Parker Luck

Chapter 48: Bullseye

Kate Bishop admired her handiwork and nodded approvingly. "I think that looks pretty good. What do you think Lucky?" The golden retriever simply cocked his head. He obviously had no idea what his mistress was saying but she was clearly happy and that made him happy too which he expressed with a wagging tail. "Thanks boy." She laughed before flicking the switch. She'd spent the last few hours rigging up a series of targets on a pulley system designed to provide a challenge for her archery skills. "Okay here we go." She grabbed her bow and nocked an arrow.

The targets whirred to life, sliding along the cables in a fast moving loop. Kate's body was as taut as her bowstring as she tracked them. She snapped into action. *Thunk* The arrow was loosed and hit a target dead centre. *Thunk* *Thunk* *Thunk* Her arms were practically a blur as she fired her arrows, nocking a new one a millisecond after the previous, each one scoring a perfect bullseye until her quiver ran empty.

The socialite wiped her brow as she looked at the targets bristling with arrows. "Oh yeah!" She cried triumphantly, "Clint Barton eat your heart out." No sooner had she finished boasting when her phone rang, the caller none other than Hawkeye himself. "Well speak of the devil."

"Hey partner." She greeted Clint. "Hi Kate. You still in New York?" He got straight to business. Kate had spent Christmas with the Bartons and they'd offered to let her stay there but she'd declined, she was a New Yorker at heart and had wanted to go back to her newly fixed up apartment. Despite living several miles apart the Hawkeyes still found time for team ups, such as the time the Tracksuit Mafia had re-emerged or when a guy called Trickshot tried framing Clint for murder.

"Yeah I'm still here. What's going on?" Kate asked, Clint didn't sound tense like he had when something was happening, in fact he sounded almost cheerful. "I'm flying over tomorrow. It's my shift with the Avengers and I want you to come with me."

Kate wasn't sure she'd heard him right, it sounded like he was offering her the chance to meet Earth's Mightiest Heroes and she had to pinch herself to check if she was dreaming. "Wait, seriously?" She could barely contain her excitement. Clint gave a small laugh at her enthusiasm "I mean it kid, I think you're ready for the big leagues."

A few days earlier the Avengers had been discussing recruitment. Although the team had several fixed members and others on rotation, they felt more were needed. They all agreed to offer full membership to some of their allies but suggestions for brand new members were debated and in the end there were only two; Yelena as Natasha had argued so strongly for her sister and Kate because Clint had been adamant about her being given a chance.

The young archer's eyes lit up as the Facility came into view and she eagerly looked around when she went inside, hungrily taking it all in.

"Kate Bishop?" A familiar Russian accent froze Hawkeye in her tracks. There was only one person who consistently called her by her full name and sure enough standing behind her was Yelena. "No way. What're you doing here?" The blonde was the last person Kate expected to see here. Belova looked smug "I'm an Avenger now; White Widow." She said her codename dramatically as if she were announcing a title. "Natasha vouched for me." She said defensively at seeing Kate's dubious expression. Bishop's doubt changed to confusion "I thought Black Widow was dead?" "She was.", Admitted the Russian, "She's back now. Long story." All that did was make the socialite more confused but Clint approaching prevented any elaboration. "Yelena." "Barton." The blondes greeted each other curtly. Clint turned to speak to his partner "C'mon I'll show you around."

He led Kate through the hallways and rooms, explaining what each one was for and introducing her to the others. Several times she had to check this wasn’t all just an elaborate fantasy and she was actually being invited to join the Avengers.

Peter hadn't been at the meeting so was unaware that a new recruit was being shown around. He'd just gotten out the shower and, as luck would have it, was exiting the bathroom just as the Hawkeyes were passing by. The archers froze at the sight of Peter dripping wet in just a towel but whilst Clint was quick to look away, Kate found herself unable to. Spidey wanted to get back to his room but his way was barred by the raven haired young woman who's face was reddening fast. A blush was also crossing Spidey's face and soon it was the same colour as his suit, "Um excuse me. I need to get past." He muttered which snapped Bishop out her daze. "Oh right yeah." She awkwardly shuffled to the side, her eyes remaining fixed on his muscular body as he went by.

"So that was Spider-Man." Barton broke the awkward silence. "He uh usually goes about in more than that in case you were wondering." He added but his protégé hadn't heard much beyond him telling her who the young man was. Along with Hawkeye, who she'd mostly gotten over, Spider-Man had long been Kate's celebrity crush but she'd always imagined him as being around her age. Him being younger wasn't necessarily a bad thing though. She thought she'd moved past her crush as she gotten older in the time that the webslinger was Blipped but even her brief encounter with him had restoked her feelings, aided by his pheromones and seeing him shirtless.

