Parker Luck

Chapter 50: Enhanced Interrogation

Shortly after the jet landed two men got out, squinting at the bright sunlight and feeling the heat in their suits. Neither of them particularly wanted to be in New York but when the bosses gave an order they expected it to be followed.

A car was waiting for them and they debated over who would be driving. In the end the taller of the two was victorious and the two set off from the private airfield towards the city. "Is this really necessary?" The brunette agent asked, breaking the drive's silence, "I mean I understand the top brass want answers. But what I don't get is why we have to be here. Can't one of the other agencies handle it? Or the Yanks? It is more their sort of thing anyway." He continued. The blonde didn't waste words "Hmm, maybe. But orders are orders." He replied taciturnly.

"Thanks. That puts it all in perspective." The brunette's sarcasm drew a smirk from his companion.

The smiles faded quickly though "Seriously though, how're we supposed to go about doing this?" The leaner man said and the larger man pursed his lips, he'd been wondering the same thing, "I don't know." He replied, "We'll have to come up with something with the CIA's help." The brunette was silent after that and busied himself rereading the dossier on their target; the superhuman called Spider-Man.

"We're here." The blonde man said, stirring his partner from his sleep. The two of them had pulled up outside a CIA facility and, after showing their IDs, were let in. The building was a hustle and bustle of agents at work but the men were looking for one in particular.

"Agent Madani." One of Dinah Madani's co-workers called for her attention and she looked up from her paperwork, "There's a couple of guys here to see you." The agent continued, pointing to the two men approaching her workstation. Madani thanked the agent and stood to receive her visitors. "Agent Dinah Madani?" The tall blond man asked with an English accent and Madani wondered what an Englishman was doing here. "That's me, can I help you?" She asked. The men reached into their jackets to extract their badges, "Agents Brian Braddock and Joseph Chapman, MI13." She assessed their badges but they certainly seemed to be who they claimed they were but that just raised questions. "MI13? Never heard of you." "Nor will you again." Agent Chapman said curtly as he put his badge away. Braddock's serious expression softened upon seeing the American's wariness "We're a more clandestine branch of British intelligence who deal with things, shall we say, out of the ordinary." He explained.

"Not to be unprofessional but what're you doing here?" Madani was even more confused. "Just what I was wondering." Joseph muttered under his breath but was ignored by Brian in favour of answering Madani's question, "It's later than we would've liked, we've been reorganising after The Blip, but we're here about the events of last summer in London, specifically to detain and question the individual known as Spider-Man."

He anticipated Madani's question and answered it before she asked "We would normally go to the FBI with something like this but we were informed that you've had dealings with people like him previously, the so called Punisher, Which is why we were ordered to come to you." Dinah should've know that even though years had passed since she'd had contact with Frank Castle he could still make things complicated for her. She exhaled irritably, "The Punisher was a long time ago and he and Spider-Man are very different people, he's not a killer. Hell he's an Avenger." She said measuredly. Braddock nodded, he had brought up similar points when being given the assignment but they'd been dismissed. "I'm aware of that and I admit his affiliation with them does make things a bit more difficult so that's why we have to be subtle." His voice was equally measured.

"Do you have a plan?" Dinah had a feeling the webslinger wouldn't be particularly willing to come along nicely for a government interrogation. Sheepish expressions briefly flickered across the agents' faces "We were hoping to coordinate with you before we did anything." Brian quickly asserted.

The agencies had precious little information on Spider-Man due to his more recent emergence compared to some other heroes and his actions being mostly limited to the streets. But what they did have on him didn't suggest he'd be capable of performing such violence act as he allegedly had in London which was why MI13 were so eager to question him. The agents brainstormed as to how to go about finding the hero as well as how they'd be able to detain him and do so without attracting undue attention. It was Madani who finally came up with an idea.

The man in question was currently enjoying an uneventful patrol. Naturally Peter had no idea that his peace was about to be shattered. He was in the middle of texting MJ to let her know he planned to go see her but was interrupted by a loud scream. His phone was quickly put away and he swung to the rescue. In an alleyway he saw a woman playing a desperate game of tug of war with her handbag against a mugger. "You know I really don't think that's your color." He quipped as he dropped down and kicked the man down before webbing him up. He turned to see an attractive caramel skinned woman with dark curly hair.

