Pocket Monster University

A friendly sparring partner.

“Our abilities complement each other well. So just agree to be my sparring partner whenever you’re free, and we’re square.”

“...hahhh?” Yang collapsed into the water, sinking down till only her eyes were above the surface, blowing bubbles for a few seconds before she raised her head enough to talk again. “I’d do that anyways! You’re like the perfect punching bag! Are you sure there isn’t something else you’d rather use your win on?”

“You say it’s my win, but it’s not something I really earned. I’ve had that power from the start of this mess, and as far as I know, it’s something I inherited from my mother, not a skill I had to work towards. So I’m using that ‘win’ to help me get stronger. Make this power my own.” I looked at my palm as I said that, imagining that I was holding a ball of flame like I’d seen others around the hot springs do. Nothing happened, of course. But I wondered if I could do it without this collar around my neck.

I shook my head. It was my own fault for being reckless, and it’d come off in a few hours on its own. I turned my focus back to Yang. “You wanted me to ask to fuck you, right?”

“Gwaak!” Yang sucked in some of the water and then stood up straight, coughing and hacking it back out, pounding on her chest as she tried to regain control. “I… I… I mean… you don’t have to just come out and say it, dude. Ben. Jeez. And yeah. I’m worked up. And since we’re roommates… it’d be awkward if we weren’t doing it, right?”

Was it really expected of roommates? I knew that Faye and Yuna were dating each other, but I didn’t expect that to apply across all of the dorms. But then, this gym had everyone walking around, either naked or as good as naked, and it was still more tame than Sabrina’s psychic lesson.

“...why is everyone at this school so damn horny?” I asked, half to Yang, half to myself, just wondering aloud. Yang only giggled, her hands reaching back to undo the top of her bikini.

A voice from behind me answered, “Lots of reasons.”

“Jeez!” The surprise had me jumping, splashing forward in the water. Turning around, there was Lina, floating in the air. Her tiny bat wings lazily flapping up and down, but they still seemed to be giving her enough lift to stay above the hot stone floor and water. She was completely naked, and sweat was beading all over her skin, a flush on her face.

“First,” Lina held up one finger. “Look around here. Do you even remember seeing anyone you’d rate at a seven or lower? You’re 6’3 with an eight-pack and a cock that’s longer than my forearm. Your little girlfriend only has her fat in the exact right places. And you’re both trainers. Pokegirls like me, we take sexy to a whole other level, right? So of course we’re going to want to fuck. It’s the same as the Olympic Village every four years, all the athletes are constantly banging between the events.” Lina grabbed both of her breasts and squeezed them together, drawing my eyes. They had to weight five… no, six times as much as Yang’s, but they were still so perky on her chest. Now to mention her wide hips, those extra soft lips, the smooth curve of her stomach, the...

Not that Yang didn’t have her own charms.

“The second reason isn’t as fun.” Lina held up her second finger, forming a peace sign. “Intimacy creates stability, and sex is a shortcut to intimacy. As freshmen, you two are trying more than anything else to keep your power in check and not be corrupted into pokegirls. Forming strong bonds with others is one of the ways to keep your corruption low. The more of a contrast between your souls, the more harmony in your exchange of spiritual energy. Yin and Yang.”

“Yang?” I looked over at her.

Yang just shrugged. “Don’t look at me. They named me after my grandma, and this is the first I’ve heard about spiritual energy.”

“Hey, not finished. There’s one more reason for all the sex.” Lina held up her third finger. “Pokegirls.”

“A trainer has to be able to do more than get their own corruption under control. They need to do it for their entire harem, too. You need to be able to satisfy every girl you collect. If you don’t, they can either go crazy, like a wild animal… or… well…” Lina let out a sigh. “Or you end up as a pokegirl too.”

“Just how big was your harem before you lost control?” I asked.

“I had four girls… and bleh…” Lina wiped her face off with her palm, flicked the droplets of sweat away into the open air. “I’ll see you back at the dorm. If I stay here any longer, I think I’ll shrivel up into a prune.” I watched as Lina floated away, taking a detour at the showers to rinse away all the sweat glistening on her body.

Yang watched too, before turning back to me. “How do you already have a pokegirl and still not know any of this stuff?”

