Playing the Game (Game of Thrones)

Chapter 39: Queen Ygritte

“… Fine.”
Daenerys perks up on his chest, lifting herself to look at him with a smile. She strokes his cock a little bit more, getting him half-hard, before purposefully pulling away and leaving him hanging.
“Don’t bring her back here. As much as I’d love to play with her with you, this first time needs to be between you and her.”
Jon raises an eyebrow at that, even as Daenerys just shrugs.
“From what I’ve managed to glean of their traditions, you’d normally Steal her and bring her back here. A True Wildling Man will steal his woman from afar, in order to strengthen the clan as much as possible. But things are different. She’s their Queen. You’re our King. You’re not just Stealing her for the sake of Stealing her… you’re committing to a hostile takeover.”
The more Daenerys talks, the more excited she sounds about all of this. Licking her lips, the beautiful blonde Targaryen looks half-ready to pounce on him again… but refrains, holding herself back as she explains the rest of her thinking.
“You need to take her in her room, upon her bed. Pin her down and fuck her silly, Jon. Make her your woman right then and there, in the eyes of the Free Folk. Make your own form of Stealing… and bring them around to your way of thinking, just as you did with the Dothraki.”
Jon snorts at that and shakes his head.
“Maybe not QUITE like I did with the Dothraki… I had to kill hundreds of them in single-combat before they finally submitted. If at all possible, I’d like to leave it to just the one Magnar I had to kill today…”

Daenerys winces but nods sympathetically.
“Do this right… and you should be able to. Now go… go and claim another Queen~”
Having his khaleesi’s blessing and knowing that Ygritte was expecting it… Jon lets out a rueful sigh and nods as he climbs out of his bed. He barely gets dressed, a pair of pants and nothing else, his nascent divinity making the elements not a problem. He doesn’t feel the cold, even as he makes his way through Castle Black, creeping along its dark corridors towards the old Lord Commander’s Chambers, now repurposed for the Queen Upon the Wall, as he was given to understand.
Long before he comes into sight of them, he detects the Spear Wife guards that Ygritte has protecting her. He’s a little surprised by that, and even more surprised when he watches through his divine senses as they intercept a Wildling Man and send him packing with some swift violence. Jon could have looked into this… but tonight was more about the side of him that was still a man, than the side of him that was a god. Instead of just peering into the souls of these women that were protecting Queen Ygritte… he would ask the red head herself.
Slipping past the Free Folk Spear Wives is simple enough. Entering Ygritte’s quarters without being detected, Jon isn’t exactly surprised when he’s attacked almost immediately. The sword that Ygritte wields is Valyrian Steel, and Jon knows it as Longclaw, taken from the old Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, Jeor Mormont. In another life, Jon might have known the old man better, if he’d gone to the Wall as his Uncle had initially wanted.
Regardless, Jon himself is weaponless, but that does not mean he is helpless or unarmed. With swift grace, he dodges Ygritte’s first sword swipe, noting it as half-hearted to begin with. Her weapon might be truly spectacular, but the woman herself is more Archer than Swordmistress, and besides that, there’s a part of her that wants him to succeed. She’ll still give it her all, or so she thinks, but only because that’s what’s expected of her. Wildling women are expected to put up a considerable fight every step of the way.
Dancing out of reach of her sword, Jon’s eyes twinkle as he grins, inclining his head towards the Wildling Queen.
“Queen Ygritte.”
Fully dressed, wielding her stolen sword in front of her, Ygritte’s pretty face is marred with a scowl.
“I hope you’re not sneaking into my quarters for more kneeler talk after what I saw today. If so, it’d mean you know even less than I thought.”
Jon chuckles and shakes his head.
“Oh no. I’m very much here to Steal you.”
Ygritte’s eyes light up at that, and she grins.
“Good. Tis a good time for it.”
