
My First Actual Battle

Engaging a gym leader should always be met with caution. Add on the fact that I don’t want to be banned from another gym, and that equals me testing out my diplomacy skills.


My nonexistent diplomacy skills.


“Hello. May I help you?” I asked the gym leader. She stares me down with a frankly defiant, or rather, determined look on her face. Why do I feel like I might have a migraine soon?


“I’m Korrina and this is my partner Lucario!” She points at the blue pokémon next to her. However, I can tell she didn’t spare…him a glance because she continues on despite the horrified look on the pokémon’s face.


I was expecting this to be… Well, I don’t know what I was expecting. Probably something for confrontational along the lines of, ‘Don’t destroy my gym’, or something like that. However, this girl seems…straightforward.


I’m still trying to ignore what that honestly short skirt is doing to me right now.


“We’ve been searching for trainers throughout this forest, and we challenge you to a pokémon battle to claim our eighty-seventh victory!” Hmm, one-on-one with a Lucario. Masters of Aura, of which I have no capability. Fighting and Steel typing. 7/1 for a male to female ratio. Weak against Fighting, Ground, and Fire.


Hazel and Elspeth both have major weaknesses to Steel and Fighting. No other pokémon I have possesses any of the moves required to beat her. Man, how did I come this far with such an unbalanced team? Oh right. I cheated.


Karma’s a bitch, huh?


So, the probability of loss is incredibly high. However, she would likely let me go if I asked, but she would be disappointed. For an optimal outcome that includes me getting on her good side…for reasons, then I should battle her anyway, trying my best.


In the moment that passed, I took a deep breath, readying myself for this mistake.


“I accept.”




This was a bad idea. Why did I think to do this?!


We’ve moved to a small clearing. Nothing around us except the trees. She, obviously, is using her Lucario for battle, and I have chosen Robin. The Dratini looks excited for this battle. I guess she really hasn’t fought in a traditional sense in quite some time.


I should rectify that. It’s my duty as a trainer to see them reach above their station in life. Keeping them from battle would only hurt them.


It would also help if I could be competent from time to time and actually catch more varied pokémon. Despite the addition of a Feebas, my team still feels incredibly weighted.


Maybe that’s why we often give new trainers a pokémon of Grass, Fire, or Water. They’re usually strong, too.


“Ready?” Korrina asks.


I swallow. “Ready!”


“Okay, begin!”


Okay, we’re playing for time now. “Twister!”


“Lucario, Swords Dance and block it with Bone Rush!” Lucario shrugs off the attack. I was hoping for a flinch, but luck isn’t on my side today. The Bone Rush is still going.


“Jump up and dodge the Bone Rush! Charge a Dragon Breath, but don’t use it yet!”


“Lucario! Knock ‘em down with a Power-up Punch!” Lucario jumps up after Robin, closing in with a glowing fist.






Now. “Robin! Release it, now!” Robin releases a torrent of purple energy right in Lucario’s face, exploding and causing them to miss the punch and get knocked to the ground. However, Robin herself got caught in the blast radius of her own attack.


As a Dragon pokémon, she’s weak to Dragon type moves.


Gravity finally makes a comeback as the two pokémon fall to the ground. Robin, the fighter that she is, stands back up weakly. Holding her attack and letting her get hit appears to have taken a lot out of her.


Lucario, however, looks no worse for wear other than some electric sparks I see fly.


“Power-up punch again!”


“Twister, again!”


It’s all for naught as it takes too long for Robin to charge up the attack. The punch collides with her, sending her flying into and through a tree.






“Sorry about that!” Korrina hands me a Sitrus berry, which I break apart for Robin to eat.


She’s been pouting ever since our loss. Honestly, I can’t blame her. I’m a sorry excuse of a trainer. I’ve only won the last two badges through sheer luck and utter destruction. Bending rules and biology into my favor. In an actual battle? I suck.


I guess it might be a while before I actually try and challenge the gym. I can’t come up with another cheesy plan for this one, meaning that battle is my only option. If I can’t beat just her Lucario, then how can I beat her with an entire team?


At least she’s helping me heal Robin…and helped me make lunch. She was shocked to learn that my diet on the road had just been crackers, canned beans, and instant mashed potatoes for myself. However, she’s just making sandwiches…which I guess is better.


Another thing to add to the endless to-do list. It becomes more daunting every day.


“So, I guess I should formally introduce myself. I’m Korrina! The Shalour City Gym Leader!”


I crack my jaw a little. “Yeah, I know.”


She blinks, blanching a little. “You know?”


“Yeah. I know. I live in Lumiose, worked under Professor Sycamore. I’m kind of aware of who each Gym Leader is.”


“Oh. You work under the Professor? Then what are you doing all the way out here?”


“The Gym Challenge! Though, it’s evident that I need to train a little bit before I go and challenge you.”


“Heh. Sorry again about launching your Dratini through a tree.”


“It’s fine. We’re beating ourselves up more anyway. What I want to know is why your Lucario is trying to stay as far away from me as possible.” I lay down in the grass, staring at the sky as she sets a sandwich on a paper plate next to me. Mmm, turkey and provolone.


She looks over and sees that Lucario is staring at me…from the tree line. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see her brow crease. “I’m not sure. Maybe there’s something dangerous about you that you’re hiding? Lucario is a master at reading people.”


I scoff. “I’m a danger to nobody except the Pokémon League’s budget. Plus, Lucario reads people through aura which is living energy. I’m pretty sure I’m alive.”


“I don’t know then.” She concedes. “Something to think about, but YOU WON’T GET ANY FOOD OVER THERE!” She yells towards the pokémon.


Begrudgingly, and giving me a wide berth, Lucario sits down to enjoy a ham on rye sandwich.


Other than my scathing defeat, it’s an enjoyable noon break.

Happy Independence Day!

By now, I think it's obvious that I have trouble focusing on projects. Every time I get writer's block for this story, I just open up Word and write whatever thoughts come into my head. I currently have a folder named 'Fan Fiction' with 27 other subfolders each labeled with the name of a series I've thought about. All of them have Nicole as the main character. I don't really know if I'll do anything with them. Each folder only has like three to seven chapters each.

Thanks for reading!

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