
Which path to take?

“Professor,” I beg, trying to avoid sounding too desperate, “I don’t think you’re properly grasping the scope of what I’ve been trying to tell you.” Unfortunately, the professor appears to be struggling at the moment.


“N—ole? I —‘t h—r you!” The professor’s voice and video is choppy and blurred. I follow the ethernet I’ve plugged into my phone, connecting to the Octillery Arms. The arms themselves are plugged into a radio tower I’ve, ahem, borrowed.


I’m pretty sure the connection issue isn’t on my side.


I feel a weight rest upon my shoulder. Looking over, I find a contented Noibat sitting there. “Alex? Err, Alexandra? Are you full?” She pauses for a moment, then nods. Those language lessons I’m getting for her seem to be paying off. Well, I’m already using the student account for myself…


Should I take some cooking courses? I’ve seen Serena bake before…


Oh, right. The bat. “Why don’t you go play with Robin? She looks like she’s having fun.” I point at the Dratini entertaining herself by rolling the Feebas around in her coiled self… I should make sure nothing bad happens to either of them, and…probably name the Feebas.


She shakes her head. I guess she’s content to sit on me.


“Oh! I think I got it!” The overjoyed voice of the professor clearly comes through my phone. “Thanks, Garchomp!” He gives a thumbs up to his Garchomp in the background who appears to have reset the router. Yeesh, he hasn’t found a replacement for me yet?


“So, what did you need to talk about, Nicole?”


I hold myself back from rolling my eyes, instead staring him straight on. “I believe I may have found a connection to the fabled Alpha Pokémon of old.” I proceed to explain to the professor my, admittedly, flimsy evidence and tale of meeting the golden Magikarp.


“Fascinating,” he mutters. “If this proves true, then it might be the next biggest discovery in pokémon biology! I’m currently continuing my research on Mega Evolution. In fact, I’m on my way to go meet the Champion right now! She’s given me an opportunity to study her own Mega Evolved Gardevoir!”


The professor’s joy leaks to me, giving me my own smile at his next discovery. “Congratulations, professor!”


“Ahem, thank you, Nicole.” He simmers down a bit. “I’m afraid I can’t do much for you right now, but if you can get me something more concrete, I may be able to get investments for any research you perform.”


“Thank you, professor!” Any cash is good cash! My own stock portfolio is…not great. I’ve made a whole three dollars out of the whole thing. “Umm, I do have another question.”




I pick up the egg resting in the grass beneath me with an arm, gently cradling it into view. “Is there a way to know what’s going on in this thing? It’s taking a remarkably long time to hatch.”


He strokes his stubble. “Not for sure. In other regions, the eggs have a distinct property of matching the color scheme of a pokémon inside the egg. Our options are limited. You could take it to a pokémon center, just to make sure it’s healthy. The technology, sadly, isn’t advanced enough to tell exactly what pokémon is inside. Not even the Noibat on your shoulder can tell what pokémon it is. However, we should be able to find the egg group.”


Apparently, my own internal disappointment couldn’t be held back completely. “Don’t worry, Nicole. It’ll be find. Plus, I have heard a rumor that a Noivern can tell what pokémon is in an egg.”


I look at the little Noibat perched on my shoulder. So weak, so fragile. So…sleepy… “I think it’s going to be a while before that happens, sir.”


“Well, that’s fine. Sadly, I must be going. Have to keep that appointment with the Champion!”


“Of course, professor. Have a nice day.”


“You too!” And with that, the video ends. Like walking down a set of stairs, the arms propel me to the bottom of the tower, keeping the egg, Alexandra, and myself safe.


Setting the egg back in the pile of grass Hazel arranged and perching Alexandra on the egg, I walk over to Robin and the Feebas, prying them apart with my arms. “Okay, Robin, you’ve had your fun. Go bother someone else.” That…was a poor choice of words since she immediately went and tackled Hazel.


I release the Feebas into my own weak, fleshy, human arms. “Don’t mind her. She means the best, but she’s just…excitable.”




“Yeah, that’s a word for it. Anyway, as is customary with everyone else here, I’m going to struggle and think of a name for you. A name to differentiate between you and every other Feebas in the world. You might all look similar, have similar moves, and say the same things, but none, except you, are mine. As mine, you deserve something to make you special to all of the other Feebas.


That’s why I’m going to name you…” I pause. I was really hoping my grandiose speech would help jump-start this wrinkly brain of mine into coming up with a name befitting the diamond-in-the-rough fish. “Primrose. It means renewal and optimism. It also is found in the expression, ‘primrose path,’ meaning the pursuit of pleasure which results in disastrous consequences.”


“Fee! Feebas!” She flops around in my arms, content with her new name.


“Yeah, you like the name? I think it fits. You’re going to be the best you can be. So beautiful that others will bring themselves to disaster.”


Alright, I think this lunch break has gone on long enough. In quick succession, a series of compartments open on the sides of my arms, and the servos immediately get to work. All of the pokémon visible are quickly retracted from the field and stored contently inside the safety of my arms.


No more trench pockets! Those are saved for other things!


Lifting myself above the tree line, I make a mad dash for Shalour City. It’s a beachy city with a fighting-type Gym Leader. So… It might be a battle of attrition? I don’t have any sneaky plans to dismantle this gym, and if I do that again, I might not be allowed to take the gym challenge anymore.


For legal and safety reasons.


“Hey! HEY!” A voice yells out, feminine. I drop down and come face-to-face with a girl in…skates? Hmm, blond hair, blue eyes. Her features look soft…except her eyes.


Also, that’s a pretty short skirt.


Hmm. I might have a problem. If we’re going along with Cynthia or Serena, then I might have a thing for women in skirts…or blond hair. This girl has both.


Also, this girl is the gym leader of Shalour City—Korrina.

Good...uh, morning? Evening? Something... Anyway, yes, I'm once again posting something to say I'm alive. Schedules are hard for me, and my struggle to stay focused on anything is, well, a struggle.

Plus, I finally got my wisdom teeth removed. I'm on so much medication.

Uhh, the Feebas name was inspired by readingthings on Scribblehub. They suggested Prism, and I adapted it further. Your prize is recognition. Though really, I read every comment I get.

Thanks for reading!

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