Then, she lunges forward, once more swinging her sword at him as Jon dodges. However, this time he doesn’t just dodge, he glides along the edge of that deadly Valyrian Steel blade and reaches out, grabbing hold of the hands Ygritte is using to hold Longclaw before she has time to react, and deftly spinning the blade out of her grasp.
Flinging it to the side, he wraps the pretty red head in a hug, holding her back against him for a moment as she squirms in his grasp.
“Oh? I didn’t know that.”
Scoffing, Ygritte explains, even as she struggles.
“Course you didn’t. The red wanderer is within the Moonmaid. Means it’s a great time for a man to steal a woman. If you hadn’t killed Styr today, it probably would have been his and his Thenns overwhelming my Spear Wives and me tonight. Luckily for you, you at least know when to handle a problem, heh.”
And then she does this thing that, if he were leaning more into his godhood, wouldn’t have worked. But because he’s leaning more into the side of him that’s still a mortal man, Ygritte breaks free, whipping away from him, having placed a cut along his inner thigh with a dagger she had hidden somewhere in her furs. Her beautiful blue eyes glitter with excitement, even as she grins wickedly.
Jon can’t help but be a little surprised, which in and of itself is surprising to him these days. She’d used him to handle the Thenns, hadn’t she? She’d acted all outraged, but in truth, she’d wanted Styr dead.
The cut on his thigh has already healed, though the slit made in his pants remains. Regardless, Jon just smiles, as he and Ygritte continue to face off.
“I had wondered about the guards.”
Ygritte just smirks, bouncing her dagger from one hand to the other, before committing to a few experimental lunges. Very aware of his skill at disarming her, she doesn’t full commit on any of them, and its obvious that they’re less attacks and more traps, trying to get him to over-extend his reach so she can REALLY stab him.
“They keep the riff raff at bay, especially on a night like this one. They’re forbidden from entering the room however, no matter what they might hear. If any man successfully gets past them, he’s up to me to deal with.”
Jon slowly nods, accepting this information. Ygritte snorts.
“’Course, the dearly departed Magnar of Thenn would have brought his whole tribe up here, were he still alive. His men would have Stolen my guards, while he came personally to Steal me. Then, tomorrow, you would have been dealing with Styr as King Upon the Wall. Like I said, you dodged an arrow on that. I’d hoped you’d come, after how you dealt with him…”
Jon raises both eyebrows at that. He knew Ygritte wanted him to do this, wanted him to try and Steal her, but he wasn’t sure she was allowed to say it. Of course, the vicious grin on the red head’s face a moment later tells a slightly different story.
“Not because I want you to Steal me, Kneeler King. No, because I’m going to Steal you!”
She lunges forward again then, and Jon grunts as he dodges her once more. She’s faster than she was before, showing that her probing strikes really had just been feints. More than that, she’s so much better with the dagger than she was with Longclaw. Honestly, she wasn’t meant to wield a Valyrian Steel Sword.
He, of course, was still unarmed… and even took a few more glancing blows, as Ygritte managed to slice her dagger along his bared arms and even get a couple of scoring hits across his ribs. Not that it mattered, with how fast his healing was. Even if he was leaning more into his mortality then usual, he was still a God. And Ygritte… Ygritte was quickly beginning to realize that.
“I see. So, you were hoping to become Queen of all of Westeros, were you? Changing the paradigm, turning it on its head and stealing me instead of the other way around?”
Ygritte’s lips curl into a frown, as her intelligent eyes assess the damage, or rather, lack thereof, that she’s managed to cause to him so far.
“… My people need a future. I don’t care about all your Kneeler Lands. Just enough for the Free Folk to prosper. You can rule the rest however you want… just so long as you remember who your true Queen is.”
Jon can’t help but grin and shake his head ruefully. She’s definitely surprised him with all of this. He’d thought he had the Wildlings pegged. Val was the true power behind the Throne, while Ygritte was just the muscle, the woman who Val whispered into the ear of. But Jon could tell that this plan… Val had no part of it. This plan of Ygritte’s, to claim him and Reverse Steal him on the very night when it was most favorable for a man to do so to a woman, was all hers.
