Pocket Monster University

Time Alone With Yang (Maybe)

As it started getting late, we ended the training for tonight, agreeing to do it again soon. That was when Yang tugged on my wrist and whispered into my ear. “Getting controlled by you was so hot… Can you do it some more when we’re alone?”

Hell yes, I could.

When we retired back to the bedroom, Yang made a beeline for the shower, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

“You’re looking awfully pleased with yourself.”

Okay, alone aside from Lina, my starter. Also, my sister. Half-sister. And half… succubus? She certainly had the body and the fashion sense for it. Tonight, she was wearing more clothes than usual. In her case, that meant a tiny pair of thong panties and a black shirt that covered almost half of her breasts, relying on their natural perkiness to keep her nipples obscured. She’d explained that since I hadn’t successfully dominated her, she had to spend most of her time inside her ball, otherwise her corruption would get worse, until she ended up like Helen had been.

In her case, would that mean she’d start acting like a bat… or an evil demoness looking to steal souls?

Eh, not a problem for tonight.

“Yeah, I don’t know why I wouldn’t be.” I answered back as I climbed the loft and settled onto my bed, fingers laced behind my head as I laid down. “This place is like a paradise. There’s like a hundred girls for every guy. More often than not, those girls are interested in me. I figured out how to use these weird powers, and I even purified a pokegirl.” I let out a satisfied sigh. “Finally getting the hang of this crazy place, I think.”

Lina gave me a poke in the chest that left me wincing. “I think you’re forgetting something important, though.”


“You set up a match against a sophomore!”

Oh right. That.

“That Terry asshole? I’ll be fine. Guy is thin as a twig, and I already took his best shot and it wasn’t anything.” Okay, maybe not nothing. Before Wicke had given me a potion, I might have had a light concussion. Still, that had been a sneak attack.

“He’s level twenty-two.”

“...oh.” Hmm. I sat up in the bed, then pulled out my phone, looked at where my level was right now.

Huh! Things had progressed a hell of a lot in the past day. My corruption was at… negative 5%? That was probably a good thing, if being closer to 100 put me closer to being a pokegirl. There was a girl in my harem too… that must be Helen.

These abilities, though. Harem Master and A Light Touch. I think I’d had Harem Master from the start. I just hadn’t been able to read it before. So… the more girls in my harem, the more powerful I would be. That was…


Lina smacked me on the back of the head. “Ow!”

“Don’t say ‘noice’. Hmm… so you do have the same ability as Daddy after all. Tch! That’s so unfair.” Lina seemed more displeased with my character sheet than me, but she quickly went back to business, tapping on the screen. “But look at your level.”

Oh right. Level. That was at… nine. Which meant that this Terry was… more than twice as powerful.

“Uh… these levels, it all scales linearly, right? And if 0 is a baseline normal person, then…”

Lina shook her head. “Levels scale exponentially. And as you are now, the best-case scenario is that you get beaten unconscious and spend a few days in the recovery ward.”

“...what’s the worst-case scenario?”

“You get caught inside his pokeball and transformed into a pokegirl, a member of his harem.”




That wasn’t good.

Lina fixed me with an intense glare, and I rubbed my head as I thought of what the hell was I going to do? Maybe I could cancel the match? Or not show up? Was it possible to raise my level high enough to beat him by Friday?

“I was thinking, do you think you could make me cum with just your mind? I’ve always had this fantasy of being out in public right on the edge, and…” Yang chose that time to walk out of the bathroom, clad in just a bath towel wrapped around her waist. When she saw Lina and the look on my face, she winced. “Aw dangit! What is it this time?”

I explained the situation to her. Helen’s walk, the encounter with Terry, and my current chances at winning.

Dressed in red dolphin shorts and a loose tank top, Yang sat across from me on the bed. As I finished explaining, she had a question. “Huh. But if you only just caught Helen, how’d you get all the way to level 5 before that?”

I thought back. “Let’s see… the first time I leveled up, that was after the uh… the shower I had with Lina.”

“That was cute.” Lina said with a smirk, hovering in the air over us.

“Yeah. Real cute. And then, after that, there was the class I had with Sabrina. I thought that was because whatever she did while I was under, it ended up unlocking my psychic potential or something.”

“...have you not seen the video?”

