Parker Luck

Chapter 44: Weaving Webs

Hidden deep underneath New York there was a secret laboratory. It had originally been part of an old subway system but had long since been sealed off and forgotten about. It had later been rediscovered and repurposed by an enterprising scientist named Miles Warren who needed a place to conduct his experiments without having to worry about police or worse.

Warren had received a generous commission from someone called the Power Broker who wanted him to create super soldiers. More specifically; spider powered super soldiers and he'd been provided with samples of the hero known as Spider-Man's DNA. Naturally he'd been curious as to how they'd managed to acquire the samples, especially the semen, but the large payment and some not so subtle threats told him it was better not to ask questions.

Currently he was patrolling his lab, looking through the current data and recording a log. Recording his thoughts helped him think and perhaps one day people would recognise the genius of his work and they might be worth something. "Scientific log, day number one hundred twenty one." He cleared his throat before beginning properly, "So far results for Project Web Warriors haven't proven particularly fruitful as although plentiful DNA samples were provided, they'd suffered deterioration by the time they'd arrived. I suspect this may have been caused by a radioactive element present in them, most notably the blood. Fortunately however, the levels of radiation aren't enough to cause harm." The scientist broke off there to examine a series of large tubes, several of which contained embryos and foetuses in various stages of development, before continuing.

"Attempts at creating clones from the samples has proven difficult and all but two appear unlikely to survive. Clone designations B3-N and K1-N3 show significantly better prospects, however we won't know if they'll possess the superhuman abilities of their donor until they reach adolescence at the earliest."

Miles bared his teeth in annoyance. "This would be so much easier if we had fresh samples rather than having to make do with mere scraps like some kind of..." He waved his hand as if trying to pluck an apt analogy from the air. "Jackal?" Supplied a nearby lab tech. "Yes. Like a jackal." Warren agreed and then moved on to a row of transparent cells. "The other half of the project shows greater promise thankfully; imbuing human subjects we've 'recruited' with the DNA to see if they obtain abilities like those of the host."

In one of the cells a teenage girl wondered how she'd gotten into this situation. Cindy Moon had heard rumours about a local scientific project of some kind but the details were very vague. Her curiousity had been piqued so she'd begun digging and the deeper she dug the shadier the project seemed. Unfortunately, her investigation hadn't gone unnoticed and one day she'd simply been plucked off the street and taken to the lab.

Rather than be killed though she'd been made into a test subject, locked up and regularly injected with strange serums. At first she'd been horribly sick, even wondering if she was dying, but it passed and afterwards she felt better than ever, her senses keener and her body stronger. What she didn't know was that as well as Spider-Man's physical abilities she'd also inherited his spider pheromones which were affecting the men who monitored her.

The effects were most profound on one of the younger men who leered at Cindy whenever he went past her cell. One day after entering to give her her daily rations, poorly disguised lust on his face, he tinted the glass and prowled over to her whilst unbuckling his belt. "What're you doing? Get off me!" Moon protested. He didn't say anything but groped at her lecherously, making her mad "Get off!" She shouted and pushed him and, to their mutual shock, he went flying backwards, the glass shattering on impact.

Cindy had no idea how she'd done it but saw it as the perfect chance to escape. The jagged shards of glass tore the hospital gown she was wearing but she had more important things to worry about than modesty. Alarms blared as she ran for her life through the lab but despite her fear she felt so alive and either knocked guards aside or leapt over them. A pair of imitation webshooters were scooped up as she went past them. As luck would have it Warren was returning to the lab from the outside, inadvertently showing Moon the exit. The Korean girl barrelled past him and into the maze of tunnels. Of course that presented a different problem but somehow she knew which paths to take as if she had a kind of sixth sense guiding her.

Atop a lamppost, Cindy breathed in the 'fresh' night air of New York, for the first time in months she was free. She couldn't savour it long as a chill wracked her body and she remembered she was naked. Desperate times called for desperate measures and she fired webbing over herself to form makeshift clothing.