After taking her bag back from the downed man the woman approached the teen. "Thank you so much Spider-Man." She took him by the hand to express her gratitude which for some reason set off his Spidey Sense. Peter didn't pay it any attention although he felt a slight pinch as she shook his hand but he assumed it was just her nails. "No problem miss. Happy to hellpp..." His words became slurred and his legs trembled as a sudden exhaustion hit him like a truck. "Wha-d you do?" He forced the words out his mouth as he stumbled. "Sorry Spider-Man." The woman said, seemingly genuinely. Before his eyes closed Parker saw an empty syringe being put away. He futility tried to escape but the sedative was too strong and he barely moved before falling unconscious.

"This is Spider-Man?" Chapman looked dismissively at the young hero who was still sedated in an interrogation room. "You sure this isn't some random guy?" He turned to Madani who was stood next to him. "Are you questioning my judgement Agent Chapman? Unless you know who he is let's operate under the assumption that it is him." Her tone remained professional but dripped with ice. "Why's he still got the costume on?" The Englishman was quick to change the subject. Braddock had been in the room and answered his partner "We've tried removing it but it's locked in place, even the mask won't budge, and the fabric is too tough to cut."

Spidey groaned at his pounding headache as he woke up. He was cuffed to a table but he was able to reach his face and to his relief he found his mask still on. He gave another groan, this one of exasperation and annoyance, this would teach him to ignore his tingle. "K.A.R.E.N what happened?" There was silence for a beat but he was relieved when the AI answered. "You were injected with a fast acting sedative and taken to this location." She told him, "I initiated identity protection protocols so your costume and mask can't be removed." Peter took the opportunity to assess the situation. Thanks to his years of watching movies and TV quickly realised he was in an interrogation room and it only took him a little longer to figure out why he was there. "Hello?" He waved at the two way mirror, "I know there's someone there. This is about what happened in London isn't it?"

He got his answer in the form of the door opening and the MI13 agents entering. "You would be correct." The blonde said. After introducing themselves they started their questioning. "Alright Spider-Man, I'm assuming we're not going to get a real name from you?" Peter stayed silent which the agents took as confirmation. Photos were spread out on the desk, displaying the aftermath of the London incident "Recognise these?" Chapman's tone was more hostile. Parker grimaced under his mask, he hadn’t realised how bad the damage had been outside the bridge or how widespread it was. "I know how this looks but I swear I didn't order the drone attack. It was Beck."

"How convenient." Agent Chapman again, playing bad cop, "Placing the blame on a dead man." Braddock then took over in the role of good cop, "Look kid, we got a copy of the footage before it was deleted and we know it was doctored but we still need answers." Peter kept silent, he suspected the agents were looking for someone to blame and if he wasn't careful he'd be their scapegoat.

His perceived evasiveness began to wear on the Englishmen who's tempers were fraying. "This'll be easier for all of us if you cooperate." Brian's gentler approach had faded and a hint of threat now laced his words. The door opening broke the tension and Madani entered. She'd been watching the interrogation and saw the men were getting irritated so decided to intervene before things got out of hand. She wasn't worried so much for the teen as what would happen to Braddock and Chapman should violence occur and he defend himself. "Okay boys, why don't you take a break? I'll take it from here." Her words were calm but it was clear it wasn't up for debate.

"So are you meant to be good cop? 'Cause they already tried that." Peter asked when Dinah sat down and introduced herself. He'd perked up at the sight of the pretty agent but it was tempered by suspicion. "Or are you gonna knock me out again?" Madani sighed "I'm sorry but we needed to get you here." She replied. "You could've at least asked!" Peter shot back. "And would you have come?" Spidey didn't have a response for that so changed the subject. "I've already told them everything about what happened can I please go?" He was close to begging, he'd had no idea how long he'd been there and it was getting to him. Dinah was sympathetic but wasn't about to just let him go. A small part of her wanted him to stay so she could admire his muscular figure, accentuated by the skin tight costume. "Tell me what happened." She asked gently. Peter gave a sigh and recounted the events once again.

Madani listened intently and watched the hero as he gave his tale, looking at his body language to try determine his truthfulness. "I believe you." She said eventually. "But with just your word to go on it's gonna be difficult to prove it. If it was just up to me I'd let you go but I'll need to convince the others. Maybe you could give me some extra incentive."

With the teen constantly producing pheromones and having spent so long in one place, the air of the room was filled with an intoxicating musk. He of course had no idea it had been affecting the agent until he heard her offer and had an idea of where this was going. He was proven right when she crossed over to sat on his lap and unlock his handcuffs. "If you're worried about anyone seeing us don't worry, there're no cameras, it's only me and the Brits authorised to be here and they won't be back for a long while." Her fingers walked down his muscled chest, toned abs and finally came to a stop between his legs where they twirled around his crotch. Having a beautiful woman straddling him and stroking his member had the obvious effect on Spidey and a bulge formed in his costume's pants. "Interested?" She could tell what his answer was going to be but for further persuasion her finger danced around the tent. "K.A.R.E.N, unlock the suit." The teen ordered and at his command the fabric went slack.

