Pocket Monster University

Training Your Psychic Powers on the Lesbian Couple

...what are you doing?”

Yuna was the one who had posed that question, and it was fair to ask, because when they’d walked into our dorm apartment, they’d seen Yang with an incredible scrunched up grimace on her face. We were sitting across from each other on the small dinner table, with only a bowl of steamed broccoli between us.

“Uh… training?” I answered, fully aware of how unconvincing an explanation that was.

“Yeah, it’s fine, guys, I just… no no no…!” The grimace turned to panic on Yang’s face as she grabbed a piece of broccoli and tossed it into her mouth. It returned twice as strong as she quickly chewed, then struggled to swallow it down. “Blech!”

Yang hopped out of her chair so fast that it fell over backwards, then raced towards the kitchen sink, holding her mouth under the faucet as she swallowed as much water as she could. “Bleeeech! That was cheating!”

“Ah, sorry.” I apologized, rubbing the back of my head. “You okay?”

Yang wiped her mouth clean. “Blehhh… it’s broccoli. I’ll live, I think.”

Faye snatched a piece of broccoli for herself, munching on it thoughtfully. “Tastes normal to me. But if you don’t like the stuff, you should try it with cheese. Or I could pan-fry it with some garlic. Or with some noodles with a tangy sauce. Or…”

“That’d ruin the whole point of this. We’re not training to eat nasty tasting food.” Yang’s words, not mine. I thought broccoli was plenty tasty in the right dish. “I’m practicing to defend against psychic assault, and Ben is practicing, uh… psychically assaulting me.”

Yuna cocked her head to the side as she glanced towards me. “And you’re doing this… by forcing her to eat her vegetables?”

I shrugged. “I mean, we tried stuff like stripping off her clothes or spanking herself, but ah… Yang wasn’t doing a good job of resisting.”

Yang’s cheeks were flushing as I mentioned that. “That’s…! It’s just easier with broccoli. Because I know I don’t like it and I really don’t want to eat it. So it helps me focus. Nothing wrong with that, right?”

Yuna shook her head, taking a seat at the table between us. “There’s plenty wrong with it. If you’re going to guard yourself against psychics, self-awareness is the most important thing. The problem isn’t that they can make you do things you don’t want to. It’s that they can make you want to do things you don’t want to.”

“Huh?” Yang didn’t see the distinction.

I took a guess. “So, rather than trying to force Yang to eat the broccoli, I should try and convince her that it tastes good?”

“Exactly. Those kinds of manipulations are much harder to resist and to notice.”

“Ohh…” Faye joined us at the table, sitting across from Yuna. “Can you make it taste like fried chicken then? Or a pizza? Wait wait… jelly donuts!”

I looked over at Yuna, who still seemed nonchalant about the whole thing, then back to Faye. “Maybe? Everything about this is still new to me.”

I tried to remember the last time I’d had a jelly donut. The memory was vague and mushy, years old and not very distinct. Curious, I tried peeking into Faye’s mind and searching her memories. As to be expected, her thoughts on jelly donuts were front and center. In fact, she was imagining right now what a broccoli-shaped jelly donut would taste like.

It was almost like she was doing all the work for me.

I focused intensely on that image in her head, then at the same broadcast my intent towards the three girls: {Broccoli tastes like jelly donuts.}

“Okay, give it a taste.” I’d hit all three of them with the same suggestion, and all three beautiful sets of eyes started to dimly glow red, signalling that I had my influence on them.

Faye immediately snatched up a piece and bit down into it. “Hah! Weird! Strawberry flavor, but there’s no jelly. Whaaat!” She popped the rest of the piece into her mouth and grabbed a handful more. “Oh wow, this is going to make dieting so easy!”

Yang was more hesitant, sniffing it first. “...it smells like a doughnut.”

Eyes closed, she took a small bite, grimacing briefly, then relaxing, eyes opening. “...huh. Jelly doughnut.”

Curious, I grabbed a piece for myself. Bland, unseasoned soggy broccoli alright. “Bleh, maybe we should get some cheese for this.”

