Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 135: Confrontation

[Botan Jia POV]

“Is it an ambush if you’ve already fallen into a trap?”

Botan searched for the source of the voice. It sounded eerily close, but only open fields surrounded them. Frantic thoughts rushed through Botan’s mind. Are they hiding in the tall grass? Kamdale said this is an entrance. Are these the demons Kamdale talked about? Where is this voice coming from?!

“One of your people was spotted not too far from here,” the voice continued. “But this is convenient. You’re the one I wanted to meet the most.”

A man dressed in heavy armor stood in front of them. He stared at Kamdale. The man looked like another demoniclast to Botan. Did he just appear? No, no. He was always here. Of course, that’s who was talking. Why did I not realize it before?

Botan rubbed his eyes. A dull fuzziness overcame him. The man who had spoken had four people around him, two on each side. They had various weapons; one held a spear, two had staffs, and the one in the back had a bow. All of them had their weapons drawn and at the ready. They slowly fanned out, encircling them.

The demoniclast apprentice involuntarily took a step back. He looked to his mentor. Kamdale had his sword drawn with an ugly expression. Despite his earlier bravo, he leaned back on his heels. Daveth and Meng also held uneasy stances. 

Are these the powerful demons Kamdale talked about? Botan worried. They look like… ordinary people. But they do outnumber us, and if it’s true that they’re super strong...

The man who spoke stood impassively watching them. He was the only one who didn’t have a weapon drawn. Still, he had the most intimidating aura of all of them. The armored man focused his gaze on Daveth. Recognition flashed in his eyes. He scowled at Daveth.

“Tch, you’re here? I thought you seemed suspicious. You’re with them? Did you sell out your own people?”

Daveth bristled, “I should have killed you during the trials.”

“But you knew you were outmatched, right? Our levels are completely different.”

The man shook his head. Botan looked to Daveth in confusion. Neither Kamdale nor Meng appeared surprised. Everyone ignored Botan’s casting glances asking for answers.

Crossing his arms, the man turned his attention back to Kamdale. “I heard you’re the leader of this movement, right? If you’re a real player, this is your last chance. Don’t make the NPCs PK.”

A tense silence fell. It sounded like gibberish to Botan, yet the threat resonated. Botan had no idea what the man wanted them to do, but he felt they should consider listening to him. He glanced nervously between the man and his mentor. 

Kamdale narrowed his eyes, “Demons blabbering nonsense as usual.”

“You’re really an error then. ATTACK!”

His shout echoed in Botan’s ears. Suddenly, his vision hyperfocused on the armored man. Kamdale leaped at the man, sword slashing down. The man drew his sword and blocked it. Meng and Daveth also sprang towards the man. 

A woman with a spear took aim at Kamdale. Botan drew his sword. He moved left to fight her but took a step forward instead. His feet carried him towards the armored man. He craned his neck to look at the other people around them but found his gaze back on the same person. 

What is going on?

Botan stopped his feet. At least he could do that. I don’t want to rush into that fight. What am I doing?

The uncontrolled feeling was familiar to Botan. He always rushed into things. But it never ended well. Afterward, he always wished he had taken a minute to think before rushing forward. This time it seems like I can stop. I don’t know what’s going on, but do I really want to even fight? Kamdale said they were demons. And they are attacking us. But what were they talking about earlier? They look so human. What if Indrek is right?

Suddenly, Botan sensed someone behind him. He turned to defend himself but stepped forward instead.


Startled by the shout, Botan tried to turn around again. This time he found he could. A teenage boy stood, back-facing him with his hands up. He pleaded with a man that had his staff aimed at them. 

“Hold on! He’s just an apprentice! And there’s a lot more going on here.”

The teenager grumbled to himself in a quiet voice, “Are those guys going to get over here?”

 Before Botan could even comprehend this new turn of events, another person appeared. This time it was finally someone Botan recognized.


The senior demoniclast stumbled towards them. He pushed the tall grass aside and rushed to the scene. A wave of relief rushed through Botan. Surely Indrek will know what to do in this situation. He’s the greatest demoniclast alive! 

However, a small twinge of doubt hit Botan as Indrek came closer. His disheveled hair and pale face almost made Botan question his identity. Indrek held a hand over his mouth like he was going to vomit. He had a wobble in his step and looked ready to collapse.

Nevertheless, Indrek shouted in a commanding voice, “Kamdale, stop this!” 

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