Pocket Monster University

Sparring with Yang, round 2

As I laid on my back catching my breath, I started coming up with a plan. I could read minds… what else could I do?

I thought back to that class with Sabrina. The exercise had been to convince the other person to wear the collar. That meant that mind control was a fundamental psychic skill. How exactly was I supposed to do that again though?

As I sat up, I looked at Yang and directed my thoughts to her. I could feel a pressure resisting me, but I pushed past it without too much difficulty.

{Admit defeat.}

“Okay, you win, I lose.” Yang admitted while her eyes glowed red. She recoiled back, then shook her head with her eyes closed, and when she opened them up again, the glow was gone. “Wait, no I don’t! What was that?”

“A bit of Psychic power. It’s new to me and I need someone to practice on.” Someone that wouldn’t slap a macho brace back on me, especially. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Huh. You’re getting the hang of this Trainer stuff fast then.” <He can control my mind? Fuck. That’s kind of creepy… and kind of hot.> “Uh… you can try it if you want. Just don’t do anything weird.”

I got back to my feet, stretched my arms out. “What kind of weird things?”

“I dunno.” <Making me let you lick my toes. Clucking like a chicken. Clowns.> “Just focus on… hm… okay, hold on a second, be right back.”

Yang ran off, away from the dorms and towards the treeline, vanishing into it, only to return a few seconds later with a long branch, snapping the twigs off its side on the way back. “Okay, so far we’ve just been going at it without really trying.”

Wait, she hadn’t even been trying until now…? According to her internal monologue, she’d been going at only around seventy percent effort.

Yang drew a circle dirt arena around me with a rough diameter of fifteen feet across, much smaller than the 40 foot diameter of the rest of the arena. “Let’s do some sumo. Any part but your feet touch the ground, that’s a point. Step outside of the ring, that’s a point. First one to five points wins.”

“What do I get if I win?”

<Sex. Sex. Sex.> “I dunno, why do we even need to bet anything?” Yang shrugged casually, her face not at all betraying the thought repeating in her head. “Uh, loser has to buy lunch for the winner.”

I bit the inside of my cheek to suppress my laughter. “Sure. That can work. Ready when you are then.”

<Palm strike to the chest, keep your stance low.>

By the time I realized what she was thinking, I was already staggering backwards and out of the ring.

“Gahhh!” I rubbed at the spot where she’d hit me, worrying there was going t obe a bruise there later. “Maybe a bit of warning next time?”

“Huh?” She tilted her head to the side. “You said you were ready though?” <Wow… he’s really delicate for a guy.>


Time to take this seriously. Yang wasn’t really faster than me, but her movements were much more efficient. If I was going to stop her, I needed to… I needed to…


“Hey, Yang, what kind of strategy would work best against you, you think?”

“Uh… just hold your ground, I guess?” Images flashed through her head. Palm strikes to the face. Grabbing her by the arm and slamming her into the ground. Low kicks to blow out her knees. I winced at just how brutally violent her tactics were. Thinking about it, there probably was a lot in there that I could use, but I doubted I had the stomach to seriously try and hurt a girl.

Besides, I wasn’t trying to train my body. I wanted to train my mind.

I stepped back into the ring and Yang immediately charged towards me, planning to score another point when I was still at the edge. But I’d been listening in on her mind and that is exactly what I’d been expecting.

As she closed the gap between us, I pushed a single thought into her head: {keep going forward, just like this.}

Yang’s eyes glowed red and as I side-stepped, she ran herself out of the ring, not stopping for another ten feet. “Huh?!”

By the time she turned back to me, the red light was gone from her eyes. Thinking back to Sabrina’s demonstration, when Cassandra had been controlled, her eyes had been shining purple, the same energy that Sabrina produced. Thinking on it, it didn’t seem like her eyes were actually glowing with physical light, but that was how my brain was recognizing the influence. So as long as Yang’s eyes were glowing red, she was under my control.

...which lasted for about two seconds before she fought it off.

While I was pondering all of that, Yang returned to the ring and I backed away towards the center. She charged towards me and managed to grab me from behind, twisting me around to try and knock me off my feet.

{“Let go!”} I sent it as a Psychic command, pushing at her as hard as I could… and nothing happened. There was the same pressure as before, but it had firmed up too much for me to penetrate. A few seconds later, she tossed me face first into the dirt, putting the score at 2 to 1 in her favor.

“Ow. You okay?” Yang asked after the fact.

I rolled over and sat up, brushing off my face. I didn’t stand up immediately--she was going to try and charge me the moment I did. “Nothing’s broken, at least. Give me a minute though.”

“Fine. One minute.” <One. Two. Three. Four…>

She was so literal!

As Yang counted to herself, I practiced on her.

{Scratch your nose.} Yang scratched her nose.

{Yawn.} Yang yawned.

{Take off your sports bra.} Yang’s hands raised up and grabbed the bottom of the material, and I got a flash of underboob before her hands froze. “Hey! If you’re going to be doing that, then stand up!”

“Okay, okay.” I jumped up to my feet in one motion, then immediately pivoted, keeping away from Yang as she tried to get in close to grab me again. As we went back and forth, I tried to make sense of my ability.