Yuna took a piece last, biting into it decisively. “At least use some salt next time. You’re a terrible cook if this is any indication.” She looked pleased with herself, humming lightly. Or so she said, but I did notice that she popped the rest of the broccoli into her mouth. And went back for seconds. “Still, if you’re able to influence Yang and Faye, you must have some measure of skill. Benjamin, if you don’t mind, would you include Faye in your training? There are a lot of unsavory sorts at the school, and I’d like for her to be prepared.”

“Ah, sure.” I scratched the back of my head, wondering why she’d deny the suggestion working on her. “More the merrier, I think.”

While it seemed like Yuna had no psychic abilities of her own, she was a real help when it came to directing the training, and telling me all kinds of ways to use it. She was quite well-versed on the subject matter. Controlling bodies, manipulating senses, altering memories, instilling new emotions. That last one I hesitated with.

“That sounds like it could get a bit intense… like, by definition.” I said when the subject was brought up.

“Of course it can. But just experiencing it once is good training to be able to recognize it later. So if you would, inflame Faye’s sexual desire for you,” Yuna insisted.

“Huh?” That caught Faye by surprise.

“What!?” Yang was considerably more shocked.

Yuna patiently explained her reasoning. “Faye is a lesbian. So feelings of lust towards a masculine man like yourself is going to be more challenging than if you were to direct her lusts towards Yang or myself. Particularly myself.” She seemed self-satisfied at that part. “And as for why lust… what do you think the psychics at this university are going to want to use their powers for?”

I thought back to Sabrina’s first class. “Good point. Still…” I looked over at Faye. “Are you comfortable with that?”

Faye shrugged, and the turn in conversation made me notice the way her small, pert breasts moved when she did. “If it doesn’t bother Yuna, it doesn’t bother me.”

“I’d rather we tackle these things together in a safe environment. And don’t worry, Benjamin. Even if you were to sate the lusts you instilled in her, I wouldn’t hold any ill will towards you.”

“W-wait! What’s this about lust sating? And isn’t there someone else you need to ask?” Yang cut in.

Yuna tilted her head. “I think it’s only fair to warn him that it might come up. And I think it would be a fair way to repay Benjamin for his time. Besides, do you hold authority over his powers?”

“Well, no… but…”

“Exactly. And with the way you’ve been staring at him all night, I hardly think you could be a suitable candidate for this training exercise.”

“Maybe, but… but…” Yang looked over towards me.

There was tension between us. She had been planning to make her move tonight; I was sure. Maybe I ought to stop the training right here, retreat to my room with Yang, see where things go.

On the other hand, Yang was already in the bag. This was the perfect opportunity to work on Faye. The bubbly, petite girl had a lot of her own charm, and her girlfriend was practically begging me to brainwash her.

What should I do?

After thinking it over for a moment, I decided that neither option was right. No, I was going for option number three.

“I don’t need to be the target of the lust, right? What if I tried to make Yang attracted to girls?”

“What!?” Yang’s voice cracked at the suggestion.

“Like Yuna said, working on your psychic defenses is going to be important here. I don’t want any of you falling under some creep’s control, so if there’s a way to help, even a little, I’ll do it.”

“I mean…” Yang wasn’t convinced.

“Look, if I can make it happen to you, then you can be sure there are other students that could do the same, and they won’t give you a head’s up or a choice in the matter. But if I can’t, that means that you’ve got the resistance already and you won’t need to do anything weird.”

“And just what is so weird about lovemaking between women?” Yuna said, bristling.

“Ah, nothing, nothing! You won’t see any complaints about it from me!” I quickly insisted. “Though if I uh, rev Yang’s engine up and can’t cool her down, I hope you two can help her out.”

“Hmph.” Yuna didn’t seem pleased about it, but she didn’t rule it out.

“Ooo… kinky. Sure!” Faye, on the other hand, was all for it.

After a few more minutes of discussion, I started over with the practice.

Yuna told me not to say the commands out loud, that subtle commands were the bigger danger. So without saying a word, I tried broadcasting the suggestion {take off your clothes without noticing your nudity or that of the others} to all three.

“If we’re going to be doing… lewd things… with each other, should I take a shower first?” Yang asked as she started pulling her sports bra off over her head. “I’m still sweaty from my workout earlier, and… um… I might smell.”

