Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 150 – Persuading Gyarados

After all the preparations were completed, Floyd summoned his Pokémon to start the celebration. The setting resembled a picnic, complete with an array of foods: pokeblocks, berry juice, chicken broth, rice, and sandwiches, and each dish had a hint of honey added for flavor.

The delicious aroma wafted through the air, tempting the Pokémon who were observing from a distance. Some of them couldn't help but drool, captivated by the sight and smell of the feast.

Floyd, noticing their interest, invited a few of them to join. There weren't many Pokémon in the Beast's Sanctuary, as most were busy assisting in the Safe Zone and at the base. However, those present were more than welcome to partake in the festivities.

Amidst the joyous atmosphere, the river suddenly churned, signaling the arrival of Gyarados. He emerged with a calm demeanor, but internally, he was seething with frustration, especially enticed by the smell of the honey-infused pokeblocks.

His irritation was directed primarily at his son, whom he accused of selfishly enjoying the feast that was meant for him.

"ROAR!" Gyarados feigned ignorance about the event. (What the hell are you doing here, human?)

Floyd, aware of Gyarados's act, played along. "Oh, you're here. I called for you earlier, but there was no response," he replied, maintaining a casual tone.

"ROAR!" Gyarados continued his pretense. (You called me? Why didn't I hear it? And what's all this?)

Inwardly snorting at Gyarados's feigned obliviousness, Floyd responded, "Really? Were you asleep?"

"ROAR!" Gyarados retorted somewhat defensively. (So what if I was sleeping? What's it to you?)

Floyd extended an offer to the Gyarados. "Here, this is for you. I was about to give it to your son since you didn't show up," he said, observing the reaction of both Gyarados and his son.

Upon hearing this, the elder Gyarados felt a surge of betrayal and anger, suspecting his son of deceit. Meanwhile, the young Gyarados, who had been happily eating, suddenly tensed up under his father's glaring gaze.

"ROAR!" The young Gyarados, trying to save face, quickly reassured his father. (Father, don't worry. Even if this human offered it to me, I wouldn't have eaten it without giving it to you. I'm your loyal son"

Floyd had to suppress a laugh at the young Gyarados's sudden change in tune, thinking to himself about the creature's cunning nature. 'Earlier, you were all too happy to accept the food for yourself, and now you're playing the loyal son?' he mused.

Gyarados loomed large over the gathering, his roar resonating with a mix of pride and defiance.

"ROAR!" (What do you take me for? A petty creature swayed by mere offerings of food?)

His posture was one of majestic disdain, suggesting that the feast laid out by Floyd held no allure for him. Yet, deep down, Gyarados harbored a secret fear that Floyd might actually believe his proud front and withhold the tempting feast.

Floyd, understanding the complex emotions at play, responded calmly, "No, It's a tribute to you and your son for your crucial help in our escape from Ursaluna."

Gyarados, upon hearing Floyd's response, couldn't help but feel a wave of relief. His fears were unfounded; Floyd hadn't taken his haughty display to heart and was still extending the invitation.

"ROAR!" Gyarados continued his charade, feigning indifference. (Do you really think I intervened out of concern for you? You're dreaming! It was solely because my daughter was in danger. And you, little brat, showing no appreciation to your father by siding with humans.)

His tone was stern, a facade of anger directed at Horsea, who was enjoying her meal.

"Horsea~" Horsea, playing her role perfectly, approached her father with a playful, coquettish demeanor. She presented a honey-laden pokeblock to Gyarados, acting out the script Floyd had subtly suggested – to be endearing and act cute towards her father.

Touched by Horsea's gesture, Gyarados struggled to maintain his stern demeanor. The enticing aroma of the honeyed pokeblock tested his resolve. If not for the need to uphold his image, he might have eagerly devoured the treat then and there. Nevertheless, he managed to control his impulses.

Observing the dynamics, Floyd added, "No matter what the reason for your action, the fact remains that your actions saved us. This feast is our way of expressing gratitude."

This statement caused Gyarados to reassess his opinion of Floyd. The human didn't just dismiss his bluster; he even insisted on acknowledging Gyarados's role in their survival.

"ROAR" (Hmph, very well. Since you insist, I shall accept your offering, albeit reluctantly) Gyarados grumbled, gathering a portion of the food into a bag before swiftly disappearing into the river's depths.

"Wait," Floyd called out, intending to say more. But he let out a resigned sigh, "Let's enjoy the meal for now. We can call him back later if needed."

As they resumed their feast, a loud, contented roar echoed from beneath the river. Floyd and the others exchanged knowing looks.

If they weren't mistaken, Gyarados was expressing his enjoyment of the feast. The roar seemed to translate to 'delicious,' a rare and amusing admission from the usually stoic Gyarados.

Upon hearing the loud surface of the river, Gyarados was wrestling with embarrassment and regret. His outburst, provoked by the unexpectedly delightful taste of Floyd's honey-enhanced pokeblocks, was uncharacteristic.

The sheer deliciousness had overwhelmed him, prompting an involuntary roar of satisfaction. Now, concealed beneath the water, he grappled with the dilemma of facing the group after such an unguarded moment.

An hour had passed, and the merry atmosphere of the celebration with Floyd and the other Pokémon had reached its peak. As the joyous gathering began to wind down, they initiated the clean-up process.

Floyd, with a sense of purpose, turned his gaze towards the river. "Gyarados, there's a matter I'd like to discuss," he called out.

However, Gyarados remained hidden in the river's depths, silent.

Undeterred, Floyd attempted once more, "Gyarados, can you hear me?"

In the absence of a response, Floyd proceeded with his message, addressing the seemingly empty river. "Gyarados, since you've chosen not to appear, I'll communicate my thoughts directly. We've recently stumbled upon a sizable beehive, abundant in honey. This discovery has significantly enhanced the flavor of today's pokeblocks. Our plan is to capture several Weedle, facilitate their evolution into Beedrill, and cultivate them for a sustainable honey supply."

Floyd paused momentarily to gather his thoughts before continuing. "However, we're facing a substantial obstacle. Venturing into the forest presents a risk, primarily due to the presence of Ursaluna. This is where we require your assistance."

At this juncture, the river's surface violently churned, and Gyarados emerged with a surge of water, visibly irate. "ROAR!" (You dare to return to that dangerous forest?)

Floyd, taken aback by the sheer volume of Gyarados's roar, instinctively covered his ears. Unbeknownst to him, Blastoise maintained a watchful eye from a distance, prepared to intervene if Gyarados showed any hint of hostility.

Floyd quickly sought to clarify. "No, our intention isn't to intrude upon his territory this time around. Our request for your help stems from a different reason. Given your ability to soar above the ground, you remain out of Ursaring's reach. We have several objectives outside the forest's confines: exploring its northern region, locating Venusaur, and capturing Weedle for ongoing honey production. Additionally, we aim to discover various grass-type Pokémon in the area."

Listening to Floyd's words, Gyarados's initial anger slowly transformed into a more reflective stance as he weighed the merits of Floyd's proposal.


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