“Simple. I don’t. My parents sent her to look after me, but she does what she wants. Which is weird since she’s my sister. Half-sister. Yeah. I don’t know. I’ve only known about this pokegirl stuff for… damn, not even a full week. Gonna take a while before I figure any of this out.”

“Well... “ Yang put her hand on my shoulder as she climbed into my lap, her breasts rising up out of the water. She’d lost her bikini top at some point while Lina had been talking. And from the feel of her straddling my lap, the bottom had been lost at some point too. “Now that we have some privacy again, how about you give some yin to your Yang?”

I couldn’t help it. I covered my mouth, but the laugh still came out. Yang pouted at me, which only made it worse, which earned me a painful punch on the shoulder. “Shut up! I’m being sexy here!”

“Gahhh…” The woman did not know restraint; that felt like it might bruise later. “I know, I know. But that clinical explanation sort of ruined the atmosphere for me. Plus, this isn’t exactly what I’d call private.”

“Yeah, right. Sure.” Yang got out of my lap and collected her swimsuit, clutching it against her body as she climbed out of the water. “I get it. A player like you doesn’t want to waste his time on an eight when he’s got elevens lining up for him, right? I’ll see you back at the dorms.”

Before I could stop her, Yang had leapt down the stairs and then started walking away, leaving me alone. I didn’t try to chase her, but I did stop and consider… It was hard to imagine a girl as hot as Yang having issues with her self-esteem.

I relaxed in the water for a few more minutes, then headed back down to the lockers, drying off and getting changed again. Even if I couldn’t really appreciate how hot the water had been, my muscles were feeling nicely relaxed and my body was lethargic. It was a slow stroll back towards the dorm.

Faye was on the couch watching some show about serial killers that was just going to commercial, so I asked her, “Did Yang stop by?”

“Uh huh. Her eyes looked puffy too.” Faye flipped around on the couch to face me, her arms dangling down the back. “What’d you do?”

“We had a…” Not really a fight. “A misunderstanding. I think I might have offended her without meaning to.”

“Oooo… bummer. Should buy her some food. Whenever I piss Yuna off, I get her some sugary snacks and feed her till she apologizes.”

“You mean she accepts your apology, right?”

“No…? Yuna really likes her snacks, and she’s super insecure. Makes it real easy for me.” The commercial break ended, so with her advice doled out, Faye flipped back around and went back to her show, and I headed back to my room.

“Well, I’ll keep that in mind.” I knocked on the bedroom door, and after a few seconds, heard Yang’s muffled voice call back to me.

“It’s open…” Yang was perched on her loft bed when I came in, but she had her head poked out over the edge, watching me. “This is super awkward. Maybe I ought to sleep on the couch.”

I kicked off my shoes, then climbed up into my own bed. “Don’t worry about it. And look. I probably should have mentioned this sooner, but… I ended up stuck with a Macho Brace while I was at the Psychic Gym. So even if I wanted to, I’m locked out of sex. Well, at least the mutually pleasurable form of it.”

“Is that what that is?” Yang sat up in her bed, and as the covers were lifted, I noticed she was still nude. “How’d that happen?”

“I uh…” I scratched the back of my head. “I challenged the teacher to wear it.”


“You can watch the recording for yourself. One of his classmates uploaded it to the campus forum.” Lina added, appearing out of the pokeball charger just to add that tidbit before sucking herself back in.

“Ooo…” Yang took out her phone and started searching for it.

“Yeah… so consider tonight a bust. But as soon as I get this collar off, I want another sparring match.” I made a note to track down Hachiko too. She was posting the video online?! Or had someone else uploaded their own recording?

“Sure then, Benny. Oh wow, you’re really going for it. Ouch. That looks like it must have hurt.”

I let out a sigh, then laid down with my head on the pillow. Just a few more hours to go before this collar would pop off.

I woke up early, even before the sunrise. Yang was still in her bed, but rather than disturb her, I went out for a morning jog. It’d been my routine for years when I was on the volleyball team in high school, and it felt good to feel the crisp morning air on my face as I took a lap around the campus.