She was woken the next morning by someone banging on her door. "Rise and shine Kate Bishop." Yelena strode into the room to whip the blankets off. Kate groaned as the warmth was suddenly taken away and futilely tried to tug it back. Eventually Bishop relented and grudgingly got up. "Hey what's with the rude awakening?" She grumbled. "Hah!" Yelena scoffed, "Please that was nothing. In the Red Room they used to shock us if we weren't up quick enough." Kate just stared silently; she could never tell if the Russian was being serious or not. "Wait what're you doing in my room?" She suddenly realised. Yelena shrugged, "I thought it'd be nice for us to get some girl time so I volunteered to help with your training. Now get dressed."

They were starting with sparring practice so made their way to the gym. When they arrived Spider-Man had just finished exercising and he greeted Yelena, seemingly not noticing Kate. Bishop was a little surprised to see a big grin on Belova's face but what she did next surprised her even more. "Hello lover." Yelena purred huskily when the brunette approached the duo and pulled him into a heated kiss. Kate's face reddened at watching the passionate liplock and turned away to try and hide it. "See you later?" Spidey asked "You know it." Yelena replied in a sultry tone. Spider-Man then seemed to see the socialite for the first time and he started blushing. "Oh uh hi. I'm Peter Parker." He held out a hand and Kate took it, introducing herself whilst silently begging her face to go back to its normal colour. "Oh right Mr. Barton's new partner. I hear you're pretty badass." Any hopes of her blush going away went out the window when the webslinger praised her. "Uh. Thanks." She squeaked, barely trusting her voice.

"What?" She said defensively after Peter had left. Yelena was smirking at the taller woman. "You like him don't you?" Smugness practically oozed from her voice. At this rate Hawkeye's face would be red forever. "It's okay." She told Kate, which just made her confused, "Aren't you two together?" "Eh. Not exactly." Yelena shrugged "It's nothing exclusive, we just fuck." She said plainly. "Want me to tell you about it?" She added and laughed at the archer's flustered response.

After realising her friend was interested in Peter, Yelena began playing matchmaker, trying to get them to hook up. Somehow neither of them realised what the blonde was doing and went along with the situations that paired them together. The current one was only supposed to be street patrol but they'd run into some Z-list villain (who's name neither of them could remember) who'd foolhardily attempted to take them on and was now stuck to a wall by a foam arrow and with webbing over his mouth to shut him up.

Peter and Kate high-fived "Nice work." He told her. The raven haired archer was able to keep her composure around Peter but still felt a thrill when he complimented her. She also couldn't stop herself from admiring how his costume flattered his body. Of course Parker had noticed the archer's attractiveness as well as her kind and bubbly personality which had led him to feel similarly about her.

When they got back Yelena was waiting for them. "So how'd it go? You two have fun?" She said suggestively to Kate, flustering her. "Uh well we worked together to stop a bad guy." The blonde's face fell "C'mon Kate Bishop you need to be bold, take the initiative. "C'mon this way." She said, taking Kate to her room.

"Like I said you need to be bold." White Widow said when they got there "You have urges right? So does he, so act on them. It worked for me." She added, subtly bragging. Hawkeye was on board with the idea but didn't know how to go about it. Yelena scoffed when Kate relayed this to her "You're hot Kate Bishop, flaunt it and he'll respond." She then got up, "I'll show you. We were taught seduction in the Red Room." The blonde spent the rest of the day coaching the dark haired girl on how to be seductive. Bishop wasn't a virgin, having had a couple of one night stands at college, but she'd never actively seduced someone.

The next morning Kate woke up with lingerie on her bed with a note from Yelena telling her 'You're welcome'. She wondered how Yelena knew her size perfectly but chose not to dwell on it. She instead thought about how she was going to go about getting Peter to sleep with her. In the end she decided to go for the direct approach.

Waiting for night was proving difficult but Kate was patient and the wait just served to heighten her anticipation. When the hero eventually retired to his bunk Kate went to hers to get changed. Yelena had gone all out with the lacy black bra and panties as well as a matching garter belt and sheer stockings. There was even a pair of high heels.










When there was a knock at his door Spidey figured it'd be Yelena, the blonde did have quite the sexual appetite, but wasn't expecting the archer and he definitely wasn't expecting her to throw off the robe she was wearing, revealing lingerie covering an athletic figure which made his jaw drop and his cock rise.

"Hi I'm just gonna say I like you and I wanna do this before I lose my nerve." Words spilled from Kate's mouth before she put it to use, planting a deep kiss on the webslinger. To her relief he kissed her back and excitement rushed through their bodies. The skimpy underwear was having the desired effect as Kate could feel his boner rubbing against her as they made out. She was equally horny, her lower lips flushed and her juices starting to flow from her core.