Not ready to go home, she wondered what to do next and as if in answer a scream rang out. Before she would've avoided a situation like that but with her newfound power and confidence, she instead went towards the scream.

Her swinging left something to be desired but Cindy got there and saw a woman being held up by a man with a knife. "Leave her alone!" The teen dropped in front of the mugger who lunged at her. Cindy effortlessly dodged the swipes and laid the mugger out with one punch. "Call the cops." She instructed the woman as she stuck the man to a wall.

Adrenaline pumped through Moon's veins as she clumsily swung away and she realised that with her new powers she could help people, just like Spider-Man.

Peter hadn't been watching the news recently so was confused when Ned texted him saying; 'Dude you've been busy lately.' He'd been on patrol a couple of times but he hadn't done much more than that. 'What're you talking about?' He sent back and Ned responded with a question mark. A few seconds later several news articles were sent through, all detailing crimes stopped by Spidey the only issue was Peter hadn't done any of them. At least someone was using his image positively he supposed but he had to talk to them before someone got hurt, most likely themselves, and he also wanted to know how they'd gotten his web formula.

Several days were spent in search of the copycat and he found traces but never them. He was reluctant to get the Avengers involved in a personal problem but was considering asking them for help. A sudden alert from K.A.R.E.N informed him of a crime in progress, putting his search on hold.

By the time he got there though he was too late, the thief was already webbed up and the money returned. In the distance he caught sight of a figure swinging off so set off after them.

His superior skill allowed him to catch up to the other spider. The first thing Spidey noticed was that his imitator was a girl around his age who appeared to be wearing nothing but webbing. "Stop!" He called and the girl looked behind her, visibly surprised. She landed on a nearby rooftop with Peter close behind her "Spider-Man! It's so cool to meet you!" She enthused. There was something familiar about her which Peter couldn't put his finger on, "Hi." He greeted, "Listen, I don't know how you got those webshooters and it's good you're helping people with them but you need to stop before you get hurt." He told her.

Cindy's awe at meeting her hero turned to anger "Why should I? I have the same powers as you and no one tells you to stop so why should I?" She snapped, pointing out his hypocrisy. Parker couldn't think of a good response to that but could admit when he was wrong. He was sure he recognised her voice though. "Have we met?" He wondered, smoothly changing the subject. Cindy blushed under her 'mask' "Um, you saved my life once." She said which she realised probably didn't exactly narrow it down so she elaborated, "At the Washington Monument, you saved us when the elevator crashed." It suddenly clicked for the brunette "Cindy Moon!?" He exclaimed before he could stop himself.

The Asian teen stiffened, "You know my name?" She asked in surprise. Peter really was bad at keeping secrets but he tried to think of an excuse but none came to mind so, like with Liz, he opted for honesty. With a sigh he unmasked. "Holy shit! Peter! You're Spider-Man?!" Moon gasped then paused to think, "That explains a lot actually." 

"Speaking of explaining things; How come you have powers all of a sudden and the same as mine too?" Peter hadn't seen much of Cindy since she'd quit the decathlon team and after the Blip but he was sure he'd of known if she had powers. An uncomfortable look crossed her face as she told him about the lab. Peter was horrified at what he heard and he would've gone and shut it down there and then but something stopped him.

In the time the spiders had been talking their pheromones had intermingled into a potent mix which was making them extremely horny, Cindy's nether lips were flushed and her nipples poked against her wrappings and Peter's member distorted his pants. Before either of them realised it, their faces were mashed together, making out with a furious intensity but kissing wasn't enough. The teens undressed, Parker's costume thrown aside and Cindy's webbing ripped off.

They'd always thought the other kinda cute but this was something else, something primal and undeniable. Their naked forms connected as they made out, adding to their arousal as it went on. Neither of them were aware that they'd stumbled to the edge of the roof until they fell off it but that didn't slow them down as they simply stuck to the wall.

