Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 491: Catherine's Search For Love Part One

The morning sun shone through my window. I once again got up out of my bed and stretched my arms. My new duties were to keep all the finances of the kingdom in order. My sister, Alicia, the new Queen, had handed down all matters of the kingdom to her trusted advisors. This was not to say she was neglecting her duties. If one were to say such a thing I would punch them in the face. Alicia was very passionate about her kingdom and was a fair and just ruler. Our time now was one of the most prosperous this kingdom has ever been. The new laws and regulations along with new agricultural techniques would not have been possible without her help. Our country alone had become the most technologically advanced kingdom in all of Phantasia. So much so that many kingdoms have asked to be annexed by us so they can share in what will come in the future.

Alicia is my dear sister and I love her very much. She even saved my life on many occasions. When she married Blake, her love, I was very happy for her. Now… Although I still look seventeen, I am actually almost fifty years of age. My sister Blanche has already married and has many kids running around the castle. But I, the middle sister of the family, have no suitor at all. 

I have begun wondering if I am just ugly. But my sisters tell me this is not the case. In truth, I wished for nothing more than to find that someone of my dreams but everyone I talk to seems to not even be able to look me in the eye. For the past thirty years, I have gotten lost in my work and although I will eternally look the same age, my mind is that of an old woman. I wonder when I will ever be able to finally say I love you to someone or when I will hold a baby that came from my own womb. Most importantly of all, I wonder when I can experience the feeling of finally being made a woman by someone I love. 

I have become so desperate that I no longer just look at men any longer. I have met many nice girls as well. Some of which I felt very comfortable with. But I know they would never think of me in such a fashion. "Sigh..."

"Something wrong?" Perlencia must have heard me sigh. She is my assistant and has been so for almost ten years now. She is a good girl who works just as hard as I do. Luckily for me, she will not pass on like my first assistant did. She has already gotten herself a cybernetic body. She may not look it but she is thirty years of age, although she only looks eighteen. Not that I should be talking. 

"I am just troubled by the fact that I will be fifty soon and I still have yet to find a lover." I had no issues talking with Perlencia about this stuff. We hang out quite often and to be honest I kind of wished she would one day send me a signal. But for someone who has no experience even with the opposite sex never mind the same sex how was I to even know what a signal actually was. They could be slapping me in the face and I would not even realize it. Some may call me dense but this was just a solid fact. 

"Catherine come take a seat." Perlencia said, waving me over. I placed the papers in my hand down and walked over and sat down in the seat. Perlencia then placed her hands on my shoulders giving me a massage. Although cybernetic bodies do not tense up, a massage still felt very relaxing.

"Thank you, Perl. You are always so good to me." I said. It was true, Perlencia, for the past ten years has been my sole confidante when it came to my personal problems. It has gotten to the point that I think Perlencia knows more about me than I know about myself.

"Catherine, I think you are the best catch anyone could ever have. I mean you are a hard worker and are able to do so much. Because of how hard you work, it inspires me to work just as hard. If I were a man I would marry you instantly." Perlencia, draped her arms against my neck giving me a hug. Aww her warmth felt nice. If only… I guess that is too much to ask. I am probably doomed to be fated to never love. 

"At this point, I am not only looking at men but women too. I mean it is not like two girls can not marry and have kids together. The same goes for men only relationships. Either way, neither man nor woman seems to want anything to do with me when it comes to love." I said, speaking my mind, not caring anymore. If I freaked her out it was fine.

To my surprise, Perlencia suddenly squeezed me tighter. "Perl?"

"Cath… Will, I not do?" I suddenly felt something wet against my next. I turned to see Perlencia was crying. 

"Huh? Perl, do you mean?" I actually started to tear up. Mainly because I have liked Perlencia for a while. But I always thought she liked guys. We hung out so much and I felt very comfortable around her. But she never made any kind of move that would resemble anything but wanting to be friends.

"Cath I…."


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