Spider-Man's tight costume had been a nice preview but now he was uncovered, Dinah could admire his toned physique in full. Well almost in full, a pair of boxer shorts were all that remained between her and her prize. That obstacle was swiftly removed and with them around his ankles she could get what she wanted. Her grim was firm but gentle suggesting some experience especially with how she knew just how to stroke the length to make him shudder. Her experiences with Russo had left a mark on her and she'd mostly avoided intimacy since then and now she realised just how long it'd been and how much she'd missed simple physical pleasure so turned things up a notch and now properly jacked him off.

Dinah like the way the teen's member pulsed and throbbed in her hand as she stroked it. Her grip tightened slightly as she sped up and her hand travelled from cockhead to balls. "Let's get started properly." Sensually she removed her clothing, it would only get in the way and she didn't want any cum stains on it. Ever so slowly the agent lowered herself to her knees, her vision eclipsed by cock and her mind clouded by lust. "Let's give this big boy a taste." She unfurled her tongue which latched onto the veiny rod to get the taste she desired, all the while her soft brown eyes remained locked with Peter's.

"Very nice." Her tongue went for a second pass, brushing gently against the hardness. Spit was applied liberally and thoroughly to create a slick coating for lubrication. Brushing and swiping her tongue over the rod made sure she hadn't missed a spot and she gave it another going over just to be positive. Satisfied, her ruby lips parted and engulfed the bulbous crown before clamping shut. Just as suddenly though they were removed, leaving a red ring in their place. Another ring was added further down the next time Dinah took him into her mouth and gradually she went further down, scarlet bands of lipstick covering more and more of Peter's member.

The agent's mouth left marks on the warm flesh which were smeared away by her tongue as she slurped at the manhood. Her gentleness belied serious skill with every suck and lick sending shudders through Spidey. Her mouth briefly left the cock to go further south and expertly suck on the hen's eggs dangling below. Madani kept her lips wrapped around the orbs, focusing on one before switching to the other and also lapping at them. Her ministrations on his nuts didn’t last very long as her attention was more drawn to the shaft above them. Once again she had the musky flavour of penis in her mouth and this time it went all the way down to her throat as she engulfed the hardness.

Peter buried his hands in the dark curls, pushing and pulling the skilled mouth up and down. The blowjob had turned into the perfect opportunity to relieve some stress and, although Dinah was surprised at first, she was happy to help him. Madani maintained eye contact all the while she bobbed her head on the hard length, even maintaining it when the teen pumped his hips harder, shoving it all the way in. Peter's frustration pushed him to get a little rough and drove his cock deep into the agent's mouth and down her throat.

Her lack of recent practice hadn't dulled her skill and Madani took each thrust like a pro, letting the member slide in and out. She also wasn't just going to be on the receiving end of the facefucking and she met his thrusts by pushing her head forward to make them meet in the middle. Helping her efforts to orally please the wallcrawler was her tongue; the slick muscle slithering across the length. One minute it was gently tickling the tip, the next it was slathering on the shaft and so on, working in tandem with her soft lips.

As she sucked, Madani prepared herself for later, pushing a couple of fingers into her slit. Thanks to the wetness of her pussy, her fingers slipped in with ease and immediately started flexing and rubbing. Her excitement grew which she expressed by upping her game, working her mouth and tongue harder and fingering herself harder. She also hooked an arm around Peter's waist to ensure she was getting his whole length. When satisfied she was, her cheeks hollowed to rub against the hardness. "Ah! Keep going!" Peter grunted, the agent was certainly making up for the underhanded way she'd brought him in and the way she was going he'd be willing to forget about it altogether.

A louder cry came from the brunette when Madani's tongue slithered around once again before settling in place, pressing against the sensitive underside of the teenage rod. The tongue trailed up and down all the while Madani was rocking her head along the length.

Peter moaned again and his grunts were loud and repetitive as the honey skinned agent worshipped his cock and as her mouth and tongue brought him towards his release. Something primal was stirring in the special agent which she expressed by devouring as much of the hero’s dick as she could swallow. "I'm. Gonna. Cum!" Spider-Man groaned, bucks of his hips punctuating his words. Even though she'd stripped off, Madani didn't want to risk any of the webslinger's seed getting on her so tightened her mouth, a tight seal formed by her lips and cheeks and the head of the cock buried in the back of her throat. With his cock held in place, Peter erupted. Dinah had thought she was ready for the load but quickly realised she'd underestimated the young hero as his spunk gushed into her mouth and she did her best to swallow it.

