Parker Luck

Chapter 49: Pick Your Poison

If you'd've told Tilda Johnson a few years ago what her life would be like now she'd never have believed you.

Where once upon a time she'd been nothing more than a sweet natured holistic pharmacist she was now the ruthless head of a street gang and the queen of the Harlem drug trade. Her reputation had been irreversibly tarnished when it came to light she'd been helping Bushmaster and combined with being cheated out of Harlem's paradise, which she believed she rightfully deserved, she'd turned to crime to pay the bills.

She hadn't liked it at first, modifying some of her recipes to create narcotics and more than one dealer screwing her over but she quickly got savvy to the tricks of the trade. Her breakthrough came when she discovered the nightshade plants McIver had brought over. As it turned out they were capable of growing in non-Jamaican soil but at the cost of reduced effectiveness, not that it particularly mattered as a drug that increased strength and durability was a godsend for some and they were willing to pay through the nose for it.

Renaming herself after her drug, Deadly Nightshade quickly established a foothold in the local drugs trade and with her being the only one who knew how to make nightshade she soon reached the top. Her money had been well invested as she looked over her workshop, workers and enforcers. What made being the drug queen even better was having the money and influence to make any legal problems simply disappear. She had worried about the local vigilantes but it turned out most heroes don't bother with the narcotics trade. Even Luke Cage was powerless to stop her lest he violate his stance of neutrality.

A sudden scuffle on the floor caught her attention and she saw a worker desperately wriggling in the grasp of one of her overseers. "What's going on down there?" She called down. "Caught him trying to steal the product ma'am." The goon reported back. Tilda beckoned to have the would-be thief brought up to her.

Turning out the workers pockets revealed several sachets of powder. Ignoring his blubbering pleas and weak justifications she simply told her security to hold him.

"Everybody stop and pay attention!" She shouted to the workers who looked up fearfully. A nod to her enforcer and the worker was stripped of his shirt and zip tied to the balcony's railing. The thief's crying got louder when he realised what was going to happen. Tilda's hand ran along the belt adorning her skin tight black jumpsuit but rather than the holstered gun she instead reached for a coiled whip. She grinned as she gave the bullwhip an ominous crack before striking the bound man. "This is the punishment for anyone who, steals, cheats or otherwise makes me unhappy got it?" She announced between lashes.

Tilda Johnson the pharmacist would've been appalled at the cruelty and violence but Deadly Nightshade the drug dealer revelled in it. When the man's cries had quietened and his back was a mess of bloody lines she had him cut loose. A shred of her former conscience remained preventing her from outright killing the worker and ordered him be dropped at a hospital.

Elsewhere in Harlem Luke Cage had a headache. In some ways controlling crime was a lot more difficult than fighting it and part of him longed for the days when he could simply punch his way through criminals. On the plus side though he had a much nicer wardrobe which got shot up considerably less.

His problem was the nightshade drug. Being a crime boss he couldn't directly intervene at risk of starting a gang war and neither could he send some of his men to shut down Johnson's operation which could result in the same problem. He'd been advised to simply grin and bear it as a necessary evil as beyond banning it in his club there wasn't much he could do. For a while he had but when a junkie hopped up on it had begun causing trouble, requiring him to step in, he knew he had to crack down.

He'd learned where Deadly Nightshade was producing the drug but in addition to his forced neutrality the place was a veritable fortress. If needs be his gang could probably launch an assault but he doubted how successful they'd be. He wished he could march in there himself and indulged in a fantasy of doing so. The daydream gave him an idea though; whilst he couldn't do anything personally he knew people who could. Of course with Danny out the country still and Matt having his own problems that really limited his choices to one.

"Well look who decided to call." Jessica answered the phone dryly. She hadn't seen Luke since they'd talked outside her apartment but she'd heard about his new role. "What do I owe the pleasure of being called by the king of Harlem?" She snarked.

"I see you haven't lost your touch." Cage responded with equal sarcasm. "It's good to hear from you again." He added sincerely. "Yeah you too." Jessica replied, "Now why are you really calling?" Her detective instincts had quickly cottoned her on to the fact that Luke wanted something other than to catch up. "Nothing gets by you huh?" Cage chuckled, "But yeah I kinda need help." He explained the situation as concisely as he could.

"I'd like to help Luke but I'm not gonna go charging into something that'll probably get me killed." Jones said bluntly. "But," She added before Cage could say anything, "I'll see what I can dig up to get the cops on the case. And I might know someone who'll be willing to help."