Peter cupped the Korean teen's breasts and massaged the soft skin, causing her to moan. She'd never been touched like that before and Peter's hands were a perfect mix of strength and gentleness. She didn't want her partner to be left out and was eager to get her hands on what he was packing so rubbed a palm against his length and brushed her fingertips against his balls. Hands stroked and squeezed whilst tongues wrestled. Their touches got firmer and rougher as the need swelled inside them. Peter began rubbing Cindy's nubs whilst she grasped his rod. Her strokes got faster and she was jacking him off rapidly. A hand migrated south from Moon's tits to her pussy and upon reaching it, sank in. Peter's fingers expertly played with the slit, noting that it was very wet.

The teens' hands rubbed, jerked and squeezed. Their pheromones heightened their sensitivity, making each touch feel like an electric shock of pleasure. Their lips had only parted for breath but Cindy broke off to speak, "More!" Such simple instructions couldn't be ignored and the brunette stopped his touching to reposition himself.

Fingers quickly returned to the dripping hole, angling and flexing and getting slick with the juices. A second pair joined in and mirrored the first, caressing the lips and walls in sync. Reaching deep inside, the fingers scissored against the walls, gradually loosening them up. From one extreme to the other; Spider-Man's fingers now hovered at the entrance before hooking the edges and widening the slit. The pink pussy was irresistible and sweet tasting too he found after giving it a taste. Another taste confirmed it and his tongue skimmed against the soaked slit, the flushed folds and the wet walls.

As Peter licked her, Moon sought to return the favour and she gave the crown of his length a light touch with her tongue. She was surprised at how much she liked the saltiness so she did it again, longer this time. Confidence growing quickly, Cindy's tongue applied itself to the meat with greater ardor to lap at the shaft and head. Her tongue curled over Peter with a light touch which hinted at more to come. More came soon when she enthusiastically licked his member, aiming to taste it all.

Utterly engrossed in their vertical sixty-nine, neither of them care about being seen. The only thing they wanted was to mate like bunnies in heat, the pheromones driving each other wild. Tongues were working away, licking pussy and cock, writhing against tight walls and dragging over hard flesh. A push of Spidey's head shoved his tongue even deeper into the hot opening, the taste of Cindy filling his mouth. The Asian girl gave a moan at the new world of pleasure she'd been exposed to which eclipsed anything she'd felt before.

Despite having no experience sucking cock, she was eager to please so wrapped her mouth around the pink mushroom topping the hardness. Her lips closed around it, tentatively starting to make their way down. Her cheeks hollowed, forming a seal around the member as her mouth lowered. Lust filled her mind and she wanted more so sank even further, the cock sliding down her throat. Cindy's moans made the rod tingle which encouraged Peter which in turn egged her on. With a deep breath she pushed forward and successfully engulfed the member. She pulled back a second later but she felt a sense of accomplishment so did it again. It wasn't easy at first but gradually she took the whole thing each time.

Head bobbing and tongue lashing, the spiders' mouths devoured cock and pussy respectively and the pleasure was growing as was their desire. "I'm close." Moon removed her mouth to moan before quickly putting it back. "Me too." Peter echoed the sentiment but went back to eating the wetness. As she swallowed his cock, Cindy's tongue slithered over it, adding to his pleasure. The lovers devoured each other as their climaxes approached, Parker burying his tongue deep inside the slit whilst Cindy deepthroated the shaft.

As if linked the duo came in synch. Spunk filled their mouths and was swallowed down before they kissed again.

"What now?" Panted the Korean teen. The pheromones gave her the answer when after a couple of minutes she felt ready to go again and, judging from his boner, so did Spidey. "Turn around and let me guide you." Peter said. Cindy was able to remain attached to the wall as she repositioned herself. Strong hands grasped her waist, easing her back and she felt hardness rubbing between her asscheeks. Peter ground against her a few times as he lined himself up with her soaked hole. "Careful, I've never done this before." Cindy said after grunting when Peter's cock hit home. Just the tip eased at the slit at first, gently parting them around the crown. When Moon gave the okay he pushed again, the head and first couple of inches going in. At the halfway point he stopped going forward and pulled back.

