Playing the Game (Game of Thrones)

Chapter 40: Queen Ygritte Pt. 2

His moment of contemplation would have cost him, if he weren’t a nascent divinity. As it is, Ygritte might as well be moving in slow motion when she suddenly jolts into action again, her momentary surrender just that, a simple gambit to try and make him drop her guard. Unfortunately for her, he sees it coming a mile away, and when she tries to knee him viciously in the groin, he blocks it.
Suddenly fighting like a wild cat again, Ygritte howls as she claws at him. But Jon just tosses the knife he’d been holding to her throat away, and grabs her by the wrists, wrestling with the fiery red head until he’s forced her over onto her front and properly pinned her down to the bed. Straddling her as she keeps on squirming, Jon just shakes his head in disbelief.
“I show you I’m a god and your response is to KEEP attacking me?!”
Ygritte spits and hisses like a particularly angry cat.
“F-Fuck you! Just fuck me already, you bastard!”
Even as she struggles, he can tell she’s turned on. So at least there’s that. She DOES want this… she’s just not the kind to give up, under any circumstances. Well, he supposes that decides it for him. He has no choice in the matter… she’s forced his hand.
Jon snorts at his own inner thoughts, knowing that he’s feeding off Ygritte’s own desires, and maybe a little off the Free Folk on the Wall as well. His divinity isn’t entirely contained to his mortal body, after all. Part of that allows him to spread his awareness far and wide, and part of that allows the mortals around him to influence him ever so slightly.
It’s nothing he can’t handle, but a part of the part of him that represents Freedom has a certain… savage quality to it. Freedom, at it’s base, is a primal thing, based in strength and the ability to do anything… even, sometimes, at the expense of others.
Ygritte bucks her hips back against him again, trying futilely to dislodge him so she can slip out from under his hold and restart their fight, regardless of her own personal desires. But perhaps, subconsciously, she’s also trying to engage him, because her bucking has the result of instead causing his cock to slip into place between her creamy, pale thighs.
As his cock touches against her slit for the firs time, Ygritte freezes up for just a heartbeat… but that’s all Jon needs. She howls again, as he thrusts into her, claiming her on the spot. His member spears the beautiful Spear Wife turned Queen quite deeply indeed, and his body comes down on her, pinning her in place. Pressing his chest into her back, Jon slides his legs down her legs, hooking his feet around her feet to truly arrest all of her motion.
Hands on her wrists, he yanks them behind her back, forcing them together so that he can hold her arms in place with just one hand. The other goes to her hair, gripping tightly and pushing her face into the furs as he slams home into her cunt again and again. She wants it rough? She expects him to be brutal? Fine, he can be brutal.
Fucking Ygritte is like almost no sexual encounter he’s ever had before. There’s no moment when he’s focused on her pleasure, no instant where he’s making sure that she’s enjoying herself. And yet… she IS enjoying herself. Oh sure, she keeps on fighting the entire time, bucking her hips and cursing him out, but Jon feels it, the treachery of her body.
As he slams her into the bed again and again, her inner walls grow wetter and wetter. She was moist to start, he’d noticed, but soon enough, she’s sopping wet. The sounds that his cock makes as it slides in and out of her gripping, clenching cunt are growing lewder and lewder, more and more depraved. Ygritte herself is growing more and more flustered, gasping and panting as she wiggles and writhes beneath him.
He can feel the moment the fight truly goes out of her. The moment that she stops bucking her hips to try and get away and starts bucking back against him for a different reason. A throaty moan leaves her lips, even as Jon refuses to let up for the time being. While he believes that she’s finally stopped trying to defeat him, he’s not going to let her have another chance at it all the same.
Instead, he continues to hold her in place, continues to grip tightly at her hair, pinning her to the bed beneath him as he drives his cock deeper and deeper into her with every thrust. As he reaches the entrance to Ygritte’s womb, pounding against the gates that are the fire-touched Wildling Woman’s cervix, he leans forward as well, and latches onto her neck with his lips.