That was how Spider-Man found himself in Luke's office a few hours later. Although he was starting to feel like Jessica's errand boy he wouldn't dream of not doing something like this and he got to meet the hero of Harlem as a bonus. Luke had wondered how Jessica had been able to get an Avenger's help but he wasn't complaining. He gave the webslinger a brief rundown, emphasising why he personally couldn't go and how well guarded the factory was. "Look kid, Avenger or not, this could get dangerous so you don't have to do this." He'd quickly figured out that the 'Man' part of the hero's name wasn't entirely accurate and part of him was trying to dissuade Peter from going.

"I came all this way and if these drugs are really as bad as you say someone has to do something." Peter shook his head adamantly and Luke could tell he wasn't going to change his mind. "Alright well, good luck kid." The heroes shook hands before the wallcrawler swung off to the factory.

It wasn't until he'd reached the building when Spidey realised his costume wasn't exactly suited for stealth. Still it was easy enough to sneak past the guards and find an open window. Without any backup he planned to just scout the place and see what he was up against.

A door opening on the upper level made him duck into the shadows. He watched as a woman walked out and his watching quickly turned into staring when he got a good look at her, specifically her close fitting, low necked, outfit which left little to the imagination as well as the way she strutted along with a sway in her hips.

Embarrassingly he found he'd gotten a semi watching her and forced himself to look away, he didn't want to get hard in costume especially in a situation like this. From what Luke had told him he figured that was Deadly Nightshade and that the room she'd just left was likely where he could get information on her operation.

Luck seemed to be on his side for once as the door had been left open and there was a desk which looked promising. Even better the drawers weren't locked and, descending on a strand of webbing, Peter began rummaging through them.

Peter's luck soon ran true to form. Too engrossed in his search, Peter was unaware of Tilda returning. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" The villainess demanded, already drawing her whip. Inwardly cursing his tingle for its silence, Peter tried to make a break for the door but a skilful lash from Nightshade's whip wrapped it around his leg and yanked him to the floor. Johnson kicked the door shut and pinned the webslinger with her other foot. "What have we here? A little bug." She chuckled, grinding her high heel into Spidey's chest.

A glazed look briefly appeared on her face but she shook it off to scowl and point her pistol at Peter's head, "What're you doing here hero?" She growled, leaning down to glare at him. "Did Cage send you? Do you work for him?" As she bombarded Peter with questions her low zipped jumpsuit was unintentionally flaunting her cleavage right in his face which made it hard to focus on the questions. "I just found this place, I don't work for anyone." He protested. For once his lies seemed to be believed and the gun was put away. Her foot remained in place as did her fierce expression.

The teen's semi hadn't fully gone away and now with the sexy woman looming over him it had returned in full force. "Ha! Maybe you're not such a little bug after all." Tilda laughed upon seeing the tent in his pants. A mortified Peter tried to cover his boner but Deadly Nightshade stopped him. She was suddenly in the mood for some fun and, if the hero’s bulge was anything to go by, so was he which gave her an idea.

"I'll make you a deal Spider. If you keep quiet about anything you found here, I'll let you go." Peter was willing to take the deal but there was an extra. "One more thing. " Tilda said, "As an incentive not to tell anyone about here you'll get me." The zip on her jumpsuit being lowered added weight to her words.

A more rational person would've come up with an alternative but once again Spidey was a slave to his hormones and felt the offer too good to pass up. "Deal."

The foot on his chest was finally removed and he sat up to see Johnson removing her jacket and fully unzipping her suit, peeling it off. The fact she'd gone commando was too enticing for Parker and he made to take off his costume. The gangster admired his figure but stopped him from, unmasking "Uh-uh. Leave the mask. I don't want whoever you are under it, I want Spider-Man." She said silkily but with a hint of steel that made it clear she was in charge. "Uh. Yes Ma'am." She liked being called that and cupped his clothed member to show it.

Sashaying to a nearby chair, the chocolate skinned woman spread her legs wide and crooked a finger. As inviting as her pussy was, Peter had been focused on her breasts since he'd first seen them and, rolling up his mask, latched onto them. The brunette slurped at her soft mounds, coating them in his spit. His tongue circled around the areolas and the skin surrounding them before his lips closed around an erect nipple. Tilda moaned as Peter alternated between left and right, firmly sucking on the coco skin, worshipping their softness.

Peter's hands were just as busy as his mouth. One of them squeezed whichever breast he wasn't sucking and the other had gone southwards in search of the wetness between Tilda's legs. When he found it he plunged his fingers into the warm hole to flex and jiggle them. He slipped them in as far as he could, not stopping his efforts to stimulate the wetness. His skill at multitasking allowed him to play with Nightshade's pussy whilst sucking on and groping her tits.

The drug lord appreciated his enthusiasm and chose to reward it by taking his rock hard length in her hand and caressing it. Her first strokes were slow and gentle, gradually gliding along the length, but her pace quickly increased to rapid jerking. Her hand sped up and down the member and felt smug that she was why it was so hard. At the same time, egged on by the handjob, Parker's hands and mouth worked overtime at the pillow boobs and the wet slit, suckling and fingering.