Soon they transitioned to the bed where the brunette stripped off, once again displaying his muscular body. In between removing articles of clothing, Peter and Kate continued their liplock but this time when she broke away the archer straddled the wallcrawler. Any nervousness she had was gone as she ground against Spidey and their tongues furiously grappled with each other. Meanwhile her pussy had gotten wet and dripped with her juices, soaking her panties, and so, eager for some relief, she shuffled forward so her hips were positioned over the teen's face. The panties were pushed aside and Spidey pressed his face to her pussy, his tongue immediately setting to work. Kate shuddered in delight at the feeling of the slick tongue worming in. Peter was certainly skilled at eating out Kate observed when his tongue reached as far in as it could and started licking at her walls. Juices and spit ran down Peter's chin the longer he went on which he took as a good sign.

Bishop was forced to remove herself from the teen's ministrations to remove her obstructing knickers and the belt but they quickly resumed the fun. This time the socialite's firm asscheeks were hotdogging the hard rod which made Parker grunt in pleasure. His licks got faster and instead of just brushing the sensitive walls he was roughly slurping at them, dragging his tongue against the wetness. It wasn't the first time Hawkeye had been eaten out but the hero was far more skilled than her previous lovers, especially with how he seemed to know exactly where to lick to make her cry out and not leave her wanting.

Peter was fully absorbed in his task, lapping, wriggling and twisting his tongue inside the archer's slit which was now dripping like a faucet and making her feel good. As eager as he was to give pleasure he also wanted to receive some beyond just the light friction his cock was getting but with his mouth occupied he couldn't express this. Luckily though Kate seemed to get the message, gymnastically twisting around so she faced his length. A soft hand curled around the member to gently stroke up and down with careful precision. Years of archery had given her strong fingers which she used to massage Parker's cock from base to tip. Her confidence grew quickly and her hand sped up. As the brunette was giving her so much pleasure she wanted to return the favour and give the best handjob she could.

A low cry came from Kate as Peter's tongue suddenly sped up, furiously lashing around her insides. Her cries got louder as he lapped at her pussy and made the pleasure inside her surge. Realising how loud she was getting and that there was the risk of someone overhearing, she made a bold move to keep quiet.

The head of Spider-Man's cock was suddenly covered by a warm mouth. Her moans were now muffled which was fortunate as she wouldn't've been able to suppress the scream from the pleasure that came when Peter found her g-spot. Having found it once, he made it his mission to keep at it, jabbing with his tongue and writhing it about. To muffle herself, Kate began sucking on the length, her tongue slithering around what was inside. Its muskiness wasn't unpleasant she noted as she licked the pink head and the small droplets of pre that'd formed. Wanting more though, she pushed her mouth down and taking more of his length in. She'd sucked cock before but never more than a few inches and as she slid down Peter's she broke that record.

Bishop applied a copious amount of spit to make what she was about to do easier. Relaxing her mouth and throat, she slid her head down and when she stopped more than half of the teen's cock was between her lips. Feeling proud of herself, she started to pull back up, slowly unsheathing the rod. A few more slow bobs and movement got easier which allowed her to speed up a little.

Hands suddenly pawed at her back to fumble with her bra strap. After much fiddling, Peter managed to undo it, which was impressive considering he couldn't see what he was doing, and with it removed, he cupped the mounds it previously contained. Kate's boobs weren't the largest but they filled his hands nicely as he kneaded them with strong hands. Moans of pleasure made his cock shudder and he bucked his hips for more. All the while he'd kept slurping at the now soaked pussy over his mouth, his tongue diligently licking away, slow to fast and back again. He'd managed to find the spots that made the archer cry out. Each time his skilful tongue found her sweet spot she saw stars and her release got closer. Her attempts to relay this to her lover were stifled by having a mouthful of cock which she didn't want to give up, especially as she was getting close to taking the whole thing.

Peter's tongue slipped out the hole but was shoved back in a second later. Hawkeye jolted in surprise but kept sucking, doing her best to get the last few inches of Spidey into her mouth. She gave a grunt of triumph when she finally did and went back up to try and do it again. Doing it the second time was less difficult and the more she did it the easier it got.

The sixty nine was in full swing; both utterly engrossed in the other with their mouths and tongues working hard, Kate deepthroating Peter's cock whilst he devoured her pussy. Although Kate had great stamina, it was being put to the test with Spider-Man's experienced tongue lapping deep into her slit and his hands reaching under her chest to massage her boobs. Ecstasy was rapidly consuming the socialite as she was pleasured which she expressed through muffled moans that made Spidey's length vibrate.