Unobtrusive things, she’d do without thinking about it. But if it was something out of the ordinary, she’d notice the influence. And if it was something that actively went against her will--such as commanding her to release me--I couldn’t get the command through at all.

As I was running all of this through my head, I lunged forward to try and push her out of the ring. Instead, Yang got a hold of my arm, pulled it forward, bent over, and tossed me over her shoulder, slamming my back into the ground so hard I was seeing stars.

The score was 3 to 1 in her favor.

I felt like there was some piece of the puzzle that I was missing. Something I hadn’t tried. Some way to force her to…

“Gotta keep your stance low, Benny. Wild moves like that and I’ll just end up using your own energy against you.”


Maybe that was it? I was trying to take control of her. Force Yang to lose. Instead, I needed to stop fighting her… and instead use her own thoughts against her.

“Are you sure you don’t want something else if you win?” I asked her.

“I said so, didn’t I?” <God I want him to push my face into the dirt and rape me from behind! But guys don’t like pushy girls. Just play it cool. But he’s so well-hung and...>

There it was. I seized on the thoughts in her head. {Keep thinking about sex.}

Yang’s eyes were glowing red, and this time, the glow wasn’t fading away. Her mind was broadcasting her lewd fantasies to me, and as we resumed our sparring, for the first time, she was the one running out of breath.

{You’re so much more skilled than him. It’s almost over. Why not have some fun? Let him grab you. Get his hands on you. Grope you.}

Yang was biting down on her lower lip as I implanted the idea into her head. Half-expecting a strike to the nose, I stepped inside and grabbed her. Her arm did lash out at me… but the palm strike missed, only winging my ear.

I managed to get her in an awkward bear hug from behind with one arm, the other grabbing her loose arm and trying to stop it from delivering any painful elbows to my face or torso.

<Fuck, his arms are big. Snap your head back, strike his nose. I want him to grab my breasts. Twist your body, uppercut his jaw. Maybe I should take off my shorts, give him better access? Bite his arm, draw blood!>

Her head was a complete mess of honed fighter instincts and teenage hormones, but for the moment, she wasn’t doing more than some simple struggling, the movements slow enough that I could counter them with my size and weight advantage.

“Nnnngh… hahhhn… nnn! Let go…!” <Don’t let go. Lick my sweat. Call me a bitch cunt.>

“If you insist. And that’s another point for me.” While she’d been distracted, I’d slowly been walking her to the edge of the ring, so that it only took a slight push to get her over the line.

“Oh what!” In response, Yang dashed back into the ring. Her body was moving faster than her brain, and instead of putting up my guard, I tried to telepathically command her to trip. That turned out to be a big mistake as she leapt into the air curled up like a cannonball, only for her legs to explode out and strike me right in the ribs, sending me flying all the way out the opposite side of the ring.

“...gah… I think you broke something…”

“Oh, don’t be such a baby.” <I didn’t hit him that hard, did I?> “You’re fine, right?”

“No. Really. Breathing… hurts…”

Fifteen minutes later, the school’s nurse was looking over the big purple bruise on my ribs. “That’s a cracked rib alright.”

Even the medical staff at this school seemed oversexualized. Instead of scrubs, she was wearing a tight, clinging uniform. One that was designed to be too small, the chest area not even having buttons to try and keep it closed, giving her a deep valley of cleavage.

“Told you.” I said with a wince. Yang winced in sympathy, and I didn’t need to be a mindreader to tell that she was feeling guilty. Not that her thoughts were open to me at the moment. On the trip over here, her thoughts had winked out and I’d been left with a splitting headache. It hadn’t been as bad as the cracked rib, but I had a feeling that I’d been pushing my powers to their limit without even trying.

“Should I get to a real hospital?”

“What? Oh, don’t be silly. Just hold still.” The nurse took out what looked like a small spritz bottle and sprayed it all over the bruise. There was a sharp sting, then for the first time since I’d met my mother, my skin felt hot. That and the way her breasts were swinging right in my face as she rubbed the potion in was… distracting.

I let out a hiss as the pain flared, but it was quickly subsiding, and I could see in the mirror that the bruise was already fading as the nurse kept spraying and rubbing the liquid into my skin with a washcloth.

“Now then, if you two are going to be roughhousing outside of a Gym, you ought to have some potions on hand in case of any other scrapes.” She tossed the empty potion into a trash bin. “Got it?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” I answered.

“Got it.” Yang agreed.

While we were there, I ended up buying two potions. They seemed too useful not to have around.

...even if they did cost 300$ each.

Adding together the potion the nurse had used on me plus her time, I was out 1150$. “If these kinds of scrapes are so common, how does anyone make it through the school year without going bankrupt?”

“Sorry, sorry! I promise I’ll pay you back for it though.”

I shook my head. “I’m the one who asked you for the training. And it was a good learning experience.” The pained expression on her face wasn’t going away. “Okay. Tonight, help me practice some more with these Psychic abilities. Then we’ll call it even. That sound fair?”

The slightly distant look in her eyes and the slight blush on her tanned skin told me her imagination was going crazy with anticipation. “...I mean… if you say so. I guess.”

Well, that was my plan for tonight.



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