Slick fingers spread and scissored whilst a wet mouth slathered and sucked. The teen was eager to please in case Johnson changed her mind so did his best. His best was good but not enough for Tilda who wanted more.

"Go down." She ordered, removing Spidey's mouth from her nubs to guide it to her pussy. His tongue instantly slithered out into the dripping hole and the familiar taste of precum coated it. He gave the entrance his attention first with soft slow movements that also brushed against the pussy lips. Peter steadily licked all around the slit, his tongue dragging, twisting and flicking. The gentle flickering movements made Tilda's womanhood flush with juices which oozed out. Spider-Man delved deeper into the wetness with his tongue pushing its way in.

Tilda gave another moan as the hero stopped teasing and started eating her out properly. "Good, keep this up and I'll suck your cock." His length twitched when he heard this and hungrily buried his face in the warm wetness. His tongue plunged all the way in and began to move around. Like before his movements started slow but he was quick to build up speed. The wet muscle writhed inside her pussy licking her sensitive walls and scooping up droplets of pre. The more he lapped and wriggled, the closer to her climax Johnson got and her pussy juices ran down the hero's chin.

The writhing tongue slurped at Tilda's core and walls, pushing her ever closer to her release and her moans grew louder. Peter was eager for his turn but knew he wouldn't get it until he made the villainess cum so worked even harder to hit the sweet spots.

With the way she was moaning and how her hole was dripping, he sensed she was close. Licking, lapping and slurping away he was soon proven correct when a wave of all consuming pleasure washed over the ebony beauty and she finally came. A low drawn-out grunt came from her as she climaxed. Her juices gushed out and left the webslinger with the familiar sensation of a cum splattered face. The teen quickly cleaned himself off and got up with his still hard length jutting out in front of him.

Deadly Nightshade got the message and smirked amusedly "Eager, hero? I suppose you've earned it. Now sit down and let me work my magic." She gave the pink head a small lick to build his anticipation before letting him sit.

Soft chocolate brown tits engulfed the teenage member and squeezed together. Tilda cupped her mounds to press them against Peter's member which twitched at the newly added friction. His grunts and groans indicated he was enjoying the titjob which encouraged Johnson to keep going and squeeze harder. Her chest rose and fell, gyrating the orbs over the rod and whenever it came close enough to her head she licked the bulbous head. Her chest stopped moving but her hands guided her mounds up and down whilst she turned her attention fully to the length and doing as she promised, sucking Spidey's cock. Soft lips engulfed his hardness and started to suck on it, slowly heading downwards. A slithering tongue joined the lips in worshipping the manhood and rivulets of spit ran from Tilda's mouth to drip onto her rack.

Small moans came from the drug queen as she slurped over Peter's dick, savouring the taste and getting more and more turned on. Her pussy was once again flushed with juices but she resisted the urge to finger herself in favour of continuing her boobjob, still squeezing them tightly around the teen's member. The salty taste of precum had joined the musky flavour of the man meat and got stronger the longer she kept sucking and licking. She'd taken a couple more inches of his length in with practised ease but wasn't about to stop there. Nightshade's ebony pillows were taken away and the warmth they provided was replaced by a wetness as she pushed her head downwards. With another push from Tilda she was able to accommodate the shaft down her throat and within seconds she got back to giving it the attention she felt it deserved. And in her opinion it deserved a lot of attention.

Enjoying himself, Peter gave a small upwards thrust when Tilda's head came down and she responded by bobbing her head faster. In sucking the webslinger off, Deadly Nightshade was going all out, having had the idea that the better a job she did the more likely it was the hero would leave her alone afterwards. At least that was her excuse, part of her was simply horny as hell and was enjoying having a superhero moaning from her efforts and an Avenger no less. Whatever her reasoning, Tilda was utterly absorbed in sucking and licking the boner, her tongue coiling around its girth whilst her lips plunged along its length.

More and more precum dripped from Peter's lower head as a prelude to a bigger release that was building up inside him. Unaware of this, the villainess carried on deepthroating the shaft, giving it the occasional slurp with her tongue for good measure. His cock had been polished to a shine by the drug queen as she'd made sure to cover every last inch of it. The way Tilda's buns shook as she rapidly plunged her head up and down the length was oddly mesmerising and the faster she sucked the more they moved. Nightshade's head bobs gradually slowed and she let the cock rest in her mouth whilst her tongue darted around it.