I blushed. “I mean… I saw some of it. The first few seconds…”

Yang rolled her eyes. “For someone who can dish it out, you are awfully shy about taking it. Wasn’t even anything all that bad. Here, lemme bring it up.”

Of course Yang would have a copy…

Okay, let’s watch this. First of all… taking off my clothes. Licking between Sabrina’s thighs while she sat on top of her desk. Sabrina asked for volunteers. I vaguely recognized Hachiko as being one of the volunteers. And now there she was, bossing me around, making me dance around an imaginary stripper pole.

And then bend her over the desk and fuck her. Okay, I guess that part wasn’t so bad.

Sabrina asked for volunteers from the rest of the class, and I felt a jolt of ego as almost every hand in the class went up, before Sabrina called on one of the few girls who had kept quiet.

Cute, but… I don’t remember seeing her in the class. Then again, I’d had plenty of other distractions that day, and the girl had some real wallflower-energy about her, dressed all in black and keeping to herself.

Her voice was so quiet, there wasn’t anything picked up on the phone recording. She whispered something in my ear—what had she said?--and then lifted up her skirt, leaned up against a wall, and I’d taken her too. Even when I had been fucking her from behind, she’d stifled her moans into her hand.

Afterwards, Sabrina had taken the lead again, explaining to the class that while sex among students was encouraged, birth control was not. As well as there being other risks involved, though whatever they were, she wasn’t saying.

Of course, she was saying all of this while bouncing up and down on my lap, riding my cock.

Goddamnit, why didn’t I remember any of this!?

“Okay. So more sex, the more I level up. If I want to beat Terry, then I need to find a dozen girls to sleep with, right?” I looked at Lina.

“Pft. Not like that’d be a challenge. But no. Bad idea. Intimacy creates bonds. A bunch of weak bonds pulling you apart from every direction… you could either burn out or be corrupted. Think quality over quantity. Rather than just boning random women, you should try and form a close connection with a handful. The more powerful you get, the more women you can handle, but even if you’re like Daddy, there are going to be limits.”

She probably had a point. And I think that the connection I’d formed with Helen had been worth several times the bond I’d formed with any of these other women.

“Okay.” I said.

“Mhm.” Lina agreed.

“Yep.” Yang added.

I collapsed backwards onto the bed, let out a groan. “You know, we could have talked about this after Yang and I had, uh… settled in for the night. There was such a good mood tonight.”

Yang giggled, blushing. “Are you really all that torn up about it? It’s fine, it’s fine! Don’t get so worked up over little ‘ol me. Sounds to me like you’ve got a lot on your plate.”

“Yeah, but now it’s like, I don’t want you thinking I only want to sleep with you because I need the power boost. Plus, if we do end up bonding, that’d just drag you into my mess.” I looked over at Lina. “What happens to Helen if I lose to Terry? And uh… transform.”

“Ownership transfers over to him. I doubt he’d keep her, though. Or you, for that matter. Trainers can only handle a few pokegirls at one time. So either you’d be in his harem or in the Server for the rest of the year, and then Daddy would probably collect you again.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” I looked over at Yang. Much as I had been looking forward to tonight, I now knew that there was a risk. The closer I got to her, the more likely she’d transform into a pokegirl. And she might not just end up with me as her Master, but that asshole Terry.

The responsible thing was to put things on ice, at least until the weekend. At least then I could guarantee she wouldn’t end up captured by someone else.

“Hey, I know we were going to… uh… but I think that now just isn’t the best time. But maybe help me out with some sparring tomorrow? I know that this… uh… bonding seems to be the fastest way to improve, but there’s still plenty about its risks I don’t understand, and I think that I still need a lot of practical combat experience.”

“Sure thing! If you went and lost, I’d lose my roommate, and who knows what kind of weirdo they’d pair me up with next?” Yang said with a smile and a laugh.


I flinched backwards. Sure, she was smiling on the outside, but she was wailing on the inside.

<This so isn’t fair! He’s slept with HOW many women already? But when it comes to me, he can’t even get it up, can he? Dangit! I knew I should have put on some makeup or bought some fancy lingerie or somethin’. A plain jane like me ain’t gonna catch the attention of a big, tall, handsome stud like Ben.>

“Well, it’s getting pretty late, right?” Yang jumped down from my loft bed, then fumbled for the light switch near the door until there was a click, bathing the room in darkness and dim moonlight from the window. “And… and if you want to get some training done in the morning, we both need our sleep, right?” Yang added, climbing up into her own loft bed. She tossed the covers over herself and rolled onto her side, away from me.