This early in the morning, there weren’t very many people awake, and I didn’t see anyone running around for the sake of fitness. It was a little curious, but then I started focusing on something else. According to my phone, I’d been running at ten miles per hour, but I hadn’t even broken into a sweat. I picked up the pace, taking longer and longer strides, and I started going at around twenty miles an hour before I could start to feel myself getting winded, and when I jumped, I sent myself sailing through the air for what must have been at least thirty feet.

For whatever reason, my body felt… light.

I took out my phone and had a look at my stats in search of answers.

The first thing I noticed was that my XP was gone, having been spent on my psychic, persuasion, and athletics abilities. This was what a +1 in Athletics meant? I felt like I could go pro at the sport of my choice right now. What the hell would +2 feel like?

But the other thing that caught my eye was the description of my hidden ability. I could read it now… at least some of it. Apparently, I used it to gain… something? XP? I did seem to be getting those points rather frequently. And what did it mean by bond?

I jogged towards the Fire Gym to wash off the sweat from my morning run and get a good soak, then headed back to the dorm. On the way there, there was a click from the Macho Brace I’d been wearing, and the damn thing finally popped off.


My first instinct was to throw it as far away from me as possible, but… it was school property, and I didn’t want to get stuck paying for a replacement, so I held onto it for now. I called Yang on my phone to tell her the good news.

“Oh! Time for a sparring match then! Meet me behind the dorm and show me what you can do!”

A few minutes later, we were back in the same dirt arena we’d sparred inside of the first night I’d arrived at the campus.

Yang was grinning at me with her hands behind her back, and when I got close, she brought them around to reveal a shopping bag. “Ta-dah! Got you an early birthday present.”

She tossed the bag over and I caught it and took a look inside to see a pair of cargo shorts and a black sleeveless shirt. “Thanks?”

Yang rolled her eyes. “They’re trainer gear, dummy. Fire resistant, tear resistant, even resists acid corrosion. You ought to start getting some of the stuff for yourself, unless you just really enjoy walking around campus in the nude.”

“Well, now that you mention it, I think I’m getting used to it.” We laughed at that as I changed into the clothes. The fabric was comfortable, if a bit heavier than it looked.

“God, you’re so cute. I want to just ride you until there’s a crater on the ground.” Yang said while she had her back turned towards me.

“Hah, you’re not bad yourself, Yang. But I don’t think we should be tearing up the landscape just yet.”

“Huh?” Yang turned back around just as I finished getting the shirt on.

“I think you’re cute, too. And cowgirl is one of my favorite positions, so—”

“Yeah, but how did you hear…” Yang paused, kept her mouth closed as she said. “Are you reading my mind?”

Wait… she had said that with her mouth closed. And the voice wasn’t coming from her. No, it was coming from her, but my ears weren’t hearing her. It was inside of my head.

“I think so. Think of a number?”

“Sixty-nine. Because of the sex position. Sixty-nine. Not that I want to do it. Sixty-nine. I prefer a man taking charge, using either his cock or fingers. Sixty-nine. Wait! You aren’t hearing everything, are you? Sixty-nine. Are you hearing this or not!?”

“Sixty-nine.” I said as I resisted the urge to laugh.

“Huh… well, don’t think that just because you can hear what’s going on in my head that you’ll do any better today than the first time.” Yang raised her fists up and lowered her stance. “Ready to start?”

I did my best to match her stance. “Ready when you are.”

Yang was right. Reading her mind wasn’t as useful as I it might have been. She’d think something along the lines of “Get in close, then strike where he’s vulnerable, careful not to hurt him too bad” and even though I could see it coming, trying to pay attention to her thoughts was just more distracting than anything else.

The +1 to Athletics was different. I was able to keep up with Yang now, and my greater size gave me an advantage in reach and leverage. Not that it was easy. Even if the full tilt running earlier had barely had me sweating, after just fifteen minutes with Yang, I was gasping for breath, laying on my back in need of a short break.

I thought back to what Yang’s stats were. She had a +1 in Athletics just like me, but in Martial Arts and Toughness too. She had me beat when it came to offense and defense both, even if her fire abilities couldn’t touch me.

“Not finished already, are you?” Yang asked, bending down over me, her head blocking out the sun as her breasts bounced inside her tight sports bra.

“No… not yet. There’s something I want to try.”

Reading her mind was easy enough... I didn't know how to stop if I wanted to. But I had a feeling there was more I could do with my psychic powers to level the playing field.

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