She didn't know how close to his climax the teen was but she was doing her best to make it soon. Her head angled and twisted with her lips pursed tight, her cheeks hollowed and her tongue keeping moving. It didn't take much more of that for her to get her wish. Peter's body tensed "I'm gonna cum!'" He grunted. As soon as she heard his announcement, Tilda made sure she had taken Spidey's whole length in readiness for the release. When the load came it was hungrily swallowed and the villainess didn't spill so much as a drop as it spurted into her mouth and throat. "Delicious." She said silkily as she got to her feet.

Tilda sat herself on Peter's lap to grind her body against his, her breasts against his chest and her ass on his slick cock. Her grinding was having the desired effect and the teen was getting hard again. The soft body rubbing on him as well as Johnson playing with his shaft and balls quickly got him back to full mast.

The chocolate skinned woman let his hardness rub between her asscheeks for a little longer to build his anticipation for the main event. Peter writhed impatiently as Tilda toyed with him, grinding on his length and caressing it. "You want me, hero?" She teased and got an eager groan in answer.

To Peter's surprise though she got off him. Why she had quickly became obvious though as she leant over her desk to present herself to Spidey. "Well then, come and get it." She shook her ass in a provocative manner that was impossible to resist.

Peter was practically a blur as he got to his feet and grasped Nightshade's hips. His cockhead brushed against the wet slit as he lined himself up and once he had it slid past the pussy lips and deep into the warm hole. A strangled cry of pleasure came from the drug queen when the hardness sank inside her. "That's it, don't be gentle." She ordered the teen as began moving. His cock was unsheathed but his grip tightened and a second later, with a powerful thrust, he returned it to the waiting hole all at once. Tilda cried out again and then made a simple request; "More!"

Peter gave her what she wanted. His cock was pulled out and slammed back in. Strength and speed combined soon had the coco skinned woman moaning louder as he pounded her. Tilda clenched around his length each time as if trying to milk it of cum. Her own juices were already flooding her pussy as the hero fucked her, providing lubrication for him to go faster.

With Tilda so eager for his cock, Peter put some extra force into his thrusts, drawing his hips back and surging forward again.

Ebony and ivory were in perfect harmony with the pale teen ploughing the darker woman, his rod filling her slit over and over. Nightshade was definitely one of Spidey's more enthusiastic partners, utterly consumed by her lust for the ecstasy he provided.

She was determined to make it a memorable experience for the hero as hopefully he'd come back for more later. But for now she was focused on simply enjoying the sensation of Spider-Man fucking her pussy. The forcefulness of his bucking made her body tremble which made it even better  in her opinion and she pushed back to meet them with the sound of flesh on flesh.

"Turn me over and suck on my tits." Johnson gave a new command which Spidey was happy to oblige. Now spread out over the desk she wrapped her legs around the hero, pulling him in deeper. Meanwhile Peter was doing as he'd been told and had his lips clamped around a perky nub with his teeth brushing against the sensitive skin. Moving his head from side to side ensured both breasts received his attentions and all the while he kept up the pace with his member plunging in and out of the soaked slit. Tounging the soft mounds as well as sucking them was having a definite effect on the drug queen as her moans grew louder.

As determined as she was to prolong their fun, the villainess was overwhelmed with euphoria and her body was reaching its peak. She was only dimly aware of this though, her rationality being pounded out of her by the young hero.

With the way Johnson was clenching around him and the way she made sure he gave her every inch, Spidey was feeling his own release getting closer. He was undeterred of course and kept on bucking and thrusting with just as much speed and power as he had been.

Soon the pleasure was too much to resist for both of them. In almost perfect synch, they came. Hot juices shot from cock and pussy and intermingled between hero and villain. Despite both of them having had earlier releases there was still copious amounts of cum from the lovers, flowing from Deadly Nightshade's wetness and spurting out from Spider-Man's hardness.

When they were finally spent, the two separated. A rope of seed briefly connected them as Parker pulled out but before it could break it was gathered up by Tilda's fingers which were then sucked clean. She took a tantalisingly long time to extract the digits from her mouth and maintained eye contact with the brunette the whole time.

"Well that was fun." She said sultrily after removing her fingers but the seductive look had a hint of ferocity to it. "You'll keep your end of the bargain." She didn't phrase it like a question and the teen gulped. "Yeah I promise not to tell anyone." He suited up as he spoke. The grin returned to Tilda's face, "Good. Now get out."

"Hey K.A.R.E.N you there?" Peter asked after swinging off. "Of course." The AI affirmed. "Did you get all that?" He checked. Before entering the warehouse Spidey had set the lenses of his mask to record everything. Upon his request the footage flashed before his eyes and he grinned. "Okay send the criminal stuff to the cops." Technically he was keeping his promise by not telling anyone.

"And K.A.R.E.N? Send the rest of the video to my computer."


End of Chapter 49

Next Chapter: Enhanced Interrogation

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