Faye hid a giggle behind her hand as Yang’s perky breasts bounced, free of confinement, then she leaned forward towards Yang and breathed in deeply. “Mmm… nope! You smell nice. Like a bit of lavender mixed with honey.”

To my surprise, Faye wasn’t making any moves at all to disrobe. Unlike the broccoli suggestion, there’d been some resistance this time, and the command hadn’t taken hold on her. Had that first one only worked because she’d wanted it to?

“Really?” Yang’s spandex shorts were the next thing to go, her panties hooked with them before she let them rest on the floor. “That’s what it says on the shampoo I use, but I didn’t think it was that much of a difference.”

Faye tapped the side of her nose. “I can out-sniff a bloodhound. So relax. If I say you don’t need a shower, you don’t. But what kind of shampoo is it?”

“Oh, it’s called—”

“Ahem!” Yuna interrupted the girl talk. “Can we save the idle chatter for later? This is serious business. And Benjamin, if you would, hurry and decide on the first suggestion.”

This time, Faye and I both laughed, because as Yuna had been talking, she’d just finished tossing her blouse behind her, and now had her arms behind her back fiddling with her bra.

“Wait, what’s so funny?” Yang asked, still not noticing her own nakedness or Yuna’s.

“Well, you’re both… um…” Faye tried to explain, but broke into another fit of giggles. “Nevermind.”

“I see what’s going on.” Yuna said as her skirt came off. “Emotion control. Benjamin is trying to instill a sense of giddy euphoria in us, so that we can’t help but laugh at nothing.”

Faye tried to hold back her laughter, but it only made her snort. “Yep! That must be it!”

“Is it?” Yang touched her own face. “I don’t feel, uh… giddy. Just kind of nervous and… well, maybe a little excited.”

“Well, unlike Faye here…” Yuna said as she peeled off her panties, leaving herself in only her stockings and garters. I loved the look, so I tweaked the broadcast to have her stop there. “We are guarding our minds. Our subconscious is rejecting his influence.”

“Is that what it is?” Faye’s (notably still clothed) chest was shaking as she tried to hold in further giggles. “Well… Ben, maybe you should try something else? I’m no good at resisting this one, but I think that’s just because it’s not embarrassing enough.”

I couldn’t hide the smile from my face as I answered. “Oh? What do you suggest?”

“How about…” Faye leaned over towards me, motioned for me to do the same, and whispered into my ear. “...you make them compete over who gives the best lap dance?”

“Yeah? Not a bad idea.” I went ahead and scooted my chair back in anticipation. Faye did the same, bringing out her phone as she did.

“You don’t mind if I put on some tunes, right?” Faye asked.

Yuna folded her arms, lifting up her small breasts. “As long as it’s not a distraction.”

“Well, we’ll see who is distracting who, won’t we?” Faye pushed a button and a thumping dance beat started pouring out of the phone, the low, sultry vocals of a woman whispering submissive lyrics playing over it.

{You need to give the best lapdance in the room.}

Again, I broadcast the thought to all three women. Yang and Yuna’s eyes were already glowing from the command to strip from earlier, but now the glow intensified, from dim nightlights to a flickering red flame in each eye. This time, I was starting to notice their resistance. Yang’s was direct, pushing back against my mental intrusion until she got overwhelmed. It’d been a lot harder yesterday, but since then I was able to manipulate her easily, especially when she wasn’t prepared for it.

Faye’s resistance was much more… slippery. Whenever I pushed the thoughts towards her, she let them slide right past her like a willow tree bending in the wind. Whether it was natural talent or training or a flexible mind, I couldn’t get inside of her head, not unless she wanted me to.

Yuna, though… I’m not sure I felt any resistance inside of her mind at all. It was like she welcomed the control. Given her behavior, that didn’t really make sense, and it made me suspicious that another Psychic, the one she’d done all of her previous training with, had not had her best interests at heart. I made a mental note to bring that up with her later.

Because for now, she was swaying her hips to the music as she approached me.

I’d thought that I’d get Yang in my lap and Yuna would go to her girlfriend, Faye. But apparently being physically closer counted for more than being emotionally closer, at least in their heads right now.