Madani was able to stay in place until Parker finished and then pulled away with a mouthful of cum. Some trickled out but her tongue caught the droplets before they could go anywhere. "You've had your fun." She said after swallowing the last few drops, "Now you need to do some convincing."

Seating herself in the opposite chair, Dinah spread her shapely legs baring her damp slit in full. She grunted when Spidey eased a couple of fingers into it, they were thicker and their movements rougher than hers. He worked the wetness, flexing his fingers to loosen the hole up and also sliding them back and forth to rub on her walls. The teen fingered at Madani's slit, only removing them to clean the juices off them and whenever one pair was taken out the other hand picked up the slack. His effort quickly had her dripping wet which he decided to do something about and, getting on his knees, positioned his head between the open legs and brought his face towards the wetness. A hint of the familiar taste of pussy juice came when Spidey ran his tongue over the flushed lips and throbbing clit. He got a better taste when he stopped teasing and stuck out his tongue, sliding it into the warm hole.

Slithering along, Spidey's tongue slurped greedily at Madani's pussy. He started with a few gentle licks and flicks, just small movements from the tip of his tongue, but gradually the rest of the muscle began moving and flexing. In what seemed like no time he'd sped up enough so his tongue was almost a blur and it darted in and out of the agent's, now soaked, pussy. Eager to please, and convince Agent Madani to let him go, Spider-Man put his experience to good use and cycled through the tricks he knew; long slow laps, short sharp flicks, spiralling, worming and switching from the outer folds to the inner core.

Peter's tongue settled for a while, as deep into the pussy as it could reach and whilst it was there it twisted and writhed to brush against her sensitive walls. Madani was very impressed by the hero's cunnilingus skills, it was by far the best pussy eating she'd ever experienced. Heavy breathing and loud moans indicated her enjoyment as did her pushing on the brunette's head to get his tongue deeper. His tongue twisted around, pushed and pulled and devoured the slit and lapped up as much of her readily flowing juices as it could, the taste familiar but far from unpleasant. The earlier fingering had brought her towards her edge and each lick got her closer still. Her pussy walls were soaked with spit and cum and the flow increased as Spidey went on. "More!" She cried out, her composure long gone. Peter didn't need to be told twice and his movements grew more vigorous which drew even louder cries. Madani was grateful the room was soundproof as she moaned wantonly as the teen ate her out.

"Ah, ah! Spidey!" Madani's grip tightened when the webslinger's tongue hit a spot that made her shudder in pleasure. Taking her forcefulness and cries as a sign he was doing something right, he focussed his licks on that area. He kept his tongue inside her now and focussed on making her cry out again. Peter determinedly slurped at Madani's pussy, rubbing against the walls and making it his mission to hit the spots that made her moan. He seemed to be successful in his mission when the agent called out his name over and over and tensed her body. She could feel herself getting close but wasn't about to tell him that in case he slowed down. Even if Peter had known how close Madani was, he wouldn't have stopped anyway, enjoying the sweetness of her pussy too much. He got a taste of her juices with every move his tongue made and, although he couldn't hit Dinah's pleasure button each time, he made damn sure to try. Pleasure was rushing through her entire being and concentrating in her core.

When her release came it was like a wave crashing over her and she gave her loudest moan yet, throwing her head back in ecstasy. Peter lapped at her juices, gathering what he could but getting most of it smeared around his face. Madani panted in the afterglow of her climax but was quick to regain her breath "Get back on the chair." She instructed the teen and joined him on it once he had. She straddled his lap, pressing her ass against his hardening member and sloppily made out with him, the remnants of their releases mingling in their mouths.

Their tongue wrestling and the grinding bodies quickly got the hero excited which Madani noticed with a grin when she felt his excitement rubbing against her ass. She reached behind her, grasping the cock to assess its hardness and was pleased to find it was at full mast and was still wet with her spit.

Without a word, Madani lifted up and sank down onto Peter's member, trying to take it all in one go. She worried she may have bitten off more than she could chew when she felt the thick cock stretching her pussy out, it had been a while after all. "You okay?" Peter saw her obvious discomfort. "I'm fine I can take it." Madani forced out between gritted teeth. She was sure she could take the whole thing it was just a matter of relaxing and letting him fill her up. Steadily she adjusted and let gravity do its thing until Spidey was fully sheathed. To Peter's surprise the caramel skinned agent barely let it rest and, wrapping her arms around his neck, she lifted herself up. Peter's length was slick with Dinah's juices as she lifted herself off it but thankfully the warmth of her hole wasn't gone for long before she eased back down.