Upon reinsertion Cindy felt a rush of ecstasy and told him to do it again. The excitement of losing her virginity to none other than Spider-Man allowed her to ignore the pain and focus on the pleasure. Before long she only felt the latter and had Peter speed up. His hips rocked back and forth, building up speed and getting deeper the longer he went on. "I want it all." Demanded the Asian girl, desire overcoming everything else. "Here goes then." Peter warned as he pushed forward again, his cock sliding forward until he was fully sheathed. Cindy gritted her teeth as she adjusted to the new feeling of something bigger than her fingers inside her pussy. The generous amounts of spit and cum served as lubrication, allowing for smoother penetration and both moaned when the final inches went in. The primal urge to mate consumed the spider teens and gentleness was soon forgotten, only need remained.

Both teens were leaking precum again which dripped onto the street below but thankfully noone looked up. If they had an erotic sight would've greeted them; two teenagers were attached to the wall both without a stitch of clothing and in the throes of making passionate love. A brunette boy pounding a dark haired girl with almost inhuman speed and power. Cindy's hands and feet clutched the brick for dear life as she lunged backwards onto Spidey's steel hard member, the teens colliding with a loud smack of flesh on flesh. The spiders were animalistic in their fucking, furiously making their bodies connect over and over. Warm wet walls were vice-like around Spider-Man's lower webshooter, his balls swinging and his cock like a piston as it went in and out of the tightness. It was like nothing they'd ever experienced before almost like the other's presence was an aphrodisiac and all they could think of was screwing their partner's brains out with all they had.

Rivulets of combined precum ran from Cindy's pussy and down Peter's dick. The slick member was driven as far as it could go into the slick opening. His thrusts had slowed but we're just as euphoric for the pair as was alternating between fast and slow and every conceivable speed in-between.

Peter's hands craved softness and grabbed the softest things they could find. At first those were a pair of pert breasts and perky nipples which received a brief but pleasurable massage but then they moved onto her ass. With his hands there Peter could plough Moon even harder and proceeded to do so. The fires of desire burned hot in Peter and Cindy but even the hottest of fires dies out and theirs was close to ashes. Spunk bubbled inside them like molten magma, ready to burst any second.

"F-fuck! Cindy I'm so close!" Groaned Parker, punctuated by wild thrusts. Other than a mewling cry the Korean teen gave no indication she'd heard him. Her mind was a blank with pure pleasure but she was dimly aware of the pressure building within her body which increased each time the length went into her.

Once again in near perfect synchronicity, the wallcrawlers climax came, a massive load of hot seed erupting from Parker and an equally huge amount gushing from Moon.

Sweaty and sticky, they got back on the rooftop to recover, the fog of lust clearing from their minds. "So you said something about a lab?" Peter inquired and Cindy's eyes widened as she jumped to her feet "Crap, almost forgot! Follow me." The teens redressed and swung off.

"No! I swear it was here I swear!" When they'd arrived the place was completely empty without a trace of anything ever being there and Cindy had sunk to her knees in despair. Peter rested a hand on her shoulder, "I believe you and don't worry, we'll find them." He told her, "In the meantime come with me."

The two arrived outside an old warehouse that Peter had been using to store his costumes, web fluid and spare webshooters. He told Cindy to look around, which she happily did do, whilst he got to work on a fabricator. A few hours later he called Cindy over and in his hands was a newly made costume. Cindy looked at her reflection, the costume fitted like a glove and was a mix of black and white with hints of red. 

Peter grinned, "I thought if we're gonna be working together you should look the part. Now we just need a name." Moon struck a few poses to admire herself, "I love it thanks so much. As for a name; call me... Silk."


End of chapter 44

Next Chapter: Bright Future.

Bit of an unexpected one perhaps but I like surprising you guys.

My original plan for this was Cindy had been bitten at the same time as Peter but hid her powers and only became Silk to fill in for him after he dusted.

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