Yuna stood right in front of me, then pivoted on one foot, spinning around and swinging her tight, pert ass right in my face. The girl was as pale as a vampire, but there wasn’t a single blemish on her skin, not a single hair below her neck that I could see. And I was looking closely. “You know, I’m having trouble even feeling your attempt.” Yuna said as she started to shake her ass side to side, inches from my face, her hips framed perfectly by the white garter belt she had on. “We might need to find a stronger training partner if you can’t provide more of a challenge.”

Meanwhile, Yang was lightly rubbing her chest up against Faye’s grinning face, and she wasn’t so critical. “I… um… I feel kind of weird. Like there’s something off, or maybe deja vu? I just can’t figure out what it is.”

Yuna lowered herself down into my lap, straddling my thigh and grinding on it. “You don’t seem to be behaving strangely at me. So it must be something subtle. Something outsiders wouldn’t notice.”

Yang gripped the table, then began such an energetic twerking I ached for a better view. The look on Faye’s face was enough for me, though. “Maybe… wait… when did I start dancing?”

“When it was decided that we needed to give the best lapdance in the room.” Yuna reminded her as she spun in my lap, putting her perky tits on display. She grabbed my wrist in both of her delicate hands and pulled my palm to her chest. Soft. Wow. She might have had the softest breasts of any girl I’d… well… grabbed. Like oversized marshmallows, her skin pleasantly cool to the touch, her nipples tiny and bright pink. “Don’t be distracted by that, though. Try and figure out what he’s doing.”

Seeing Yuna escalate pushed Yang to do the same, guiding Faye’s hands to grab her ass as their bodies came together. “No… I think… I think…” She interrupted herself by leaning in for a hot and heavy kiss with Faye. The attempt was clumsy but enthusiastic, and Faye had the experience to make up for it, her hand tangling in Yang’s hair as she guided the kisses, the two girls’ tongues coming together again and again. “...maybe the dancing is the suggestion? Or part of it?”

Seeing Yang make out with her girlfriend, Yuna started to push for more as well, rubbing the straining bulge in my pants. I had a feeling that if this went on much longer, it’d stop being a lap dance and full on sex. Part of me was screaming at me to go for it… but it wasn’t the largest part.

I focused on the two, then pulled… and felt the psychic energy I’d invested into them returning to me, the red glow in their eyes fading away.

Yuna paused, looked down at herself, noticing her nakedness for the first time, as well as her hand that was still pushing against my erection. It took her a short moment to process everything, but when she did, she let out a yelp and fell over backwards, landing on her back with her legs spread wide.


“Oh jeez! I’m sorry!” Yang said as she jumped out of Faye’s lap, looking around the room for her clothing. “Sorry, sorry… I didn’t even realize… oh wow!”

“Don’t sweat it! I like the way you taste. And if you ever want more practice with dancing or making out, well…”

“Faye!” Yuna’s voice cracked as her fingers shook, trying to do up the buttons of her blouse, the first item of clothing she’d retrieved.

“Oh, come on. We’re all adults here, right? And this is all training, right?” Faye undid a few buttons of her top. “If it’ll make you feel better, I can get naked too.”

Yuna gave her such an icy stare I felt the temperature in the room drop five degrees. It was only when I noticed a few straw snowflakes floating around Yuna that I realized that feeling wasn’t metaphorical. Slowly, though, her features melted, and Yuna let out a long sigh. “...you’re right. I suppose I was asking for this.” She chewed on the bottom of her lip for a few seconds. “It’s rather… vexing that I would be this vulnerable though.”

“Tell me about it.” Yang agreed, her arms wrapped around her chest.

“Hey. Maybe you two are normal and I’m just really, really good at this?” I offered. “But I think if you both did what Faye does, I’d have a way harder time.”

“And what does she do?” Yuna inquired.

“She uh… let’s it flow past her. Like a willow in the wind.”

Unsurprisingly, the imagery didn’t give much help to them. We kept training for the next hour, and at my insistence, it was simpler things like having the girls stand up or raise their hands or fall asleep in their chairs. After an hour, I felt like Yang had improved, partially deflecting my energy when I pushed it against her, making me use more effort to get her to obey.

Yuna, on the other hand… it was as though the girl had no mental defenses whatsoever.


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