As she'd been rising and falling on his dick, Madani's breasts had been pressing heatedly against Peter's chest, their softness against the hardness of his pecs, which gave him an idea. His strong hands pawed at her tits, his fingers closing on the delicate nipples to gently squeeze them. His hands weren't the only things giving attention to the breasts as he would occasionally swap one out for his mouth to lick at the pink nubs. Already feeling good from having her wetness full of cock, Madani's pleasure grew even more with Spidey's mindful, massaging ministrations on her mounds. With Parker playing with her tits, Madani felt encouraged to get going and pushed herself up again and this time lowered herself more forcefully. Peter noticed the agent's increasing speed and her loud grunts and responded by upping his game. His tongue was already slurping at her breasts, circling her areolas and flicking at her nipples, but it was joined by his lips which pursed tightly over the breast he was on. He immediately started sucking on the tit and was rewarded by Madani crying out his name and speeding up her bouncing on his dick.

There was a slight pop when Spidey switched between the pert mounds. He sucked just as hungrily on both and made sure both received the attentions of his mouth and tongue. Dinah was fully loosened up now and was riding the shaft harder and faster, rising up to the tip before plummeting down and letting it fill her all the way up. Her lack of resistance didn't go unnoticed by the teen even with his focus on her tits and, so as not to let Dinah do all the work, he gave his hips and upwards thrust. He started gently but at Madani's insistence he got more forceful. With the way she was riding him their bodies meshed and separated at a rapid pace. Peter's hardness speared upwards and Madani's wetness plunged down and both met in the middle with the sound of skin on skin. Not content with simply going up and down though, the CIA agent ground against the shaft inside her, twisting from side to side and both moaned at the friction. Said friction was increased when the wet walls were squeezed together around the hero's slick hardness.

Madani's tightening further spurred the webslinger on to thrust up even harder. Every inch of his cock went into the dripping pussy, full penetration marked by louder smacks of their hips meeting and Spidey's balls swinging. Harder sharper thrusts were a clue to the agent that the hero was getting close. She herself was feeling a knot of euphoria deep within and the heat of pleasure filling for and more of her body. Her juices were practically gushing now and had mixed with Peter's precum to create a slippery layer over his member which meant they could go even faster. The way Dinah was riding the brunette's member could put cowgirls to shame, her movements vigorous and eager. Spider-Man was no slouch either, bucking upwards to bury his shaft inside her and ensuring she got every inch.

"Ah yes! I'm close!" Moaned the agent after Peter gave another thrust into her. Peter just grunted, his mouth too full of boob to speak but he too was getting close. He indicated he was nearing release by sucking harder and thrusting faster. His length started to twitch the closer he got, the cum practically boiling inside his shaft. Madani hadn't felt such pleasure for a long time and not to the extent she was now, it was an all consuming ecstasy that grew each time she felt the cock fill her up. She ground harder against the teen, putting all she had into squeezing and riding his member with the ball of pleasure growing ever bigger. When her orgasm came she was once again very grateful the room was soundproofed as the cry she gave would've been heard throughout the building otherwise. Her whole body shuddered and trembled and her pussy clenched as it spurted, a spray of cum splattering onto the teen's length and lower body.

Spidey's self-control was reaching its limit and watching Madani climax put a serious dent in it. He still had enough energy left to keep thrusting though and gave them everything he had left. A heavy trickle of precum was leaking from the crown as a prelude to the main event. He gave a loud groan which made the mound his lips were currently wrapped around shudder. That and a few sloppy thrusts were the only cues he gave before he finally came. His member seemed to swell and pulse before bursting. His load felt red hot as it spurted into the wetness and oozed out of it.

"You've certainly convinced me." Dinah chuckled as she lifted herself off his member. To make sure there were no incriminating stains or puddles, she got onto her knees again to lick his shaft clean before redressing leaving the room.

A little later the MI13 agents returned with Madani in tow. "Alright Spider-Man,." Braddock announced, Agent Madani has convinced us you're innocent so for now you're free to go." "But we'll be keeping an eye on you." Chapman warned. Peter was too relived to finally be allowed to leave to worry about that.

As he swung off he felt something in his suit. It was a business card with a message on the back; 'Let's do this again- Dinah.' He didn't know how the agent had slipped him the card but he wasn't complaining and was more than willing to take her up on her offer.


End of chapter 50

Next chapter: Scarlet Fever

Virtual cookies to those of you who recognised the agents' names.

Perhaps not the best story wise here but hopefully the smut was good.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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