body rubbed against hers which provided a very pleasurable friction.

The teen hero thrust hard and fast into Shuri who matched his thrusts by driving her hips back to meet him. The two were like animals in heat and their intensity surprised Okoye who realised she'd underestimated their passion, especially the princess who was particularly voracious and she watched intently as her body trembled each time Spider-Man's hardness ploughed into her with such force as she'd never seen before. Peter bucked and thrust wildly, making sure each time sent every inch of his rod into the teenage wetness and that every withdrawal rubbed it against her soaked inner walls. Although engrossed in the younger woman, Peter figured that Okoye deserved some attention as well and snaked a hand in-between the tight bodies to caress her slit which was still leaking precum. His waist was like a jackhammer and almost a blur as he drove into the princess and his cock like a spear as it plunged forward to penetrate deep. Simultaneously he fingered at Okoye's pussy, pushing and pulling his fingers in and out and also jiggling them against the inner softness, rubbing her walls in a way that made her moan. Two pairs of cacao mounds bumped against each other as the bodies rocked under the ministrations of their lighter skinned companion. Two pairs of lips were also meeting in heated liplocks which only separated to breathe.

All three were utterly enslaved to their lust. In the interests of fairness the hero pulled his length out of Shuri and his digits out of Okoye. Barely giving them chance to realise this he quickly switched them around so his fingers were in the teenage slit whilst his cock returned to the more womanly hole. Although his thrusting wasn't as powerful as before it still made the bald woman see stars as the hardness repeatedly filled her. Fingers weren't the same as a dick but they did a good job at pleasing the teenage pussy and he tried to recapture some of the previous roughness.

A few minutes later and he swapped around again, fingers and cock taking each other's place. The young hero made sure both women got an equal amount of fucking and fingering and both were dripping with their hot juices. The more he thrust the more tired he got and he could feel another load building inside him. An idea then came to him; instead of alternately fucking one pussy he could stimulate them both at once. His cock was taken out of the warm wetness it was currently occupying and was wedged between the two of them, grinding against the soft lips. Wetness coated his member from above and below and was added to by the pearlescent liquid leaking from his lower head. His cock was soon slick with their combined juices and slipped back and forth easily. The pressure around his length increased as the Wakandans pressed their bodies harder together to squeeze the length between them.

Enhanced stamina and his willpower could only do so much and Peter's cock grew tense as he got closer to cumming. The teen didn't slow his thrusting until he was physically unable to hold off any more. "Ah yes!" He came like a fountain, ropes of his spunk smearing over Okoye and Shuri.

This time they were too tired to clean up the release, Okoye having been fucked into exhaustion and the effects of the potion wearing off on Shuri, so they stayed glazed with the seed for the rest of the night.

When the three stirred the next morning it was apparent the bed had paid the price of their rampant lovemaking, looking like a bomb had hit it with covers in heaps and pillows scattered. The princess was the first to wake up and observed the chaos with a slight grin. The door opening made her jump but she relaxed slightly when it was her mother who walked through the door. The queen mother raised an eyebrow when she saw Okoye in bed with them but didn't comment on it. Instead she concentrated on the princess "You'd better get ready soon, it's time to go home."

A while later Peter was stood by the embassy watching the Wakandans' hovercraft taking off and waved as they flew off. As well as the memories of the nights spent with Shuri and Ramonda and then Okoye too he'd gotten something else from them as well; an invitation had been extended to Peter Parker to stay in Wakanda as part of a cultural exchange.

At least that was the 'official' reason, he knew full well why he'd really been offered it.


End of chapter 43.

Next Chapter: Weaving Webs

So what did you guys think of the second Wakanda arc?

I freely admit to making shit up with the science parts.

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