And yet… and yet, the reason that her plan was such a surprise, remained intact. He could still see her soul, could still see her desire. Her words were at direct contradiction with what her soul wanted. She said she desired this, but at the same time, Jon could SEE that she wanted it to go the other way, deep down inside.
It was a good lesson for the nascent godling to learn. What he saw of a person’s true desires in their soul was not always what they would do or say, given half the chance. Human beings were contradictory creatures by their very nature, and often worked against their own best interests, out of either pure stubbornness, or because they thought they were working for something greater than themselves.
Ygritte believed that the only way for her people to be truly free was to take him and lay claim to him through their traditions. So, she was going against her own true desires, and giving this her all… or so she thought. Jon could tell that her heart wasn’t really in it. The Wildling Queen was weary, worn down, and ready for a change.
So… he would give it to her. Suddenly bursting forward, going off of the defensive and finally onto the offensive properly, it’s almost child’s play for Jon to disarm the red head again. Her dagger is tossed across the room just like Longclaw was, and this time he doesn’t stop at just hugging her to him. Yanking her into his grasp, he pulls at the furs she’s wearing with all his might… and watches as they tear free.
Ygritte cries out, able to spin away from him as he removes half of her garments in one go, leaving her half-naked just like him. Her pale breasts are quite delectable, each capped with a rock hard nipple from the cold, even as she grits her teeth and glares at him, doing nothing to cover herself up. Left in only her own pants, she clenches her hands in and out of fists, even as Jon shakes the furs he pulled from her, causing two more daggers to fall free.
The Wildling Queen just drops to a knee and pulls another blade out of her boot, before lunging towards him again, this time with a hint of desperation to her. Jon slides to the side, letting her cut along his arm, before disarming her of that blade as well. However, this one he doesn’t throw away. This one, he repurposes for himself, using it to cut through her pants before she can react.
A moment later, and he’s taken her to the bed. Grabbing her up and tossing her over, Jon wastes no time in following Ygritte there, pinning her in place, stripping her the rest of the way out of her clothes as she fights like a hellion the entire time. At least, she fights until he finally brings the blade she so thoughtfully gave him up to rest under her chin. Then, she goes absolutely still. Her big blue eyes stare up at him, before flickering to the spot she last cut him, where his blemish-free arm stares back at her.
“What… w-what are you?”
He sees a hint of real fear in her eyes, warring with her lust and arousal. Which… fair. She’s been fighting monsters for years now, the creatures coming down from the True North not quite as human-looking as him, but just as unkillable, he imagined. And he has no desire to be compared to those creatures.
“I’m no monster, Ygritte. I was born a mortal man… but I became something more.”
He doesn’t hesitate like he did with Val; he doesn’t consider whether or not to show her. If he’s going to be Stealing Ygritte and making the Wildling Queen his wife in some fashion, then she deserves the truth. And so, Jon opens himself up to her for half a moment, revealing his true nature to the Wildling Queen. He doesn’t know how much Val told her about him and what he truly was, but even if she told her everything, it’s obvious Ygritte didn’t believe it. Until now.
A single tear streaks down the Wildling Queen’s cheek, and she lets out a shuddering gasp as Jon pulls the blade away from her throat, seeing the fight go out of her.
“H-Heh… never stood a chance, d-did I?”
Jon solemnly shakes his head, watching her carefully. But no, she’s not going to attack. In fact… the Queen of the Free Folk spreads her legs for him, even as she averts her gaze, turning her head to the side and closing her eyes. She’s ready for him to claim her. She likely expects it to be quite rough. Part of her is excited. Part of her is afraid.
Jon could give her what she expects… or he could try to show her that sex doesn’t have to hurt, or be painful, or be so one-sided in the man’s favor. He could make it all about her instead. Alternatively, there might be a middle ground to be found here…


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