It’s the gentlest treatment he can offer her, when she’s proving to be such a feisty minx. It’s the kindest he can be to her, when he needs to tame her properly, and make her his woman. Still, having that small bit of softness in the midst of a truly brutal fucking… it definitely takes her aback and sends her head spinning.
The Wildling Queen lets out a low, keening, confused whine as he sucks at the side of her neck, his tongue tracing over the sensitive flesh. She tries to jerk away, not understanding what he’s doing, but with his hold on her hair and his body holding her body down, there’s nowhere for her to go. After sucking hard enough to leave a mark, Jon moves his lips to Ygritte’s shoulder… and bites down hard there, causing her to yelp and shudder at the more familiar pain.
A moment later, and she’s shaking beneath him in what Jon quickly realizes is an orgasm. It’s nothing too over the top, nothing incredible… but she’s definitely cumming, for all that she tries to hide it by clamping her lips shut. She would have been better off trying to cover it up by howling and yowling some more instead, though even that likely wouldn’t have fooled him.
By clenching her teeth tightly and trying to contain it however, she just draws attention to it instead. Chuckling darkly, Jon shakes his head, and buries his face in her hair for a moment. She of course responds by trying to jerk her head back to break his nose, but he holds her fast and keeps her from doing so.
“Don’t want your guards to hear your enjoyment of my spear, Queen Ygritte?”
“F-Fuck you…”
“That’s exactly what we’re doing. C’mon. Stop fighting it. Relax… enjoy.”
Jon’s words wash over Ygritte, seemingly having no effect at first. And yet, the more he fucks her, the more she slowly gives way before him. He ravages her, there’s no other word for it. The plowing is brutal and ceaseless, her cunt stretched around his cock, which is now beginning to push past her cervix itself and into her womb.
He doesn’t usually go this far, doesn’t usually go all out… but if anyone needed it, it was Ygritte. And the more he fucks her, the better it gets. She really is a hellion, but she’s his hellion now, and Jon needs her to understand that. He won’t let anyone else harm her… or her people.
She might say that, but he can feel her body giving way. As well… what the hell constituted a proper theft? When did she stop fighting, according to her own customs? Was it because he hadn’t taken her away from her own bedroom and back to his, that she was just constantly struggling against him?
A low growl leaves Jon’s throat, the growl of an apex predator, of a man who was born of a wolf and a dragon, and who rose to become a god. Ygritte freezes up once more, giving him the chance to ask.
“When do you become mine, Wildling Queen? Have I not stolen you at this point? Have I not claimed you as my wife?”
“Not… yet…”
Her answer, delivered through gritted teeth, tells Jon all he needs to know.
“Ah. Alright then.”
His tone must give it away, because her eyes widen and she fights all the more fiercely for the next few seconds… before he thrusts into her womb one final time, and proceeds to unload deep inside of her. His seed leaves his churning balls and travels the length of his throbbing cock, before painting the Wildling Queen’s inner walls white, coating them as a startled gasp leaves Ygritte’s lips, followed by one last explosive orgasm on her spot.
… There it is. As she comes down from the pleasure high a few moments later, the involuntary spasming and bucking of her body finally relaxing, Jon can tell that she’s no longer fighting him. No longer fighting for the right to try and force HIM to submit, as he’s just forced her to submit. Though that does beg the question…
Letting go of her hands, Jon pulls back out of Ygritte, sitting back on his ass with a sigh as he watches her lay there, his seed slowly but surely seeping out of her cunt.
“If that’s how it ends, if that’s when you’re claimed… how exactly were you going to claim me? Was it just a matter of who ended up on top and who ended up on bottom when I finally came inside of you?”
A tremble runs through the pale, naked red-head’s body, as she lays there prone with her legs splayed out and limp.
“… Told you… what I was trying was new. Didn’t get far enough to figure that part out…”
Her voice, when it finally comes, is soft and weary. She sounds tired, undeniably so. And here Jon was considering having her clean his cock with her tongue as an apology. Somehow, he suspected that wasn’t the best idea at this point, heh. She might be his, but she was still a Wildling… yes, Jon didn’t think he wanted his dick anywhere near Ygritte’s mouth, not when she was in this state.