“Wow. Awkward. Still, good of you to not be thinking with your dick for once, bro.” Lina rubbed the top of my head, kissed me on the cheek, then let herself be drawn back inside of her pokeball resting on the charger.

I let out a sigh, then laid down myself, staring at the ceiling. I really should do something nice for her tomorrow, let her know I’m still interested.

<Dangit dangit dangit, and I got myself so worked up too. Feelin’ him putting his fingers up in my brain was the hottest thing ever. I’ve been beaten into the ground before, but never felt so helpless. He could make me cum with just a word, I bet. Or make it so that I could ONLY ever cum when I was sucking that fucking huge cock of his. Or make me into his slutty maid keeping this place nice and clean, wearing nothing but a headband and an apron and maybe some heels… should I buy some high heels? Oh, who am I kidding? It’d be like putting lipstick on a pig.>

“Uh… Yang?”

<If only I weren’t so flat!>

This was the only place on earth where Yang’s C, maybe D-cup breasts, could be considered ‘flat’ by any metric.

<Maybe I oughta try and get some poffins? Or maybe if I let my corruption go up a bit, my breasts will get bigger? Oh, fuck… what if I turned, and Ben caught me? Owned me? He could take me on walks around school like that other girl of his. He could…>

Flashes of images filtered through Yang’s mind, mostly of the two of us having sex in seemingly every single location on the campus.


<...fuck… just thinking about all of this, no way I’m gonna be able to sleep without a bit of relief first. He won’t notice if I slide my shorts off, will he? Damn it, dunno if fingers are gonna be enough, but he’d for sure hear me if I got out Mr. Funtimes from under my pillow, the damn thing is so noisy. So big too, but even that ain’t as big as Ben’s… god, what would it feel like getting pounded by him?>

I heard the rustling under the covers, the heavy breathing she was doing her best to suppress, and the wet sound of her fingers probing.

Okay. Enough was enough.


“Gah!? Wha-what!?” Her body curled up, still on its side, “Uh… what’s up, buddy?”

{Stop thinking.}

I let out a sigh of relief as the mental chatter radiating out of her finally settled down.

Yeah. The smart thing would be to abstain. But Yang having that messed up impression of the situation didn’t sit right with me.

{Come here.}” I spoke the command at the same time that I willed it into her mind.

Yang didn’t hesitate. She hopped the six feet down from her loft bed, then jumped and swung her body up into mine, as graceful as a gymnast. The panties she had slid down her thighs were lost on the floor, leaving her bottomless.

{Take off your shirt}.”

She reached down to grab the bottom of her tank top, before I amended the order. “{When I tell you to do something, answer with a ‘Yes, Master’ first.}

“Yes, Master.” Yang replied with a quiet, calm voice, drained of the usual bubbling over emotions.

“Good girl. Now… {take off that shirt.}

“Yes, Master.”

Framed by the moonlight, Yang’s outline looked almost ethereal, and my eyes drank in her warm-colored skin. “{Come here. Take off my shorts, then give the head of my cock a kiss.}

“Yes, Master.”

Yang’s breasts swung forward and dropped, looking even larger as she crawled towards me. Strong as she was, she had no trouble with the shorts, and it felt good to let my cock hang out in the open air, half of the foreskin already peeled back. It stood up like a pillar, and Yang gave it a long, slow, tender kiss on the tip, getting a taste of my pre-cum in the process.

“Good girl. Okay. {You can think again.}

“Yes, Master.”


I flinched back a little as the floodgates opened. I’d turned off her ability to think, but not her awareness, so Yang had been conscious of everything I’d made her do.

“Wha wha whaaat are we going to do on your bed?” She asked, swallowing hard. <Oh my god, oh my god, it’s happening! What is this? Am I dreaming? No, don’t be silly. Maybe? Or maybe this is a pity fuck? Or is he—>

“Yang, look at me. Do you think I’d get this hard for just anyone?”

“Yes, Master.” She answered automatically, still under the influence of that earlier suggestion. “Uh! Wait, I mean, no, Master. Wait wait… I mean… I don’t know…”

“Well, I know I said that we should wait till this weekend to see what the situation looks like, but I lied. I’m done waiting.” I leaned my back against the headboard of the bed.. “Climb on top.”

