Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 490: The Daily Life Of An Ex-King

Most of you know of me as King Augustus Alastine. But the people of Japan know of me as King Gus! Ever since my precious daughter took over the whole ruler position, my life has been pretty good. I just recently discovered this new kind of music called rap. It is pretty crazy. I looked it up on that boogle everyone uses and found out its style. At first, I was a little iffy on wearing these clothes but once I put them on the ladies began staring at me. It feels good to be loved. Although the flap of my shorts in the front is a little airy which I felt uncomfortable about at first, I got used to it. Even the occasional slip got to be an everyday occurrence. Although my daughters, Catherine and Blanche, seemed to want nothing to do with me anymore and even yelled at me many times for my new style, but hey, I will do what I want since I am a free man now. 

Anyway, these shorts are supposed to be worn with a pair of pants that hangs down at my knees but I couldn't walk in them so I gave up on that and just wore the shorts. With that, I wore a skin tight white shirt that had no sleeves, just a few straps of cloth to keep it from slipping down that hung on the shoulders. 

On my first day out on the town in my new outfit, I got stopped by the local law enforcement. They took me into a building and stuffed me in a cell. They said something about indecent exposure. This confused me but they only held me for an hour before handing me a pair of pants and sending me on my way. 

Since my new clothes were not something I could wear any longer since I was stuck in a cell every time I went out, almost twenty times now, I had no choice but to hang up my clothes and go back to relaxing in the pool in my backyard. But once I turned my classy rap music and turned it up the old man next door began screaming at me to shut up. The old man was always a damper on my fun. 

Since I couldn't sit and relax at home, I decided to go visit my daughter Blanche. She was currently visiting her fiance's parents' home. I left the house in what I was wearing, a bathing suit with hearts on them, a floral button up shirt, a pair of sandals, and my favorite hat and sunglasses.

Surprisingly enough her fiance's family lived close by which was only a short walk from where I was. I walked up to the front door and knocked on it. To my surprise, Blanche answered it. I raised my hand to say hi but she quickly closed the door in my face. "Someone, call the police a pervert is at the door." Is what I heard coming from inside...


"And that is what happened." King Augustus said to the large man who looked like a sumo wrestler that sat next to him.

"May I ask if you went to her house wearing that get up?" The sumo wrestling looking man asked.

"Hmmm? Of course, why wouldn't I?" King Augustus asked not really sure what the issue was.

"Then you definitely belong in here more than I do and I even killed someone! Who the hell goes to their daughter's fiance's parents' house wearing that get up!? I would have called the cops too and pretend that I did not know you! And what you were wearing before was nothing but underwear! You are just asking to be arrested! Look how old you are! Why the hell are you trying to dress like some kind of teen street punk!?" The Sumo wrestling looking man asked. 

King Augustus had no idea why the man next to him was freaking out and yelling. He wore this every day, what was wrong with it? "Sir, this is your eighteenth offense in the past month. Can you please stop leaving your house?"

A police officer said as he walked into the cell. He was getting tired of seeing King Augustus all the time. He could not do much except detain him for a few hours per government orders due to his origins but this man was so easily influenced by what he saw that he walked out of his house half naked half the time. The first incident alone he got over one hundred calls, all women who said that King Augustus had walked up to them in nothing but underwear with his thing hanging out to talk to them. This time he showed up at someone's house looking like a freak. And worst yet the one who called was his own daughter! 

"Just stay home I beg of you!" The officer pleaded.

"Humph! Stay home! Stay home! This is what you always say!" King Augustus yelled in anger. They were always telling him what to do! He couldn't figure out why he was always being yelled at and told what to do!

"What did he do this time!?" King Augustus heard a familiar voice and quickly turned his head. 

"Alicia! Listen to this!" King Augustus went on to explain everything to Alicia who stood there with her eyes wide open.

"Are you an idiot!? Why the hell would you do those things!? You are just asking to be arrested!" Alicia shouted and turned to the officer. "Keep him here for a few days. I will explain everything to the emperor." Alicia then turned back to King Augustus whose jaw was almost on the floor from shock. "Dad you need to learn that you can not break the laws of Japan!"

Alicia did not wait for King Augustus to reply as she turned around and walked right out of the building without looking back.

"What!? Wait, Alicia!"


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