Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 134: Pleas and Deals

Thanks for coming back to this story after such a long break. At the end of my planned break (December/January) I started interviewing for a new job. It took forever, but I finally moved from New York City to Salt Lake City and started a new job I’m excited about. Also super excited about the extra square footage in my apartment (living in nyc is terrible unless you’re extremely rich). 


Anyway, I should be able to focus more on writing as I get adjusted. For the rest of March I’m planning on posting a new chapter every Friday. Then in April I will start up Patreon billing again and post 2 chapters a week. 


Sorry again for the extended hiatus. Hopefully, that won’t happen again.

Freya could hardly see the archer in the distance. They blended into the tall grass. Only their green text box was easily visible, although it was too far to read. Despite this, they seemed to have no trouble seeing them, as evidenced by the arrow that would have impaled Indrek’s head. The distant figure’s shouts were difficult to hear, but the gaps were easy to fill.

“Who are you guys? And why are you standing up for those game error murderers?”

Before Freya could think of how to respond, Indrek bellowed out a plea.

“There is a misunderstanding! Not all of us mean harm.”

The demoniclast stepped out from behind Infamous Biscuit and Freya. He unbuckled his sword belt and tossed it away from him. Indrek continued, his deep voice ringing out, “I apologize for my colleagues. Please let us reach an understanding!”

A slight wind rustled the grass, but Freya knew the archer heard Indrek. He delivered the message like a commander on a battlefield. Each word was clearly enunciated and carried over the rolling hills. 

Still, the archer said nothing.

Indrek stood solemnly, waiting. Freya feared another arrow would come. She saw a bead of sweat drip down her mentor’s face, but he didn’t flinch or cower. 

Freya vouched, “Please listen to him! Fighting will only hurt more game players!”

She mentally cringed at her weak voice that sounded like a squeak next to Indrek’s. She wanted to explain more, but nothing could be resolved in a shouting match. Would the archer let them get closer so they could talk easier? The archer had the advantage at a distance, so perhaps he wouldn’t want to close the gap.

As they tensely waited, another green text box suddenly appeared beside the archer. Infamous Biscuit shifted closer to Freya.

“This could get bad if more of them fast-travel here,” Infamous Biscuit said. 

Hearing his words, Indrek repeated his plea to the new arrival. Freya feared more green text boxes would show up, but unexpectedly, one disappeared.

Suddenly, a green flash of light blinded her vision.

Freya instinctively shielded her eyes. She took a step back and sprang into a defensive position. As her eyes struggled to adjust, someone spoke.

“So, why are demoniclasts targeting game players?”

The lofty, masculine voice carried a curious but serious tone. 

“Some of them believe we are demons,” Freya answered, rubbing her eyes with one hand. “I can’t blame them.”

Damn that green flash! I still can’t see! What kind of skill is that? She began circulating her qi in preparation for a fight.

“I believe it is a misunderstanding,” Indrek said calmly. “It is our job to hunt demons. Some of my colleagues have concluded that you are demons. But I believe they are mistaken. If we indeed share the same goal of slaying demons, we shouldn’t fight.”

She had to applaud Indrek’s composure. Despite being blinded and nearly killed, he maintained a diplomatic tone. 

“Hmm, we’ve also noticed that some NPC demoniclasts have become game players. How is that possible?” the new voice questioned.

“I believe it started as a coincidence,” Infamous Biscuit answered. “But using the game has been beneficial to them.”

“Isn’t it a game error then? Shouldn’t we eliminate game errors?”

Freya’s vision finally started to come back. Looking in the direction of the unknown voice, she saw the edges of a tall, blue-robed figure. This person was not the archer from before. A wizard? I should have figured...

“Well, we don’t know for sure if it’s a game error,” Infamous Biscuit said nervously. “It could be a part of a bigger plan for the game.”

His voice didn’t carry much confidence. Freya didn’t believe it either. Nothing about this seemed planned out. She just wanted to manage and repair this situation somehow. Unfortunately, from the Earth players’ perspective, the easiest solution would be to entirely eliminate the problem. 

“It is a chance for us to work together.”

Indrek stood in the same spot as before. As the blindness effect from the green flash wore off, he looked directly at the new game player. The man held a white staff and wore deep blue robes. His young face had a grumpy old man’s expression.

[Lady Merlin]

[Lvl 19 Wizard]

“I have only heard of your kind recently,” Indrek explained. “But from what I’ve learned, you have a great ability to communicate and travel over long distances. This has always been a problem for us demoniclasts. We wish to protect as many people as possible, but we often don’t hear of demon attacks until weeks or months afterward. If we can work together, I am sure there will be benefits for both of us.”

The wizard cocked his head. His countenance softened, but he still asked haughtily, “What benefits can we receive?”

“Demoniclasts are experts in qi. I’ve heard not many of you know it or how to defend against it,” Indrek said.

Freya and Infamous Biscuit exchanged a look. Neither of them had thought about this angle, but it was a good bargaining chip. Freya wondered if Indrek had heard this from Kamdale since she had not emphasized it. She clarified Indrek’s words when she saw Lady Merlin’s confusion.

“Qi is what game players call Meridian Manipulation.”

Lady Merlin’s eyes widened. Meridian Manipulation was a basic skill that was almost impossible for most game players to learn. That fact was probably a game error in itself. But perhaps two errors could cancel themselves out. 

Freya noticed Lady Merlin reading something close to him. He swatted the message away and looked back at Indrek.

“That is a good offer. But can all demoniclasts share your stance? My guildmates are about to be attacked by some game-error demoniclasts.”

Indrek’s face paled. Freya glanced nervously at her own messages. There had been no new messages from Nightscythe in quite some time…

“Please let me talk to them,” Indrek pleaded. “Isn’t there a way to transport me there fast using your ‘game’ magic?”

“NPCs can’t use fast-travel,” Lady Merlin said. 

Indrek’s shoulder’s slumped. He looked desperately to his horse. Freya was about to comfort him, but Lady Merlin interrupted.

“I suppose I could try out my new skill,” he sighed. “But don’t blame me if you die.” 

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