A barely suppressed moan came a second before Bishop did and cum gushed from her slit, filling Peter's mouth with its familiar taste. The hot juices that spurted out were swirled around by the hero's tongue as he continued to slurp at the gushing pussy.

Dazed after the intense rush of pleasure, Kate had taken her mouth, now decorated with streaks of precum, off the hardness but soon corrected that oversight and deepthroated him once again. She was determined to prove that she could make him cum just as much as she had. Once again her lips pursed tightly around the cock whilst her tongue curled around it, dragged along it and generally slathered over it. It was having the desired effect of course, her eagerness paying off as per usual indicated by Spidey's member and balls tensing. If she could tell what was about to happen it didn't slow her down and she kept bobbing her head along the shaft with all she'd got. "Gonna cum." Peter groaned. His load shot from his cock, ropes of white being fired into the archer's mouth.

Bishop had heard Peter's warning but hadn't realised just how close he was and had been surprised by the mouthful of cum she'd suddenly gotten. The taste was salty but somehow sweet at the same time she noted as she let the load rest on her tongue before swallowing it.

The first release had just been the appetiser and both of them were quickly ready for round two. Kate tentatively lifted herself up and hovered over Peter's slick length. Although she was sure her earlier blowjob had lubed him up she still felt a little apprehensive about taking him in her pussy. She shuddered when she felt the cockhead just kiss her opening as she got lower. A tiny bit at a time the pink crown went past her pussy lips, rubbing against her walls as it did. Gradually the tip was inserted fully with the rest of the shaft set to follow.

Even only a few inches in it, was clear to Peter that the archer's pussy was very tight. Warm wetness hugged his length and the more Kate lowered herself, the more of it got to feel the tightness and soon the entire thing was sheathed. It was the first time Kate had done a different position from missionary so needed a moment to adjust to Spidey's length filling her wetness but fortunately there was plenty of lubrication to make it easier.

Kate gasped from the friction on her walls as she rose up. Her walls tensed as she dropped down and a rush of juices came from her slit as the pleasure rocked through her. She was a little surprised at how easily she was taking Peter's member up her wetness but she wasn't complaining and neither was he. Spider-Man was enjoying one of the tightest pussies he'd fucked for a while and the way it clenched around him was an experience to be savoured.

There was a feeling of loss when the heroine lifted herself off the cock. Bishop took a breath to prepare herself before plunging back down. Both gave ecstatic cries when Kate fully impaled herself length, every last inch of it from tip to balls spearing up towards her molten core. Kate was relaxed at first for ease of penetration and as it got smoother as she carefully bobbed on it she could clench for extra fiction. Spidey bucking upwards with a moan told her that he liked it so she did it again with the same result.

Their bodies met with a smack as Peter bucked when Kate dropped. This served as the catalyst to spur the archer into action, rising and falling rapidly on the teenage member and each plunge was met by an upwards thrust. Having gotten into the swing of things now the young lovers established a pattern of thrusting and bouncing with both of them getting a surge of euphoria every time their hips collied.

Peter's hands ands grabbed Kate by the waist and this time when she rose they lifted her higher and when she dropped back down the pulled her onto the waiting dick. Soon they were giving it all they'd got, no discomfort only pleasure. Spidey's hips drove up whilst Kate's dropped down, her riding him like he was a wild stallion and she a cowgirl. The lovers were consumed with passion which they wanted more of so as well as speeding up they angled and twisted to rub cock against pussy walls.

The additional effort was helping, as pleasure filled their bodies and it became a question as to who could last the longest.

In the end it turned out to be Spider-Man who had the greater stamina as although Hawkeye had tried to hold back her release she gave into the ecstasy she felt inside and let her orgasm overcome her. "Ah Peter!" She cried out, unable to stop herself as she squirted again. Her cum spurted from her entrance, coating Spidey's length and his nuts.

Not long after Peter felt his member tensing as his spunk prepared to erupt. "Gonna cum!" He cried out again and this time Bishop acted quicker. "Not in me." She ordered and unsheathed the twitching hardness from her wetness, "On me." The two traded positions; Kate on her back and Peter on his knees with the brunette jerking himself off. It didn't take much for him to reach his climax and whiteness rained on the archer's toned body.

They gave each other another kiss before settling down, throughly satisfied.

Completely unknown to them they'd had an audience. Yelena had put a spy camera in Peter's room for just such an occasion and had been masturbating furiously to the show. Having came once again and seeing they'd finished she stopped recording. The video would make excellent future viewing and maybe next time she could join them.


End of chapter 48

Next Chapter: Pick Your Poison

In case anyone's wondering I am considering doing a threesome with Kate and Yelena later on.

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