“Yes, Master.” Yang gulped. “Wait… are you sure?”

“I’m not asking you to do this. I’m telling you. And if that’s not enough, I’ll make you.”

<Fuck. He really could, too. I’m so… fucking helpless… god…I love it!>

Yang let out a whimper, then reluctantly obeyed, straddling my thighs. My cock was pressed up against her, rising just past her navel. “It’s so big… and I’ve not… um… done this before, so…”

“I know. That’s why you’re on top. Just take it slow and try to relax.”

“Yes, Master.” <I love calling him Master so much!> “Nice and easy.” She raised her hips up, hands on my shoulders for support as she put herself into position. I could feel the wet trickle of her hot juices on the tip of my cock; with this much lubrication, her being a virgin wouldn’t be a problem.

Yang swallowed. “Can it really fit? I’ve never had anything like this before and…”

”If it hurts, I’ll turn the pain into pleasure, easy as I can make broccoli taste like jelly doughnuts.”

<Oh right. Maybe… but I kind of want it to hurt. I want to feel like he’s claiming me. Despoiling me. Ravishing me!>

I cleared my throat. “But after being such a tease, I don’t think I’ll let you off the hook so easily. Maybe if you beg me, tears in your eyes, that I’m splitting you apart.”

I didn’t need to be a mind-reader to know that cheesy line worked on her; I could feel her pussy clench against the head of my cock.

“Now get started.”

“Yes, Master!”

Yang bit down on her bottom lip, closed her eyes tightly, then started to lower herself down. She was even tighter than Wicke, and I worried that maybe she might not be ready for this yet, but then Yang let out a gasp and I could feel her slippery walls relax, yielding to my cock as I hilted inside of her.

“Guh…! Whoa… oh god… Master, that feels…!”

I gave her thigh a squeeze. “Relax. Take your time. Let your body get used to it. We’re not in any rush to—”

“Master, can your slave please cum?!”

“I never said—”

“Sorry! Sorry! Master… _may _your slave please cum!?”

Maybe I had underestimated her. Much to my delight. Once Yang had gotten over her insecurity, her eager need for submission was downright intoxicating. “No. {You cannot cum without my permission}.”

“Yes, Master. Yes, Master! Oh god… yes, Master…! Your slave won’t cum unless you let her! You can keep me… her… on edge as long as you like!” I could feel her pussy clenching down tighter. Getting hotter too, hot enough that a normal man would get some second-degree burns at least. “Tonight… tomorrow… forever! You could keep me on the edge forever, always needy, always begging, always so horny for her Master that she’d do anything, no matter how sick or depraved or—”


“...yes, Master?”

I couldn’t help but laugh, no matter how turned on I was.

She was cute.

“Let’s start with you moving your hips.”

“Yes, Master!”

Yang planted her hands on my abs, then she went for it. The motion was clumsy at first, but no one with her martial grace could do anything sloppily for long, and it took less than a ten-count for her to pick up the pace, her tight ass clapping against me each time she bottomed out, her breasts swinging in steady, hypnotizing circles.

“Oh fuck… Master… need to cum… need to cum…”

I could feel the arousal rolling off of her, and her body was starting to boil like a pressure cooker. The sweat on her body was evaporating into steam as her hips started moving faster and faster.

“Please… pretty please… Master… please… Master…” She just kept repeating those two words over and over, staring deeply into my eyes with a look of pure need and devotion.

One of these days, I thought it might be fun to fit her with a Macho Brace for a while, take my time teasing her. Tonight though?

I was at my limit.

{Cum for me!}” I roared the words out loud at the very moment I couldn’t hold myself in any longer, started to shoot inside of her. Her pussy was incredible, her hips still bouncing while it squeezed and sucked, greedily taking every drop into her womb.

If I was loud, Yang’s scream was ear-piercing, her back arched as she let out her orgasmic wail, her body shaking as the greatest pleasure of her life worked its way through her. The moment felt like it stretched on forever, but ended all too soon. Yang collapsed on top of me and started gasping for breath.

“That was… hah… that was… hah…”

I pulled the covers up and let her cuddle up against me. “Yeah. It was.”

It had been a long day, and Yang fell asleep before she could clear her head. I remembered giving her one more squeeze before I joined her.


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