Swinging his legs off the side of the bed, Jon sits there for a moment, considering things.
“We’ll tell them tomorrow. How do you think they’ll react?”
“Aye, tomorrow. There will be challengers. Lots’ll fucking be happy I got claimed, but not that I got claimed by you. The smart ones would have seen it coming after Styr though.”
Jon nods slowly, considering whether to spend the night here, providing aftercare, or to leave Ygritte to recover on her own. He would normally go with the former, but he’s not sure the red head would be accepting of his presence.
Before he can come to a decision however, the door to the chambers open. Jon had, of course, sensed the approach of someone besides Ygritte’s Spear Wives, but even he is mildly surprised at the intrusion. Ygritte, meanwhile, finds some hidden well of strength as she jolts up from her face down position, her features etched with anger at being interrupted.
“Who dares?!”
“I dare.”
Just as quickly as Ygritte got up in arms, the fight goes out of the exhausted red head, as Val pulls back her cloak, stepping into the room and closing the door behind her. In hindsight, Jon really isn’t surprised to see the beautiful blonde, even as she steps forward, hesitating for a moment as she takes in the scene. A faint smile spreads across her lips, her eyes darting between Jon and Ygritte.
“I assume we have a new King Upon the Wall then?”
“… Aye…”
Ygritte sounds so defeated. Jon feels bad, but it was her fault for fighting it so fucking hard. Even when she knew it was impossible to beat him, even after she knew she couldn’t even hurt him, she’d kept fighting. Impressive, but also foolhardy. He would just have to show her that she could trust him with not just her heart, but her people as well.
Val, meanwhile, just nods as if she’d expected as much… and then pulls off her cloak to reveal her nakedness underneath. As Jon raises a brow at the beautiful Wildling Princess’ revealed body, Ygritte tiredly looks over… and goes wide-eyed.
“N-No! Val, stop it!”
“This isn’t about you, Ygritte. Truly it’s not.”
Striding forward, Val slips down to her knees between Jon’s legs. He blinks owlishly, as she gives him a quick smile before wrapping a hand around the base of his cock and bringing it to her lips. The blonde slides her tongue out and laps some of their combined fluids off of his dick right then and there, causing a groan to leave Jon’s mouth.
“L-Like hell it’s not!”
At hearing that groan, Ygritte is up off of her front, on her hands and knees as she glares down at Val. After a moment more of licking, Val pulls back and gives her a smirk.
“I’m telling the truth. I know we discussed me sharing the burden… but honestly, this isn’t that. I told you how he and I met in Winterfell. I warned you what he was like, and you didn’t listen. Are you at all surprised that I’m taking my chance?”
With that, Val slides back down his cock, taking the whole of it in her mouth and swirling her tongue as she cleans and cleans. Jon groans again, his member growing fully erect in no time at all as Ygritte watches, eyes wide and mouth agape. He really feels like he’s ended up in the middle of something here…
“He’s mine!”
Aaaand that certainly wasn’t what he expected from Ygritte’s mouth, given the way they’d just fucked. If Val is likewise surprised, she doesn’t show it as she pops his cock back out from between her lips and gives Ygritte a rather messy grin.
“No, you’re his. And as you’ll quickly learn, he has MANY women. Why shouldn’t I join the ranks alongside you? I want children, and he would make an excellent father.”
Val is just about to go back to sucking his cock, when Ygritte lets out a howl and leaps from the bed, tackling the other woman. Jon blinks at this, staring down at the two Wildlings as they… well, fight like a pair of wildlings. Scrambling across the floor, snarling at each other, the battle is surprisingly evenly matched. Ygritte seems to be the fitter, more experienced of the two, but Val is fresh and hasn’t just got done being fucked silly.
The fight could really go either way, but Jon feels a sense of responsibility here. Maybe he should step in… but on who’s behalf? Or maybe he shouldn’t step in at all?


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